Universal Studios Orlando
Orlando, Florida
December 11, 2005
Thanks to www.wrestleview.com for the results!
The following took place during the 30 minute
pre-show countdown prior to TNA Turning Point:
- Lance Hoyt & The Naturals defeated Buck Quartermain, Jon Bolen & Joe Doering.
- TNA's production crew is taking down the ring ropes around the six-sided ring
and is now setting up the barbed wire for the Barbed Wire Massacre Match between
Sabu and Abyss.
- Jeremy Borash used an apple against the barbed wire that was set up around the
ring, brushing it against the wire showing what it can do to flesh. Johnny Damon
of the Boston Red Sox is shown in the crowd watching this as well.
TNA Turning Point PPV Results - 12/11/05
Location: Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West
Report By: Adam Martin of WrestleView.com
- The TNA promo hits. Following this, a video package runs highlighting the
Barbed Wire Massacre Match between Abyss and Sabu.
- A graphic hits the screen welcoming us to Turning Point. We then go live to
the Impact Zone in Orlando, FL at Universal Studios. A display of pyro goes off
above the ring and in the entrance way.
- Abyss' music plays right away and we will kick the show off tonight with the
Barbed Wire Massacre!
Barbed Wire Massacre Match
Abyss w/ James Mitchell vs. Sabu
The match starts with Abyss kicking Sabu when he tries to get in the ring. Sabu
then grabs a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, comes in, swings at Abyss,
Abyss dodges it and Sabu hits the barbed wire ropes with it. Both lock up, Abyss
gets behind Sabu, Sabu counters, goes behind Abyss, but Abyss pushes him away.
Sabu grabs a steel chair and throws it at Abyss. The chair hits Abyss right on
the head. Sabu gets another chairshot, sets up a chair, jumps off, Abyss catches
Sabu, but Sabu punches himself to the ground. Abyss then throws Sabu at the
ropes and Sabu hits the barbed wire chest first! Abyss chokes Sabu on the ground
who is still recovering from the shot of the barbed wire. Abyss dodges a shot to
the barbed wire face first from Sabu. Sabu gets in a few rights, but Abyss takes
him down with a stiff right. Abyss picks up Sabu, Sabu gets in a few rights,
Sabu backs up, charges and Abyss lifts Sabu up in the air. Sabu comes down chest
first against the barbed wire! Sabu pulls his chest off the barbed wire and then
attacks Abyss with a sharp object. Sabu drives it into the arm of Abyss a few
times, busting him open. Sabu sets up a chair, jumps, Abyss moves and Sabu hits
the barbed wire leg first! Sabu grabs his leg in pain as he pulls it off the
barbed wire. Blood is rolling down the arm of Abyss as he throws the chair away
and hits Sabu with a hard right.
Abyss works on Sabu with a few rights near the barbed wire ropes. Abyss backs
up, charges, but Sabu gives Abyss a drop toe hold right into the barbed wire!
Sabu covers Abyss, but only gets a two count. Abyss fights back with a stiff
right on Sabu. Abyss picks up Sabu and gives him a chokeslam right on top of the
steel chair. Abyss covers, but only gets a two count on Sabu. James Mitchell
then slides in a steel chair covered in barbed wire. Abyss places it on the
chest of Sabu. Abyss realizes he can't spring off the ropes twice, then jumps on
Sabu, but Sabu turns the chair and Abyss low blows himself on it. Sabu then
nails Abyss with a chair shot with the barbed wire covered chair. Sabu hits him
again with it and taunts to the crowd. Abyss rolls to the outside regaining some
composure when Sabu sets up a chair and leaps over, taking out Abyss on the
outside. Sabu then throws a large piece of plywood covered in barbed wire into
the ring. Abyss then grabs Sabu and gives him a front suplex over the top of the
barbed wire! Sabu is hanging across the barbed wire grabbing his chest in pain.
Sabu pulls himself off with his chest covered in blood. Abyss grabs the plywood
piece covered in barbed wire, setting it up in the middle of the ring. Abyss
grabs Sabu, gets him into a powerbomb position, but Sabu counters himself off.
Abyss attempts a chokeslam, Sabu blocks that. Abyss then catches Sabu for a
third time, lifts him up into the air and Sabu comes down chest first on the
barbed wire!
Abyss brings another barbed wire filled board into the ring and sets it up in
the corner. Abyss tries to Irish whip Sabu into the board in the corner filled
with barbed wire, but Sabu stops himself and almost hits the referee. Abyss then
charges, Sabu moves and Abyss hits the board with force! Abyss backs off from
the corner and the barbed wire is literally sticking to him. Sabu kicks Abyss
back and he hits the other barbed wire board on his back! Abyss is sandwiched
between both boards on the ground! Sabu jumps and lands on top of the board. The
referee counts the pinfall...1...2...3.
Winner: Sabu
After the match, Sabu continues to attack Abyss some more, kicking the top board
to apply more force. TNA officials and referees hit the ring and cut Abyss free
from the barbed wire. James Mitchell also comes into the ring and helps Abyss
recover. Abyss rolls out of the ring and Mitchell yells at him a bit.
- Mike Tenay & Don West run down the rest of the card tonight: Monty Brown vs.
Christian Cage, AMW vs. Team 3D in a Tables Match, AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe for
the X Division Title and Jeff Jarrett vs. Rhino for the NWA World Title.
- Footage was shown from earlier today with Jeff Jarrett and America's Most
Wanted arriving to the Impact Zone. Rhino was also shown arriving to the Impact
Zone as well.
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with the 4 Live Kru. BG James tells Team Canada
that 2006 will be the year of the 4 Live Kru. BG talks about Konnan and Kip
James dominating on iMPACT! this past week. Kip agrees. Konnan sends a shoutout
and they all head off.
- Backstage, Abyss is shown attending to his wounds as James Mitchell speaks
with him. Tenay & West continue to reflect on the Barbed Wire Massacre Match and
some highlights are shown of the finish when Abyss became sandwiched between
both barbed wire boards.
- We see a live shot of the ring ropes back up on the six-sided ring as we
continue the rest of the show. Tenay & West talk about the media coverage TNA
got this last week with A.J. Pierzynski involved with TNA. Alex Shelley &
Roderick Strong are now making their way to the ring to start up the next tag
team match.
Matt Bentley & Austin Aries vs. Alex Shelley & Roderick Strong
The match starts with Austin Aries and Alex Shelley. Both lock up, Aries trips
up Shelley and gets in a headlock. Aries takes down Shelley with a shoulder
block, flips out of the way and hits a hip toss on Shelley. Aries hits a
springboard elbow off the corner on Shelley followed by a quick arm drag into a
headlock. Aries springs off the ropes again taking down Shelley into a headstand
that ends with a dropkick. Shelley gets in a quick side kick, tags in Strong,
but Aries fights back with two big arm drag takeovers. Aries hits a spinning
elbow drop on Strong, covers, but only gets a two count. Bentley gets the tag,
Bentley & Aries give Strong a double-suplex, both flip up and hit a double-elbow
drop. Bentley covers, but only gets a two count. Strong drops Bentley across the
jaw and then tags in Shelley. Shelley kicks Bentley in the gut a few times,
Strong gets the tag and kicks Bentley as well. Strong chops Bentley and then
chokes him against the second rope. Strong Irish whips Bentley, Bentley jumps up
and hits a quick hurricanrana. Bentley follows that up with a kick to the back
of the head on Strong, covers, but only gets a two count. Aries gets the tag,
Bentley gives Strong a scoop slam, Aries hits a splash from the ring apron over
the top rope, covers, but only gets a two count. Aries gets launched to the ring
apron by Strong. Aries elbows Shelley, Shelley comes back with a clothesline
over the top rope. Strong kicks up Aries and allows Aries to land back-first on
his knee! Shelley gets the tag and hits a springboard moonsault for a two count.
The referee misses Bentley's tag in from Aries. This allows Shelley and Strong
to double-team Aries that results in a two count. Strong applies a headlock.
Aries pushes Strong towards the corner. Shelley jumps in and takes out Bentley
on the ring apron. Strong props Aries up on the top rope. Aries fights back
sending Strong off the top. Aries takes out Shelley. Strong comes back, gets
Aries up in a powerbomb position, Shelley gets up on the top, jumps and connects
with a dropkick off the shoulders of Strong! Aries lets out a "OH SH*T" before
this happens. Strong covers Aries, but only gets in a two count. Shelley gets
the tag. Shelley and Strong attempt a double-team, but Aries dodges it and tags
in Bentley. Bentley takes out Shelley and Strong a few times. Bentley hits a
high back body drop on Strong and a front face slam on Shelley. Bentley goes up
top, jumps and connects with a flying elbow. Bentley covers...1...2...Shelley
kicks out. Bentley takes out Strong with an elbow, but Shelley comes back with a
kick to the head. Bentley finds a way to counter Shelley up to the top. Shelley
pushes Bentley off. Strong hits a knee shot to the gut. Shelley leaps off the
top and hits a top rope back senton splash on Bentley. Shelley covers, but Aries
breaks it up. Aries then sends Strong to the outside who almost takes out
Shelley's camera. In the ring, Bentley nails Shelley with a superkick. Shelley
covers and gets the pinfall.
Winners: Matt Bentley & Austin Aries
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with Monty Brown. Brown is talking to a doll that
looks like a construction worker, pretending it is Christian and asking if there
is a dress code up north. Brown said Christian Cage could never take his spot in
TNA. He said Christian is not like the Alpha Male, he will be dominated tonight
and that he will feel the Pounce...PERIOD. Jeff Jarrett appears behind Monty
Brown and said TNA management could careless if Monty wins tonight because
Christian is the new baby of TNA. Jarrett asks him if he is aware of TNA's big
announcement that will change the face of the company in 2006. Brown said as far
as he is concerned, that person is him. Jarrett said he doesn't get it and he
was going to find someone who does.
- In the arena, Raven comes to the ring and Larry Zbyszko begs Raven to sign the
release so he can leave TNA forever. Raven grabs the mic and calls him a
halfwit. He said Zbyszko is a washed up has-been. Raven asks Larry if its true
if he signs the release, if he can stay home and make all of his money. Larry
said that is right. Raven laughs it off and throws it away. Jeremy Borash
announces Raven's opponent...Chris K. (formerly Chris Kanyon).
Raven vs. Chris K. (formerly Chris Kanyon)
The match starts with K taking out Raven with a few right hands and a swinging
neckbreaker. K kicks Raven in the head and then brings him shoulder first into
the steel ring post. K drops a leg over Raven's head in the corner. Raven falls
away into the steel barricade. K drives Raven's head into the barricade, backs
up, leaps off the steel steps, but Raven moves and K hits the barricade with
force. Raven then gives K a Russian leg sweep into the barricade with force.
When Raven goes back in the ring, Raven kicks him away into the barricade again.
K drops Raven off the top rope and comes back in, choking him in the corner. K
grabs Raven by the hair, puts his leg over Raven's and comes down on the mat
face first with force. K covers Raven, but only gets a two count. K hits a
jumping moonsault off the corner, but Raven moves out of the way and K hits the
ring with force. Raven applies an Ankle Lock on K. K screams out in pain, finds
a way to get to his feet, grabs Raven by the head and drives him back into the
ring. Raven fights back with some rights followed by a clothesline. Raven hits a
knee lift on K that sends K over the top rope to the outside.
K retreats up the ramp. Raven follows and grabs K, giving him a big hip toss to
the bottom of the ramp. Raven is now busted open. Raven throws K back in the
ring along with a steel chair. Raven sets up the chair, attempts a drop toe
hold, K blocks it, picks up the chair and Raven punches the chair. K has Raven
in the corner and looks to use his knee pounce again to the chair. Raven
counters that into a powerbomb on K right on top of the steel chair in the
middle of the ring. K gets to his feet and Raven connects with the Evenflow DDT.
Raven covers K...1...2...3.
Winner: Raven
After the match, Larry Zbyszko gets in the ring and tells Raven he is sick of
this. Larry begs Raven to sign the release so he can just leave TNA. Raven says
no and slaps Larry. Larry goes after Raven and punches him a bit. TNA Security
breaks this up as Cassidy Riley hits the ring as well with Raven.
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with Team Canada. Douglas brings up that Bobby
Roode is gone. Eric Young agrees. Scott D'Amore said not to worry about where
Bobby is. D'Amore then slaps Young who questions where Roode is. Jeff Jarrett
walks up and Bobby Roode appears near him. Jarrett asks D'Amore what TNA's big
announcement is and how they want to take the NWA World Title away from him.
Roode tells Jarrett there is nothing to worry about tonight. D'Amore tells Team
Canada to get the job done tonight against 4 Live Kru.
Eight Man Tag Team Match
4 Live Kru vs. Team Canada
The match starts with Kip James and Eric Young. When Young sees James in the
ring, he tags in Bobby Roode instead. Kip and Roode lock up. Roode attempts a
few shots to the ribs, but Kip comes back with a shoulder block. Kip gives Roode
a big hip toss followed by quick snap suplex. Kip covers Roode, but only gets a
two count. Petey Williams comes in and Kip gives him a military press slam.
Konnan gets the tag and he throws his shoe at Williams. Kip takes out A-1 on the
ring apron. Ron Killings hits a big elbow drop low blow on Williams. Young gets
the tag and Killings gives him a drop toe hold. Killings hits a big side kick on
Young and tags in BG James. BG and Killings give Young a double-right hand. BG
covers Young, but only gets a two count. Young fights back with a few right
hands. BG responds with a few rights of his own and a big boot. BG his a knee to
the head drop, covers, but gets another two count. Roode holds BG in the corner
when he bounces off. A-1 gives BG a clothesline and Young kicks BG to the
outside. The members of Team Canada beat on BG and throw him back in the ring.
Young grabs BG and nails him face first off the corner. A-1 gets the tag, hits a
suplex on BG, covers, but only gets a two count. Roode gets the tag and he nails
BG with a shot to the ribs. Roode nails BG face first off the corner, props him
up in a tree of woe and Roode taunts Kip James. Williams gets the tag and he
goes the "Oh Canada!" taunt on BG in the corner. Roode and Williams attempt a
double-team, but BG takes out both with a double-clothesline.
Kip gets the tag and he takes out Williams, Roode, Young and A-1. Kip gives
Young a big jackhammer, covers, but Team Canada breaks it up. All eight men are
in the ring brawling now. Some get tossed out. Konnan takes out Young with a
clothesline. Kip hits a big fameasser on Roode. Konnan gets a chair from
D'Amore. He looks to hit Roode with it when Konnan nails Kip with the steel
chair! Roode backs up not sure what is going on. Konnan tells Roode to pin him.
Roode drops down, pins Kip and gets the pinfall.
Winners: Team Canada
After the match, BG James and Ron "The Truth" Killings hit the ring and confront
Konnan. They question what he just did to Kip James. Konnan argues with both.
When BG attempts to Kip on the ground, Konnan nails him with a steel chair shot!
Killings has a surprised look on his face. Konnan hugs Killings and tells him to
leave with him. Killings stares down Konnan as he leaves up the ramp.
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with The Diamonds in the Rough. Simon Diamond
mentions how this match has garnered more publicity than any other match in TNA
history. Diamond warns Bobby Heenan to not step into their business tonight.
- Footage is shown of A.J. Pierzynski on iMPACT! and the media coverage it got
this past week. A video package airs of the events this past week on iMPACT!
between The Diamonds in the Rough and A.J. Pierzynski, Dale Torborg and Bobby
- Bobby "The Brain" Heenan is introduced back to the announcer's table along
with Mike Tenay and Don West. Heenan gets a standing ovation from the crowd in
* Chicago White Sox star A.J. Pierzynski
* Bobby "The Brain" on commentary
Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt & Dale Torborg vs. The Diamonds In The Rough
The match starts with Elix Skipper and Chris Sabin. Sabin takes out Skipper with
a dropkick. Skipper gets in a few kicks, an attempt powerbomb, but Sabin rolls
out of it. Skipper gets in a headlock on Sabin, but Sabin counters. Skipper gets
dropped on his head slightly following a shot from Sabin. Sabin fights back with
a dropkick to the face and another dropkick that sends Skipper to the outside.
Skipper gets back in the ring, stares down Sabin and tags in David Young. When
Young springboards off the corner, Sabin hits him with a dropkick. Sonjay Dutt
gets a tag, hits a cross-body off the top on Young and gets a two count. Dutt
hits a springboard leg drop on Young, covers again, but only gets a two count.
Dale Torborg gets the tag and he takes out all members of The Diamonds in the
Rough. Torborg grabs Dutt and launches him to the outside taking out Diamond,
Skipper and Young! Young gets back in the ring and hits a big swinging front
slam. Diamond gets a tag, covers Dutt, but only gets a two count. Diamond does a
pitching taunt into a punch on Dutt, smiling at A.J. Pierzynski after this.
Skipper gets the tag, kicks Dutt on the back and gets a two count as a result.
Dutt goes around the body of Skipper a few times, but Skipper counters that into
a powerbomb into the ropes. After a replay, we see Young hitting a huge spike
spinebuster on Dutt!
Dutt fires back with a big hurricanrana on Young. Torborg then hits the ring and
he takes out Diamond with a big chokeslam! When he covers, it gets broken up.
Skipper has Dutt in a hold. Sabin grabs Dutt, flips him back and Dutt hits a
reverse DDT! Sabin then hits a big jumping dropkick to the face on Young in the
corner! Sabin and Dutt then fly out of the ring and take out Skipper and Young
on the outside. In the ring, Torborg approaches Diamond. Diamond low blows
Torborg! Diamond then grabs a baseball protector and he nails Torborg with it.
A.J. Pierzynski tries to prevent this and the referee gets near him. Bobby
Heenan jumps up and backs the referee off. A.J. Pierzynski then gets a baseball
diamond handed to him from Johnny Damon in the crowd. A.J. Pierzynski gets back
in the ring and nails Simon Diamond with it. This finishes with Sabin hitting
the Cradle Shock on Diamond and Dutt hitting a Hindu Press off the top rope and
getting the pinfall on Diamond for the win!
Winners: Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt & Dale Torborg
After the match, Sabin and Dutt present some TNA Championship rings to A.J.
Pierzynski, Dale Torborg and Bobby Heenan.
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with Christian Cage. He asks Douglas if he can
hear the Christian Coalition chanting his name. We hear audio of the crowd doing
so. Christian said the time for talk is over and that he can take his Christian
doll home and asks it questions like, how can I be as cool as Christian?
Christian said tonight, The Alpha Male will get served, because that is how I
- A video package runs highlighting the feud between Monty Brown and Christian
Cage. That match is up next.
Christian Cage vs. Monty Brown
The match starts with both locking up and Brown pushing Christian away with
force against the ropes. They get in each others faces, Christian slaps Brown
and Brown comes with some rights. Brown hits a few forearms over the back of
Christian. Christian fires back with some chest chops. Brown fires Christian
into the ropes attempting an early Pounce, but Christian dodges it and rolls to
the outside. Brown charges to the outside and Christian gets back in, taunting
him. Christian then slides under Brown and drops him face first off the ring
apron. Christian sends Brown into the ring barricade. Brown gets back in the
ring, Christian jumps off the top rope, Brown catches him, Christian counters
and throws Brown to the outside through the ropes. Christian then goes up to the
top, Brown stands up on the outside and takes out Brown with a huge leap.
Christian gets Brown back in the ring, covers, but only gets a two count. In the
ring, Brown gets Christian up on his shoulders and drops him off the top rope.
Brown hits a big military press slam over the top rope to the outside on
Christian. Brown comes to the outside and hits Christian with some rights. Brown
tells the crowd to move. Brown grabs Christian, looks to throw him into the
crowd, but stops and throws Christian in the ring. Brown taunts at the crowd,
saying he will do what he wants.
Back in the ring, Brown lifts Christian up in the air and Christian comes back
down hard chest first. Brown nails Christian in the head with a few forearms,
covers, but only gets a two count. Brown takes down Christian with a stiff elbow
as Christian came off the ropes. Brown attempts a T-Bone Suplex, but Christian
fights back with some stiff elbow shots. Brown then comes back with a big
overhead belly-to-belly suplex, covers, but only gets a two count. Christian
fights back with a few rights, but Brown hits a big charge on Christian in the
corner. The crowd in Orlando starts a loud "ALPHA FEMALE" chant. Brown then
grabs Christian and sends him into the corner with force. Brown leaves the ring
and wraps the body of Christian around the steel post. Brown puts Christian on
his shoulder, but Christian counters pushing off and sending Brown face first
into the other steel post. Both men are down on the ground on the outside. Both
men get back in the ring. Christian nails Brown with a few lefts and rights.
Christian takes out Brown with two big forearm shots and some rights to follow
up. Christian adds in some more rights in the corner on Brown. Brown fires back,
launching Christian into the corner. Brown props Christian up on the top rope.
Christian gets in a kick to the face on Brown. Brown counters a tornado DDT by
Christian, putting Christian back up. Christian then counters that and finally
hits the tornado DDT!
Christian then gets a quick roll-up on Brown for a two count. Christian goes up
to the top rope, Brown jumps up with Christian grabbing him in a bearhug.
Christian then bites the head of Christian. Christian hits a big frog splash,
covers...1...2...Brown powers out and Christian lands on top of the referee!
Christian attempts another swinging punch, but Brown catches Christian sideways,
flips him up and hits a big powerbomb! Brown covers...1...2...Christian kicks
out. A frustrated Brown gets in the face of the referee. Brown applies a full
nelson on Christian, moves towards the exposed turnbuckle, but Christian slides
out and Brown hits the exposed turnbuckle face first! Christian then hits the
Unprettier on Brown, covers and gets the pinfall!
Winner: Christian Cage
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with Team 3D. Brother Ray smacks a table that has
"3D" spray painted on it. He brings up that Team 3D was in Japan representing
TNA. Ray brings up that there new goal in TNA is to capture the NWA World Tag
Team Titles and Ray promises AMW will taste table tonight. Brother Devon follows
that up with an "Oh my brother...TESTIFY!"
- A video package runs highlighting the feud between America's Most Wanted and
Team 3D leading up to the Tables Match tonight.
Tables Match - Non-Title
NWA World Tag Team Champions America's Most Wanted vs. Team 3D
The match starts with Team 3D attacking AMW at the top of the ramp while the
pyro was still going off. Brother Ray goes after James Storm, while Brother
Devon goes after Chris Harris. Harris sends Devon into the ring barricade.
Brother Ray is setting up a table at the top of the ramp near Storm. Storm nails
Ray and breaks up what he is doing while Harris brawls with Devon. Devon sends
Harris into the barricade with force as Ray sends Storm rolling down the ramp.
Ray sends Storm face first off the announcers table. Storm fights back raking
the eyes of Ray. In the ring, Devon sends Harris into the ropes who fires back
with a big hanging vertical suplex. Storm hits the ring and he nails Devon with
a right hand. Devon fights back taking out AMW with a jumping double
clothesline. Ray pulls Harris out of the ring and chops him with force! Harris
falls back into the barricade as well with force. In the ring, Ray chops Storm
and Devon comes down with a big headbutt drop. Ray allows the fans to say the
chant with them...GET THE TABLES. Devon leaves the ring, grabs a table, sets it
up and gets ready. Harris hits the ring, takes out Ray, moves the table and
Devon lifts Storm up, but Storm only hits the ring. Harris props the table up in
the corner. AMW try to send Devon through it, but Ray jumps up and tackles Devon
to stop him from going through it.
On the outside of the ring, Storm brawls with Ray. Ray chops Storm with huge
force! In the ring, Harris sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Harris
puts Devon on top of the table, goes up to the top, but Ray comes in and chops
Harris. Ray gives Harris a big superplex from the top, but Storm moves the table
so Harris doesn't go through it. Storm nails Ray with some hard rights when he
stands up, but Ray once again chops Storm with force. On the outside, Devon is
setting up another table with Harris clotheslines him with force. Storm
continues to hit Ray with rights in the ring as Harris and Devon brawl on the
outside. In the ring, Ray launches Storm over the top rope and Storm takes out
both Harris and Devon. The men recover and Ray picks up Storm, chopping him yet
again with loud force! Ray throws Storm in the ring, chops him again on the
corner, puts Storm on top of the table, but Storm stands up and gives Ray a
hurricanrana off the top rope. Before this takes place, Devon moves the table
just in time. When Storm hits that on Ray, he takes out Devon with a quick
superkick. AMW position the table and look to hit the 3D on Devon, but Devon
stops himself from being launched by Storm and Harris hits his back hard on the
mat. Harris leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair. In the ring, Ray and Devon
hit the Death Sentence on Storm through the table! James Storm has been
Chris Harris, who is still in the match, hits the ring and takes out both Ray
and Devon with steel chair shots. Harris has nails Devon on the ramp and drags
him up to the top area where another table is already set up. Harris taunts at
the crowd, gets Devon in a suplex position, but Devon blocks it. Devon counters,
Ray runs up to the top of the ramp, Devon lifts up Harris and they hit the 3D
right through the table. Chris Harris is eliminated and Team 3D wins.
Winners: Team 3D
After the match, the crowd in Orlando chants "3D" loudly as Brother Ray and
Brother Devon celebrate the win over the NWA World Tag Team Champions America's
Most Wanted.
- A video package runs highlighting the recent events between AJ Styles and
Samoa Joe leading up to the X Division Title Match tonight at Turning Point.
- We are back live and TNA officials are attending to James Storm. It appears he
suffered some type of a neck injury following the spot where he was eliminated
earlier by Team 3D. Storm is eventually taken out of the ring and taken to the
X Division Championship Match
AJ Styles (c) vs. Samoa Joe
The match starts with AJ Styles charging at Samoa Joe and nailing him with a few
shoulder charges in the corner. Styles gives Joe a huge snap suplex and AJ props
up taunting loudly. AJ kicks Joe in the gut a few times, hits a snapmare
followed by a stiff kick to the back. AJ gets in a few rights, sends Joe into
the ropes, but Joe fights back with a stiff kick to the face. AJ then fights
back with a huge stiff dropkick to the face that sees Joe stay up for a second
and then topple over. AJ gets in a few elbows on Joe in the corner. Joe comes
back with a chest chop on AJ, goes off the ropes, attempts a leg charge, but AJ
moves out of the way. Joe slaps AJ and AJ comes back with some elbow shots. Joe
fights back with some stiff kicks to the chest sending AJ through the ropes, but
still staying on the ring apron. Joe then backs up, charges and nails AJ off the
ring apron with force. Joe sends AJ into the ring barricade and then slides him
back in the ring. AJ fights back with a chop to the gut. AJ hits a few forearms,
but Joe hits a headbutt. AJ then drops Joe's head off the top rope and Joe falls
to the outside. AJ is now on the ring apron and Joe kicks his legs, tripping AJ
up! AJ falls on the ring apron and Joe grabs AJ, hitting a spinning airplane
move and then letting AJ smack right against the barricade with force. Joe then
Irish whips AJ into the ring barricade. Joe measures AJ. When AJ stands up, Joe
charges and drills AJ with a boot that sends AJ to his back with force.
In the ring, Joe hits AJ with a few boots. Joe then hits another big boot to
AJ's face followed by a big knee drop to the head! When AJ gets up, Joe chops
him into the corner. AJ fights back with a few kicks, but Joe hits a huge kick
to AJ's chest. AJ gasps for air as he stands up. AJ gets thrown up on the mat
and lands face first, grabbing his chest in pain. Joe then hits a big back
senton splash on AJ, covers, but AJ barely kicks out after two. AJ fights back
to his feet nailing Joe with a few elbows to the gut. Joe hits a big kick charge
on AJ in the corner. AJ bounces off and appears to be dazed from it. Joe then
does a face wash on AJ. AJ then grabs the boot of Joe to block anymore. Joe
sends AJ back down to the corner and Joe this time hits a huge running boot to
the face with even more force! The crowd goes nuts in Orlando starting a loud
"JOE" chant. Joe gets back up, kicking AJ around the ring. Joe chops AJ in the
corner, AJ gets sent to the ring apron, tries to get back in, but Joe kicks him.
Joe gets in a few forearm shots on AJ. Joe grabs AJ, but AJ props up and hits a
big Pele Kick! AJ springboards off the top rope, but Joe catches him and hits a
big powerbomb! Joe then rolls that over into a Boston Crab. AJ does get the
bottom rope, but Joe pulls AJ back out and applies even more pressure by sitting
on the back of AJ still applying the Boston Crab. AJ counters out of that
kicking Joe in the face a few times, causing Joe to break it.
When Joe charges at AJ in the corner, AJ sends Joe over the top rope to the
outside. Joe is recovering on the outside near the ring apron. AJ then charges
and hits a moonsault from the ring, over the top rope, taking out Joe! That has
to be seen to believe! AJ puts Joe back in the ring. AJ gets up on the top rope,
jumps and connects with a forearm to the back of the head. AJ covers Joe, but
only gets a two count. Joe attempts a release German suplex, but AJ lands on his
feet. AJ then springboards off the ropes and hits a big inverted DDT on Joe! AJ
covers...1...2...Joe kicks out. Joe then fights back with a huge powerslam on
AJ. Joe hooks the leg, but AJ gets a shoulder up after two. The crowd in Orlando
starts a loud "THIS IS AWESOME" chant. Joe kicks AJ a few times in the gut and
AJ challenges him. AJ now dodges a few kicks and punches. Joe gets AJ in the
corner and AJ can't dodge the forearms. AJ responds with a few kicks followed by
a last big spin kick. The mouth of AJ is now busted open. AJ gets Joe ready for
the Styles Clash. Joe won't allow it. AJ pulls Joe away, kicks him in the head,
brings him back and AJ hits a powerbomb on Joe! The crowd can't believe it. AJ
covers Joe...1...2...kick out. AJ then kicks Joe in the chest followed by a few
forearms. Joe fights back with a clothesline, absolutely leveling AJ in the
middle of the ring. Joe covers AJ, but AJ kicks out right after one! Joe can't
believe it. Joe hits a big underhook powerbomb suplex, but AJ once again kicks
out after one! Joe looks at AJ in amazement.
Joe gets AJ in a sleeper hold, but AJ fights back with a big Pele Kick knocking
Joe out. AJ positions Joe up on the top rope and he looks to use his own Muscle
Buster finisher. Joe counters this. AJ goes up to the top with Joe and Joe looks
to hit the Muscle Buster. AJ pushes off and brings Joe down. AJ finds a way to
hook Joe and he connects with the Styles Clash! AJ rolls over in the
cover...1...2...Joe kicks out! AJ can't believe it. The fans go nuts. AJ goes up
to the top. Joe pushes the referee into the ropes. AJ jumps down into a roll-up,
but Joe counters that into his choke hold! Joe keeps the choke hold applied with
force. AJ has his arm reaching out for the bottom rope, but we see AJ's arm
become lifeless and fall down. The referee then calls for the bell.
Winner & NEW X Division Champion: Samoa Joe
After the match, Samoa Joe celebrates with the X Division Title. Joe looks down
at AJ Styles and picks him up by his arm. Joe looks to give a "thank you"
gesture to AJ. Joe raises the X Title in the air, but then nails AJ with it
taking him out. TNA Security hits the ring and Joe takes them out as well. Joe
leaves the ring and throws a steel chair inside. Joe puts the steel chair near
the corner, grabs AJ, puts him up on the top rope, but the music of Christopher
Daniels plays. As Joe looks to hit the Muscle Buster, he sees Daniels coming
down the ramp and throws AJ away. Daniels attacks Joe and they brawl a bit
around the ring. Joe somehow fights back taking out Daniels until more TNA
Security hits the ring to break it up. Joe heads up the ramp with the X Title
over his shoulder.
- A promo for the Final Resolution PPV next month on January 15 is shown.
- A video package runs highlighting the feud between Jeff Jarrett and Rhino
leading up to the NWA World Heavyweight Title Match tonight at Turning Point.
- Backstage, Shane Douglas is with Rhino before his NWA World Title match with
Jeff Jarrett. Rhino said ever since he came to TNA, he put his life on track. He
said he clawed his way to the NWA World Title and that "skank" Gail Kim and
those "two cowboy bitches" stole it away from him. Rhino said he is coming at
Jarrett tonight with full speed and that he will destroy him with the Gore!
Gore! Gore!
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Jarrett (c) vs. Rhino
Jeremy Borash does the usual main event introductions for both Jeff Jarrett and
Rhino. The bell rings and here we go. The match starts with both men feeling
each other out, locking arms, but Jarrett gets a knee to the gut and then powers
Rhino down. Rhino powers back, but Jarrett kicks him in the gut again. Rhino
comes back with a boot to the gut into a headlock. Rhino hits a shoulder block,
a second, covers Jarrett, but Jarrett powers out after one. Jarrett slides under
Rhino and hits a quick dropkick. Jarrett hits a hip toss takeover into an armbar
submission. Rhino powers out of the submission, bringing Jarrett up in the air
and dropping him face first off the top rope. Rhino gives Jarrett a big military
press slam with force to the mat. Rhino gives Jarrett a front suplex over the
top rope. Jarrett gets on the ring apron, but Rhino gives him a boot to the face
sending him off the ring apron to the barricade. Rhino then follows that up with
a leap over the top rope taking out Jarrett. Rhino grabs Jarrett and sends him
over the barricade into the crowd. Jarrett fights off a suplex attempt by Rhino
on a concrete barrier, allowing Rhino to fall back. Jarrett sends Rhino face
first into a steel wall. Rhino fights back and does the same to Jarrett. Rhino
then sends Jarrett face first into another steel post near the entrance tunnel.
Rhino then grabs Jarrett and tosses him over the barricade to the babyface ramp.
Jarrett is now busted open as Rhino nails Jarrett with some stiff rights.
Rhino brings Jarrett to the ringside area, grabs a steel chair and nails Jarrett
with it. Rhino drives the steel chair into the gut of Jarrett and then onto the
back as well. Rhino brings Jarrett to the opposite side of the Impact Zone,
clears a table and sets it up near Jarrett. Rhino puts Jarrett on top, gets
high, but Jarrett gets off and nails Rhino. Jarrett then climbs a scaffold and
Rhino follows. Both are brawling on the bottom deck of the scaffold. Jarrett
grabs a steel chair that was at the top and he nails Rhino with it, causing
Rhino to fall off and crash through the table! Jarrett taunts, climbs back down,
grabs Rhino and slams him into the barricade near the ring. Rhino follows that
up right away with a suplex on the heel entrance ramp. Rhino kicks Jarrett on
the ground and then leaves the camera sight. Rhino then appears sliding a table
from the back onto the top of the ramp. Rhino puts the table against the opening
of the heel tunnel. Jarrett stands up near the table, Rhino charges, Rhino
connects with the Gore, but the table simply falls backwards and doesn't
completely break. They show a replay of this from the camera shot inside the
tunnel. Jeremy Borash then announces on the house mic that if neither Jarrett or
Rhino come back to the ring by the count of 10, the match will be finished. As
Rhino heads down, Team Canada appears and they take out Rhino. Team Canada then
takes Jarrett and throw him inside the ring. The referee gets to 8 and Rhino
comes running down getting in the ring.
Rhino takes out some members of Team Canada from the ring along with Jeff
Jarrett. Rhino hits a shoulder charge on Jarrett in the corner. Rhino throws
Petey Williams and Eric Young over the top rope to the outside. In the ring,
Rhino hits a quick spinebuster on Jarrett, covers, but only gets a two count.
When Rhino goes up to the top rope, Petey Williams appears and trips him up. The
referee sees this and sends Williams to the back. When this takes place, Jarrett
comes up with Rhino and hits a quick superplex. Jarrett covers Rhino, but Rhino
barely kicks out after two. Rhino then fights back stunning Jarrett with a
modified death valley driver, covers, but a bloody Jarrett once again gets a
shoulder up. Rhino then sends Jarrett into the corner. Jarrett stops almost
hitting the referee. Rhino then charges, Jarrett moves and Rhino gives the
referee the Gore in the corner. Jarrett then attempts The Stroke, but Rhino
counters and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhino backs up in the corner as
Jarrett stands up. When Jarrett is up near the corner, Bobby Roode hits the ring
and he goes after Rhino. Rhino takes him out and then gives A-1 a Gore when he
hits the ring. This allows Roode to then nail Rhino with the northern lariat.
Roode leaves the ring, Jarrett covers Rhino...1...2...Rhino gets a shoulder up!
Jarrett then leaves the ring, grabs his guitar, goes up to the top, but Rhino
punches him down to the ring apron. Jarrett then smashes the guitar over the
head of Rhino, flips down, covers Rhino...1...2...Rhino kicks out again! Jackie
Gayda then appears walking down the ramp yelling at Jarrett. Gayda slaps Jarrett
from the ring apron. Rhino hits the Gore on Jarrett. Rhino
covers...1...2...Jarrett kicks out! Rhino then sets up two steel chairs in the
ring facing each other. TNA Security takes Jackie Gayda to the back. Rhino
brings Jarrett to the corner. Rhino gets Jarrett ready for what looks to be a
piledriver, but Scott D'Amore runs down and nails Rhino with a hockey stick.
Jarrett then nails Rhino with The Stroke on both steel chairs. Jarrett throws
the steel chairs out of the ring, covers Rhino...1...2...3.
Winner & STILL NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett
After the match, Jeff Jarrett celebrates with the NWA World Title in hand along
with Team Canada's Scott D'Amore. All of a sudden, the lights go out in the
Impact Zone. We then see images of a scorpion hit the screen and on the screens
in the Impact Zone. Two spotlights then shine on a steel chair in the middle of
the ring with a leather jacket, boots and black baseball bat. Mike Tenay said
that is a message being sent from Sting. Both Jeff Jarrett and Scott D'Amore
stare at the clothes with concerned looks on their faces as the PPV goes off the