Universal Studios Orlando
Orlando, Florida
July 17, 2005
results thanks to
Tenay called AMW the greatest team in TNA history. Tenay touted Shelley's young
age (22) and his Euro-American style inside the ring, different from anyone else
in the match. Tenay talked about how Tracy orchestrated the formation of the AMW
tag team. Shane avoided Storm when Storm tagged in, immediately tagging out to
Shelley. Traci interfered once too often, so Harris handcuffed her to the
ring post. Storm then finally got his hands on Shane in the match. Shelley
interfered, but Storm gave him a DDT for a two count at 9:30. Storm gave Shelley
the Eye of the Storm. AMW then hit Shane with a Hart Attack for a near fall.
They set up a Death Sentence, but Shelley intervened. Storm went to Skin the Cat
back into the ring, but Shane dropkicked him in the face while he was hanging
upside down, which was the move of the match. Shane then KO'd Harris wit a shoe
for a near fall. Harris gave Shane a full nelson slam. Shelley flipped into the
ring, but was met with a Storm superkick for the three count. Shane then
blindsided Storm with a superkick after the match.
WINNERS: AMW at 11:47.
-They replayed Jarrett's rant from earlier. He said 40-50 wrestlers have been
fired in the last few months. He said he knows the idiots running TNA are going
to open the door to those people "because TNA is the only national wrestling
alternative in existence." Tenay said the history of TNA is that wrestlers who
make it into TNA deserve to be and belong in TNA. Jarrett asked if Rhino was in
the building. Tenay said he talked to Larry Zbyszko from the championship
committee and he heard Rhino would be on the PPV.
-Jarrett approached Team Canada backstage trying to warn them about an influx of
wrestlers trying to take their jobs. They listened, but when he left, they
expressed a lack of trust in him.
The winner of this match gets automatic entrance into the 2005 X Cup Tournament.
Batts was described by Tenay as the least experienced. Shark Boy of course was
called a cult favorite. Dutt dove onto Batts and Shark Boy at ringside at 5:45.
Primetime fell backwards off the top rope. After four-way near chaos, Shark Boy
attempted to give , Primetime his Dead Sea Drop, but it got blocked. Dutt then
kicked Shark out of the ring. Dutt then hit his Hindu Press (twisting corkscrew
splash) for the win. West said it's fitting that Dutt has made it into the
WINNER: Dutt at 8:22.
Before the match, Simon said he had a problem. He said he has seen untapped
potential in Young. West said it was the best they've seen Siaki & Apollo look
as a team so far.
WINNERS: Siaki & Apollo when Apollo pinned Young at 5:32.
Tenay billed Samoa Joe at 6-8 and over 280 pounds. That's a pretty crazy
exaggeration. I guess to keep Jarrett's height from being exposed as grossly
exaggerated, they have to exaggerate everyone else's. Lots of mat exchanges
early. Sabin got the advantage at 1:30 with a dropkick and then a flying elbow
into the corner. Sabin went to lift Joe, but he couldn't. Joe then slammed Sabin
to the mat hard with the back of his head hitting first. Joe then gave Sabin a
leg lariat and followed up with a running knee to Sabin's chin in the corner. He
then gave Sabin the face rub with the bottom of his boot. He followed with a
charge into the corner with a knee. Joe went to his roundhouse kick, chop,
running kneedrop sequence. West put over Joe big-time as seemingly unbeatable,
pointing out that no one seems to get any sustained offense against him. Sabin
came back with a springboard dropkick. Joe bailed out of the ring. Sabin gave hi
a dropkick on the apron, and then flew off the apron with a dropkick, knocking
him into the railing. Nice sequence. Back in the ring, Sabin scored a two count
that the director missed entirely as he cut to a replay instead. Sabin tried to
keep his momentum going and hit a legdrop for another two count. He went for
Cradle Shock, but Joe blocked it. Joe then gave Sabin an unreleased German
suplex and then a sudden snap powerslam. When Joe charged Sabin, Sabin caught
him with a reverse sidekick and then a tornado DDT for a near fall at 9:15. Joe
hit Sabin with a powerbomb for a near fall, then applied an STF which popped the
crowd. Sabin teased tapping, struggled to escape, teased tapping again, then
crawled toward the bottom rope. Joe then shifted into two other submissions.
Tenay called him the Samoan Submission Machine. When Sabin reached his leg over
the bottom rope, Tenay called it a miracle. Joe rammed Sabin's face into the top
turnbuckle. The crowd competed with "Let's Go Sabin" and "Let's Go Joe" chants.
Sabin came back with a running sitout powerbomb off the ropes for a very near
fall that popped the crowd. Sabin stood and showed fire as he was encouraged by
his momentum. He lifted Joe for his Cradle Shock, but Joe fought out of it for
the third time in the match. Sabin hit an enziguri, then went to the top rope.
Joe did a leaping roundhouse kick to knock Sabin off balance, then gave Sabin
the Muscle Buster followed by his sleeper/body scissors finisher for the pass
WINNER: Joe at 14:02.
TEAM CANADA (Eric Young &
Bobby Roode & A1) vs. LANCE HOYT & THE NATURALS (w/Jimmy Hart)
Tenay said Team Canada was fighting this match to avenge the loss of their
coach. West said the air smells better and water tastes colder without Scott
D'Amore around. Fast paced match from the opening minute. Bobby Roode threw a
hockey stick at Jimmy Hart and then fell as if he had been hit. The ref saw Hart
holding the hockey stick and ordered him to the back. In the ring, A1 gave
Stevens a running powerslam for a two count. Roode tagged in and continued to
work over Stevens. Stevens remained isolated for several minutes. At 13:00
Stevens finally hot-tagged Hoyt. Hoyt battled all three opponents as they came
at him one after another. Hoyt powerslammed Young and Douglas tagged in and
scored a near fall. Six-way chaos resulted. The Naturals then set up Young for a
Natural Disaster. Roode hit Douglas with Jimmy Hart's megaphone, which he left
behind, and scored the pin.
WINNERS: Team Canada at 14:44.
West said they're not going to call Outlaw by his requested name, Kip James,
and accused him of sarcasm and rubbing in the dissension on the ranks of 3 Live
Kru. Outlaw and Brown interrupted Konnan's prematch mic bit. Konnan brawled with
Outlaw near the announcer's table. Outlaw began bleeding right away. The first
ref had to be replaced after getting knocked out with a cookie sheet. Outlaw
attacked the replacement ref. A chaotic cluster mess of a match fought with no
tags. Brown surprised Killings with a Pounce for the win. B.G. James stepped out
onto the stage and watched the final minute of the match. Outlaw said he has two
words for the fans. The crowd chanted "Suck it!" He said, "No. My brother." B.G.
James then walked toward the ring slowly. He entered the ring without giving any
clue about where he stood. Outlaw offered James a chair so he could prove his
allegiance to Outlaw rather than the 3 Live Kru gang. James didn't do it. He
dropped the chair and walked out of the ring. Still inconclusive. This may end
up being the most drawn out angle in history.
WINNERS: Brown & Outlaw at 5:20.
Lynn came out with a full ring introduction. Tenay talked about how Lynn and
Waltman put the X Division style on the map in the early '90s with the Global
Wresting Federation on ESPN. West said Waltman has shown a renewed vigor and
desire in recent months. A "Let's Go A.J." chant sounded early. There was a
competing "Let's Go X-Pac" chant at 2:00. Waltman used Lynn's shoulders for
leverage to flip out of a hold, then gloated and smiled. Waltman bailed out of
the ring to regroup a minute later. A lout "A.J." chant rang out. Waltman asked
for a time out. When he re-entered the ring, he mock applauded Styles for his
moves earlier. Styles applied an Indian Death Lock into a back bridge with a
chinlock. Waltman elbowed out of it. Styles hit him wit sound roundhouse kicks
and then a vicious dropkick off the ropes. Waltman bailed out again. Styles
flipped onto Waltman on the floor at 5:45. Styles rammed Waltman's head into the
ring apron at ringside. Waltman came back and rammed Styles crotch-first into
the ringpost. Waltman went into a side headlock and then a tilt-a-whirl
backbreaker for a two count. Styles blocked a Bronco Buster and attempted a
Styles Clash. Waltman escaped and hit the Bronco Buster. Tenay raved about
Waltman's ability to escape the Styles Clash and said wrestlers around the
country would be taking notes on that. Waltman then flip-dove onto Styles on the
floor. Styles landed with a thud. Both men were slot to get up. Styles came up
bleeding from his nose. Styles returned the favor by sending Waltman
crotch-first into the ringppost at ringside at 10:15. Styles hit a springboard
elbow to Waltman's face followed by a hard clothesline and a double chop.
Waltman reversed Styles into the ropes, but Styles reversed Waltman into an
inverted DDT. Waltman flipped out of a suplex attempt and then mule kicked
Styles, followed by a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Waltman went back
to the top rope, but Styles met him mid-air with a dropkick. Styles went for a
backslide. Waltman rolled through. Styles then gave Waltman the Styles Clash for
a near fall at 12:30. Styles looked shocked. That also meant Waltman would
probably be doing the job. It's a courtesy move to let the veteran doing the job
kick out of your finisher before dropping the match. Styles went for a corkscrew
splash, but Waltman moved and then fired back with an X Factor for a near fall.
Waltman put Style's leg in a chair and went to the top rope. Lynn scolded
Waltman and then removed the chair. Waltman jumped back to the mat and
confronted Lynn. Styles then surprised the distracted Waltman with a sunset flip
attempt. Lynn kicked Waltman's leg off the top rope. Styles then hit the Styles
Clash for the win. Tenay said, "Well, how about that one? A hell of a match."
WINNER: Styles at 14:37.
Rapid-fire opening few minutes including an absolutely brutal looking powerbomb
by Daniels of Petey back-first over the edge of the ring apron at ringside.
Daniels remained on offense for a while and scored some near falls. Daniels had
Petey in a submission, but A1 yanked Petey's leg over the bottom rope to force a
break at 7:30. Daniels yapped at A1. Samoa Joe watched the match from the stage
with his arms crossed. Petey came back and locked on the Sharpshooter at 12:00.
Daniels reached for the bottom rope. Petey grabbed his arm. Nice touch. Daniels
broke his hand free and grabbed the bottom rope. Petey set up the Canadian
Destroyer, but Daniels blocked it. Daniels set up a suplex, but Petey dropped
down to block it. He then took Daniels over with a hurricanrana. Petey set
Daniels on the top rope. Daniels punched out of it and bodyslammed him to the
mat. He then went for a crossbody block, but Petey moved. Daniels crashed and
clutched his abdomen. A1 tossed Petey brass knuckles. Daniels had his own knux
and KO'd Petey and then hit the BME (Best Moonsault Ever) for the win.
WINNER: Daniels at 16:24.
RAVEN vs. ABYSS (w/Jim Mitchell) -- Chain Match/No Surrender Rules
Not enough was done to make Raven feel like the centerpiece of the promotion now
that's he's won TNA's top title. Raven began throwing chairs into the ring in
the opening minutes. He yanked Abyss head-first into a chair in the corner.
Raven punched away at Abyss at ringside. Abyss grabbed Raven by the throat to
set up a chokeslam. Raven blocked it. Abyss kneed Raven and then tossed him back
into the ring. Raven used the staple gun against Abyss. They brawled up the ramp
to the stage. Raven knocked Abyss off the edge. Abyss crashed through a table.
Fans chanted "TNA, TNA." Abyss yanked Raven to the floor by the chain, then
wrapped the chain across Raven's mouth. Raven couldn't submit to end the match,
as pointed out loudly by Mitchell. Abyss set up a table at ringside, leaning it
against the ringpost. Raven charged and tackled Abyss, sending him through the
table. Back in the ring, Raven wrapped a chain around Abyss's neck and hung him
from the ring apron. Mitchell attacked Raven from behind with a weapon. Raven
was shown on camera looking over at Abyss. Tenay tried to cover, saying his eyes
were rolled back in his head. Abyss eventually rolled over to make the cover for
a near fall. Abyss, disconnected from the chain at this point, brought a bad of
thumb tacks into the ring. Abyss ripped off Raven's t-shirt, then poured out the
thumb tacks (there were 2,594 of them, by the way). Abyss set up Raven for a
superplex. Cassidy Reilly ran out and stopped Abyss. Tenay said he's become a
follower of Raven ever since he got his fingers broken by him. Abyss shoved
Cassidy off the apron and through a table at ringside. Raven recovered enough to
send Abyss back-first onto the tacks with a powerbomb, then scored a two count.
Raven set up a DDT, but Abyss surprised Raven with a Black Hole Slam near the
tacks and scored a near fall at 18:15. Raven blocked Abyss's next move and DDT'd
him head-first onto the tacks for the win.
WINNER: Raven at 19:17.