Universal Studios Orlando
Orlando, Florida
June 18, 2006
thanks to:
- The TNA promo hits. A video package starts
highlighting the history of the King of the Mountain Match in TNA. June 2, 2004
is mentioned, the first ever King of the Mountain, when Jeff Jarrett won it and
become NWA World Champion. We see Christian Cage talking about how no one in the
history of TNA has walked away champion after competing in a King of the
Mountain Match. We see how Jeff Jarrett won in 2004 and Raven won in 2005. They
highlight how 5 men will enter and only 1 will leave. It ends with Christian
Cage saying now is his time in TNA.
- A new video opening plays followed by a graphic for Slammiversary. We then go
live to the Impact Zone at Universal Studios in Orlando, FL. A series of pyro
goes off in the ring, above the ring and in the entrance area as the fans cheer
- We then see a shot of Team 3D and The James Gang battling through the "babyface"
tunnel and heading down to the ring.
Bingo Hall Brawl
Team 3D vs. The James Gang
The match started right away with Team 3D throwing The James Gang into the ring.
Some steel chairs were thrown in as well. BG & Kip take out Brother Ray with a
few chairshots. Brother Devon comes back with a few kendo stick shots. Team 3D
is clearly the more over team tonight. BG threw Devon "over the border" near the
Spanish Announce Table where LAX was at. LAX beat up Devon. BG slapped hands
with Konnan, but then LAX attacked James and threw them both onto the babyface
ramp. Ray took out Kip with a big hip toss onto guard railing set across two
chairs. More brawling into the crowd with Team 3D taking out BG. Kip comes up
with a few trash can lid shots to Ray and Devon. They brawled back into the ring
and Ray threw a trash can full of weapons into the ring. Ray pulled out a bra
and choked out Kip. He only hit Kip with a shot with a cheese grader. Kip was
busted open. BG & Devon take each other out with trash can lid shots. The fans
are really into this match. Devon hits the flying headbutt to the groin of BG
using a trash can lid. Ray also hits a golf club over the groin of BG. Kip hits
the Fameasser on Ray into a trash can. Ray hits Kip on the back with a kendo
stick, puts him on his shoulders and Devon takes out Kip with a big clothesline.
Devon brings a table into the ring. The finish saw Team 3D hit the 3D on Kip
James through the table to get the pinfall.
Winners: Team 3D
After the match, Brother Ray got on the mic and tells the fans that is how it
should really be done when it comes to hardcore wrestling.
- Mike Tenay & Don West rundown the card tonight: Rhino vs. Bobby Roode & Scott
D'Amore, Kevin Nash vs. Chris Sabin, AMW vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels for
the NWA World Tag Team Titles, Scott Steiner vs. Samoa Joe and Christian Cage
vs. Abyss vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting in a King of
the Mountain Match for the NWA World Title.
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Jeff Jarrett who was sporting a "King of
the Mountain" t-shirt. Jarrett compares himself to Joe Montana in the fourth
quarter and Michael Jordan in a Game 7. He talks about how TNA started four
years ago and how critics didn't give them six weeks. Jarrett said they are
standing strong four years later. He says Sting has a huge ego and will go for
the title tonight no matter what he says tonight. Jarrett says Christian's ego
and Sting's ego will cancel each other out. He says Abyss and Ron Killings can't
slip through the back door. Jarrett said he will reclaim what is his tonight.
Larry Zbyszko comes up and confirms to Jarrett that the new face of TNA
Management is who he thought it was all along. Jarrett says he will fix things
- A video package runs highlighting the feud between Rhino and Team Canada
leading into the Handicap Match tonight with Rhino taking on Bobby Roode & Scott
Handicap Match
Rhino vs. Bobby Roode & Scott D'Amore
Before the match, Scott D'Amore got on the mic and said he knows why this was
made a Handicap Match by Rhino. He said it was because Rhino was afraid to face
him one-on-one. When Rhino came out, D'Amore ran away and let Bobby Roode take a
big high back body drop from Rhino. Roode got D'Amore to come back to the
ringside area. D'Amore warms up a bit and gets the legal tag. He gets in the
ring, jumps up, says he is tired and tags Roode back in. Rhino and Roode are
working very well together. Roode tried jumping up over Rhino in the corner, but
Rhino stopped and Roode let out a loud "SH*T" when Rhino wasn't there. When
D'Amore tried to pump Roode up, he slapped his shoulder and the referee declared
that a legal tag. Rhino brought D'Amore in over the top rope. Lots of
distracting by D'Amore allowing Roode to get in some cheap shots. D'Amore got in
a few shots on Rhino, did some jumping jacks taunting at the crowd and then some
push-ups. Each time Rhino looked to take out D'Amore, Roode ran in and took out
Rhino. There was lots more of Roode and D'Amore tagging in and out staying on
Rhino. Rhino made a brief comeback, but Roode took him out with a big
neckbreaker. When D'Amore was tagged in again, he took off his Team Canada shirt
and flexed a bit. D'Amore missed a Moonsault attempt on Rhino. D'Amore takes out
Rhino with a hockey stick shot, attempts to put him on his shoulders, but gets a
spinebuster. The finish saw Rhino throw Roode out of the ring and then give
D'Amore the Gore to get the pinfall.
Winner: Rhino
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with X Division Champion Samoa Joe. Borash
mentions how Joe debuted at last year's Slammiversary PPV and how he is
undefeated since then. He also points out how Joe hasn't faced anyone like Scott
Steiner before. Joe said Scott Steiner hasn't faced anyone like him before
either. He mentions that even Steiner himself hasn't been pinned on his
shoulders yet in TNA. Joe says Steiner will experience that tonight.
X Division Rankings Match
Senshi vs. Shark Boy vs. Petey Williams vs. Jay Lethal vs. Alex Shelley vs.
Sonjay Dutt
This match will directly effect the X Division rankings in TNA. The match
started with Petey Williams and Shark Boy. Shark Boy takes out Williams with a
few arm drags and dropkicks. Shark Boy with more offense on Williams with a high
back body drop. Williams comes back with a tree of woe on Shark Boy and attempts
the "Oh Canada!" taunt, but Shark Boy bites him. Jay Lethal gets the tag and he
double teams Williams with Shark Boy. Williams takes out Lethal with a big knee
to the head and tags in Senshi. Senshi takes out Lethal with some stiff kicks
and chops. Lethal fights back with a big flapjack in the middle of the ring.
Alex Shelley gets the tag from Senshi. Shelley and Senshi double team Lethal.
Shelley applies a surfboard submission on Lethal. Lethal counters, but Shelley
turns it right around and takes out Lethal. Lethal takes out Shelley with a hip
toss-dropkick combo. Sonjay Dutt gets the tag from Lethal. Dutt hits a huge head
scissors takeover on Shelley. Shelley crotches Dutt on the top rope when he
attempts his sprinkler. Shelley also drags Dutt across the top rope over his
groin and follows that up with a big Moonsault. Shelley puts his hands in his
pants and then rubs his face in the face of Shark Boy. Senshi, Williams and
Shelley then all get Suplexed by Lethal, Shark Boy and Dutt in what Tenay called
a Six Pack Suplex. Dutt counters a Deep Sea Drop from Shark Boy, but then Shark
Boy comes back with a reverse neckbreaker. Shark Boy misses an elbow drop and
Dutt hits a Moonsault to get the pinfall. Shark Boy is eliminated. Shelley is
putting on a clinic tonight with some impressive moves on Dutt and Lethal. The
fans booed when Lethal hit Shelley with a release German Suplex and got the
pinfall. Alex Shelley is eliminated. The crowd was really flat with Dutt,
Lethal, Williams and Senshi when Dutt hit a big Moonsault taking them out on the
outside. Williams hit the Canadian Destroyer on Lethal and got the pinfall. Jay
Lethal is eliminated. Senshi hits the Double Stomp from the top rope on Williams
and gets the pinfall. Petey Williams is eliminated. Senshi gets Dutt up in the
tree of woe, steps on his knees, Dutt leans up and Senshi hits his big Double
Stomp. Senshi gets the pinfall. Sonjay Dutt is eliminated.
Winner & NEW #1 Contender for the X Division Title: Senshi
After the match, TNA showed highlights of each of the eliminations leading to
Senshi's final pinfall over Sonjay Dutt to become the new #1 contender for the X
Division Title.
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Kevin Nash and Alex Shelley. Nash asks
Shelley what happened. Shelley said there was like 10 to 20 guys in the ring and
that he was too focused on the celebration they will have later tonight. Nash
brings up Walt Sabin, Chris Sabin's dad, and how he is probably watching the PPV
tonight on his cheap 19 inch TV screen. He said he won't be picking up the
medical bills after what he does tonight.
- A video package rolls highlighting Kevin Nash's attack on the X Division and
how Chris Sabin has involved himself after he was attacked by Nash after winning
the World X Cup.
Kevin Nash vs. Chris Sabin
Mike Tenay brings up that tonight is Kevin Nash's first match in a year and how
he was scheduled to compete for the NWA World Title back in October, but was
unable to due to medical issues. Nash starts off the match taking it to Sabin
with a few elbows. Sabin gets in a few shots on Nash, but Nash takes out Sabin
quickly. Sabin gets in some more shots and Nash pokes the eyes of Sabin. Sabin
with a big dropkick on Nash and Nash rolls out. Nash calls Alex Shelley out to
the ringside area. Shelley distracts Sabin allowing Nash to take him out. One of
the turnbuckles get exposed and Sabin sends Nash into it. Sabin follows that up
with a dropkick. Sabin attempts the Cradle Shock, but Nash is too big. Another
distraction by Shelly allowing Nash to hit a big boot on Sabin. Believe it or
not, we had a "LETS GO SABIN-LETS GO NASH" back-and-forth chant from the TNA
crowd. Nash attempts a Jacknife Powerbomb and Sabin counters it hitting Nash
with some rights and driving him into the mat. Sabin got Nash on his shoulders
showing his strength, but Shelley came in and took Nash off. Sabin took out
Shelley with a suicide dive through the ropes. Sabin with more offense on Nash.
The crowd is really into the match. Shelley crotches Sabin on the top rope. Nash
drops his straps and does the "X" signal. Nash then picks up Sabin and hits the
Jacknife Powerbomb. Nash covers Sabin and gets the pinfall. Tenay and West made
it clear that this was more like a Handicap Match.
Winner: Kevin Nash
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with NWA World Tag Team Champions America's Most
Wanted. JB points out how AMW have been in TNA since day one and how many tag
teams have come and gone in the company. Chris Harris calls the AJ
Styles/Christopher Daniels tag team experiment a failure since they have beaten
them every time they have got into the ring. Harris brings up how AJ & Daniels
feel Gail Kim has been a distraction as of late. Gail Kim says she knows she is
a distraction. James Storm says he is happier than a fat gopher in soft dirt.
- A video package runs highlighting the NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
tonight between America's Most Wanted and AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels. TNA
points out that AMW have been the longest reigning NWA World Tag Team Champions
in over 30 years. 8 months and a week is the record reign according to TNA.
NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
America's Most Wanted (c's) w/ Gail Kim vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
The match starts with James Storm and AJ Styles. Lots of back and forth between
the two. Styles takes out Storm with a big dropkick and tags in Christopher
Daniels. Styles and Daniels do a lot of tagging in and out. Chris Harris gets
the tag and he exchanges a few reversals with Daniels. Daniels steps on the head
of Harris taunting him. When Daniels stands over Harris, Storm comes in, Daniels
gives him a drop toe hold and AMW fall on each other in a "69" to the laughter
of the TNA fans. A loud "BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN" chant starts up. Storm accidentally
pulls Harris over the top rope to the outside. Styles takes out AMW over the top
rope. Daniels hits a big elbow drop over the top rope on Storm. Styles comes in
and takes out Storm with a few knee shots. Styles slides through the legs of
Harris on the ring apron and pulls Harris down to the ring apron his face. AMW
come back and double team Styles on the outside. Daniels gets involved to make
it even. Harris and Storm take control of the match brawling with Styles and
Daniels on the outside. Styles crashes and burns over the steel barricade thanks
to Storm. Styles gets thrown back in the ring with Harris who takes control.
Storm is now the legal man and he takes out Styles with a few stiff kicks and
knocks Daniels off the ring apron. More quick tags from AMW and Harris comes in
giving Styles a big vertical Suplex. Storm attempts the Eye of the Storm, Styles
counters attempting a tag, but Storm drives Styles back into the corner. Styles
hits a big Pele Kick on Storm in the corner. Daniels gets the tag and he takes
out AMW. Daniels hits the BME on Storm, covers, Harris comes up, Daniels moves
and Harris elbows Storm. Gail Kim tries to interfere, but a very tall woman hits
the ring and gives her a Chokeslam. The woman throws Kim out of the ring and
carries her to the back. A near fall takes place when Daniels rolls up Harris.
Another roll up by Daniels, but Storm launches a steel chair (very Sabu-like) to
the face of Daniels. Styles hits an inverted DDT on Storm and a gutbuster on
Harris. Styles misses a Spiral Tap on Harris. Harris takes out Styles with
handcuffs, but Daniels pulls the referee out during the pinfall attempt. AMW
attempts the Death Sentence, but Daniels breaks it up and hits Harris with a
Death Valley Driver. Storm breaks up an Angel's Wings attempt. Daniels fights
back and hits an Angel's Wings on Storm. Harris breaks up the pinfall. Storm
accidentally hits Harris with a beer bottle. Daniels slams Harris down, Styles
hits a Frog Splash and Daniels covers to get the pinfall.
Winners & NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
After the match, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels celebrate the tag team title
win. Daniels did a great job with the celebration making it feel really special.
The fans were jumping around celebrating as well. Styles and Daniels go into the
crowd and celebrate with the TNA fans in attendance.
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Sting. Sting says it is great to be wrestling
for the NWA World Title in a King of the Mountain Match (he said it was the
first ever, someone really needs to catch Sting up on TNA history). Sting talks
about the competitors involved such as Christian Cage, Abyss and Ron "The Truth"
- A video package rolls highlighting some moments in TNA from the last four
- Mike Tenay is in the ring with a mic. He says there were some highlights from
the past four years in TNA and we are about to make another one. Tenay
introduces the new public face of TNA Management...Mr. Jim Cornette. Don West
mentioned the knee surgery that Cornette went through recently. When Cornette
came out, he spun his cane around and lost it. Cornette took his time down the
ramp. Cornette said finally he has return to pay per view. He said he just saw
the match earlier and said to himself that is what tag team wrestling is all
about. Cornette said he is here tonight because TNA is the new face of
professional wrestling. He said he is sick and tired of looking at the old one.
Cornette said he has been keeping his eye on things in TNA and how people said
it wouldn't last for weeks or even months. But now we are here four years later.
He said these four years have not been without problems and growing pains.
Cornette said TNA is owned by a major corporation, but when they entered this
project they had no wrestling experience. He said they hired certain individuals
that brought politics and agendas to the table. Cornette said that is why he is
here to fix things. He said he might not be politically correct, but he gets the
job done and that is all that matters. Cornette said he is here for the TNA
fans. He said he expects some guys in the locker room to step up big for him.
Cornette said there are also some guys sitting on "big fat reputations" and that
they need to do more. He said his job is to get the fans excited about the
product, to get on their feet and chant TNA. Cornette tells the entire TNA
staff, we have three goals: great matches, sell pay per views and strong
ratings. He said if they can do that, they are on his good side and if they
don't, they should explore work elsewhere. Cornette said it goes like this, for
the fans, we want what is best, TNA will be the new face of wrestling and the
new face will be success. He said he knows someone will want to try him.
Cornette urges and invites someone to try it and hopes they have cab fair
afterwards because they will need it when he kicks them out.
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Scott Steiner. Steiner calls Samoa Joe a fat
bastard and that his real name is Sloppy Joe. He says he has beaten Sting,
Goldberg, Batista, Triple H, John Cena and numerous others. Steiner says he
knows fat rednecks are watching this PPV tonight wanting Joe to beat him. He
throws down Samoa Joe's new DVD saying it is crap. Steiner says tonight, Joe's
win streak ends and he will kill him.
- A video package rolls highlighting Scott Steiner vs. Samoa Joe tonight.
Non-Title Match
Scott Steiner vs. X Division Champion Samoa Joe
Don West says this is Samoa Joe's biggest challenge in TNA to date. The match
starts with Scott Steiner taking out Samoa Joe quickly. Joe gets right back up
on his feet quickly. Steiner tackles Joe and slaps him over the face. Steiner
chops Joe a few times in the corner, hits a big hip toss and then slaps him some
more. Joe then spits in the face of Steiner. Both start brawling back and forth.
Joe hits some stiff kicks to the face of Steiner. Joe drops a big knee over
Steiner and the fans chant "JOE, JOE, JOE." Steiner responds with a big overhead
release belly-to-belly Suplex. Joe responds with a face wash in the corner. When
Joe backs up, Steiner rolls out of the ring to the outside. Joe then backs up
and hits a suicide dive through the ropes taking out Steiner. Back in the ring,
Steiner drops an elbow on Joe and taunts at him with a few push-ups. The fans
chant for Joe and Steiner flips them off. Steiner hits another belly-to-belly
Suplex on Joe. Steiner then gives Joe a big Powerbomb. Steiner attempts a
pinfall, but Joe grabs Steiner and applies a quick armbar submission. Steiner
gets his legs on the bottom rope to break the submission. Joe gets in some stiff
rights on Steiner. When Joe charges at Steiner in the opposite corner, Steiner
catches Joe and slams him back down into the mat in a move done by Joe in the
past. They leave the ring and Steiner sends Joe into part of the Impact Zone.
Steiner gets a steel chair, tries to use it, but the referee holds it back. Joe
punches the chair into the face of Steiner. Steiner fights back and slams the
steel chair across the face of Joe. It is announced that if both competitors
don't hit the ring by a 10 count, the match will end. Steiner hits Joe one more
time and hits the ring. The referee gets to 9 and Joe hits the ring. Joe takes
out Steiner with a big boot and body splash. Joe then slams Steiner down in the
corner. Both Steiner and Joe attempt clotheslines, but they dodge each other.
Joe then applies his choke sleeper. Steiner finds a way to get to his feet and
break it up. Steiner low blows Joe. Steiner drops Joe on his head with another
overhead Suplex. Steiner applies the Steiner Recliner on Joe. Joe finds a way to
get to his feet and he keeps Steiner on his shoulder. Joe drops Steiner over the
top rope and follows that up with a quick Powerslam. Joe covers Steiner and gets
the pinfall.
Winner: Samoa Joe
- A promo for the Victory Road PPV on July 16 is shown.
- Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with NWA World Heavyweight Champion Christian
Cage. JB says tonight is his toughest challenge when he defends his title in a
King of the Mountain Match. Christian Cage tells JB Happy Slammiversary. They do
a bad exchange. To make matters worse, Christian asks who the champ is and gets
no crowd reaction. Christian says winning the NWA World Title is addicting and
agrees that tonight is his toughest challenge. He points out how TNA became his
property the second he showed up. Cage says show him Sting, Jeff Jarrett, Abyss
and Ron "The Truth" Killings, because he will show them the reigning and
defending NWA World Heavyweight Champion. He did get the crowd to finish his
"that's how I roll" phrase.
- A video package rolls highlighting the King of the Mountain Match with the NWA
World Title on the line involving champion Christian Cage, Sting, Jeff Jarrett,
Abyss and Ron "The Truth" Killings.
King of the Mountain - NWA World Heavyweight Title
Christian Cage (c) vs. Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss vs. Ron "The Truth"
With the "Tale of the Tape", Abyss is shown with the height advantage. They
explain the rules and how you must hang the NWA World Title above the ring.
Pinfalls and submissions are legal and if they take place you are sent into a
penalty box. Jeremy Borash did the ring introductions for all five men. In the
ring, The Truth took out Jeff Jarrett. Sting and Christian Cage double teamed
Abyss on the outside. Cage eventually joined The Truth and they double teamed
Jarrett. Cage does a dance at Truth. Truth smiles and they slap hands. Truth
then takes out Cage. Cage took out Jarrett from the top rope to the outside. In
the ring, Sting and Truth double team Abyss. Truth dives over the top rope and
takes out Cage, Jarrett and Abyss. Sting stands on top of the penalty cage and
dives off, taking out Cage, Jarrett, Truth and Abyss. Sting hits a Stinger
Splash in the corner on Jarrett back in the ring. Truth gets in a missile
dropkick on Jarrett, covers and gets the pinfall. Jeff Jarrett is now sent into
the penalty box for two minutes. Cage brawls with Abyss. Truth tries to pull a
ladder in the ring, but Cage catapults it into his face. Abyss comes in and goes
after Cage. Cage then rolls up Abyss and gets the pinfall. Abyss is now sent
into the penalty box for two minutes. As Abyss goes inside, Jarrett's time has
expired and he hits the ring. Sting hits a dropkick on Truth. Jarrett pulls Cage
out and drives him into the guard railing. Sting takes out Truth with a big
elbow in the ring. Jarrett puts Cage inside a ladder and stands on top of it. We
see Abyss' time expire and he joins Jarrett stacking four tables on top of each
other. In the ring, Truth and Jarrett brawl and Sting and Abyss go over the top
rope. Jarrett hits The Stroke on Truth from the ring apron to the guard railing.
Jarrett covers Truth and gets the pinfall. Ron "The Truth" Killings is now sent
into the penalty box for two minutes. Abyss and Sting brawl in the crowd as Cage
goes after Jarrett in the crowd as well. Sting hits Abyss with a chair shot.
Sting throws Abyss into part of the Impact Zone leaving an imprint. Abyss then
sends Sting into the broken wall as well. Time expires and The Truth is out.
Back in the ring, Truth is setting up a ladder in the middle of the ring. Truth
has the title and goes up the ladder. Abyss comes in and knocks the ladder over.
Abyss and Jarrett work together to knock out Truth, Sting and Cage with the
ladder. Truth gets launched over the top rope when he jumped on the ladder.
Sting and Cage hit a double dropkick on Abyss and Jarrett. Cage and Abyss go
over the top rope. Truth sets up the ladder, climbs up again, but Abyss dumps
him off again. Abyss throws the ladder into referee Earl Hebner. Abyss hits
Jarrett with a Black Hole Slam, a new referee hits the ring and Abyss gets the
pinfall. Jeff Jarrett is now sent into the penalty box again for two minutes.
Abyss climbs up the ladder, but Sting pushes it over and Abyss crashes through
the four stacked tables setup earlier! Stinger Splash on Cage and Sting applies
the Scorpion Deathlock on Cage as well. Sting breaks the hold when Jarrett
escapes the cage and tries to go up the ladder. Jarrett attempts a guitar shot
on Sting, but Cage prevents it and Sting takes out Jarrett. Sting has the title,
hands it to Cage and tells him to go up. Sting applies the Scorpion Deathlock on
Jarrett. Larry Zbyszko comes in and low blows Cage. Sting takes out Jarrett with
a Stinger Deathdrop. Sting pins Jarrett. Jeff Jarrett is now sent into the
penalty box for a third time for two minutes. Sting grabs the title, climbs up,
Cage comes up with, stops Sting from hanging the title and referee Earl Hebner
pushes the ladder over sending Sting and Cage over the top rope. The fans boo
Hebner. Jarrett sets up the ladder, climbs up, fans are throwing bottles in the
ring and Jarrett hangs the NWA World Title.
Winner & NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion: Jeff Jarrett
After the match, fans continue to litter the ring with bottles and garbage as
Jeff Jarrett is announced as the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. As Jarrett
heads up the ramp in celebration, he holds the NWA World Title high in the air.
Referee Rudy Charles comes out and takes the NWA World Title away from Jarrett.
Charles hands the title to Jim Cornette and Cornette holds up the title staring
at Jarrett. Jarrett falls to his knees screaming "NO" looking at Cornette with
his title as the PPV goes off the air...
←Sacrifice 2006 | [JUNE INDEX] | Victory Road 2006→ |
Slammiversary 2007 ↓ |