First Union Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 28, 1999
Attendance: 18,274
Billy Gunn (WWF Hardcore Champion) vs. Al Snow with Head vs. Hardcore Holly
Hardcore Holly won after using a chair on Billy Gunn as he was pinning Al Snow. Holly is the new Hardcore Champion.
Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett (WWF Tag Team Champions) with Debra McMichaels vs. Winners of a Battle Royal on Heat
D'Lo Brown and Test were the winners of the Battle Royal. They came down with Ivory. Jeff and Owen remained champions after Jeff pinned D'Lo while Ivory attacked Debra and Terri Runnels and Jacqueline came out.
Bart Gunn vs. Butterbean
Brawl For All
The referee was Vinny Panzienza. Outside referees were Kevin Rooney, Chuck Wepner, and Gorilla Monsoon. Butterbean won with a first round knock out in 40 seconds. The San Diego chicken came out and Panzienza slapped him out.
Mankind vs. Paul
Winner is the referee for the main event
Mankind won by disqualification after Paul Wight Chokeslammed Mankind on two chairs. Vince McMahon comes out and he is almost chokeslammed by Paul. Vince says something to Paul and he then hits Vince. Mankind was taken away to a local hospital.
Road Dogg
(WWF Intercontinental Champion) vs. Goldust with
Ryan Shamrock and the Blue Meanie vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Val Venis
Four Corners Elimination Match
Ken Shamrock and Val Venis were both counted out as they were fighting out of the ring for too long. Then the Road Dogg pinned Goldust to retain his belt after Ryan accidentally (or on purpose) tripped Goldust.
Kane vs. Triple H
Chyna comes out and throws a chair into the ring. Chyna then gets Kane with the chair! Triple H Pedigrees Kane on the chair. Chyna and Triple H are back together again!
Sable (WWF Women's Champion) vs. Tori
During the match Nicole Bass comes out and attacks Tori. Sable Sablebombs Tori and pins her to retain her championship.
Shane McMahon (WWF European Champion) with Test vs. X-Pac
As X-Pac is coming to the ring, Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco attack him. Test uses the European belt on X-Pac. Shane then uses Test's back support belt to whip X-Pac, and then X-Pac uses it on Shane. Triple H and Chyna came out. X-Pac gets a X-Factor on Shane, but Triple H comes in and Pedigree's his fellow DX member! Shane then gets the pin. The New Age Outlaws come down, but they are attacked by Test and Triple H.
The Undertaker vs. Big Boss Man
Hell in a Cell
The Undertaker is the firs to bleed in this match. He does a Tombstone on the Big Boss Man to get the win. Brood then repels down on to the top of the cage. They throw down a noose to the Undertaker. He puts it on the Boss Man while the other end is tied to the top of the cage. While the cage is being raised, the Boss Man is being hanged.
Stone Cold Steve
Austin vs. The Rock (WWF Heavyweight
No Disqualification Match
First Vince McMahon comes out. He said that since Mankind is unable to referee, he will be the referee. As he starts to announce the wrestlers, Shawn Michaels comes out with Mike Chioda. He says that only he can choose the referees. He also says that none of the Corporation can come out--except for Vince. During the match, Steve Austin accidentally hits the referee with a chair. Tim White then comes out. Later, the Rock Rock Bottom's Tim White. Steve Austin Stuns the Rock and Earl Hebner comes out to count him, but he only gets a two count. Vince McMahon then hits Earl Hebner. Mankind comes out to be the fourth referee for the match. Steve Austin Stuns the Rock to win. He is the new WWF Heavyweight Champion.
Boyz II Men (America the
Isaac Hayes (in crowd)
Vinny Pazinenza
Kevin Rooney
Chuck Wepner
Gorilla Monsoon
Pete Rose
Big Pun (in crowd)
Jim Ross (Commentator for main event)
Shawn Michaels (commissioner)