Hartford Civic Center
Hartford, Connecticut
February 27, 2000
Kurt Angle
(WWF European Champion) vs. Chris Jericho (WWF
Intercontinental Champion) with Chyna
For the WWF Intercontinental Championship
Kurt tries to use the title during the match but the referee takes it away. Jericho goes for a Walls of Jericho but Angle makes it to the ropes. Jericho does an Asaie Moonsault onto Angle, who hit Jericho in the face with the title. Angle gets the win and is the new Intercontinental Champion.
The New Age Outlaws (WWF Tag Team Champions) vs. The Dudley Boyz
Buh Buh Ray hit Billy Gunn with a lead pipe and the Dudleys get a 3D on the Road Dogg. They get the win to become new WWF Tag Team Champions.
Mark Henry vs. Viscera
During the match Mae Young comes out. Mark ends up Big Splashing and Slamming Viscera for the win.
The Hardy Boyz with Teri vs. Edge and Christian
The Acolytes come out to protect Teri. As Matt goes for a top rope move, Teri knocks him off the turnbuckle. Christian then ends up pinning him. The Hardys start to go after Teri, but the Acolytes attack them.
The Big Boss Man with Prince Albert vs. Tazz
Two minutes after the start of the match, Tazz gets the Tazzmission on The Boss Man, but Prince Albert comes in and attacks him, disqualifying the Big Boss Man. The two continue to attack him, with the Big Boss Man breaking his nightstick over Tazz's head.
X-Pac with
Tori vs. Kane with Paul Bearer
No Holds Barred Match
The match ends up at the entranceway. But back at ringside, Paul gets X-Pac, and Tori gets Paul. X-Pac gets the X-Factor on Kane and then he attacked Paul. After Kane attacked X-Pac, he Tombstoned Tori. Using the stairs to his advantage, X-Pac managed to pin Kane.
Too Cool and Rikishi Phatu vs. Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, and Dean Malenko with Eddy Guerrero
At the beginning, Rikishi knocked out Eddy. Rikishi Rikishidrivered Saturn and Scotty did the Worm on him. Rikishi Belly to Belly Suplexed Benoit. Grandmaster Sexy gets a Hip Hop Drop on Malenko. Rikishi then did a "Banzai Drop" on Malenko for the win. The victorious party then danced for everyone!
The Big Show vs.
The Rock
Winner Gets a Title Shot at WrestleMania 2000
The match gets to the outside and the referee, Earl Hebner, is knocked out. The Big Show Chokeslammed The Rock. A second referee, Tim White, comes out and counts, but the Hebner pulls White out and the two argue. As they argue, Shane McMahon comes out. The Rock uses a chair and gets the Rock Bottom on the Big Show and goes for the People's Elbow, but Shane hits him with a chair! The Big Show makes the pin and is going to WrestleMania 2000!
Triple H (WWF
Heavyweight Champion) with Stephanie vs. Cactus
Hell in a Cell Match--If Cactus Loses He Will Retire
The steps are thrown at Cactus. He then receives quite a few chair shots. Triple H is the first to bleed. Cactus made a hole in the cage and the match ends up at the announcers table where Cactus Piledrives Triple H on it. Cactus gets his 2x4 with Barbed Wire and uses it on Triple H. Both men climb to the top of the cage. Cactus falls onto the Spanish announcers table but climbs back up. Triple H uses the Barbed Wire. Triple H is Suplexed onto the cage. Cactus sets the 2x4 on fire and hits Triple H with it. Triple H then Back Body Dropped Cactus through the cage and the ring! Cactus manages to get up, but Triple H Pedigrees him and gets the win. Triple H is going to WrestleMania 2000!