TNA Destination X 2012
The Impact Zone
Orlando, Florida
July 8, 2012
results thanks to
A video package runs hyping Bobby Roode vs.
Austin Aries for the TNA Championship.
A graphic opening hits welcoming us to Destination X. We go live to Orlando
where pyro goes off. Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash welcome us to the show
reviewing the card tonight.
Last Chance Four Way
Rubix vs. Mason Andrews vs. Lars Only vs. Dakota Darsow
Darsow with a few big shots and gets sent out to the arena floor. Rubix with an
arm drag to Andrews. Rubix with another arm drag and dropkick to the face combo.
Lars with a snap head scissors on Rubix. Darsow with a backbreaker on Lars and
elbows Rubix to the floor. Rubix with a huge cross body from the top on Darsow.
Darsow fires back with a sitdown suplex. Darsow with a kick to the head of
Andrews. Andrews with a huge dive over the top rope. Rubix also hits the ropes
and jumps over the top rope taking out the other three. We see a shot of Kid
Kash looking on from backstage as the winner of this match will face him
immediately. Lars catches Andrews with a big boot in the corner. Tower of Doom
spot with Darsow, Andrews and Lars. Rubix then leaps from one corner to the
other executing a big dropkick. Darsow with a neckbreaker on Andrews. Lars with
a big head scissors faceplant driver on Rubix. Andrews with a jumping knee and
lifting stunner on Lars. Andrews hooks the leg to get the pinfall.
Winner: Mason Andrews
Kid Kash runs down the ramp and hits the ring.
X Division Title Tournament
Kid Kash vs. Mason Andrews
Kash with some big chops to Andrews on the outside. Kash sends Andrews right
into the steel ring post and then throws him back in the ring. Kash puts his
foot on the chest of Andrews for a cover and Andrews gets a shoulder up after
two. Kash mounts Andrews with some big right hands. Andrews with a series of
dropkicks that drop Kash. Andrews with a close roll up. Kash drops Andrews
across the top rope. Kash with some big shots to the face of Andrews. Kash with
repeated big rights. Kash flips off the crowd and drops an elbow. Kash with big
kicks to the chest of Andrews and then locks up his left arm. Kash with a huge
chop to Andrews and follows with a kick that sends him to the floor. Kash misses
with a springboard moonsault from the top turnbuckle when Andrews gets his knees
up. Andrews with a back elbow, clothesline and dropkick combo. Andrews with a
dropkick from the top that barely catches Kash. Andrews with a high knee that
drops Kash right away. Kash with a knee of his own. Kash goes for another big
knee when Andrews avoids it and rolls up Kash for the pinfall.
Winner: Mason Andrews
Mike Tenay notes that Mason Andrews is the first person to quality for the
Ultimate X match later tonight to crown a new TNA X Division Champion. We see a
replay of the finish. Back live, Kid Kash can't believe it. Andrews throws up
his arm in celebration.
Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Samoa Joe. She wants his prediction for the
main event. Joe picks Austin Aries. They look at the Bound for Glory Series
Standings. Joe is #2 with 27 points. Kurt Angle, his opponent tonight, is #4
with 20 points. Joe said he sees the road paved for his World Championship with
this series. He said tonight Angle isn't a Gold Medalist - he is 10 points. Joe
said he will make him tap out and beat him by any means necessary.
X Division Title Tournament
Douglas Williams vs. Kenny King
Big reaction for King in Orlando. Williams with a quick headlock takedown. We
see a shot of the TNA X Division Championship hanging above the ring ready for
the Ultimate X match later tonight. Series of roll ups by King early on.
Williams extends his hand. The fans boo. Williams then kicks King in the gut.
Williams tosses King to the outside and taunts him. Williams rolls out, King is
back in and then twists over the top rope to take him out. Back in the ring,
King with a drop toe hold, float over and headlock on Williams. King with a
series of arm drags. Williams with a big clothesline on King. Williams with one
suplex, takes the back of King, King counters with an atomic drop and kick to
the back of the head. King catches Williams with a big spinning kick. King with
another kick to the head and leaping spinebuster. Williams throws King to the
mat floor from the top turnbuckle. Williams drives a knee into the chest of King
from the turnbuckle. King with a crazy looking springboard diving blockbuster on
Williams from the ring apron. Williams puts King up on the top turnbuckle, gets
pushed away by King and King powers Williams down to the mat from his shoulders.
King covers and gets the pinfall.
Winner: Kenny King
Kenny King joins Mason Andrews in the Ultimate X match later tonight to crown a
new TNA X Division Champion.
Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Christopher Daniels. He talks about how a year
later he is out of the shadow of AJ Styles and is now a TNA Tag Team Champion.
Daniels talks down AJ Styles and the "kind of man he is."
X Division Tournament
Sonjay Dutt vs. Rashad Cameron
Lots of fast action between the two early on. Cameron pie faces Dutt and pushes
him to the corner. Dutt with a quick dropkick on Cameron. Cameron with a huge
dive over the top rope taking out Dutt. Back in the ring, Cameron with a few
chops. Dutt with a big head scissors takedown on Cameron and then follows with a
baseball slide kick to the head. Cameron sends Dutt into the steel guard
railing. Cameron with more chops to Dutt in the corner. Dutt with a bulldog on
Cameron to the second turnbuckle pad. Dutt with boots to the face and leg drop
over the head of Cameron. Dutt with a springboard body splash off the top rope.
Cameron with an armbar on Dutt. Dutt with a reverse neckbreaker on Cameron. Dutt
goes up top and connects with his double foot stomp over the chest/stomach of
Cameron. Dutt gets the pinfall.
Winner: Sonjay Dutt
Sonjay Dutt joins Kenny King and Mason Andrews in the Ultimate X match later
tonight to crown a new TNA X Division Champion.
Mike Tenay and Jeremy Borash talk about the injury suffered by Jesse Sorensen
back in February at the Against All Odds PPV. A video package airs focusing on
Sorensen's rehab and recovery. Back live, Jesse Sorensen is introduced to the
live crowd in Orlando. Loud "WELCOME BACK" chant for Jesse. Jesse said before he
came out here Dixie Carter asked him if he is nervous and he said it was good to
just feel anything. He said the last time he was in this place he was being
taken away on a stretcher. Jesse said he stared at the ceiling for days not
knowing if he would ever walk again. He said he did hear one thing and that was
everyone chanting his name as he was being taken away. Jesse said God put him on
this Earth to become a professional wrestler and that is what he will continue
to be. He said to everyone in the back, his family and to the fans who stuck by
him, he thanks them so much. "THANK YOU JESSIE" chant. Jesse thanks them from
the bottom of his heart. He mentions Zema Ion and says he hopes he wins the X
Division Title tonight because he wants to take that belt away from him. Jesse
predicts that this time next year at Destination X 2013, he will be the X
Division Champion and he will cash in his opportunity for a shot at the TNA
X Division Tournament
Zema Ion vs. Flip Cassanova
Zema with a big chop to Flip in the corner and yells out, "Welcome to the big
leagues bitch!" Flip with a snap head scissors on Zema. Flip with a big dive
over the top rope taking out Zema. Zema with a big dropkick to the face of Flip.
Flip gets his knees up during a moonsault attempt by Zema. Zema with a twisting
dive from the ropes over Zema. Flip misses a 450 Splash attempt and Zema wraps
up Flip over his back and dives back dropping him face first. Zema gets the
Winner: Zema Ion
Zema Ion now joins Mason Andrews, Kenny King and Sonjay Dutt in the Ultimate X
match tonight to crown a new TNA X Division Champion.
Backstage, Christy Hemme is with King, Dutt and Andrews. King says these guys
don't have a chance. Dutt said he will drop the bomb tonight. Andrews said
tonight is his moment. TNA Champion Bobby Roode walks up and asks what he said.
Roode said this is his show. He said the only match that matters tonight is the
main event and he will destroy the X Division poster boy Austin Aries.
Tenay and Borash review the Bound for Glory Series Standings. James Storm leads
with 36 points.
Bound for Glory Series Match
Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe
Angle keeps the action grounded early on applying a loose guillotine choke on
Joe. Joe powers up launching Angle into the corner and landed some huge jabs
that drops Angle. Joe with a big charge in the corner to Angle using his knee.
Tenay reminds us of the 15 minute time limit in Bound for Glory Series matches.
Joe tosses Angle to the outside. Joe with a huge suicide dive to Angle on the
outside. Angle with a kick to the face of Joe and then begins kicking away in
the corner. Joe with his kick to the head in the corner. Joe puts Angle up on
the top turnbuckle, Angle headbutts Joe to avoid a Muscle Buster and then Angle
connects with a dropkick to the back. Angle with a release belly-to-belly suplex
on Joe. Joe with an elbow to Angle in the corner. Joe with a flying leg lariat
to Angle from the second rope. Joe with an atomic drop, big boot and body splash
combo on Angle. Joe with a snap powerslam and then transitions into an armbar.
Angle counters into an Ankle Lock. Joe powers out, Angle with one german suplex,
a second german suplex and a third with a release. Joe counters an Angle Slam
and kicks Angle right in the face. Angle counters a Muscle Buster, slides down
and gets an Ankle Lock applied. Joe with his slam in the corner on Angle. Joe
connects with the Muscle Buster. Joe covers and Angle gets a shoulder up. Joe
with a rear naked choke. Angle counters out and applies the Ankle Lock. Joe
rolls to his back, pulls Angle down and gets the rear naked choke applied. Angle
fights out and connects with the Angle Slam. Joe gets a shoulder up. Joe with a
kick to the face of Angle. Joe counters an Angle Slam and gets the rear naked
choke applied again. Angle is trying to fight out. The referee checks on Angle.
Angle is out. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Samoa Joe
After the match, Kurt Angle recovers and asks what happened. Referee Earl Hebner
explains he was out. We see highlights of the match leading to the finish. Joe
earns 10 points and is now #1 with 37 points. James Storm moves to #2 with 36
A video package runs highlighting the events between AJ Styles and Christopher
Last Man Standing Match
AJ Styles vs. TNA Tag Team Champion Christopher Daniels
The bell rings and Daniels bails to do some jumping jacks at ringside. When
Daniels returns, he spits in the face of Styles and Styles responds with some
big right hands. They brawl to the outside. Back in the ring, Daniels with a few
headbutts. Styles responds with a big dropkick. Styles with a suplex sending
Daniels directly into the corner pads. Daniels recovers and hits some big chops
to Styles in the corner. Styles fights out and gives Daniels chops of his own.
On the outside, Daniels rakes the eyes of Styles. Borash notes this is anything
goes. Daniels sets up a steel chair in the ring. Styles leaps off the chair, but
Daniels moves and Daniels drives the back of Styles over the chair. The chair is
bent in half. Daniels gets in the face of a fan at ringside. Daniels with rights
to Styles at ringside. Styles is busted open. Daniels then gives Styles a suplex
over the mat floor. Daniels pulls the steel steps away from the ring and puts
them on the side. Styles with a few comeback shots. Back in the ring, Daniels
sends Styles into the corner with force. Daniels grabs the steel chair, but
Styles kicks at the knee of Daniels to prevent the use of the chair. Styles then
springboards off the ropes and splashes Daniels using the chair. Styles then
grabs Daniels on the outside and launches him with force into the steel steps!
That looked nasty. Daniels is now busted open. Daniels is now crawling up the
entrance ramp. Styles with kicks to Daniels at the top of the ramp. Styles backs
up, charges, Daniels charges and both connect with a double clothesline. Styles
and Daniels exchange shots. Daniels counters a Styles Clash attempt on the ramp.
Styles with a springboard inverted DDT from a steel railing at the top of the
ramp taking down Daniels. The referee starts the count. The referee gets to 7.
Kazarian then runs out and launches Styles off the ramp. The referee counts over
Styles. The referee gets to 8 and Styles is back up using the guard railing.
Daniels grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up under the entrance
ramp. Daniels tosses Styles up on the ramp. Styles counters Angel's Wings
sending Daniels into Kazarian. Styles with a Pele Kick. Styles with a Styles
Clash off the ramp to the floor below crashing through a table! Both men are
down. The referee starts the count. Referee is at 9. Styles is up. Referee
reaches 10. Styles wins.
Winner: AJ Styles
After the match, the referee holds up the arm of a bloody AJ Styles. We see a
replay of the finish of AJ Styles giving Christopher Daniels a Styles Clash from
the ramp to the floor below through a table.
Jeremy Borash reads off tweets from fans on picks for the main event tonight.
71% of fans think Aries will win the main event tonight.
Backstage, Christy Hemme is with Austin Aries. He wishes everyone luck in the
Ultimate X match up next, but says the X Division is in his rear view mirror.
Aries says Roode has been winning his matches with beer bottles and belt shots.
He says he has been winning his matches with brainbusters. Aries said he will
not walk out empty handed tonight.
Tenay and Borash review the results of the X Division Tournament earlier
TNA X Division Championship - Ultimate X Match
Mason Andrews vs. Zema Ion vs. Kenny King vs. Sonjay Dutt
Zema Ion takes a nasty triple dropkick from Andrews, King and Dutt early on.
King launches Andrews into Zema who was already in the tree of woe in the
corner. King with a crazy looking kick to the head of Dutt from the ring apron.
King springboards himself up to the X cable. Dutt with a springboard dropkick
that launches King off the cable up top. Zema catches Andrews with a quick elbow
and jumps up to the X cable. King and Andrews pulls Zema down. Dutt has been
taken to the back after taking a nasty fall. King with a twisting corkscrew
splash to the floor, but Zema moves out of the way. Andrews with a splash of his
own over the top rope to the outside. Dutt is now back at ringside climbing up
the steel X structure. Andrews is now up on the cable along with King. Andrews
with a neckbreaker on King as they fall to the mat below. Dutt and Zema are now
at the very top of the steel X structure. Dutt with right hands to Zema. Dutt
climbs through a hole up top and is standing over the X cable. Zema has his
hairspray and sprays it in the face of Dutt. Dutt falls to the mat below. Zema
reaches down and grabs the title.
Winner and NEW TNA X Division Champion: Zema Ion
After the match, Zema Ion tosses the title over his shoulder and the referee
holds up his arm. We see highlights of the match leading to the finish. Back
live, Christy Hemme is with Zema Ion. Zema tells the crowd to show some respect.
He dedicates this title win to all of his "haters" and critics. Ion also
dedicates this win to Jesse Sorensen and said breaking his neck helped him
realize how powerful he really is. Zema smiles and heads to the back with his
new title.
A video package runs hyping Bobby Roode vs. Austin Aries.
TNA Championship
Bobby Roode (c) vs. Austin Aries
Jeremy Borash handles the ring introductions for the challenger Austin Aries and
champion Bobby Roode.
The bell rings and here we go. Lock up and Roode backs Aries to the corner.
Borash rejoins commentary mentioning he asked Aries how he was feeling. Aries
said he was so ready. Another lock up and Aries chops the chest of Roode. Roode
works over the left arm of Aries. Aries then starts working over the left arm of
Roode. Aries with a series of quick takedowns on Roode. Roode with a few slaps
to the head of Aries when he recovers over him. Aries turns around the body of
Roode a few times and then slaps Roode over the head. Aries drops Roode over the
top rope, connects with a springboard splash and a quick elbow. Roode counters a
headlock takedown in a head scissors. Aries with another headlock takedown and
Roode goes back to the head scissors. Aries with a headstand escape and
dropkicks Roode in the face. Aries with a double sledgehammer from the ring
apron. Roode avoids a top rope dropkick from Aries. Roode misses a knee drop
from the second rope. Aries kicks away the knee of Roode to drop him down. Roode
gets his foot on the bottom rope to break up a headlock attempt by Aries. Aries
misses a suicide dive attempt to Roode when Roode side steps him. Aries crashed
into the steel guard railing. Back in the ring, Roode connects with a big spear
on Aries that results in a two count. Roode with a front suplex dropping Aries
down with force over the mat face first. Roode catches Aries with a big knee
coming off the ropes. Roode with a huge chop in the corner to Aries. Roode is
keeping Aries grounded with wristlock takedowns. Roode with a huge clothesline
to Aries. Roode is slapping Aries as he gets to his feet. Aries fires back with
big forearms. Aries and Roode exchange chops in the corner. Aries clotheslines
Roode over the top rope and this time connects with the suicide dive. Aries with
a dropkick that launches Roode to the corner. Roode with a quick powerslam on
Aries. Aries stuffs another spear attempt and flips over Roode locking on the
Last Chancery. Aries rolls out to a front facelock, hits a few knees, but Roode
counters into a Crossface. Aries rolls through back into the Last Chancery.
Roode rakes the eyes of Aries to break it up. Roode with a spear to Aries in the
corner, puts him up top, attempts a superplex, Aries knees Roode in the head,
rings the ears with a double forearm shot, stands up and misses a 450 Splash,
but rolls through and takes a big spinebuster from Roode. Roode launches Aries
shoulder first into the corner. Roode with a Crossface locked on again. Aries is
trying to roll through. Roode is yelling at Aries to tap. Aries reaches and gets
the bottom rope. Roode holds on until 4 1/2 with the referee count. Roode grabs
his title from SoCal Val at ringside. The referee cuts him off. When the referee
throws the belt away, Roode jumps down and low blows Aries. Roode with a cover
and Aries kicks out. Roode shoves the referee. The referee shoves Roode back.
Aries with a huge corner dropkick. Roode counters a Brainbuster and pushes Aries
into the referee for a referee bump. Roode has his title. Roode nails Aries in
the head with it and tosses it. Roode wakes up the referee, covers
Aries...1...2...Aries gets a shoulder up at the last second. Roode can't believe
it. Aries with a close roll up. Aries with a kick to Roode's head. Aries with a
Brainbuster. Aries hooks the leg...1...2...3! Aries wins!
Winner and NEW TNA Champion: Austin Aries
HUGE reaction at the Impact Zone in Orlando. Austin Aries grabs the TNA
Championship and holds it high. We see highlights of the match leading to the
finish including that insane reaction from the crowd in Orlando to Aries getting
the pinfall. Back live, confetti fills the Impact Zone as Austin Aries drops to
his knees with the TNA Championship over his shoulder. Aries holds up his arms
in celebration taking in the moment. The PPV goes off the air with Aries
saluting the audience in Orlando.