American Airlines Center
Dallas, Texas
October 3, 2010
results thanks to: wrestleview.com
video package runs focusing on
the "Hell in a Cell" structure and the matches we will see inside tonight
featuring Kane vs. The Undertaker and Randy Orton vs. Sheamus.
A graphic opening hits welcoming us to WWE Hell in a Cell. We go live to the
American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas where a huge display of pyro goes off.
Michael Cole is the first to welcome us to the show.
John Morrison is out first to kick off the show. Daniel Bryan was out second.
The Miz arrived third and last. Miz got on the mic saying he was the mentor of
both Bryan and Morrison, adding they would be no where without him and none of
these fans would know who they were if it wasn't for him. He added that he never
tapped out.
WWE United States Championship - Submissions Count Anywhere Triple Threat
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. The Miz vs. John Morrison
The Miz goes after Morrison first and both Bryan and Morrison take him down. Miz
bails out quickly to regroup. Morrison and Bryan chase after Miz and finally get
him back in the ring. Morrison with a quick snapmare takedown on Bryan. Miz
counters more takedown attempts by Morrison into some of his own. Bryan goes for
a submission early working on the knee and ankle of Morrison. Morrison rolls
outs and hits the mat, but Miz keeps the submission locked on. Miz breaks it up
sending Bryan into the padded guard railing. Some odd commentary from Matt
Striker who insulted Michael Cole and then decided to get his thoughts almost
immediately afterwards on the match at hand. Bryan breaks up a tarantula
submission by Miz on Morrison. Bryan then locks on a submission that Striker
refers to as Cattle Mutilation. Bryan attempts a heel hook on Miz. Miz and Bryan
exchange boots to the face while rolling around on the mat. Morrison
springboards in hitting a corkscrew moonsault. Morrison locks on a reverse ankle
lock, but Miz breaks it up. Morrison dropkicks Miz out of the ring and
springboards himself over with a big splash. Miz elevates Morrison over the
padded guard railing into the crowd.
Morrison with some big right hands to Miz as they continue to brawl into the
crowd. Miz locks on a modified Dragon Sleeper on Morrison using the steel guard
railings on the arena steps. Bryan is now near them and Miz sends Bryan face
first into a garbage can. Bryan then takes Miz down attempting an armbar. Miz
breaks out and knees Bryan in the head. Morrison comes forward and Miz drops him
face first off part of the arena box area. Miz then sends Bryan crashing through
a table setup near the stage. Morrison springboards off part of the arena and
kicks Bryan in the face. Miz grabs a stage hand equipment box and pushes it into
Morrison. Miz then picks up Bryan and throws him on top. Miz tosses the
equipment box into the steel entrance ramp and Bryan flips onto the ramp landing
on the steel. Morrison floats over the box and kicks Miz in the face. Action is
all over the place. Miz with a Skull Crushing Finale on Morrison on the floor of
the arena. Bryan and Miz double clothesline each other at the top of the
entrance stage. Morrison is back up and starts climbing the lighting structure
and then on to part of the set that is a section of the Hell in a Cell steel
Morrison jumps off the top and takes out both Miz and Bryan. Morrison gets a
Texas Cloverleaf submission locked on Miz. Alex Riley runs out and breaks it up
flipping Morrison forward on the steel stage. Bryan tosses Riley away right into
a camera man. Bryan gets Miz down on the entrance ramp and gets the LeBell Lock
applied. Miz taps out.
Winner & still WWE United States Champion: Daniel Bryan
After the match, Michael Cole says Daniel Bryan is the real deal and adds, "But
I still think he is a nerd."
A video package airs hyping Randy Orton vs. Sheamus for the WWE Championship
inside a Hell in a Cell.
WWE Championship - Hell in a Cell
Randy Orton (c) vs. Sheamus
Michael Cole noted that this was the 20th Hell in a Cell match in WWE history.
Justin Roberts did introductions for the challenger Sheamus and the champion
Randy Orton.
Lots of big right hand exchanges between Orton and Sheamus early on. Orton with
a quick kick to the chest of Sheamus. Sheamus fights back pushing Orton into the
corner. Orton with a quick clothesline that sends Sheamus over the top rope into
the side of the cage on the outside. Back in the ring, Orton trips up Sheamus
and hits a few big stomps. Orton with a big knee to the head. Sheamus with a
springboard shoulder block on Orton with force. Sheamus sends Orton back first
into the side of the cage and follows it up with a big clothesline on the floor.
Sheamus tosses the top part of the steel steps at Orton, but Orton moves and the
steps hit the steel ring post instead. Orton quickly picks up Sheamus and drives
him back first into the side of the cage two times. Orton picks up the steel
steps and bounces them off the head of Sheamus. Great line from a fan in the
front row who yelled, "Are you okay fella!?" Sheamus fires back sending Orton
off the ring apron and flying into the side of the cage. Sheamus then removes a
turnbuckle pad from a corner and tries to send Orton into it. Orton counters
fighting back, but Sheamus responds with his sledgehammer to the face as Orton
came bouncing off the ropes.
Sheamus then drives the face of Orton into the side of the cage fencing. Sheamus
picks up the top part of the steel ring steps and puts them on their side.
Sheamus then gives Orton a front suplex over the steel ring steps over his ribs.
Sheamus starts dropping knees over Orton's ribs and tosses him back in the ring.
Sheamus drops down and applies a full body sleeper. Orton powers himself back
up, but Sheamus cuts him off with a big knee. Sheamus starts to squeeze the ribs
of Orton and yells at the referee to ask him. Orton with a big back suplex on
Sheamus. Sheamus connects with the exposed turnbuckle right on his shoulder and
Orton drops Sheamus with a big dropkick soon afterwards. Orton with a series of
clotheslines and a big powerslam on Sheamus. Orton with a belly-to-belly suplex
for a close two count on Sheamus. Orton with his modified backbreaker and is
ready to strike. Sheamus dodges an RKO attempt and connects with a big knee to
the gut on Orton as he came off the ropes. Sheamus grabs the bottom part of the
steel steps and brings them inside the ring. Sheamus with more big shots to the
ribs of Orton. Orton counters big time giving Sheamus a huge powerslam over the
steel ring steps.
Loud "RKO!" chant starts up in the crowd. Orton tried to DDT Sheamus through the
ropes onto the steel steps, but Sheamus broke it up quickly. Orton then jumped
over and dropped Sheamus' chin off the top rope. Orton pulls Sheamus under the
bottom rope and then drops him with a big DDT right on the floor. Sheamus fights
back pushing Orton shoulder and rib first into the steel ring post. Back in the
ring, Sheamus brings Orton on top of the steel ring steps. Sheamus with a huge
backbreaker over his knee on Orton. Sheamus then drops Orton with a big boot to
the jaw and gets a very close two count. Sheamus can't believe it. Sheamus grabs
a steel chair from under the ring and proceeds to start hitting it over the body
of Orton. Sheamus hooks the leg and Orton somehow kicks out after taking the
punishment from the steel chair. Sheamus picks up the chair again as Orton gets
to his feet. Sheamus misses a chairshot attempt. Orton with an RKO on Sheamus.
Sheamus then rolls out of the ring to avoid a pinfall. Orton rolls out and looks
to punt Sheamus in the head. Sheamus dodges a punt attempt and catches Orton
with another big boot. Sheamus rolls Orton back in the ring, hooks the leg and
Orton still kicks out.
Sheamus is frustrated and can't believe Orton kick out again. Sheamus looks to
either hit a piledriver or powerbomb over the steel steps, but Orton breaks out
and drops Sheamus on his back. Orton with an RKO on Sheamus over the steel
steps. Sheamus falls back, but Orton is able to cover him for the pinfall and
retain his title.
Winner & still WWE Champion: Randy Orton
After the match, Randy Orton holds the WWE Championship up high in the middle of
the Hell in a Cell. Orton leaves the ring and puts the WWE Championship around
his waist. He then climbs up the Hell in a Cell structure and celebrates his win
at the top of the cage.
A promo for WWE's Bragging Rights PPV promoting Raw vs. Smackdown on Sunday,
October 24 airs. The Nexus get some time at the end of the promo with the "N" in
Bragging taking on the Nexus logo.
Backstage, Josh Mathews is with the season three WWE NXT rookie Divas. Mathews
promotes that we will get our first elimination this Tuesday night on WWE.com.
The Nexus show up and all the rookie Divas walk away. Wade Barrett said there is
something in the air tonight and he can feel it. Mathews said what many feel is
in the air tonight is the end of Nexus and that no one from Nexus can interfere
in the match tonight per the Raw GM. Barrett promises he will beat John Cena
tonight and tomorrow night they will present him with a Nexus arm band.
Alberto Del Rio is on his way out to the arena. Del Rio mentions tonight is his,
"WWE Pay Ber View...deboot." We mean his WWE Pay Per View debut. Del Rio talks
about his "little chiwawa" Rey Mysterio and wonders who will be the next to face
him. He takes some shots at the Dallas Cowboys saying he is more handsome than
Tony Romo. Del Rio said he is better than everyone. Edge's music hits. Edge said
he didn't come out to defend Christian, Rey Mysterio or Texas. He said he came
out here to fight one thing: stupidity. Edge said there are parts of Del Rio
which are very stupid. He said Del Rio's scarf is stupid. Edge calls Del Rio
stupid in Spanish. Del Rio promises to hurt Edge. Edge calls Del Rio's wink
stupid along with his ring announcer. Jack Swagger's music hits and he heads to
the ring. He says what is really stupid is a Canadian and Mexican arguing in a
WWE ring when he isn't even wrestling tonight. Edge takes out Swagger and Del
Rio bails. Swagger drops Edge over his knee. The Raw GM lights go off. Michael
Cole reads the email off a new upgraded computer. The Raw GM demands Edge
apologize for what he did last week and calls for a referee to start a match
right now between Swagger and Edge.
Edge vs. Jack Swagger
Jack Swagger controls the offense early on. Edge attempts a comeback, but
Swagger is able to take him down quickly. Swagger quickly drops Edge over his
knee once again and gets a quick cover for a two count. Edge is able to drop
Swagger into the ropes, but misses a body splash when Edge moves out of the way.
Swagger tries to german suplex Edge off the ring apron. Edge hangs on. Swagger
locks on an abdominal stretch on Edge using the ropes. Edge with a facebuster on
Swagger. Striker mentioned on commentary that Edge's left eye looked to be
swollen. Swagger attempts some ankle locks. Edge powers out and hits a reverse
neckbreaker on Swagger. Swagger pops back up and goes for another ankle lock.
Edge gets the ropes to break it up. Swagger attempts another ankle lock on the
outside of the ring. Edge with a huge missile dropkick off the top turnbuckle on
Swagger. Edge takes out the camera man sliding out of the ring and then drives
Swagger's head into the steel ring post. As Edge climbed up the turnbuckle,
Swagger jumped up ala Kurt Angle and hit a big overhead suplex on Edge. Swagger
with a quick side suplex on Edge. Swagger attempts a springboard body splash,
but Edge moves and kicks Swagger in the gut as he jumped back. Edge with a quick
DDT on Swagger.
The crowd is calling for a spear. Edge backs up in the corner, charges and
Swagger side steps Edge lifting him up and connecting with a gutbuster. Swagger
covers Edge and Edge somehow kicks out. Edge goes for a kick to the head and
lands badly on his knee. Swagger applies an ankle lock. Edge rolls through, hits
the ropes and catches Swagger with a spear. Edge hooks the leg and gets the
Winner: Edge
Backstage, The Nexus are talking about tonight's match between Wade Barrett and
John Cena. David Otunga said they need to do anything they can to make sure
tonight isn't the end of Nexus and not get Barrett disqualified.
A video package runs promoting John Cena vs. Wade Barrett tonight.
If Cena wins, Nexus must disband
If Barrett wins, Cena must join Nexus
John Cena vs. Wade Barrett
Quick lock up and Cena gets a quick takedown on Barrett. Another lock up and
Barrett works on the left arm of Cena. Cena with a huge hip toss and dropkick
comb on Barrett. Barrett goes after Cena with some big right hands and kicks.
Barrett mounts Cena and drops some big right hands. Cena fights back with big
shots to Barrett in the corner. Cena goes for an AA early and The Nexus run down
the ramp. Michael Cole reminds us of the stipulation that if any members of the
Nexus interfere than Barrett is disqualified. Barrett gets in the face of Otunga
telling them to return to the back. Back in the ring, Barrett hits Cena with
some big jabs as members of the Nexus look on from the end of the ramp. Barrett
with a big backbreaker on Cena. Barrett with a big flying elbow off the second
rope and gets a close two count over Cena. Barrett starts working over Cena in
the corner with some big kicks. Cena fires back with a few right hands. Cena
misses a splash in the corner and Barrett executes a big reverse neckbreaker.
Barrett drives his knee into the back of Cena and pulls back his arms. Huge
reaction for Cena in Dallas. Cena tries to fight to his feet, but Barrett kicks
him back down on the mat. Barrett catapults Cena into the ropes.
Barrett again drives his knee into the back of Cena pulling back on his arms.
Cena with his jumping shoulder blocks and twisting powerbomb in the middle of
the ring. Cena calls out for five knuckle shuffle and members of the Nexus
surround the ring. Cena drops the five knuckle shuffle over Barrett. Nexus are
still looking on. Big Show and other members of the WWE roster hit the ringside
area. They are all going after Nexus at ringside. Roster members from Raw and
Smackdown are taking them out including MVP, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, The
Hart Dynasty, Mark Henry, Goldust, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Chris Masters
and Evan Bourne. They clear the area of the Nexus members and Cena is left by
himself with Barrett. Cena trips up Barrett, but Barrett kicks him back into the
corner. Barrett with a back kick and suplex on Cena. Cena with a modified
gutwrench powerbomb on Barrett for a two count. Cena has Barrett up for the AA.
Barrett counters out and connects with a hook suplex. Barrett with a sidewalk
slam on Cena for a close two count. Striker says the kiddies and girls are
cheering for Cena.
Barrett is now up on the second rope, attempts another flying elbow and Cena
rolls away. Cena is climbing up to the top turnbuckle. Barrett is up and punches
Cena. Barrett headbutts Cena. Cena fights off Barrett with two headbutts of his
own sending Barrett back down to the mat below. Cena jumps and catches Barrett
with a leg drop to the back of his neck. Cena covers and Barrett kicks out.
Barrett counters an AA attempt. Barrett has Cena up on his shoulders and drops
him with his finisher. Barrett covers Cena...1...2...Cena kicks out. Barrett
can't believe it. Cena hits Barrett with the AA. Cena hooks the
leg...1...2...Barrett kicks out. Cena drops Barrett and gets the STF locked on.
Barrett is reaching out. A fan appears to grab the referee and pull him out of
the ring. Security hits the area to grab the fan. Michael Cole says, "Well,
sometimes stuff like this happens." As they attend to what appears to be a fan,
another man dressed in red decks Cena with some kind of an object and runs out
of the view. Barrett covers Cena as the referee gets back in and Barrett gets
the win. John Cena must join Nexus.
Winner: Wade Barrett
After the match, the remaining members of the Nexus hit the ring and celebrate
with Wade Barrett. We see a replay of the first unidentified man trying to get
in the ring distracting the referee and then the other unidentified man hitting
Cena to setup the pinfall for Wade Barrett. They showed shots of shocked fans in
the crowd to the finish. The Nexus head to the back and we see Cena recovering
in the corner trying to take in what happened. They showed another replay of the
finish. Back live, Cena still can't believe what happened. More shots of shocked
WWE fans in the audience.
Backstage, we see Josh Mathews walking in a dark hallway when Paul Bearer
appears. Mathews asks why he has returned after being gone for six years. Bearer
said he took his time and promises that Kane will never overtake Undertaker.
WWE Unified Divas Championship
Michelle McCool (c) w/ Layla vs. Natalya
Quick takedown by Natalya early on. McCool bails early when Natalya pushes her
into the ropes. Layla distracts Natalya on the outside allowing McCool to take
Natayla out with a big clothesline. McCool sends Natalya into the guard railing
two times and then tosses her back in the ring. McCool with a full body scissors
submission on Natalya. Natalya turns onto her stomach and lifts McCool up high
pushing her into the corner. McCool hangs on and keeps the body scissors
applied. Natalya fires back with a few shots and a big clothesline on McCool.
Layla jumps up on the ring apron to distract Natalya. Natayla pulls Layla by her
hair. McCool accidentally kicks Layla, but this distracts the referee as Natalya
gets a roll up on McCool. McCool is able to kick out when the referee returns
for the pinfall. Natalya counters a Styles Clash attempt and gets a Sharpshooter
locked on. McCool turns over to her back and gets a heel hook locked in. Natalya
rolls through and gets the Sharpshooter locked on again. Layla then throws her
shoes at Natalya and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner via DQ: Natalya
Winner & still Unified WWE Divas Champion: Michelle McCool
After the match, Laycool bail to the floor. Natalya grabs Layla's Divas belt and
shows it off.
A video package runs hyping Kane vs. The Undertaker tonight inside a Hell in a
Back live, the Hell in a Cell structure lowers over the ring.
WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Hell in a Cell
Kane (c) vs. The Undertaker w/ Paul Bearer
Kane goes after Taker right away as he was helping Paul Bearer out of the Hell
in a Cell. The bell hasn't officially ran yet as they brawl on the outside with
Kane in control. They finally get inside the Hell in a Cell as the door closes
to start the match. The referee locks the door and the bell sounds. Taker has a
steel chair and drives it into the ribs of Kane. Back in the ring, Taker
splashes Kane in the corner. Another splash by Taker on Kane. Taker with snake
eyes and big boot combo on Kane. Taker drops the leg and Kane quickly powers out
of a pinfall. Kane has the chair now and cracks it over the back of Taker. Taker
fights back tossing Kane over the steel ring steps and kicking Kane in the head.
Kane fights back sending Taker shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Kane
has the chair again and hits Taker over his left leg. Kane puts Taker back in
the ring and drags him into the steel ring post tossing his left leg against it
with force. Kane then places Taker's leg inside the steel steps and hits it with
force. Kane works over Taker in the corner back in the ring. Taker fights back
as they brawl back to the ringside area against the cage and Taker gets in some
big right hands.
Taker tosses Kane back under the bottom rope, pulls him out and Taker drops a
leg over the throat of Kane. We see a shot of a smiling Paul Bearer at ringside
who is looking in through the cage. Back inside the ring, Kane kicks the left
leg of Taker and Taker goes down. Kane goes for a modified heel hook on the left
leg of Taker. Taker eventually breaks it up with some big hammer fists. Both are
back up and they are exchanging big right hands. Taker with his flying
clothesline. Taker has Kane by the hand and attempts Old School up on the top
rope, but Kane trips him up and Taker crotches himself on the top turnbuckle.
Kane with a big superplex on Taker. Kane is going up top now, Taker gets on his
feet, Kane jumps and catches Taker with a big clothesline. Kane crawls over to
cover Taker, but Taker locks in Hell's Gate. Kane pulls himself out of the ring
getting under the bottom rope. Kane uses the ropes to help break the submission.
We get a double big boot and both men are down. Both men sit up at the same
time. We get more right hands and uppercuts back and forth from both. Kane with
a big uppercut, fires Taker into the ropes and Taker catches Kane with a big
DDT. Cover and Kane kicks out.
Taker with a chokeslam on Kane. Cover and Kane gets a shoulder up after two.
Taker kicks Kane in the gut and looks to setup a Last Ride when Kane breaks it
up and gets a chokeslam on Taker. Cover by Kane and Taker gets a shoulder up
after two. Kane with two big splashes on Taker in the corner. Kane stands up on
the ropes over Taker hitting some right hands when Taker puts Kane on his
shoulders and lifts him up connecting with a Last Ride from the corner! Cover by
Taker and Kane still finds a way to kick out. Tombstone attempt by Taker. Kane
reverses and gets a Tombstone on Taker. Kane covers Taker...1...2...Taker gets a
shoulder up. Kane can't believe it. Kane drops the referee and throws a fit on
the mat screaming, "No!" Another WWE referee opens up the cage door and gets in
along with other WWE officials to check on the downed referee. Paul Bearer walks
inside and cheers on Taker to get up when Kane jumps out and gets in his face.
Kane starts stalking Bearer as he gets in the ring. Kane yelled out, "You
shouldn't have come back!" Taker sits up, Kane turns around and Taker executes a
chokeslam. Taker calls for the end. The lights go dark. Fire fills the entrance
way. Taker has Kane up.
Bearer then walks forward and blinds Taker with his urn. Taker lets Kane go. The
lights come back on. Taker is grabbing his eyes. Bearer hands the urn to Kane.
Kane decks Taker with it. Kane with a chokeslam on Taker. Kane covers Taker and
gets the pinfall.
Winner & still WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Kane
After the match, Kane is handed the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Paul
Bearer cheers on Kane and leaves the ring with him. Kane and Bearer head up the
ramp as we see a shot of Undertaker starting to recover inside the Hell in a
Cell. Bearer turns the light on his urn and shines it in the face of the WWE
World Heavyweight Champion Kane.