Ocean Center
Daytona Beach,
July 13, 1997
Attendance: 7,851
Wrath and Mortis with James Vandenburg vs. Glacier and Ernest Miller
Vandenburg put a chain on Mortis' foot and Mortis pinned Glacier
Ultimo Dragon vs. Chris Jericho (WCW Cruiserweight Champion)
Chris Jericho won and retained his championship
The Great Muta and Masahiro Chono (nWo) vs. The Steiner Brothers
Rick pinned Muta for the win
Juventud Guerrera, Hector Garza, and Lizmark Jr. vs. La Parka, Psychosis, and Villano IV with Sonny Onoo
While all the men were outside, Villano V switched places with Villano IV. However, Garza still managed to pin the extra man
Kevin Sullivan
with Jimmy Hart and Jacquelyn vs. Chris Benoit
Career Ending Match
Jackie hit Kevin with a chair and Chris won. Kevin Sullivan's career in the WCW is over
Steve McMichael with Queen Deborah (IV Horseman) vs. Jeff Jarrett (WCW US Champion)
Deborah gave Jarrett a briefcase to use, he won the match
Randy Savage and Scott Hall (1/2 of Tag Team Champions) with Elizabeth vs. Diamond Dallas Page and Mystery Partner
Page chose Curt Hennig as his partner. Hennig left the match and DDP was Outsider Edged and elbow dropped to lose this match
Roddy Piper vs. Ric Flair
Referee: Chris Benoit
Piper used Flair's brass knuckles. Steve McMichael came down and attacked Piper. Piper won the match with a sleeper hold.
Giant and Lex Luger vs. Hollywood Hogan and Dennis Rodman with Macho Man
Sting came out and Rodman knocked out the referee. Sting hit the Giant with a bat. Lex Luger managed to Rack Hogan with a new ref present to win.