Raw is War
St. Petersburg, Florida
February 8, 2021
Results from wrestleview.com
In memory of “The Natural” Butch Reed: 1954 – 2021.
“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
A video kicks off the show highlighting Drew McIntyre and Sheamus’
friendship through the years before Sheamus turned on him last week.
WWE Official Adam Pearce is in the ring, and he welcomes back to the
ThunderDome Shane McMahon. McMahon says it is good to be back on Raw
as we’re on the Road to WrestleMania. He is here to make a
blockbuster announcement about the main event of Elimination
Chamber. Pearce says Drew McIntyre will defend the WWE Championship
inside the Elimination Chamber. McMahon says six men will enter and
eliminate each other one-by-one. The final remaining superstar is
the WWE Champion.
McMahon asks who will be in the match. Pearce says all the opponents
will be former WWE Champions including Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, AJ
Styles, The Miz, and Sheamus. McMahon commends Pearce on the amazing
idea he had for this main event. McMahon’s music plays, and he walks
AJ Styles’ music hits, and he makes his way to the stage with Omos
behind him. McMahon sees his former opponent at WrestleMania 33 and
smiles. McMahon then salutes his old doorman from Raw Underground.
Styles congratulates Pearce on his idea while getting in the ring.
Styles says Drew McIntyre has to defend the WWE Championship inside
the Elimination Chamber – that’s genius. The chances of McIntyre
losing the championship are “phenomenal.” It’s the perfect time,
too. It’s the Road to WrestleMania. It’s the perfect timing for
Styles to become a three time WWE Champion. Styles says he always
thought Pearce was kind of a dumbass with his decisions, but that’s
neither here nor there now. Omos and the future WWE Champion will
give him a snippet of what will happen with the Elimination Chamber
tonight. Styles kicks Pearce out of the ring.
Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring. He’ll face Styles, next.
-Commercial Break-
Shane McMahon is in the garage getting into a limousine when WWE
Champion Drew McIntyre stops him. McIntyre doesn’t mind the
Elimination Chamber match, but he wanted to have a singles match
against Sheamus. McMahon says they needed something big for
Elimination Chamber and there’s nothing bigger than McIntyre in the
match. If he wants to prove he’s a fighting champion, that’s how
he’ll do it. McMahon gets in the limo and drives off.
AJ Styles w/ Omos vs. Jeff Hardy
They lock up, and Hardy wrenches the arm before clubbing him. Styles
gets to the ropes to break the grip. Styles grabs a waistlock, but
Hardy turns it on him before applying a side headlock. Styles tries
to whip Hardy off, but Hardy holds onto the headlock. Styles finally
whips him off, but Hardy shoulder blocks him down. Styles angrily
kicks and punches Hardy to the corner. Styles hits a running forearm
and clubs away at him. Hardy sidesteps a second charge and kicks
Styles. Hardy bounces Styles off the turnbuckle and shoulders him in
the corner. Hardy hits a snapmare followed by a low dropkick for a
one count.
Edge will give us a WrestleMania update tonight.
Styles powers Hardy to the corner and whips him to the opposite
corner before delivering a shoulder to the midsection. Styles has a
whip reversed, and Hardy connects with a back body drop. Hardy
splashes Styles for a two count. Hardy bounces Styles off the
turnbuckles a few times to take him down. Hardy drops a leg for a
two count. Hardy kicks Styles and whips him, but Styles kicks him.
Hardy quickly takes him down again. Hardy punches away at Styles in
the corner. Styles reverses a whip to the corner, but Hardy
slingshots over him. Hardy’s knee gives out on the slingshot and he
collapses in pain. Hardy rolls out of the ring to recover. Styles
goes outside and chop blocks Hardy down. Styles gets in the ring to
break the count-out before going back outside and hitting a knee
breaker. Styles then lifts him and swings Hardy’s injured leg into
the ring post.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Styles attacking Hardy’s injured
knee. Omos smiles and nods at what he’s seeing. Styles grabs the
leg, but Hardy fights back with an enzuigiri. Hardy limbs over to
the corner, but Styles catches him with the Calf Crusher. Hardy
screams in pain and grabs the bottom rope to break the hold. Styles
grabs the leg again, but Hardy punches him back. Styles reverses a
whip, but Hardy collapses in pain again. Styles sets up for a
Phenomenal Forearm, but Hardy limps and falls into the ropes to
counter him.
Hardy hits Styles with a jawbreaker, inverted atomic drop, double
leg to the midsection, low dropkick, and a splash for a near fall.
Styles blocks a kick, but Hardy hits a mule kick. Hardy kicks him
and hits an inverted falcon arrow for a near fall. Styles grabs his
nose in pain. Hardy pulls Styles up, but Styles kicks him in the
injured knee. Styles sets up for a Styles Clash, but Hardy fights it
and hits the Twist of Fate! Hardy scratches and claws his way to the
corner and pulls himself to the top rope. Hardy goes for a Swanton
Bomb, but Styles moves. Styles then puts the Calf Crusher back on
and really cinches it in. Hardy screams in pain, but he has no
choice but to tap out.
Winner by Submission: AJ Styles
Riddle will battle Keith Lee later tonight.
Footage is shown of Bobby Lashley brutally beating Riddle last week
on WWE Raw.
We see Keith Lee warming up backstage when Riddle walks up to him.
Lee mentions Riddle has a black eye. Riddle says laughter is the
best medicine and binge watched all the “Air Bud” movies. Lee says
Bobby Lashley must have knocked a screw loose in Riddle. Riddle says
people thought it was ridiculous that a dog could play basketball,
but that didn’t stop Air Bud. Riddle wants the United States
Championship and will win it. Lee says he’s tried a few times, so
maybe it’s time for someone new to do it. Lee has what it takes to
beat Lashley and can beat Riddle tonight. Riddle says, “Let the
better man win,” and walks off.
The New Day make their way to the ring. Kofi Kingston returns to
action, next.
-Commercial Break-
WWE Official Adam Pearce is walking backstage when an angry Sheamus
walks up to him. Sheamus isn’t happy to be competing in the
Elimination Chamber when Drew McIntyre promised him a singles match.
Pearce is no different than the other empty suits that give him, a
four-time World Champion, no respect. Sheamus will destroy everyone
in the Elimination Chamber now.
Mustafa Ali will be on commentary for this match.
The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods) vs. RETRIBUTION (T-Bar
and Slapjack) w/ Mustafa Ali and Mace
Xavier Woods starts against Slapjack. Slapjack takes him down with a
waistlock, but Woods takes him down with a headlock. Slapjack fights
up and wrenches the arm. Woods twists out and chops the chest. Woods
hits the ropes, and Kofi Kingston tags in. Woods does a head-scissor
and holds Slapjack up for Kingston to hit for a two count. Kingston
chops the chest, but Slapjack takes him down with an uppercut. T-Bar
tags in and clotheslines Kingston down. Kingston goes for a monkey
flip, but T-Bar holds him up and grabs the face. Kingston punches
T-Bar in the face and hits the ropes. T-Bar catches Kingston and
puts him on his shoulders. Kingston slides off, but T-Bar slingshots
over him. T-Bar hits the ropes and catches Kingston trying a
leapfrog. Kingston slides down for a roll-up, but T-Bar reaches down
and slams Kingston. Mustafa Ali is angrily shouting on commentary.
T-Bar charges Kingston, but Kingston holds the top rope down.
Kingston then sidesteps Slapjack, and Woods knocks Slapjack off the
apron. Kingston then hits T-Bar and Slapjack with a trust fall.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see T-Bar beating Woods down in the
corner. Slapjack tags in and viciously knees Woods down. Slapjack
applies a neck vice, but Woods gets out with a jawbreaker. T-Bar
tags in and knocks Kingston off the apron before hitting Woods with
a clothesline for a near fall. Slapjack tags back in and slams Woods
for a near fall. Ali screams, “Tonight is your night to eat!”
Slapjack goes for a suplex, but Woods floats through and rolls him
up for a two count.
Kingston tags in and hits a top rope clothesline on Slapjack.
Kingston hits T-Bar before hitting some chops on Slapjack and a
dropkick. Kingston takes T-Bar down on the apron before hitting
Slapjack with a leaping clothesline. Kingston hits a Boom Drop and
taunts Ali. Kingston ducks a clothesline from T-Bar and hits him
with Trouble in Paradise. Slapjack tries to attack Kingston, but he
counters him. Woods tags in before tagging Kingston back in. The New
Day hits Daybreak for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: The New Day
Mustafa Ali is furious with T-Bar and Slapjack. The New Day
celebrates on the ramp. Woods wants to fight Reckoning.
Footage is shown of Bianca Belair winning the Women’s Royal Rumble 8
days ago. She’ll be on Raw tonight.
“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair makes his way to the ring in a custom
suit. Lacey Evans soon follows behind him. Evans will face Flair’s
daughter, Charlotte, next.
-Commercial Break-
WWE congratulates the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on winning the Super Bowl
last night. They showcase the custom WWE Championship.
Damian Priest is backstage talking with Bad Bunny.
“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair is in the ring with Lacey Evans. Flair
says people want an explanation. Flair doesn’t take orders from
women, especially his daughter. Instead of hearing about him and Tom
Brady, he’s hearing about how great his daughter is. We know she’s
the Queen with 13 World Titles and doesn’t need him. Flair has
Evans, who has what it takes to be a great WWE Superstar. She needs
guidance and wisdom. Charlotte may be the best female superstar
today, but he’ll continue to train Evans. This relationship is
casual, but if she’s overwhelmed with his charm then that’s to be
expected. They’re putting Asuka on notice. They’re coming for the
Raw Women’s Championship.
Lacey Evans says she respects Ric Flair and treats him like the
legend that he is. She would never treat her father like Charlotte
treats hers.
Charlotte Flair’s music cuts her off, and she makes her way to the
ring. Ric goes to hold the ropes for his daughter, but Evans pulls
him back. Charlotte says if Evans really wanted to learn, she’d go
to Orlando and learn in the WWE Performance Center. Instead Evans
wants to use her dad and wear her robe. She’s seen this a million
times. What does Ric need Charlotte to do? Does he need validation?
She never said he doesn’t want her help. Charlotte has been
protecting this legacy for the last 7 years. Ric is surrounded by
“Yes” people. She doesn’t care who he manages… just don’t bring her
down with him.
Evans just wants to listen and learn from him. Why can’t they work
together? Evans would be a way better partner than Asuka. Ric loves
that idea. Charlotte says she didn’t come this far to come this far.
She’s been trying to prove to Ric and everyone at home that she can
do it on her own. Charlotte calls Evans, “Charlotte 2.0.” Charlotte
already has a tag team partner and it’s Asuka. Evans says her sights
are on the Raw Women’s Championship. Charlotte says she hopes her
father takes her right to the championship. Evans says Ric was told
if she beats Charlotte then she’ll be next in line to face Asuka for
the title. Charlotte wants to go right now, so Evans punches her.
Evans brings her outside and drives her into the steel steps. Evans
accepts the match (that was already advertised as happening).
-Commercial Break-
The Miz and John Morrison are talking with Angel Garza backstage.
Lacey Evans w/ Ric Flair vs. Charlotte Flair
Charlotte powers Evans to the corner and shoulders her a few times.
Evans quickly attacks Charlotte’s injured shoulder from the attack
and wrenches the arm. Charlotte twists through and applies an arm
bar. Evans whips her to the corner, but Charlotte rolls up the
turnbuckle. Charlotte hits a slingshot roll-up and kicks her. Evans
quickly takes her down, but Charlotte quickly bounces back with a
dropkick. Evans goes to the apron to recover and snaps Charlotte’s
arm off the top rope. Evans sweeps the legs and hits a sloppy
slingshot elbow drop. Evans stretches Charlotte, but Charlotte takes
her down. Charlotte grabs the leg, but Evans gets to the bottom
rope. Evans kicks Charlotte in the knee. Charlotte wrenches the arm,
but Evans fights back and twists the arm. Evans takes Charlotte
down, but Charlotte kips up and gets in her face. Evans tries again
for the same result. Evans pulls her down by the hair, but Charlotte
gets up and reverses a whip. Evans stops herself and does the Ric
Flair strut. Charlotte avalanches Evans and hits an exploder. Evans
rolls out of the ring to recover. Charlotte then struts like her
father. Charlotte teases a plancha, but Evans pulls Ric in front of
her. Charlotte puts the brakes on, so Evans sweeps the feet on the
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Evans trying to apply a cross arm
bar. Charlotte fights it, but Evans takes her down. Charlotte
eventually gets up and stomps her. Evans quickly knees her in the
injured shoulder. Evans takes her down and hits a neckbreaker for a
two count. Evans goes to the top rope for a moonsault, but Charlotte
gets the knees up. Evans grabs her knee in pain.
Charlotte chops away at Evans’ chest. Charlotte approaches her in
the corner, there’s a pause, and Evans slaps her in the face.
Charlotte then big boots her down for a two count. Evans rolls out
of the ring to recover. Charlotte gets on the apron and yells at her
father. Evans then runs around Ric to take Charlotte down by the
arm. Evans gets her in the ring and picks up a near fall. Evans sets
up for a Figure Four, but Charlotte kicks her away and hits a spear.
Charlotte angrily stares at her father and tells him to humiliate
her on his own time. Charlotte then unloads on Evans with kicks and
punches in the corner. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner by Disqualification: Lacey Evans
Ric gets in the ring and grabs Charlotte to stop her from hitting
Evans. Charlotte swats her hand away and taunts him. Ric helps Evans
We’ll hear a WrestleMania update from Edge, the winner of the 2021
Men’s Royal Rumble.
-Commercial Break-
WWE honors Rosa Parks on her birthday.
WWE Hall of Famer Edge makes his way to the ring. Edge says last
week was a hell of a long week, but it was amazing. It started with
him winning the Royal Rumble. That leaves him with a massive
decision. Which champion will he face at WrestleMania? Edge came to
Monday Night Raw to see the lay of the land and finish his business
with Randy Orton. Then he went to NXT and SmackDown. Edge was
face-to-face with all three champions.
Now the landscape has changed since Drew McIntyre has to defend the
WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber. Edge knows Roman
Reigns and Finn Bálor are champions, but he knows anyone can leave
as the WWE Champion from Elimination Chamber. Edge likes his odds
against any of them. Edge doesn’t like McIntyre’s odds. It doesn’t
make sense for him to decide who he will face until after
Elimination Chamber. He’ll wait for the dust to settle…
The Miz, John Morrison, and Angel Garza make their way to the ring.
Miz sarcastically says that was a great speech that reeked of
awesomeness. Edge has always been the Ultimate Opportunist. Miz
knows he’s waiting for the ultimate opportunity to strike. Miz has
always been a “stratagize,” so he wants to strategize. Whatever
title Edge goes after, Miz will be there with the Money in the Bank
contract. Miz will leave WrestleMania as champion. Miz coldly
welcomes him back.
Edge asks if Miz knows who he is talking to. Edge put the Money in
the Bank briefcase on the map. Edge knows when he holds up the
briefcase that he needs to have eyes in the back of his head. Edge
has been trying to keep three champions on high alert and Miz is
telling him what he’s going to do. Edge is playing high stakes poker
while Miz is playing Old Maid. Edge needs to see this story through
and needs to be champion. Does Miz notice the difference between
them? Edge walks off.
-Commercial Break-
Bad Bunny makes his way to the ring, complete with pyro. Damian
Priest soon follows.
Angel Garza w/ The Miz and John Morrison vs. Damian Priest w/ Bad
Priest kicks Garza back to start the match. Priest stomps him in the
corner and uppercuts him. Priest sends him to the ropes, but he
lowers his head and eats a kick. Garza hits the ropes, but Priest
hits a spinning wheel kick. Priest presses him agains the ropes, so
Miz and Morrison distract him. Garza hits a throat thrust and a
stiff clothesline. Garza dropkicks him for a two count. Garza chokes
him on the ropes before the referee backs him up. Miz kicks Priest
in the head while the referee is distracted. Bad Bunny angrily gets
on the apron, so Garza throws his pants at him.
Garza ties the legs up, but Priest fights out and viciously forearms
him. Priest kicks away at the midsection and stuns him with a right
hand before flooring him with a clothesline. Priest signals for the
end and hits a running back elbow in the corner. Miz and Morrison
distract Priest, so Garza clotheslines him over the top rope. The
referee admonishes Garza, while Miz and Morrison double-team Priest.
Bad Bunny taunts them with the Money in the Bank briefcase and
slides it in the ring. Morrison goes after it, and the referee sees
him in the ring with the briefcase. The referee ejects Miz and
Morrison from ringside.
Priest hits Garza with a clap to the ears. Priest follows up with
the Reckoning for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Damian Priest
Charly Caruso is backstage with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre. She asks
him about the Elimination Chamber. McIntyre says to expect the
unexpected like what Sheamus did to him last week. Sheamus threw
away a 20 year friendship when he could’ve just asked for a shot.
McIntyre has a lot of choices to make. It may seem like he’s backed
into a corner and would crack under the pressure, but he’s not. When
he’s backed into the corner, he becomes like a rabid animal. If you
challenge him, he’ll rip your damn face off.
Riddle makes his way to the ring. He’ll face Keith Lee, next.
-Commercial Break-
Asuka will defend the Raw Women’s Championship against Lacey Evans
at Elimination Chamber.
Charly Caruso is backstage with Bianca Belair, the winner of the
2021 Women’s Royal Rumble. Belair says she is the EST of WWE. She’s
the smartEST so she won’t make her decision yet. Belair says she’d
be a fool to underestimate Asuka. In order to be the EST of
WrestleMania, she has to beat the best.
Raw Women’s Champion Asuka walks up to her and congratulates her on
the Royal Rumble win. That doesn’t mean she’s ready for Asuka.
Belair says she is ready for Asuka, but Lacey Evans isn’t. Belair
tells Asuka to handle her business at Elimination Chamber. If she
does, she may be seeing a little more of Belair on Raw.
MVP is on commentary for this match. MVP is holding Bobby Lashley’s
WWE United States Championship. Lashley is not there.
Riddle vs. Keith Lee
Riddle gives Lee respect before going for a flying arm bar. Lee
doesn’t go down and powers Riddle up with one arm. Riddle tries to
extend the arm, but Lee curls him up to his feet. Riddle tries for a
takedown, but Lee deadlifts him and tosses him aside. Riddle looks
frustrated. Riddle grabs him, but Lee takes him down again. Riddle
ducks a right hand and punches away at the body. Riddle clubs and
forearms him to the corner. Riddle goes for a running forearm, but
Lee catches him by the throat. Riddle kicks the arm away and kicks
away at Lee. Riddle charges, but Lee sends him flying with a Pounce.
Lee picks up a near fall for that.
Lee strikes away at him and hits Grizzly Magnum. Lee then viciously
whips him hard into the corner. Riddle collapses in pain. Lee grabs
him, so Riddle tries to fight back. Lee simply forearms him in the
face to take him down. Riddle tries to fight back again, but Lee
counters back with a strike combo. Riddle flips through a German
Suplex and hits an overhead kick. Lee is stunned, but still
standing. Riddle attacks him in the corner and hits a running
forearm. Riddle goes for an exploder, but Lee powers out and hits
Grizzly Magnum. Lee goes for a Spirit Bomb, but Riddle gets out and
leaps off the second rope with a knee to the face for a one count.
Riddle hits a running kick to the face and goes to the top rope for
a Floating Bro. Riddle connects with Floating Bro, but Lee kicks out
at two.
Riddle hits a trio of Brotons on Lee and gets fired up. Lee blocks a
Final Flash and gets him up for a Spirit Bomb. Riddle fights it and
applies a triangle. Riddle takes him down to a knee and cinches it
in. Lee powers him up and slams him into the corner. Riddle pops out
and hits a Final Flash. Riddle charges, but Lee crushes him with a
Spirit Bomb for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Keith Lee
Bobby Lashley blindsides Riddle and Lee after the match. Lee angrily
charges, but Lashley kills him with a one-armed slam. Lashley
applies a Hurt Lock to Riddle before throwing him down and
shouldering Lee off the apron. Lashley takes Lee down at ringside
and sends him headfirst into the ring post. Lashley grabs the steel
steps and smashes them into Lee’s face. Lashley poses on the
commentary table and holds up the United States Championship.
WWE Champion Drew McIntyre faces Randy Orton in a non-title match
later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown of Bobby Lashley destroying Keith Lee and Riddle
moments ago.
Video Package: Drew McIntyre vs. Randy Orton
Randy Orton says Drew McIntyre took the WWE Championship from him,
but he always finishes his unfinished business. Whether it’s kicking
legends in the head, RKOing anyone who stands in his way, or setting
The Fiend on fire, he will stand tall. He’ll do the same tonight.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler make their
way to the ring. Jax will face Lana in a Tables Match, next.
-Commercial Break-
Tables Match
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion Nia Jax w/ Shayna Baszler vs. Lana w/
Lana quickly attacks Jax at the sound of the bell, but Jax crushes
her with two vicious powerbombs. Jax applies a wild stretch muffler
and slams her head into the turnbuckle. Jax lifts her up to slam her
over the top rope through a table, but Lana hangs on. Jax goes for
another powerbomb, but Lana bends back and pulls her over the top
rope. Jax quickly takes her down and goes for a leg drop on the
apron, but Lana moves. Jax holds her tailbone and screams, “My butt!
My hole!” Lana then pushes her through a table propped up on the
Winner: Lana
Shayna Baszler attacks Lana, but Naomi takes her down.
-Commercial Break-
Shayna Baszler vs. Naomi w/ Lana
Naomi quickly bends under a clothesline to start the match. Baszler
goes for an arm stomp, but Naomi kips up. Baszler takes her down
again and stomps the arm. Baszler controls her for a bit before
Naomi makes a comeback. Baszler counters into a Kirifuda Clutch, but
Naomi rolls over to the bottom rope. Baszler goes outside and kicks
Lana in the knee before kneeing her in the face. Baszler tells Lana
to mind her own business before throwing her into the barricade.
Naomi rolls Baszler up as she gets in the ring for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Naomi
Video Package: The Elimination Chamber match
Randy Orton makes his way to the ring. He’ll face WWE Champion Drew
McIntyre, next.
-Commercial Break-
Bobby Lashley will defend the WWE United States Championship against
Keith Lee and Riddle at Elimination Chamber.
Non-Title Match
Randy Orton vs. WWE Champion Drew McIntyre
They lock up, and McIntyre powers him to the corner. Orton pops out
and goes for an RKO, but McIntyre pushes him off. McIntyre hits the
ropes for a Claymore Kick, but Orton gets out of the ring. Orton
gets on the apron, but McIntyre knees him in the face. McIntyre goes
for a draping DDT on Orton, but Orton gets out. Sheamus all of a
sudden runs down to distract McIntyre. Orton attacks McIntyre from
behind and drives him headfirst into the ring post. Orton then sends
McIntyre shoulder-first into the ring post.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see McIntyre fight out of a chin
lock, but Orton takes him down and throws him out of the ring.
Sheamus is shown watching with extreme interest at ringside. Orton
bounces McIntyre off the commentary table before hitting a back
suplex on it. Orton gets McIntyre in the ring for a two count. Orton
cinches in a chin lock, but McIntyre soon fights up. McIntyre powers
out of it. They exchange punches back and forth. Orton kick McIntyre
in the midsection and uppercuts him. McIntyre punches back at him
and reverses a whip. McIntyre lowers his head and eats a kick.
McIntyre ducks a clothesline and hits an overhead belly-to-belly
suplex. McIntyre grabs Orton and hits it again.
McIntyre hits a neckbreaker and kips up. McIntyre looks fired up.
McIntyre goes for a Future Shock DDT, but Orton counters into a
jackknife cover for a two count. Orton grabs him, but McIntyre hits
a spinebuster for a near fall. McIntyre goes to the top rope, but
Orton punches him in the head to cut him off. Orton climbs up and
connects with a big superplex. Orton takes a moment to recover and
pins McIntyre for a near fall.
Orton lifts McIntyre up, but McIntyre connects with a Glasgow Kiss.
McIntyre charges, but Orton puts him on the apron and hits a draping
DDT. Orton signals for the end. Orton sets up for an RKO, but
McIntyre pushes him off and hits a Future Shock DDT. Orton slowly
gets up and tries for an RKO, but McIntyre pushes him off… and right
into the path of a Brogue Kick meant for McIntyre! McIntyre then
floors Sheamus with a Claymore Kick.
Winner by Disqualification: Randy Orton