Baltimore Arena
Baltimore, Maryland
Sunday, June 11, 2000


Lt. Loco Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (WCW Cruiserweight Champion) with the Misfits in Action vs. Disco Inferno with the Filthy Animals

The match acts like a lumberjack match: when someone falls out of the ring, the opposing faction attacks him. The Grandfather of Hugh G Rection comes out and is knocked out. Juventud Guerrera attacks Lt. Loco. The MIA and Filthy Animals attack each other and the participants. Corp. Cajun Lash LeRoux puts Guerrero, Jr.'s arm on top of Disco Inferno. He gets the pin for the win to retain the champions.



The Mamalukes vs. Kronic
Number One Contenders Match

Johnny the Bull misses a top rope move. Vito left ringside with his WCW Hardcore Championship to sit at the commentators' table. Kronic does High Time and Brian Clark pinned Johnny the Bull for the win.



Mike Awesome vs. Diamond Dallas Page
Ambulance Match

Page wheels out Kanyon to the entrance way! Early on in the match the referee gets knocked out. They fight each other using chairs. Mike Awesome Awesome Bombs DDP through a table. He does two Frog Splashes on DDP, but misses a third one. Kimberly comes out and hits DDP with a lead pipe. Ms Hancock comes out and drags Kimberly back by her hair. DDP gets a second rope Diamond Cutter. Eric Bischoff comes out to attack Kanyon, but he misses, but Kanyon gets up from the wheelchair and Diamond Cutters DDP off the entrance stage onto the floor! Mike Awesome puts DDP in the ambulance and gets the win.



G I Bro vs. Perfect-Shawn Stasiak

G I Bro zip lines to the ring. Shawn is dressed in the same clothing as G I Bro. Shawn applies a Suplex on the steel entrance ramp. G I Bro does a Rock Bottom and a Missile Dropkick. Chuck Polumbo comes out and attacks G I Bro with the Lex Flexor. G I Bro Axe Kicked Polumbo, but both men continue to attack. G I Bro manages to use the Lex Flexor on Shawn and he gets the win.



Shane Douglas vs. The Wall
Three Out of Five Tables Match

The Wall Chokeslammed Douglas through one table at ringside, he is 1-0. He later Sidewalk Slammed Douglas through another table, 2-0. The fight to the entranceway to a tall ladder that is set up next to three tables set up on each other. Both men climb the ladder, and the Wall falls through the three tables! Shane Douglas wins. Afterwards, the Wall Chokeslams referee Slick Johnson through a table.



Tank Abbot vs. Scott Steiner
Asylum Match

Before the match begins, it became a two on one match, Abbot and Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner. Abbot hit Rick Steiner with a chain, while he was protecting his brother. Scott uses the chain on Abbot and then applies a Steiner Recliner for the win.



Kidman vs. Hollywood Hogan
If Hogan wins he gets a title shot at Bash at the beach, if he loses he retires. Referee: Horace Hogan

Hogan uses his belt on Kidman. Kidman dropkicks a chair into Hogan's face. Hogan hiptosses Kidman onto the announcers' table. Torrie comes out, but is accidentally knocked off of the apron. Kidman uses brass knuckles , but only gets a two count. Kidman knocks out the referee. Torrie gets up and low blows Kidman. Hogan then uses the brass knuckles on Hogan and gets the win.



David Flair with Vince Russo vs. Ric Flair
If Ric Flair loses, he will retire

The entire Flair family is at ringside for the match. Vince hits Ric with his bat and handcuffs him. Reid comes over and low blows Vince. The referee unlocks Ric and Ashley handcuffs Vince. Ric does a Figure Four Leg Lock on David. David taps out giving Ric the win. The Flairs (except for David) celebrate in the ring.



Vampiro vs. Sting
Human Torch Match

Early on in the match, Sting is doused with the gasoline. They fight to the entranceway and the big screen. They climb up, but halfway Sting falls off! They get back up to the top of the screen where the torch is. The lights flash off and on and after a while of fighting and almost falling off the top, Vampiro lights Sting on fire! Sting then falls off the top of the screen to the entrance staging--about 40 feet!



Kevin Nash vs. Jeff Jarrett (WCW Heavyweight Champion)

The Cat comes out to announce a guest bell ringer: Konnan, guest timekeeper: Rey Mysterio, Jr., guest belt keeper Disco Inferno, guest ring announcer Juventud Guerrera and guest second referee/enforcer: The Cat. The match ends up in the crowd. The Filthy Animals attack Nash. Konnan hits Nash with the bell. Nash then used the belt on Jarrett. The referee is knocked out. Jarrett does a Stroke and gets a two count from the cat. Nash does a Chokeslam but only gets two from the Cat--something got in his eye before he count to three. Nash then does a Powerbomb to the Cat! Rick Steiner comes out to attack, as does Tank Abbot, but Scott Steiner stops them. The Goldberg monster truck enters the arena as does Goldberg. He get to the ring and Spears. . .Kevin Nash! Jarrett then pinned Nash to retain the title! Russo and Bischoff exit from the monster truck! The two and Goldberg hug each other!

Great American Bash 1999

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