Nashville Municipal Auditorium
Nashville, Tennessee
June 17, 2007
Results thanks to:
We start with a black-and-white
photo from the origins of TNA, and what's on the cover of Jerry Jarrett's book.
They cut to some Beverly Hillbillies music recapping the craziness that's
happened in TNA dating back to Fairgrounds days. After touring the ghettos of
Tennessee, they turn up the music and show the urban sprawl of Nashville with
fast-paced clips from the current era of TNA. And they close with the FSN-era
clip of "Tiger Woods" putting and Jeff Jarrett's boot blocking the putt. Ironic
since Tiger lost the U.S. Open just an hour ago on the 18th hole.
Live in the building, a country group, the Lo Cash Cowboys, sang the
Slammiversary theme. Something about cowgirls getting down.
LAX's music then hit and they came out to start the show. Hector Guerrero then
led out Rhino and Senshi? instead of Harris. A sign of things to come with this
PPV card in shambles.
1 -- LAX (HOMICIDE & HERNANDEZ w/Konnan) vs. SENSHI & RHINO (w/Hector
The bell sounded and the crowd was buzzing. Hard camera was positioned very low
to the ring, creating an interesting look to the TV presentation. Has a Dome
show look. Rhino dumped Homicide over the top rope to the floor in the opening
minute. Senshi, sporting standard wrestling trunks, tagged in and worked on
Homicide before Hernandez tagged in. Here's a super heavyweight, Hernandez, that
really could be a World champion for this company because of how he carries
himself and how versatile he is in the ring. Or, in Japan. Senshi used his kicks
to work on Hernandez, but Hernandez caught his leg in the corner and threw him
halfway across the ring. Crowd popped huge for that. Hernandez then ripped off
his wifebeater tank top and choked Senshi with it. Homicide tagged back in and
worked on Senshi. He hit a top rope elbow smash for a nearfall. Hernandez then
came back in and slapped on a bear hug in center ring, and Senshi bit his way
out of the hold, before Hernandez squashed him with the crackerjack overhead
toss. Hernandez went for a powerbomb, but Senshi escaped and hit a double foot
stomp. Rhino then took a hot tag and worked on Homicide before hitting a
powerslam off the ropes. Rhino then took over Hernandez with a belly-to-belly
suplex before dropping Homicide with a spinebuster for a nearfall. Senshi got
involved and took Hernandez over the top rope to the floor before hitting a top
rope splash. Back in the ring, Homicide hit the Ace Crusher and Konnan handed
him a slapjack, but Hector got on the apron and ripped it away from Homicide
setting up Rhino for a huge Gore and the win.
WINNERS: Rhino & Senshi in 8:00. Solid opener. Great energy, Hernandez was the
super heavyweight badass he should be, and crowd got a happy ending to start the
show. (**)
Ringside, Tenay and West talked about the tag title situation. West said Scott
Steiner incurred a freak injury in Puerto Rico, and they don't know if the match
will tag place. They're holding on to the last straw here. Tenay and West then
broke down the rest of the card before discussing the mystery fifth man. They
aired a video package on the King of the Mountain match.
Backstage, Borash was outside of Jim Cornette's office looking for some answers.
Eric Young then entered the shot worried about Cornette. He said something about
a cat and nine lives, then Miss Brooks interrupted and asked whatever happened
to the heat and passion between them. She rubbed up against Young and said there
are other ways to take care of their issues. Borash told Young not to listen to
Brooks, who said the path leads to her bedroom. Gail Kim then interrupted and
told Young not to listen her. She gave Young a kiss on the lips and said that's
a kiss from a real woman. Gail pulled Young away, then told Brooks she's
watching her. "Bitch!" Brooks screamed after Gail left.
Tenay broke down the X Division Title match with graphics. Tenay said they still
have no idea what's happening with the tag titles. Their handling of this is
bush. Kevin Nash came out and West said he's the last guy you would ever
associate with the X Division. Nash gingerly walked down the ramp to join the
commentary table. Guru Sonjay Dutt then walked out in a white suit while
sprinkling flowers on the entrance ramp. Nash said he flew coach yesterday and
he wasn't even upset. West talked about doing a hookah pipe. After Sabin came
out, Nash said he's tried to screw the kid many times, but he kept putting up a
fight and he has new respect for him. This has already broke down.
2 -- CHRIS SABIN vs. JAY LETHAL (w/Sonjay Dutt and Kevin Nash)
Lethal delivered a right hand blow to Sabin to start things off while the fans
did a dueling chant. Lethal knocked Sabin to the floor, then hit a suicide dive
in the opening minute. Back in the ring, Sabin took control and sat down on
Lethal's neck across the middle rope. He then sat down on Lethal's chest with a
rear splash. Tenay then asked Nash about beating Backlund in nine seconds for
the WWE Title. Nash corrected him that it was eight seconds. The youtube video
clip has the bell sounding at 0:03 and the bell sounding at 0:12. Sabin took
Lethal up top at 7:00 and did a Rick Rude hips grind in Lethal's face before
hitting a huracanrana. He then caught Lethal with a sweet back kick and
enziguiri kick combo for a nearfall. He went for the Cradle Shock, but Lethal
escaped. Lethal went for the Lethal Combo., but Sabin blocked. Lethal then
caught him with a crescent kick and the Lethal combination. Crowd came alive as
Lethal went up top and he dropped an ugly looking top rope elbow drop, but it
was good enough for a three count to finally win the X Division Title. Nash then
entered the ring and hugged Lethal before he celebrated in the corner.
WINNER: Lethal in 9:00 to capture the X Division Title. Sabin dominated the
match to make it Even Steven with Lethal picking up the win. Exciting X Title
match for nine minutes. (**1/4)
They cut to clips of the Frank Wychek press conference and a promo from James
Storm. No mention of Ron Killings or Jerry Lynn in the match until after the
video ended.
They cut backstage where James Storm said Wychek crossed the line when he came
to the Slammiversary press conference. Storm said Wychek better kiss his wife
and kids good-bye before he gives him his last concussion of his career. Miss
Jackie then looked at Leticia and asked her how much she paid for her boobs. She
told Leticia to ask for her money back because they look lopsided.
Storm and Jackie then came to the ring, with Killings hiding in the background.
They didn't even get a camera shot of him until he reached the bottom of the
ramp. Tennessee Titans DE Kyle Vanden Bosch came out with Wychek and Lynn.
Various Titans players were ringside to cheer on Wychek.
3 -- FRANK WYCHEK & JERRY LYNN (w/Kyle Vanden Bosch) vs. JAMES STORM & RON
KILLINGS (w/Miss Jackie)
Lynn and Killings started things off and Lynn mocked Killings's dancing.
Killings landed a leaping leg whip before asking the crowd what's up. Lynn
responded with an elbow smash before Killings made a come back and tagged out to
James Storm. Wychek then took a tag and jumped up and down in the ring. Storm
looked around the crowd before dancing around the ring and grabbing a headlock.
Storm caught him with a huge shoulderblock, then asked for a Titans helmet. He
handed off to QB Killings, who threw a pass that Storm bumbled around. The crowd
booed Storm, and Lynn told Wychek to keep focused. Storm continued to talk trash
before Wychek ran him over with consecutive shoulder blocks and a dropkick.
Killings then ran in and missed with a leg whip and spilled to the outside. The
heels regrouped on the floor, then Wychek press slammed Lynn onto the heels.
Wychek gave chase on the floor, then Storm caught him with a clothesline on the
concrete. Storm then took Wychek back into the ring and gave him a running boot
to the face. Still on the outside, Killings retrieved a chair and slid it into
the ring, but the ref stole the chair. Wychek tagged out to Lynn, who battled
Storm until Killings pulled Lynn down across the apron. Back in the ring, Storm
gave Lynn the Eye of the Storm and took a beer bottle from Jackie. He spit beer
in Vanden Bosch's face, then he tried to get in the ring, but the ref held him
back. In the ring, Lynn and Killings had a mid-ring collision, then each made a
tag. Wychek scoop slammed everyone in sight before landing drop kicks. He then
slammed the heels together head-first, but he ran into a sidekick from Storm.
The fans popped for Storm, then he made a cover, but Vanden Bosch pulled Storm
out of the ring. Craziness ensued on the floor before the action returned to the
ring. Storm tried to smash Wychek with the beer bottle, but Lynn caught Storm's
arm and Killings took the bottle to the head. Wychek then hit an ugly cradle
piledriver on Storm for the win.
WINNERS: Wychek & Lynn in 10:00. Not a bad showing from Wychek, who knew how to
get the crowd riled up. The crowd was behind Storm, though, based on him being a
wrestler defending the wrestling ring. They created enough movement in and out
of the ring to keep the action from slowing down or exposing Wychek's
weaknesses. (**)
They aired a video package on the Backlund vs. Shelley feud.
Backlund went for a handshake in the opening minute and Shelley accepted
reluctantly. Shelley dipped to the outside and punched the whiteboard held by
one fan, who was writing messages throughout the show. Back in the ring, Shelley
locked in an arm bar, but Backlund countered into a lift-up slam before
executing a double-underhook suplex. Backlund followed with an atomic drop, then
Chris Sabin came to ringside to cause a distraction, but Backlund sent Shelley
headfirst into Sabin's crotch. Backlund then put Shelley in a bridge and scored
the pin for the quick win.
After the match, West stated the obvious that Shelley just lost to an old man.
Backlund went for a handshake as Sabin snuck up behind him, but Backlund snapped
on Sabin and Shelley with consecutive crossface chicken wings. Kevin Nash then
hit the ring and stared down Backlund. Jerry Lynn randomly came down, then Nash
gave him a big boot to the face. Nash shook hands with Shelley and Sabin, then
Jay Lethal hit the ring and cleared Sabin and Shelley. Meanwhile, Nash escaped
the ring and Lethal looked down at Nash, looking for some answers, but Nash
didn't show his cards.
WINNER: Backlund in 4:00. Quick match to set up the post-match action that left
everyone confused. (*1/4)
Somewhere in the building, Christopher Daniels called out for Sting. He said the
mistake isn't his, but it's Sting's. He said Sting told him to be true to
himself. Daniels said he's always been an angel sent from the heavens to do his
god's bidding, but the god he follows says take an eye for an eye and a life for
a life. Daniels said his god gave him the gifts to become a tag champion, and X
Division champion, and eventually a World champion. Daniels said his will be
done in the ring. Very uncomfortable promo, and the crowd wasn't sure how to
They aired a video package on the VKM vs. Bashams feud.
5 -- VKM (B.G. JAMES & KIP JAMES) vs. BASHAM & DAMAJA (w/Christy Hemme)
VKM didn't waste any time going right after the Bashams before the bell sounded.
They went after Christy and threw her in the ring, but she escaped when the
Bashams made the save. Basham caught B.G. with a flying leg whip to the face,
then the Bashams double-teamed B.G. in their corner. Text messaging so far:
Samoa Joe is leading the voting for who will KOTM. VKM took a hot tag at 3:00
and cleaned house. B.G. then speared Basham and Kip rolled up Damaja for the pin
and the win.
After the match, Kip chased Christy around ringside and up the entrance ramp.
Christy ran up the ramp, but Lance Hoyt grabbed her and took her up the ramp.
Kip then told Hoyt to bring her to the ring. Hoyt was all smiles as he carried
her back into the ring. Kip grabbed Christy around the throat and asked the
crowd if he should chokeslam her, then Hoyt turned on Kip with a big boot to the
face. He did the same to B.G., then Christy paraded around the ring like a
chesire cat. Hoyt then told B.G. and Kip that it's his time. Christy jumped in
Hoyt's arms, and they smooched.
WINNERS: VKM in 4:00; Hoyt after the match. Pat McNeill called it with Hoyt
turning on VKM after "just missing" making the save for VKM for weeks. This
should spice up the stale VKM vs. Christy feud. Well, maybe. (1/2*)
Backstage, Jim Cornette told Rick Steiner that he's sorry Scott got hurt in
Puerto Rico, but Rick can't fight Team 3D by himself. Rick said he got himself a
partner, then he whispered it in Cornette's ear. "He's here?" Cornette asked.
Rick laughed hysterically, then Cornette said Rick has a match. Leticia wanted
to know who the partner is, but Cornette wouldn't tell.
Back live in the building, LAX pulled Hector Guerrero away from the Spanish
announce table and beat the crap out of him. Security eventually intervened as
Konnan tried to choke out Hector.
6 -- ERIC YOUNG vs. ROBERT ROODE (w/Ms. Brooks) -- Freedom match
Roode slapped Young across the face to start things off, so Young slapped
himself across the face. Young then dumped Roode to the outside before going up
top, but Brooks stood in between Young and Roode. Brooks thought she had
convinced Young not to jump, but Young flew over Brooks onto Roode with a
crossbody splash. Back in the ring, Roode took control with boots to the back of
the head. Brooks then slapped Young with his contract while Roode distracted the
ref. Roode sat down on a reverse chinlock, but Young slowly built up to his feet
for an electric chair drop. Young then landed a back body drop and a
clothesline. He went upside down in the corner, then dropped to the apron and
danced with Brooks before pantsing her. He then ran back into the ring and hit a
suicide dive on Roode on the floor. Back in the ring, Young hit a top rope elbow
drop, but it was good for a nearfall only. Roode then came back with a
jawbreaker and left-arm lariat. He lowered the kneepads and went for an exposed
knee blow, but Young blocked. Roode entered the ring, then Young put Brooks on
his shoulders in fireman's carry position. He then caught Roode in the corner
and put Roode on top of Brooks for a huge double Death Valley Driver. Sick sick
sick spot. Crowd popped huge. He made a cover, which we didn't see on camera,
and it was good for a nearfall only. Roode slipped to the outside and Young
tried to grab him, but Roode smacked him in the face with a chair. He then
covered Young for the win.
After the match, Roode tried to fire Eric Young, but Cornette interrupted and
said Roode needs to open his ears and shut his mouth. He said he needs to settle
things fair and square. Cornette said what he just saw wasn't fair and it wasn't
square. He said the match is not over. Brooks said Cornette can't do that, but
Cornette said he could and told referee Rudy Charles to re-start the match.
The match re-started and Roode smashed Young with right hand blows. Gail Kim
then ran to ringside and smashed Ms. Brooks from behind. Gail and Brooks fought
up the ramp, then back in the ring, Roode slowly tried to pick up Young, but he
was lifeless. As everyone with a pair of eyes could see coming, Young surprised
Roode with a roll up for the pin and the win.
WINNER: Roode in 8:00, then Young in 11:00 to earn his freedom. Solid match with
a memorable double DVD spot from Young. We could use some closure on this feud,
but I doubt that will be the close.
Backstage, Borash interviewed Team 3D about facing Rick Steiner and an
undisclosed partner. Ray started off by saying the legendary battle isn't going
to happen tonight since Scott Steiner has a throat problem. He said Scott has a
throat problem because he's been talking too much and he punked out on the
business, the fans, and his partner. Ray said it pains him to bury the Steiners,
but when they spit on their faces four weeks, they lost respect for them. He
said the bottom line is that they hope Rick found someone good and they hope
Scott gets better soon so they can beat the crap out of them like they said they
would. One of Ray's better promos in a while.
Team 3D came out for the tag title match. Rick Steiner then came out alone. Some
generic rock music hit, then Road Warrior Animal hit the ring. Wow, a guy who
couldn't get over on Smackdown and got released by his own brother in WWE.
ANIMAL -- TNA Tag Title match
Team 3D was fired up seeing Animal come out as Rick's partner. Rick and Devon
started things off, and Devon knocked around Rick's flab before Rick came back
with a lift-up slam. Rick asked Animal if he was ready for a tag, but Animal
didn't show any desire to take a tag. Ray then took a tag and Animal tagged in.
Ray dropped Animal with a piledriver, but Ray got a dose of his own medicine
when Animal no-sold and came to his feet fired up. The fans chanted "L-O-D"
before Ray took Animal to the 3D corner. Rick took a tag, then 3D double-teamed
Rick. Animal took a hot tag at 6:00 and cleaned house. He landed a double
clothesline, then Rick tagged in and they landed a double clothesline on 3D.
Animal then tried to set up the Doomsday Device, but 3D caught him with a
reverse neckbreaker. Rick then landed a double clothesline on 3D, but they
quickly recovered and hit the 3D on Rick for the win.
WINNERS: Team 3D in 7:00. Typical 3D match with very little long-term selling
and power offense. Fans were receptive to Animal, which is encouraging if he's
brought in for more than one date. (*1/2)
They aired a video package on the Sting vs. Daniels feud. Daniels came to the
ring first, then Sting repelled from the rafters into the ring. Can't help but
think about Owen Hart.
Sting went for the Scorpion Deathlock in the opening minute, but Daniels reached
the bottom rope to break the hold. They fought to the outside and Daniels took
control. He slapped Sting across the face then stood on Sting's chest while
Sting was flat on his back. Daniels slapped on an abdominal stretch, the referee
Hebner asked for a break, but Daniels became indignant. He chest bumped Hebner,
but then looked to the ceiling and agreed to chill out. He continued to work on
Sting in the corner and hit a springboard BME. He followed with a Stinger
splash, but Sting made his Superman comeback when Daniels showboated. Sting
fired up with right hand blows, then ran over Daniels with clotheslines and a
face toss. Daniels came back with a leg whip out of the corner to block the
Stinger splash. Sting blocked Angel's Wings, then went for a Stinger Splash, but
Daniels got both knees up to block the hold. Daniels went for Last Rites, but
Sting countered into the Scorpion deathdrop and the pin for the win.
WINNER: Sting in 7:00. Another short and sweet singles match. Crowd was hot for
Sting. Amazing that there wasn't some sort of outside interference or
bag-of-tricks here. Not sure why Sting gets the clean win unless this is the end
of the program. If they're continuing the feud, Daniels will probably attack
Sting on TV, but it doesn't bode well for Daniels to lose clean in his first
match against Sting. (*3/4)
They aired a video package on Abyss's feud against Christian's group. Leticia
then interviewed Christian, A.J. Styles, and Tomko backstage. Christian took
exception to being called former World champion, then he said he would be new
champion tonight. Styles said he's in the match as well, then Christian talked
quietly to him about sacrificing himself to let Christian become champion. They
shared a hug as Christian shed a few tears. Styles was still confused.
9 -- ABYSS vs. TOMKO -- No DQ match
West made the assumption that Abyss laid out Tomko on TV last Thursday. They
fought to the outside in the opening minute and Abyss slammed Tomko into the
guardrail. Tenay said this is a No DQ match. Back in the ring, Abyss placed
Tomko on the seat of his pants in the corner. He then went for a charging rear
splash and nailed the bottom turnbuckle, with the reverberations knocking Tomko
in the head. Abyss then slid to the outside and went under the ring for a bag of
tacks. He laid out the tacks in center ring, then Tomko blocked a slam and
casually threw Abyss back-first into the tacks. What a surprise! Tomko made a
cover for a nearfall. Abyss suddenly came back with a Black Hole Slam, with the
tacks apparently having no affect on him. He made a cover for a nearfall. The
video game match continued with Abyss going back under the ring and retrieving
another bag. This time, he dumped shards of glass in center ring. Tomko then
clotheslined Abyss into the glass, but it got no pop since there was no build
up. Tomko then picked up a big piece of glass and jabbed it into Abyss's
forehead. Tomko picked up Abyss and gave him a knee drop to the back of the
neck, sending Abyss face-first into the shards of glass. Abyss slowly left the
ring, then Tomko followed out and picked up a barbed wire baseball bat. He
slammed it into Abyss's gut, then across the back. They walked up the entrance
ramp, then Abyss started climbing the entrance set. Tomko followed up and met
him at the top of the lighting stage, but Abyss grabbed him by the arm and flung
him off the stage through the padded table below. That looked fun with the bean
bag landing! Abyss then fell off the stage and crashed on the padding below.
After a few minutes, both men crawled away from the giant bean bag. Tomko rolled
on top of the entrance stage, then Abyss gave chase. They comically rolled down
the ramp on hands and knees before Tomko slid into the ring. Abyss eventually
slid into the ring and Tomko met him with right hands before Abyss caught him
with the Black Hole Slam into the broken glass. Abyss waited for Tomko to sell
the effect, then he made the cover for the win.
WINNER: Abyss in 14:00. They saved all the tricks, stunts, and bag-of-tricks for
this match so it could stand out on its own. A bit comical at the end with the
super padded bump, but they got over the brutality of the match by making it
unique. (***)
Backstage, Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe had a face-to-face staredown. Angle said
they need to agree to hurt and bloody each other. He said they need to do what
they gotta do. Joe pulled Angle in tight and said he would break him. Angle said
it's real, damn real.
Back live, Mike Tenay was center ring. He directed our attention to the big
screen for an important interview with Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett, from his living
room, said the last five years have been the most trying of his life. He said
TNA is on the cusp of greatness. Jarrett took us back through the history of TNA,
including his trip to Japan to take out Hulk Hogan. He mentioned Jill and
started to choke up. Jarrett said she believed, to a fault, in him and the
company. They cut to pictures of Jill smiling. He talked about Jill being
diagnosed with breast cancer and showing deep love to a number of people over
the years. Jarrett brought it back to TNA and said he doesn't know when or if
he'll come back. He said being inside a wrestling ring is the worst place for
him right now. He looked into the camera and thanked the fans for their support.
He said, "Thank you on behalf of Jill. Thank you." They aired a memoriam for
Jill, then came back live where the fans applauded and some fans were shown
crying. A chant of "Thank you, Jeff" broke out in the arena.
Back in the ring, Jim Cornette stood with Tenay and referee Rudy Charles, who
held the TNA Title. Cornette said there were only two choices for who should be
the fifth man in the KOTM match. He said both men were very deserving and he
went to Jarrett, insisted that he give the opportunity to the second man. He
then introduced Chris Harris as the fifth man, which explains the opening match.
A.J. Styles came out second, followed by Samoa Joe to a big reaction. Christian
Cage came out fourth, then Kurt Angle rounded out the field. With all five men
in the ring, they aired a graphic with all of the rules in size 2 font. You had
to squint to read that. Borash then handled the formal intros for all five
wrestlers. Mix of cheers and boos for Harris. Boos for Styles. Rudy Charles
stood in Joe's camera shot. Minimal reaction for Joe, but a great sign over his
shoulder: "Joe killed Vince McMahon". Boos for Christian. Strongest reaction for
ANGLE -- King of the Mountain match -- TNA World Hvt. Title match
The bell sounded and the action broke down. 30 percent of the text votes for
Samoa Joe as the winner, with the mystery person going from 10 to 5 percent over
the course of the show. Styles and Christian argued about scoring pins, then
Styles caught Harris with a leaping kick to the head. Styles set up for a
springboard splash on the apron, but Joe stood casually on the outside and flung
him to the floor. He then tossed him into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Joe
landed a kick and slap combo on Christian before dropping a knee to the face.
Harris then threw Joe out of the ring onto Angle on the floor. Harris stalked
Christian in the ring, but caught Styles with the Catatonic, giving him first
eligibility to hang the title on the hook above the ring at 4:00. Styles then
went to the penalty box for two minutes. In the ring, Joe worked on Angle and
went for the boot following the face wash, but Angle caught his ankle and
transitioned into a trio of German Suplexes. Christian entered the ring and
Angle put him in the anklelock while Joe put Christian in the rear naked choke.
With only ref for this, Rudy Charles had to unlock Styles since his time was up.
In the storyline, poor planning by Cornette for only one ref. Styles, fresh,
caught Harris with a springboard reverse DDT at 7:00. Styles then caught Joe
with a Pele soccer kick and a springboard forearm blow. He then caught Angle
with the Styles Clash, but Angle countered into an Anklelock. Harris re-entered
the ring and flung Styles over the top rope on top of Christian on the floor.
Harris then retrieved the title belt and started to climb a ladder with the
belt, but Angle caught him with the Olympic Slam for a pin to earn eligibility.
Harris then went into the penalty box.
At 10:00, Joe fired up on Angle, then Christian. He dropped Christian with a
front slam, then Styles took a Celtic Cross in center ring. Joe then picked up
Styles and gave him the Muscle buster, but Angle broke up the pin. Angle then
went for a clothesline on Joe, but the ref took a blow. Joe placed Angle in the
rear naked choke and Angle tapped out, but the ref was out cold. That allowed
Christian to smash Joe in the face with a ladder. Christian then covered Angle
and brought the ref over to make the three count. Harris left the penalty box,
while Angle entered the box. Christian tried to climb the ladder, but Joe fought
him off and hit an Ace Crusher from the top of the ladder to center ring. After
a brief interlude, Harris started to climb the ladder with the belt, he fought
off Joe and Christian, but didn't see Styles coming with a springboard dropkick
to the ladder, knocking him to the mat. Styles then climbed on top of the
penalty box. Joe met him on top of the box, then they teased a suplex. Joe put
him in a choke, but Styles landed a mule kick. Joe recovered and tossed Styles
off the penalty box through the announce table a few feet away. Harris knocked
Joe off the box, then Harris and Christian fought on the box. Harris suplexed
Christian into the ring, then he flew off the box with a left-arm clothesline on
Angle in the ring. Harris KO'ed everyone in sight with the ladder, then he
started climbing with the title belt in hand. He took too long, allowing
Christian to knock him off the ladder before creaming him in the corner with the
ladder itself. Christian then grabbed the belt and staggered around the ring
before climbing up the ladder. He was close to hanging it on the hook, but Angle
came to life and put him in the anklelock on the ladder. Christian and Angle
then had a fight on the ladder and Angle wrestled the belt from Christian.
Harris then speared Christian off the ladder. The crowd recognized the situation
and Angle reached up to place the belt on the hook to win the match and become
TNA champion.
After the match, Joe was upset and stared down Angle. He then extended a hand to
Angle, who looked around the arena before kicking him in the gut and hitting the
Olympic Slam. And that's how they present Joe to close the show. Angle then
celebrated with the belt high in the air as they closed the show.
WINNER: Angle in 20:00 to become TNA Hvt. champion. Exciting match, and the
crowd was red-hot throughout. A bit silly with the rules, penalty box, and only
one ref for the match, though. Aside from that, fans got their satisfying finish
with Angle as champion after a well-fought, dramatic match. We sure don't need
another Angle vs. Joe feud, but TV should be interesting with Angle as champion.
The Victory Road PPV preview for July hinted at some sort of NASCAR involvement.
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Slammiversary 2008 ↓ |