New York City
January 10, 2002
The World's Most Famous Arena hosted the World Wrestling Federation for the Jan. 10 episode of SmackDown! on UPN! The show opened with a montage of Triple H's emotional return to RAW this past Monday, with the promise that he would return to SmackDown! tonight!
As the show went on the air, Debra was discussing her upcoming schedule when she was approached by Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Stephanie said that her husband was back, and that The Game would kick Stone Cold Steve Austin's butt in the Royal Rumble -- obviously trying to create some tension between her husband and Debra's! Stephanie next excused herself and headed for the ring.
In the ring, Stephanie said she couldn't wait to come to MSG tonight to thank the fans for showing her husband the respect they did on Monday night. She said that Triple H had not yet arrived to the arena, but she knew she could do whatever she wanted, because The Game was back, and she's The Game's wife!
Without her business savvy and brains, she said Triple H never would have been the success he was in the World Wrestling Federation, saying he never would have been Federation Champion, and he never would have returned after his injury. She said Triple H appreciates her, and with her by his side, he will go on to win the Royal Rumble and become Federation Champion!
Stephanie said that Triple H knew that her brains would get him further than any other superstar. She reminded the fans that The Game was back, and she was The Game's wife. She said she points her finger, and The Game destroys. And she said that no Federation Superstar wanted her to point her finger in their direction -- especially Ric Flair.
Stephanie said that if Flair would have listened to her in the first place, he wouldn't be laid up with a concussion, the result of Vince McMahon's attack on Monday's RAW. Stephanie said she believed in second chances, and she knew Flair wouldn't want her pointing her finger in his direction, because when she points at Flair, her husband will destroy him, and that goes for everyone in the arena.
Suddenly, security guards headed for the ring, and Stephanie yelled that they had better be careful, or else she would point her finger at them too. She said they were lucky she was finished, and she then left the ring on her own accord, but not before again reminding fans that The Game was back, and so was she.
Christian and Lance Storm walked backstage, and Christian said there has never been a better opportunity for them to win gold than tonight, as they challenged Tazz and Spike Dudley for the Tag Team Championship. Christian said that Tazz and Spike would be easier to beat in the Garden than the Knicks, and Storm agreed -- because Americans suck at hockey! A confused Christian agreed, and said they suck at basketball too
The Tag Titles were on the line next, as Tazz and Spike made their first title defense since winning the championship on Monday, taking on Christian and Storm. The first title defense for the champions proved to be a successful one, as Tazz choked out Christian with the Tazzmission for the win! After the bout, the Dudley Boyz attacked the champions from behind. But the champs recovered, and downed Bubba Ray and D-Von before leaving the ring.
It was then announced that Val Venis-- the Big Valbowski himself -- will appear at the Royal Rumble!
The Intercontinental Championship was on the line as Edge defended against the Big Boss Man. Boss Man tried to attack Edge with his nightstick, but the IC Champion turned the tables, and ultimately delivered the Edge-ecution onto the nightstick to pick up the pinfall on his challenger!
After the bout, William Regal appeared on the TitanTron. Regal congratulated Edge on his attempt to destroy his face, saying he'd had three surgeries to fix his nose. Regal said it was English blood that flowed through his veins, and that the English people were the most brutal people in history! He said Edge had played with the devil, and when you play with the devil, the devil always wins! Edge said that if Regal wanted something, he should just speak some English. Regal said he wanted a match for Edge's IC Championship at the Royal Rumble, if Edge was man enough.
Edge said he was definitely man enough, because at least he didn't need to stuff things down his pants to win matches. He said Regal needed the brass knuckles, because he definitely didn't have a set of brass balls! Edge said he accepted Regal's challenge, and said he hoped Regal's nose was fully functional, because Regal would need it to smell Edge totally reeking of awesomeness!
It was then announced that Goldust will appear at the Royal Rumble!
Lilian Garcia interviewed Kurt Angle, and she was excited about Goldust entering the Rumble. Kurt said that one thing the Federation didn't need was more freaks. He said if he wanted to see freaks, he would just walk outside in Manhattan! Angle talked about last Monday, when he announced that he was entering the Royal Rumble for the first time. He said Triple H had tried to steal his thunder because The Game was a glory hound, but that didn't get to him. The only thing that did get to him was when the fans chanted "What?" between all of his sentences! As Kurt continued to talk, the fans continued to scream "What?" at him! He even said please, but the fans continued to scream at him! Angle said that if the fans said it one more time, he would challenge Austin to a match tonight and he would kick his butt -- and the fans said it! So Kurt said he would kick Austin's butt tonight! Angle mocked the fans by repeatedly chanting "What?" and then said he hated this city!
Booker T was in a backstage bathroom brushing his teeth, and he heard some suspect sounds coming out of one of the stalls. Booker complained about the sounds and the smell, and talked some smack to whoever was in the stall. It turned out to be Rikishi, who said he was just doing his pre-match ritual! Booker sprayed some air freshener onto the Phat Man, and asked who he was facing tonight. Rikishi said he would be taking on Booker! As Rikishi left, Booker simply looked at himself in the mirror and said, "Tell me he didn't just say that!"
Next up, The Rock and Rob Van Dam took on Test and Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Jericho in a tag-team megamatch! Test and Y2J isolated Van Dam, but RVD finally tagged in the People's Champion, who demolished Jericho! He nailed Y2J with the Rock Bottom, but Test broke up the pinfall attempt. Test missed the big boot, and Rock hit him with a DDT. Jericho then nailed Rock with the Federation Championship, behind the ref's back! RVD leapt from the top rope and hit Jericho with a kick to the mouth, and then knocked over Test on the outside!
RVD and Test went at it outside the ring, and wound up battling through the crowd and away from the ring. In the ring, it was down to Rock and Jericho. Y2J went for a quick cover, but Rock kicked out. Jericho mouthed off to the ref, and soon hit Rock with a bulldog. He went for the Lionsault, but Rock got his knees up and Y2J was down!
Rock went for the Rock Bottom, but Jericho countered. But soon Rock nailed the champion with a spinebuster and locked on the sharpshooter -- and Y2J tapped out, giving the win to Rock and RVD! More importantly, Rock had made the champion tap out just 10 days before their title match at Royal Rumble!
In a segment recorded earlier in the day, Jim Ross conducted a sit-down interview with Vince McMahon, and the Federation chairman told J.R. to calm down and ask anything he wanted to ask. Ross said he wanted to talk about Vince's match with Flair, but first, he wanted to talk about Triple H's return on RAW. Vince said that the response The Game got was overwhelming. Ross suggested that this may cause a problem, being that Triple H is married to Stephanie, and Vince and Stephanie are estranged. Vince said he wouldn't discuss his personal life tonight, and would only discuss the topic they had previously agreed on -- the Royal Rumble.
Ross said that in his view and the views of many fans, Vince's actions on Monday -- attacking the Nature Boy with a pipe -- were reprehensible. Vince smiled broadly watching the footage, and Mr. McMahon said his actions were not unprovoked. He said Nov. 19 was one of the worst days of his life, when Flair publicly humiliated him and announced that he'd bought Shane and Stephanie's stock. He said Flair was an underhanded businessman. He said Flair had then challenged him for the Rumble, and Flair had no cause to bust him in the mouth that night
He said Flair was no gentleman. McMahon then said that Flair had attacked him a week ago on SmackDown!, busting his eye open. He said that Flair's actions meant that Vince's actions were not unprovoked.
Vince said that his actions towards Flair at the Rumble would be magnified, more so than he even did on Monday night. J.R. said he didn't think Vince was fully prepared for what would happen at the Rumble. He asked if Vince was ready for the price he was going to pay. Vince said he was ready, and that he was the kind of guy where when you think you know them, you didn't know them at all. Vince said he was a calculated risktaker. He said he was a bad guy, and hoped that Flair's family would be at ringside for the Rumble, because he wanted the whole world to see what he did to Flair. Vince said he enjoyed destroying lives, and that it was a turn-on. He said he would especially enjoy destroying Flair's life. He said that after the match, when his arm was raised, it would mean that Flair lost to Vince, and Flair wouldn't be able to live with himself, knowing he had lost to Vince McMahon. He said he would destroy the Nature Boy from the inside out. He said Flair would then beg him to buy his stock back.
It was then announced that Mr. Perfect will appear at the Royal Rumble!
To say that Booker T was reluctant to face Rikishi would be an understatement -- the Bookerman was extremly anxious about the bout, fearing the dreaded Stink Face!
Booker nailed Rikishi with the scissors kick, and hit the spinerooni! But as he completed the maneuver, he was met with a thrust kick, and wound up in the corner -- in perfect position for the Stink Face! Rikishi delivered the maneuver, and Booker T was so grossed out that he walked over to the announce table and puked all over Michael Cole! A disgusted Cole walked back to the locker room to clean up as Rikishi danced in the ring!
J.R. replaced Cole at the announce table as Cole cleaned up in the back.
Coach interviewed The Rock, and asked if Rock would be able to defeat Jericho at the Rumble for the title. Rock said he had been walking in New York City for five days, and hadn't yet said, "Finally The Rock has come back to New York City." Rock said Jericho got his ass whipped on SmackDown!, and things wouldn't change at the Rumble. Rock said Jericho called himself larger than life, but Jericho knew nothing about large. Rock said he had something that was large, something that was enormous, something that was huge. Coach smiled a bit, and Rock asked what he was smiling about! Rock told Coach to keep his eyes locked on Rock. Rock said he was talking about his large boot, and promised to shove it straight up Jericho's candy ass at Royal Rumble! Rock said the countdown was on for Chris Jericho.
It was then announced that the Godfather -- yes, that's "Godfather," and not "Goodfather" -- will appear at the Royal Rumble!
The main event on SmackDown!
pitted Stone Cold Steve Austin against Kurt Angle. The superstars traded German suplexes, and Angle hit a moonsault, but Austin kicked out at two. The Rattlesnake then went for the Stunner, but Angle caught his leg and wrenched on the ankle lock. But Stone Cold reversed it into a forward roll for two. Angle then went for the Angle slam, but Austin nailed rthe Stunner!
Suddenly, Kane's music came on, and the Big Red Machine ran down and chokeslammed Austin and Angle! Then, Big Show's music hit, and the 500-pounder walked to the ring and slugged it out with Kane! The two men tried to chokeslam each other, with Big Show ultimately coming out on top, chokeslamming the Big Red Machine down!
Triple H's music then hit to a rousing ovation! The Game headed to the ring, where Big Show set him up for a chokeslam. But Triple H hit a low blow and gave the 500-pounder a Pedigree! As Triple H celebrated, the Undertaker walked out to the stage and stared him down. The two men locked eyes as SmackDown! went off the air!