WWF Warzone
Game Boy

Wrestle as Dude Love:
Press B, A, Select, Up, Down at the title screen.

Status Passwords:

Kane vs Steve Austin JHRFGGK
Kane vs Goldust HJSCKKG
Kane vs Owen Hart JKTCJJH
Kane vs Owen Hart in feud CBLKCCD
Kane vs British Bulldog MBLKCMD
Kane vs Rocky Miavia DHCKBBF
Kane vs Rocky Miavia in feud CJDHFFB
Kane vs Shawn Michaels in grudge DKFHDDC
Kane vs Mankind MJDHFBB
Kane vs Ahmed Johnson RLQPRRS
Kane vs Ahmed Johnson in feud SRRPQQT
Kane vs Undertaker for IC title JRRPQGT
Kane vs Undertaker in feud RSSMTTQ
Kane vs Ken Shamrock HSSMTKQ
Kane vs Faarooq in cage for Championship STTMSSR
Mankind vs Ahmed Johnson DHRFNGG
Mankind vs The Rock CJSCMKK
Mankind vs Shawn Michaels DKTCLJJ
Mankind vs Shawn Michaels in feud HBLKTCC
Mankind vs Kane RBLKTMC
Mankind vs Ken Shamrock JHCKSSB
Mankind vs Faarooq HJDHRFF
Mankind vs Faarooq in feud JKFHQDD
Mankind vs H H H SKFHQND
Mankind vs Stone Cold MLQPFRR
Mankind vs Stone Cold in feud NRRPDQQ
Mankind vs Owen Hart for IC title DRRPDGQ
Mankind vs Owen Hart in feud MSSMCTT
Mankind vs Goldust CSSMCKT
Mankind vs British Bulldog in cage for championship NTTMBSS
Stone Cold vs Goldust JGTCDGK
Stone Cold vs Goldust in feud HKQFCKG
Stone Cold vs British Bulldog RKQFCTG
Stone Cold vs Owen Hart JJRFBJH
Stone Cold vs Mankind CCNHKCD
Stone Cold vs Undertaker DGFHJBF
Stone Cold vs Undertaker in feud CKBKHFB
Stone Cold vs Ahmed Johnson MKBKHPB
Stone Cold vs The Rock DJCKGDC
Stone Cold vs The Rock in feud RMSMPRS
Stone Cold vs Shawn Michaels HMSHPHS
Stone Cold vs Ken Shamrock for IC title SQTMNQT
Stone Cold vs Ken Shamrock in feud RTQPMTQ
Stone Cold vs Faarooq HJQPMKQ
Stone Cold vs Kane in cage for championship SSRPLSR
Undertaker vs Kane DRSCBGH
Undertaker vs H H H CSRFFKJ
Undertaker vs H H H in feud DTQFDJK
Undertaker vs Stone Cold NTQFDSK
Undertaker vs Owen Hart HLPHHCB
Undertaker vs Goldust JRDHGBC
Undertaker vs The Rock HSCKKFD
Undertaker vs The Rock in feud JTBKJDF
Undertaker vs Mankind STBKJNF
Undertaker vs Mankind in feud MBTMMRQ
Undertaker vs Ahmed Johnson CBTMMHQ
Undertaker vs British Bulldog for IC title NHSMLQR
Undertaker vs British Bulldog in feud MJRPPTS
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels in cage for championship NKQPNST
HHH vs British Bulldog DGSCDHG
HHH vs BritishBulldog in feud CKRFCJK
HHH vs Mankind MKRFCSK
HHH vs Undertaker DJQFBKJ
HHH vs Shawn Michaels JGDHJCB
HHH vs Shawn Michaels in feud HKCKHDF
HHH vs Ken Shamrock RKCKHNF
HHH vs Kane in feud MMTMPQR
HHH vs Faarooq for IC NQSMNRQ
HHH vs Stone Cold CTRPMJT
HHH vs Owen Hart in cage for championship NSQPLTS