WWF Attitude

Career Mode Bonuses:
Select a wrestler and win the WWF title in career mode to unlock all hidden wrestlers, and unlock other bonuses, such as Ego Mode, Squeaky Mode, Big Heads, Bleep Mode, additional costumes and others. A new feature will be awarded for each PPV victory or title.

Bonus details:

Hardcore Match Weapons:
You can use the weapons in a Hardcore match a certain number of times. The following list has the number of hits for each weapon and if it can be found outside or inside the ring. If your opponent is stunned, hit him with a weapon with two hitpoints, so he will be stunned again after the last hit. If your opponent is awake, hit him with a weapon with one or three hitpoints.

Weapon Hits Location
Stop Sign 3 In
The Urn 2 In
The Cup 2 In
Steel Chair 2 Out
Guitar 2 Out
Guitar Box 2 In
TV 1 In
Table 1 Out
File Case 3 In
Baseball Bat 1 Out
Board 3 Out
Microphone 2 In
Ladder 2 In
Sheet metal 2 In
Trash Can 2 In
Loo 3 In
Camera 2 In
Broom 3 Out
Shovel 3 Out
Ring Bell 3 In
Head 2 In

Reveal Moves:
To learn the finishers or any other move for a wrestler, enter creation mode and select his or her move set. Then, go to edit to learn how to do any of their moves. Also, pause game play when in the ring and go to movelist. The game will display all moves that can be done at the appropriate time, such as all the Tieup moves, etc.

Other move information:

The Rock
Layin the smack down: Left, Right , Down, Punch
Status: Ready
Samoan drop: Down, Left, Circle, Tieup
Status: Ready
The Rock Bottom: Left, Right, Down, Triangle
Status: Opponent's health meter is in red

Double-Team Moves:
Begin a tag team, tornado or two-on-one match. To perform the following moves each player should press Tieup simultaneously, except for the last move, in which only the player onthe turnbuckle needs to press Tieup.

Single Player Tag Team Match Double-Team Moves:
Use the following steps to use double team moves when you are in a one player tag team match. Note: Your opponent has to be stunned.

Replacement Moves in Creation Mode:
The following moves can be used as replacements in creation mode.

Hold Kick + Tieup and press Up, Left, Down, or Right during a match.

Easy Move After Knockdown:
After you knock down your opponent, or he knocks you out, enter a move combo and hold the last button. When you or your opponent gets up, the move will be executed.

Fake Stun:
Press Dodge when your opponent is doing a move on your wrestler. If done correctly, your wrestler will pretend to be stunned. Do not move to remain in the fake stun. This trick is useful when playing against a human opponent. If they pick your wrestler up during a fake stun, you can easily do a move to them.

Extra Shirts:
Use the following trick to get extra shirts. Chose any shirt, but make it completely black. Go to the tattoo option, and chose any tattoo. The tattoo will appear on the shirt, creating a new shirt. This works especially well with the "ATTITUDE" tattoo.

Hint: Quick Career Mode:
When selecting a career type (tag, etc.), choose two player. Your opponent in some of the matches will be player two, and it starts out with the championship division. Make player two with no attributes to win faster.

Hint: Fast Matches:
To get short matches, set the time to one minute. Your energy will decrease quickly. To make it go faster, get an opponent whose "Toughness" is very weak.

Hint: Career Mode Hardcore Belt:
To get the Hardcore belt, choose a hardcore wrestler such as Al Snow.

Hint: Vertical Suplex:
It is not possible to do a Vertical Suplex outside of the ring.

Hint: D'Lo Brown Drop Flip Over:
Select D-Lo Brown as a wrestler. Execute the Dlo Drop while your opponent is on his stomach and he will flip over for you.

Hint: Better Wrestler Creation:
Make your wrestler look as desired, then go to the moves option. Edit the moves as needed, and try to include lots of finishers, but keep within the limit.

Hint: Stable Match Energy:
When playing a stable match, your energy will go down very quickly (with five good moves).

Hint: Winning a 3-on-1 Hardcore Match:
Grab a weapon and run to where the wrestlers appear. Use the weapon and fight all three of them (who will not have weapons). They will not go back to get any weapons, and none will fall where you are fighting.

For another way to win, run to the outside of the ring before any CPU wrestler attacks as the match begins. Then, run when the wrestlers try to jump over the top rope. Target one wrestler while still on the outside and beat him while ignoring the rest, if possible. If not, just throw the wrestler down, then press Block, change view, and do the same move. Do this until the person is on the floor or standing up in a dazed position. Then, quickly enter the ring. One wrestler should be eliminated. Then. do this again to eliminate the second wrestler and face only one CPU wrestler. . You can face him and beat him down, or just run outside and wait for him to be dazed and get back into the ring at the last second.

Hint: Time Out Victory:
While in a Triple Threat/ Triangle/War mode match, select 3 or 4 players. Then, do the most damage and have the person who did all the moves in the entire matchget counted out. This works best with a 1:00 time limit. After the time is up the message "<wrestler name> wins by declaration of Vince McMahon" will appear.

Hint: Quick Cruicifix Pin Victory:
Selecting a wrestler with a Crucifix pin. Get your opponent's power into the yellow, then execute the Crucifix pin to quickly win.

Hint: Custom Raw Arena Entrances:
Make your custom arena a Raw arena -- a regular PPV arena will not work. Gangrel will appear from the floor fire and Stone Cold will break the glass to come down to the ring.

Hint: Tag Team Moves:
In a 2-on-1or tag match, when your opponent is dazed, you and a partner can both press Tieup facing the dizzy CPU wrestler to execute a double team move:

Hint: Royal Rumble Elimination:
To eliminate your opponent in the Royal Rumble when they are dazed on their feet, press Left, Left, Block to pick them up. Then, walk to the ropes and press Tieup. If you are behind a dazed opponent, you can use the Atomic Drop Whip, which is Left, Left, Block.

When playing as Kane in the Royal Rumble, you can toss opponent out of the ring if you have your back directly to ropes. Tie up your opponent and press Left, Right, Left, Tieup. Kane will suplex them out of the ring.

While playing as Gangrel in a Royal Rumble you can eliminate your opponents easily using his Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex: Right, Down, Kick.

You can eliminate wrestlers in the Royal Rumble by doing a Back Body Drop with your back near the ropes.

Hint: Two-on-One Matches:
When you are facing two people (usually in career mode) instead of trying to pin the opponents, keep beating them up until time runs out. If your wrestler hits them enough, you will win by most damage.

Hint: I Quit Cage Match:
In the odd time you are playing this type of match, do not waste your time trying to get your opponent to submit. You can still win by climbing out of the cage.

If you are having problems with an I Quit Cage match, try to intentionally lose. Stand there, jump off the top rope into nobody, or kill yourself. You will move back one rank spot. However, if you win your next match you will be in the same rank as before but at a different type of match.

Hint: Stunning the CPU in Tag Team Matches:
Begin a tag team match with a friend against the CPU. When the first opponent comes in, slide out of the ring. Go near your tag team partner by the outer part of the ring, where he is standing. When the CPU passes your partner, he should press Punch, Kick, or Tieup. If done correctly, the CPU will be stunned and fall. This can be repeated as needed.

Hint: Call Out Wrestler in Grudge Match:
Begin a grudge match in career mode and get one opponent in the red and the other in the green. A man will automatically come out and help the man in the red.

Hint: Double Bronco Buster:
Have two players use a Bronco Buster simultaneously on a third player to have that move done in tandem.

Hint: Training for Reversals:
Take away (set to 0) all the attributes for the default custom wrestler and set his recovery to 10. Give him the move that you want to practice reversing at damage 4. Start a vs. match, select your character, choose default as your opponent, and set the time to no limit. This will allow you to train against that move.

Hint: Getting Your Opponent Booed:
Start a match that is not a weapon or cage type. Run and slide down to the outside. Your opponent will follow you soon. Slide back into the ring, then slide out again when your opponent gets onto the apron. When you slide down again, your opponent will turn around and get ready to get down to the floor again. Slide back in before he or she gets down, and the crowd will begin to boo. This is useful to get the crowd to stop cheering for your opponent.

Hint: Baseball Swing with Weapon:
Get your opponent stunned in a hardcore match:. Get a weapon that you use with two hands, such as the ladder or the chair and hit your opponent. Your wrestler will do a baseball swing with that weapon.

Hint: Sliding Strategy:
Slide out of the ring, and your opponent will do a springboard to come after your wrestler. As soon as this happens, slide back into the ring so it misses. Repeat this until your opponent is knocked out, then perform a springboard to them to do a lot of damage. Keep repeating this until they are in the red, then pin them.

Hint: Walk Around After Match Ends:
Start moving immediately before the time runs out. Your wrestler will be able to walk around for a few seconds.