Pacific Coliseum
Vancouver, British Columbia
August 13, 2000
3 Count
with Tank Abbot vs. The Jung Dragons
Double Ladder Match for 3 Count's Gold Record and Recording
Lots of high risk maneuvers from the top of the ladders from 3
Count. Jamie San manages to get the gold record, but falls off
the ladder, allowing Tank to grab the record. Evan goes up and
grabs the recording contract. 3 Count wins, but Tank gets both
items and leaves without them.
The Great Muta vs. The Cat
Tygress comes out. The Great Muta spits green mist into
the eyes of the Cat. Then, Tygress hits Muta with a chair from
the top rope, allowing the Cat to get a Feliner and the win.
Kanyon vs. Buff
Judy on a Pole Match
Kanyon cuts off the turnbuckle pad, but gets his head knocked
into it later on. Kanyon gets a Kanyon Cutter on Bagwell, but
then Diamond Dallas Page's music comes on and . . .David Arquette
comes out! Kanyon and David try to double team, but Buff applies
a double Blockbuster on both men! Buff Bagwell gets the win and
gets to keep his mother. After the match, an angry Kanyon Kanyon
Cutters Arquette.
Corp Cajun &
Capt Rection vs. Mark Jindrak & Sean O'Haire vs. Perfect Event
vs. Kronic (WCW
Tag Champs)
Referee: Disco Inferno, with other members of the Filthy
Animals as Outside Enforcers
Disco makes very slow counts throughout the match for each
team. As wrestlers fall out of the ring, they are attacked by the
enforcers. Tygress interferes with a Bronco Buster on Capt
Rection. Rey tries the same but is stopped with a boot to the
crotch! Later, Kronic goes for High Time, but the Dark Carnival
comes out and attacks Kronic. Then Brian Clark goes for a
Meltdown on Polumbo. Lt Loco comes out, attacks referee Disco and
makes the count for Kronic--they remain champions.
Shane Douglas
with Torrie Wilson vs. Billy Kidman
Strap Match
Kidman does a second rope Hurricanrana on Douglas. With Torrie on
the apron, she accidentally hits Shane with her shoe. Shane later
does the Pittsburgh Plunge on Kidman, but only gets a two. Kidman
then does the Kid Krusher and gets the win. Kidman whips Torrie
with the strap, but Shane ends up hanging Kidman with it in the
corner. Big Vito comes out to make the save, but Reno comes out
and attacks him. The two fight for a short time before they leave.
Major Gunns vs. Miss Hancock
ROTC Mud Match
The match starts off in the ring. Surprisingly, both women attempt
many pinning maneuvers. Miss Hancock takes off Major Gunn's shirt.
Major Gunns then rips off Miss Hancock's skirt. Major Gunn's
shorts are the next item to go. Miss Hancock gets her top pulled
off next. Miss Hancock looks as if she has stomach pains. They
end up in the mud - Major Gunns first. Miss Hancock has more
stomach pains, allowing Major Gunns to get the pin in the mud.
David Flair comes out to look at Miss Hancock and a stretcher
comes out to take Miss Hancock away. The commentators say that
this injury wasn't planned.
The Demon vs. Sting
Sting enters the arena by repelling from the ceiling. Sting wins
with a Scorpion Death Drop in about two minutes. Vampiro and Muta
come out and attack Sting; Kronic come out to make the save and
ask Vampiro and Muta for a match later tonight for the titles.
Mike Awesome vs. Lance Storm (WCW Canadian, Hardcore, &
Cruiserweight Champion)
Outside Referee: Jacques Rougeau
A table is set up, but not used right away. Mike Awesome goes for
a top rope move, but he slips off. Awesome goes for a pin and
gets a three count. Awesome wins, but Rougeau talks to David
Penzer: Canadian rules say you must have a five count to win.
Lance Storm taps out to a Dragon Sleeper, Awesome wins. Rougeau
makes the match continue, saying you can only win by pinfall.
Mike Awesome does a Frogsplash and pins Storm. Once again,
Rougeau goes to the Canadian rule book: after a pin, a ten count
is applied, if the wrestler doesn't get up, he looses: Lance
makes it up. Both men fall from the top rope onto the table and
are knocked out. Rougeau says whoever gets up before the ten
count first wins. Rougeau counts for Awesome and the referee
counts for Storm. Awesome tries to get up, but Rougeau knocked
him down, allowing Lance Storm to get up first and retain the US
Canadian Championship. Bret Hart comes out to congratulate him.
Vampiro & The
Great Muta vs. Kronic (WCW Tag Team
Brian Clark gets a Meltdown on Vampiro, but Muta sprays the green
mist in referee Mickey Jay's face. Kronic goes for a High Time,
but it is halted by the Harris Boys! They do an H Bomb on Clark.
Muta Moonsaults him and gets the win to become new tag team
Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner
vs. Goldberg
Number One Contender for the WCW Heavyweight Championship Three
Way Match
Goldberg doesn't come out during his introduction. He finally
comes out bandaged (yesterday he was in a motorcycle accident in
Sturgis, South Dakota). Nash goes for a Jackknife Powerbomb, but
Goldberg walks out of the ring before it is executed. Vince Russo
comes out to try to stop Goldberg from leaving. The two argue and
Goldberg swears at Russo, and then leaves the arena. Later on,
Midajah comes out and interferes for Scott by knocking out the
referee. A few low blows later, Nash applies a DDT and a
Jackknife Powerbomb on Steiner to get the win.
Jeff Jarrett vs. Booker T (WCW Heavyweight Champion)
Jarrett focuses his attacks on Booker's already injured knee.
Jeff applies a Boston Crab on Booker, but he makes it to the
ropes. The referee gets knocked out and Jarrett hits Booker with
the guitar as Booker tries to do a Harlem Sidekick, the guitar
gets him in the knee. Jeff applies a Figure Four Leg Lock on
Booker. Jeff hits the referee with the title, knocking him out.
They grab a table and Booker does a Book End through the table!
Jeff hits the referee with a chair. He then applies a Stroke on
Booker on a chair. After another referee comes out, Booker does
another Book End and gets the win in this grueling match to
remain champion.