Baltimore Arena
Baltimore, Maryland
June 14, 1998
Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Roddy Piper
Roddy Piper won when Macho Man knocked out ref, and Piper did a figure four and a new ref got the submission
Bret Hart &
Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs. Macho Man Randy Savage &
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Icon Tag Match
Bret Hart won with the Sharpshooter on Macho Man
Konan vs. Bill Goldberg (WCW US Champion)
Bill Goldberg won for his 100th undefeated win. Curt Hennig and Rick Rude attacked Konan for losing, then the two joined nWo Hollywood
Sting vs.
the Giant
The Winner Gets to Choose A New Tag Team Partner for
the WCW Tag Team Championship
Sting won after three Scorpion Death Drops
Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero
Chavo Guerrero, Jr. won when Chavo used a spring board
Dean Malenko vs.
Chris Jericho
Cruiserweight Title Match (Title Vacant)
Chris Jericho won by disqualification, as the two fought all the way outside and across the street. But is Chris the champion?
Reese vs. Juventud Guerrera
Juventud Guerrera won with Van Hammer's help with a chair
Saturn vs. Kanyon
Saturn lost as two fake Mortises came into the ring. One was Raven, who attacked Saturn as the rest of the Flock joined in
Booker T vs.
Chris Benoit
Final of Best of Seven
Booker T got the win with a Missile Drop Kick
Fit Finlay (WCW TV Champion) vs. Winner of the Final of Best of Seven Match
Fit Finlay wrestled Booker T. Booker won with a Piledriver to become the TV Champion