Washington, DC
January 3, 2002
Washington D.C. hosted the first World Wrestling Federation live event of 2002 as SmackDown! lit up the MCI Center Thursday night! Michael Cole and Jerry The King Lawler called the action from ringside.
Things started with a bang as the Dudley Boyz defended the Tag Team Championship against the unlikely duo of Spike Dudley and Tazz. Spike didnt wait for Tazz to make his way to the ring. He immediately entered the ring and was ganged up on by his brothers. Tazz then ran down and evened the score. Spike and Tazz held their own against the champs, causing Stacy Keibler to climb the ring apron in an attempt to distract the challengers. Spike was too wise for the Duchess of Dudleyville. He walked right over to her and ripped off her skirt! The distraction had its desired effect, though, as Bubba Ray gathered Spike into a Superbomb and took home the win!
Backstage, Lilian Garcia welcomed Jazz to the Federation. Jazz abruptly cut off Lilian, saying she wasnt there to be interviewed. Unlike the other divas in the Federation, Jazz wouldnt sleep her way to the top, she would fight her way to the top because she can. As she turned to leave, Lilian began asking another question, which only angered the newcomer. Jazz said maybe she should forget about facing Mighty Molly that evening and instead should make an example of Lilian. She shoved the announcer away before turning to leave.
Mr. McMahon headed into the ring to address the crowd. Happy New Year! exclaimed the Federation co-owner. Mr. McMahon said his primary New Years resolution was to annihilate and embarrass Ric Flair at the Royal Rumble. Mr. McMahon then took issue with Rudy Giuliani being named Time Magazines Person of the Year. Mr. McMahon said there were other people worthy of the distinction, and the TitanTron showed a picture of Mr. McMahon gracing the cover of the latest Time Magazine. When the crowd refused to cease chanting, What?! Mr. McMahon ordered that the lights be turned off in the arena one section at a time.
With the MCI Center bathed in darkness, Mr. McMahon gloated about how powerful he is. Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass caused Mr. McMahon to frantically order the lights be turned back on. When they were, Stone Cold Steve Austin was standing directly behind Mr. McMahon! The crowd exploded as Austin goaded the crowd into shouting What?! over and over. Austin said that Austin said he had made some New Years resolutions too: drinking more alcohol. The Texas Rattlesnake said he would knock Mr. McMahon on his ass and ordered him to remove his coat. Just then, Booker T and the Big Bossman came to the ring and pounded on the Rattlesnake. Bossman clubbed Austin repeatedly with the microphone, opening a gash on his forehead.
Booker T and Bossman decimated Austin for several minutes before leaving with fully satisfied looks on their faces.
Mighty Molly took on Jazz next. Jazz took control of Mighty Molly virtually from start to finish. A strong suplex finished off the superhero.
Backstage, Stephanie McMahon Helmsley attempted to enter the arena, but the security guard said she wasnt on the list. Stephanie said that Mr. Flair must have forgotten to put her name there but she was expected. The guard refused to let her into the ring. A miffed Stephanie said that Triple H, her husband, would be back on RAW and she would be in a position of great power once again. She vowed that the guard would be the first person she fires.
In the locker room, Test bragged to Lance Storm and Christian about a chick he hooked up with. Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho came in and said he couldnt ask for a better bunch of guys. He got gifts for each of the men, which he presented. Christian asked if Jerichos burst of joy had anything to do with Triple Hs return on Monday. Jericho said he gave them gifts simply to celebrate all their accomplishments. Y2J said it was good to have guys around who watch each others back.
Coach asked Undertaker about his feud with Big Show. Taker said he wasnt scared of Big Show at all. For 11 years, Taker said hes been busing people off. Taker said Coach, like a lot of people around the Federation, needed to learn about respect. He said that night, he will teach Big Show all about respect.
Test shook his present and tried guessing what it was when Torrie Wilson walked by him. Test said he got Torrie a present, and handed over the gift Jericho had given him. Torrie unwrapped the box and found a Jericho shirt! Torrie said the two of them should go out later and check out Washington. Torrie said she was already taken. Test said he didnt want to be her boyfriend and he couldnt believe she would pass him up. Torrie refused again, citing her loyalty to Tajiri. Test angrily demanded that Tajiri face him in the ring that night!
Big Show and Undertaker squared off next in a Hardcore Championship match. But Big Show didnt wait for Taker to get off his bike to start the action. Show chased Taker back of the entrance ramp with the Dead Man on his motorcycle the whole time! When the action reached the ring, Taker smacked Show repeatedly with a trash can lid. The champion dominated the Big Show early on, but Show stormed back and readied a chokeslam. Taker turned the tables on Show, locking the big man in a chokeslam that forced a submission win for the Hardcore Champion!
Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley once again appeared in front of the security guard, this time wheeling Mr. Dudley into the arena. Mr. Dudley was on the list, but the guard once again refused to let the Billion Dollar Princess into the building. As Mr. Dudley entered the arena, Stephanie tried to use her womanly charms to coerce the guard into letting her in. Uh Stephanie, Im gay, came the guards reply. Stephanies jaw dropped as Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo walked into the arena past the adoring guard.
Kurt Angle teamed up with Chris Jericho against Rob Van Dam and Edge in a tag match with Angle and Edge trading blows first. The teams fought to a stalemate after several minutes, but a Five Star Frog Splash onto Angle helped RVDs team gain an edge. Jericho stepped in to offer some help and even the score. The undisputed champ hit a bulldog on Edge, but missed his shot at a Lionsault. Edge speared the champ, but Angle broke up the pinfall. Soon after, Angle executed an Angle Slam on Edge with the referee distracted. Jericho mopped up the win by slumping over Edge and securing a three count.
Ric Flair met up with Arn Anderson backstage. Flair said he had been taking care of some serious business. Arn said that some serious stuff had gone on that night in the MCI Center. Arn described what happened earlier that night with Mr. McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Flair said he was going into the ring to take care of Mr. McMahon.
Flair did in fact enter the ring and told Vince to get in front of a monitor and listen. Flair said Mr. McMahon has a date with destiny as he has a match versus Flair at the Royal Rumble! Flair said Mr.
McMahon may have gotten used to controlling peoples lives from his plush office in Stamford, CT, but not Vince would have to walk the walk. Flair wondered how Vince thought he had a chance of beating the Nature Boy. Suddenly, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley tried to rush into the ring, but she was stopped by security guards. Flair told the guards to let her go and he beckoned her into the ring. Stephanie said that letting her into the ring was a very smart business decision. She said she has been impressed with Flair for a very long time. She said she had a crush on the Nature Boy when she watched him in her youth. As she got older, that crush turned into respect for the 14-time champion. He was great in the ring, but when it came to business, Stephanie said that Flair falls a little bit shoulder. When it comes to business, Stephanie said that she is the man. She has no doubt that Ric Flair will destroy her father at the Rumble. While she was talking, Flair began bouncing off the ropes and demonstrating elbow drops. An annoyed Stephanie stopped him and slapped him! Stephanie said that Flair had four days to decide if he wanted her to help him. Once Triple H returns, the game will really begin!
Torrie Wilson escorted Tajiri to the ring for his match against Test. Tests sheer size helped him take an early advantage over the smaller Tajiri. But Tajiri managed to take down Test with his agility and speed. Tajiri tried to lock on the Tarantula, but Test foiled the attempt.
Moments later, a Big Boot sealed the deal for Test. Torrie watched Tests celebration in disgust.
Mr. McMahon fumed backstage when Big Bossman asked if Vince was worried about Flair bringing Stephanie into the Federation. Vince said he was more concerned about what business Flair was taking care of that made him late for SmackDown! Booker T walked in and asked who he was facing tonight. Mr. McMahon said it was The Rock. Booker T kept asking, Who? Booker T said that tonight he would unveil, Who? as his new catchphrase. Mr. McMahon said that could result in the crowd responding with, What?!, but Booker T said that would not happen.
Coach caught up with The Rock backstage and asked how his New Year was. The Rock said it was fine, but he wondered what Coach did on his New Years. He thought that maybe Coach took the time to listen to music. He asked Coach who his favorite musical act was. Coach sheepishly answered Barry Manilow! The Rock then demanded that Coach sing some Barry Manilow. Coach squawked out a few bars, prompting The Rock to snatch the microphone and bang on it to make sure it was working ok. He gave Coach back the mic briefly then grabbed it back and mocked his feeble attempts at singing. The Rock turned his attention to Booker T. The Rock said he would stop at nothing in becoming the Federation Champion once again. On SmackDown! The Rock said he would show Booker T the Peoples Ass Whipping!
Booker T and The Rock faced each other for the right to challenge Chris Jericho for the Undisputed Championship at the Royal Rumble. Booker T began the match by kicking and stomping The Rock into the corner. The brawl soon spread outside the ring where The Rock whirled Booker T into the ring steps. But before the Great One could mount more offense, Mr. McMahon ran down and clubbed The Rock in the head! Booker T tried to pin his opponent in the center of the ring, but The Rock kicked out. Suddenly, Ric Flair stormed down and took down his business partner with a vicious shot. Flair continued to destroy Mr. McMahon by flinging him over the ring barrier and into the crowd!
Inside the ring, The Rock gave Booker T a spinebuster and prepped for a Peoples Elbow! But the Big Bossman came down and interrupted the maneuver. The Rock simply couldnt be stopped, however. He hit a Rock Bottom on Booker T that gave him the pinfall and the No. 1 contenders spot!
Bossman and Booker T made The Rock pay dearly for the win. Booker delivered a crushing Bookend and Bossman followed up with a series of punches on the Brahma Bull. While the two continued their assault, Stone Cold Steve Austin sauntered to the ring and took care of business. But while Austin concentrated on pounding on Bossman, Booker T grabbed a steel chair and struck down the Rattlesnake. The Rock and Austin lay battered in the middle of the ring as Booker T and Bossman celebrated while SmackDown! came to a close.