Los Angeles,
February 7, 2002
Just 10 days before No Way Out, the Feb. 7 episode of SmackDown! emanated from the Staples Center in Los Angeles in front of a sold-out crowd of 17,905 fans!
Dressed in his wrestling gear, The Rock headed to the ring to a huge ovation at the start of the show! Still furious about what the Undertaker did to him on RAW, the People's Champion called out the American Badass. But instead of Taker, out came Booker T!
The Bookerman said there was one thing he couldn't stand -- a sucka with a big head and a big ego like The Rock! Booker said he'd beaten Triple H last week and kicked his ass on Monday night, and that he would now make an example out of the Brahma Bull. Rock said he could dig it, and said that if Booker wanted to be in movies so bad, they could make a movie live on SmackDown! -- and the name of the movie was "Rock Whooping Booker's Candy Ass All Over L.A."!
The match was on, and Rock exploded from the get-go. Booker soon knocked The Rock down and did the Spinerooni -- but as he finished the move, Rock nailed him with the spinebuster and the People's Elbow, and pinned him for the victory!
A commercial was then shown announcing that the nWo -- Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash -- will be at No Way Out!
Footage was shown from earlier in the day of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley meeting with Stephanie's doctor. The doctor said he had good news -- an ultrasound showed that Stephanie is already eight weeks along, and everything was developing just fine. The Game looked at a picture taken during the ultrasound, and was amazed by what he saw.
Wheeling a baby carriage in front of him, Kurt Angle headed to the ring. Angle said that he wasn't a pathetic suck-up; he had just told Vince McMahon that Triple H cheated at the Rumble, so Vince had rewarded him with the match at No Way Out and a chance to regain the WrestleMania title shot, which he said was a gimme. He said that should have been the biggest news item of the week, but it was overshadowed by another big announcement -- that Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley is having a baby.
Kurt said he never felt sorry for a baby before -- not until last Monday night. He said he thought Stephanie would make a great mom. But Kurt couldn't imagine having to go through life with Triple H as a father. Kurt said even as a fetus, the kid was smarter than his dad. Angle said he was no scientist, but looking at Triple H with his sloping forehead and his mean angry face and his bare knuckles dragging on the ground, it was clear that Triple H was not a man.
Kurt said to forget about the picture the doctor showed him, because he could show The Game exactly what the baby would look like -- and he pulled a stuffed gorrilla out of the baby carriage, complete with a prosthetic nose! Kurt even mockingly did his impression of the baby -- "I am the Baby Game!" Kurt said he had a gift for Baby Game -- and gave him baby bananas! Baby Game said the bananas were that damn good!
Suddenly, Triple H walked towards the ring, and Angle continued to mock The Game with the stuffed animal. The Game just cooly walked up to Angle, knocked him down, and threw the baby carriage at him! Triple H continued to pound on Angle until the Olympic hero ran away!
In six-man action, William Regal and the Dudley Boyz took on Rikishi, Edge and Rob Van Dam. The bout was intense and hard-fought, and RVD soon hit D-Von with Rolling Thunder. But Regal hit RVD with a suplex, only to have Edge spear Regal. Bubba tossed Edge into the ringpost, but Rikishi gave Bubba an avalanche and a Stink Face! But moments later, the Dudleys gave Rikishi a thunderous 3-D, and Bubba pinned him for the win! After the bout, Edge and Regal fought on the rampway, with Regal nailing Edge with the brass knuckles in the gut, and locking him in the Regal stretch! Edge was coughing up blood before all was said and done
Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion Chris Jericho headed to the ring, and Y2J said you would think that after last Monday, when he beat Rock for the sixth time, that he would finally begin to get the recognition and respect he deserved, but no. He said everywhere he went, it was the same thing -- people were assuming that Stone Cold Steve Austin would kick his ass at No Way Out and take his title. Jericho said to hell with No Way Out, to hell with Stone Cold, and to hell with waiting -- he wanted to fight Austin right now! He challenged Austin to come to the ring now to face him man-to-man!
The Rattlesnake's music hit, but instead of Steve Austin, out came Will Sasso from "MADtv," dressed just like Stone Cold! Sasso mocked the Rattlesnake, doing all his traditional moves. Jericho asked "Austin" if he was ready for a beating, and Sasso said, "What?" Jericho asked if Austin was ready to fight him right now, and Sasso said, "Where?" Jericho said right here, and called Austin some names, and Sasso said, "Why?" Jericho said, so he could prove he was better, and Sasso asked, "Who?" Jericho said he would do it, and Sasso said, "How?" Jericho said by giving him an undisputed ass beating, and Sasso said his watch was telling him it was time for Stone Cold to face facts -- that Y2J is the better man!
Y2J said "Austin" could brownnose all he wanted, but he wouldn't get away that easy
Y2J reminded "Austin" that Jericho was the man that beat him at Vengeance to become Undisputed Champion, and was also the man that beat him the very next night in a cage match. Y2J said he had worked far too hard to be considered an underdog for The Rock and Stone Cold. Jericho said he was the Undisputed Champion, and he was not afraid of Austin, because he knew that at No Way Out, he would beat the hell out of him. He told "Austin" to get down on his hands and knees right now, which "Austin" did. "Stone Cold" said he wanted to make it up to him. Jericho said he wanted "Austin" to kiss his boots, and "Austin" said it would be an honor, because Jericho was a better wrestler and champion than Stone Cold. "Austin" said Jericho was a living legend, and he kissed Y2J's boots.
Suddenly, the sounds of broken glass were again heard, and out came the real Stone Cold Steve Austin! As he headed to the ring, Chris Jericho left the ring, but Sasso stayed behind. Austin grabbed a microphone, and asked Sasso, "What?" Stone Cold said it was the worst garbage he'd ever seen in his life. Austin asked if this was supposed to be funny, and said Sasso made him sick. He asked if Jericho had put him up to this, but every time Sasso went to answer, Austin said, "What?"
Stone Cold then addressed Jericho, saying he would only be Undisputed Champion for a few more days, because at No Way Out, the titles were coming with him.
Austin turned his attention back to Sasso, and as Jericho went to assault him from behind, Austin caught Y2J and attacked him, tossing him from the ring. Sasso tried to flee the ring, but the Rattlesnake caught him and told him to get back in the ring.
Austin asked Sasso if he was proud of what he had done. He said that Sasso didn't even smell like beer, and he asked if Sasso wanted to drink a beer with the real Stone Cold, and Sasso said that would be great. Austin got a couple of beers, and said he knew Sasso had to pay his bills and had done the impression just for money. He said he was willing to forgive, and Sasso apologized over and over again, since Stone Cold kept saying, "What?" Stone Cold handed Sasso a beer, but then took it back, saying maybe he didn't want to drink a beer with him. But Austin said he was in a good mood, and wouldn't hurt Sasso.
Sasso promised he would never do this again, and the two men had a beer toast -- but moments after drinking his beer, Austin gave the "MADtv" star a Stunner!
Paulina from the original Tough Enough was seen in the crowd.
As Chris Jericho walked backstage, he was approached by Ric Flair, who told Y2J that he would be facing Triple H on SmackDown! in a non-title bout, in a possible prelude to WrestleMania.
The Hardcore Championship was on the line, as the Undertaker defended against Maven, who was accompanied to ringside by Al Snow.
The American Badass dominated the Tough Enough Champion in the earlygoing, even attacking Snow. Maven was soon busted open, bleeding all over. Taker was about to give Maven the Last Ride, but Snow snuck into the ring and attacked him with the ringbell. Moments later, Taker chokeslammed Maven, but as the ref was about to count the fall, Taker pulled Maven off the mat, looking to punish the youngster. Taker locked Maven in the dragon sleeper, when suddenly, The Rock ran to the ring! Rock nailed Taker with a chair, and then hit the Rock Bottom! Maven then crawled over and pinned Taker to win the Hardcore Championship! Rock smiled as an irate, humiliated Taker recovered in the ring! Maven and Snow celebrated after the bout!
Jerry "The King" Lawler got in the ring and introduced the contestants for the posedown -- Billy & Chucky, and Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler. The two divas soon took off their robes, revealing stunning bikinis! And the two men took off their robes, revealing -- well, let's just say it was tight. The duos each did three poses, and it seemed the crowd really liked Stacy and Torrie, but didn't care too much for Chucky & Billy. The crowd unanimously voted for Stacy and Torrie as the winners, much to Billy & Chuck's chagrin! After the voting, Stacy attacked Torrie, and The King had to get in between them to break it up!
Mr. McMahon was on the phone backstage, and he was approached by Triple H. The Game told Vince that he hated his guts.
He said he had tore his quadriceps muscle putting money in Vince's pocket, and when he had gone down, he had found out he was just a piece of meat to Vince. He said that he spent eight months in hell to work his way back. Now he said he wanted to go to WrestleMania to be Federation Champion, and he had won the Royal Rumble and a chance to do just that, only to see Vince give Kurt Angle a chance to beat him for that shot. He said Stephanie still had a soft spot in her heart for Vince -- who Triple H called "the bastard that raised her." He said he and Stephanie would be renewing their vows this Monday on RAW, and Stephanie wanted Vince to walk her down the aisle. Triple H said this was Stephanie's request, since he didn't want Vince anywhere near him or Steph, or near his kid. Vince told Triple H not to threaten him. Vince then made his match with Jericho on SmackDown! a Handicap Match, saying it would be The Game vs. Jericho and Kurt Angle!
Coach caught up with The Rock as the People's Champion was leaving the arena. Coach said that Rock and Taker were now even, but Rock said that they would never be even, as Taker had cost Rock a shot at the Undisputed Championship. As Rock spoke, Taker ambushed him from behind. The American Badass chokeslammed Rock on the hood of his car, and then gave him a Tombstone on the roof of the car!
The main event on SmackDown! was a Handicap Match, as Triple H took on both Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho.
Y2J and the Olympic hero tore into The Game, who showed flashes of dominance, even trapping Angle in the ankle lock and putting Jericho in the Walls of Jericho! The Game soon set up Angle for the Pedigree, but Y2J broke it up, and accidentally dropkicked Angle!
The Game went for the Pedigree on Angle, but Y2J brought a steel chair into the ring. Jericho missed The Game with the chairshot, and The Game set up Y2J for the Pedigree. But Angle gave Triple H the Angle Slam from behind -- right onto the chair! Angle then pinned him to win the bout!
After the bout, Stephanie walked to the ring to check on her husband. Jericho approached Stephanie, who begged Y2J not to touch her, since she is with child. Triple H then snuck up behind Angle and nailed him with a chair, and also nailed Jericho across the skull with the chair! The Game and his wife embraced after the attack -- but Angle snuck up from behind and knocked Triple H down, right onto his wife! Stephanie screamed in pain, and The Game checked on his wife as SmackDown! went off the air!