Baltimore Arena
Baltimore, Maryland
June 13,
Nasty Brian
Knobbs with Jimmy Hart vs. Hak with
Kendo Stick Hardcore Match
Jimmy Hart is knocked out by Hak. He then uses the Kendo Stick to hit Brian and get the win. Hugh Morris comes out. He uses the No Laughing Matter onto Hak on a ladder
Mikey Whipwreck vs. Van Hammer
Van Hammer managed to pin Mikey after a Cobra Clutch Slam.
Disco Inferno vs. Buff Bagwell
Disco reversed the Buff Blockbuster. Disco did the Last Dance on the outside of the ring. Buff gets the Blockbuster on Disco for the win.
DJ Ran is out on the mic. He introduces Master P and No Limit Soldiers.
Curt Hennig
and Bobby Duncum, Jr. vs. Konnan
and Rey Mysterio, Jr.
Country vs. Rap
Barry Windham attacked Konnan. One of Master P's bodyguard's attacked Duncum, Jr. Rey Mysterio managed a pin over Duncum. All of Master P and the No Limit Soldiers came into the ring. They hogtied Rey Mysterio, Jr.
The Cat with Sonny Onoo vs. Scott Norton
The nWo comes out with out Scott. The Cat says he wants to fight Norton, but Horace Hogan goes in. Sonny Onoo puts something on The Cat's shoe. He does a Side Kick and knocks out Horace. He wins his match with a pin.
Ric Flair
with Asya and Arn Anderson vs. Roddy Piper
Winner is President of World Championship Wrestling
Roddy Piper was hit with an illegal object by Arn Anderson. Flair does a Figure Four. Buff Bagwell comes out to help Piper by attacking Flair. The bell is rung. Piper hit Bagwell. He fights back. Arn get Buff. Piper attacks Bagwell some more with Ric and Arn's help. Ric Flair won by disqualification. He is still the president.
Sting vs. Rick Steiner (WCW TV Champion)
Non-Title Grudge Match--No Disqualification--Falls Count
Stinger Splash twice in a row on Rick. A Scorpion Death Lock on Rick. Gets to the ropes to break it. They fight to the internet location. Tank Abbott is backstage with Scott Steiner. They both attack. Scott lets two Dobermans and a rotweiler loose on Sting. Security comes out. The Stieners get on the microphone and they claim that Rick won the match.
Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon with Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Chris Benoit and Saturn (WCW Tag Team Champions)
Dean Malenko comes out to the match. Benoit does a Crippler Cross Face. A Diamond Cutter/ Greeting From Asbury Park while the referee was looking away. The referee gets back in the rings as Kanyon was put on top of Benoit. Kanyon gets the three count to become the new champions.
Macho Man with Ms. Madness '99, Gorgeous George, and Madusa vs. Kevin Nash (WCW Heavyweight Champion)
Randy Savage hits Nash with the big elbowdrop but Nash was able to kick out of it. Nash gets Savage with the Jackknife but the ladies come and kick Nash in the ribs. The ladies continue to attack. Some one comes into the ring and it was Sid Vicious. Sid Powerbombs a fallen Nash. Nash wins by disqualification and remains WCW Heavyweight Champion!