Sturgis Rally & Races
Sturgis, South Dakota
August 9, 1998


Vicious & Delicious (Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton) vs. Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)

Miss Jacqueline come out and then attacks Scott Norton. Harlem Heat applies the Harlem Sidekick and Jacqueline holds down the foot to let Harlem Heat get the win.



Konnan vs. Rey Mysterio, Jr.
Mexican Death Match

Rey entered the match with a bad knee. During the match, Konnan almost unmasks Rey. Konnan applies a Cradle DDT and a Tequila Sunrise to get the win.



Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael vs. Jeff Jarrett & Dean Malenko with Queen Debra
Tag Team Elimination Match

When McMichael fell on top of Jarrett, Jeff held Steve down to get himself pinned. McMichael then pinned Malenko after a spike tombstone.



Chris Jericho vs. Alex Wright (WCW Cruiserweight Champion)

Wright held Jericho's tights after a double roll up to get the win to remain champion.



Syxx vs. Ric Flair

After Flair stopped a Bronco Buster with his foot, he pinned Syxx with his feet on the top rope.



Diamond Dallas Page vs. Curt Hennig

The referee is knocked out, so the two use a turnbuckle without a pad. Meanwhile, Ric Flair comes out, but Page Diamond Cutters him. Somehow Hennig manages to apply the Hennigplex to get the win.



Macho Man with Elizabeth vs. The Giant

The Giant won with a chokeslam



The Outsiders (WCW Tag Champs) vs. The Steiner Brothers with Ted DiBiase

Nash pulled out the referee as he was counting a pin for the Steiners. He was disqualified but the Outsiders remained tag champs.



Hollywood Hogan vs. Lex Luger (WCW Champion)

The nWo comes in, but Luger attacks them all. Sting comes out and hits Luger with a baseball bat and Hogan gets the leg drop and the pin to become new WCW Heavyweight Champion. In the back the nWo celebrates as Dennis Rodman spray paints the belt with nWo.

Hog Wild 1996

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