Rockford, Illinois
February 21, 2002
SmackDown! kicked off with a pre-taped announcement from World Wrestling Federation co-owner Mr. Vince McMahon. He said that the actions of the nWo on RAW were absolutely reprehensible. He said the members of the nWo should be held responsible for their actions, and they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. He felt certain that the law officers of Cook County, Illinois, and The Rock would be satisfied by the punishment that the nWo would receive. Mr. McMahon felt that community service would be a just punishment. Mr. McMahon also insisted that Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash should apologize to The Rock and also to the fans of the Federation.
The fans inside the MetroCentre in Rockford, Ill. were then greeted by an angry Kurt Angle. The Olympic Hero came to the ring and said that a travesty occurred on RAW Triple H had stolen his title shot at WrestleMania. He said he was dying to take his frustration out on anyone in the back. Angle said he would stand in the middle of the ring all night until someone was stupid enough to come out and challenge him to a fight. He said he was ready to go Olympic on somebodys ass! At that point, flames burst all around the Olympic Hero as Kane made his way to the ring! Angle and the Big Red Monster began pummeling one another until Angle went outside and grabbed a steel chair! He began hammering Kane with the metal chair, which caused the referee to call for the disqualification.
The two men continued to beat on one another, with Kane throwing Kurt into the steel steps. The Big Red Monster began pulling monitors off the announce table, but Angle hit the behemoth with a low blow. Then, the Olympic Hero got a hold of Kane and threw him through the table with a German Suplex! With the table in shambles, Angle nailed another German Suplex on Kane on top of the wooden mess. He then locked on the ankle-lock on the Big Red Monster before a half dozen Federation officials came out to separate the two!
Backstage, Federation co-owner Ric Flair and Arn Anderson were commenting on Angles assault on Kane when the Undertaker walked in. The Dead Man said that Flair had had a few days to think about facing Taker at WrestleMania X8, and he wanted an answer now. Flair told the Undertaker that he was an owner now, not a wrestler. The Dead Man said that that was the last no answer he was going to take. Come Monday night, he said, Flair would be saying yes. On his way out, Taker went up to Arn and told him that when it came to the Four Horsemen, apparently it was Anderson that had all the guts.
Jerry The King Lawler and Michael Cole recapped the events that had occurred the past week revolving around the members of the nWo, including their brutal attacks on Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock.
At that point, Hogan, Hall and Nash were seen walking toward the ring.After commercial, the nWo made its made out. Nash took the mic and started reading from a prepared statement. Nash apologized for the actions perpetrated by the trio, and he asked the fans to forgive them. Hall took the mic and wished The Rock a speedy recovery, and he hoped that he would be at 100 percent for WrestleMania X8. Hall, still reading from the paper, said that, as human beings, they were very disappointed in themselves for what they had done on RAW. He said they werent apologizing because Mr. McMahon told them to they were apologizing because they knew that what they did was wrong. Hogan then grabbed the mic and thanked the district attorneys office for its acceptance of Mr. McMahons attorneys suggestion for a lesser charge even though The Rock had assaulted me first. Hogan also thanked Mr. McMahons attorneys for arranging community service that they would perform in light of their actions. He finally thanked Mr. McMahon for accepting their apology, and for his understanding, love and support. Hogan then asked The Rock for his forgiveness, for he had already forgiven the Great One for assaulting him first. Hogan put the paper in his pocket and stated that he would not be sorry for what he was going to do to the Peoples Champ at WrestleMania X8.
The nWos music started playing when it was cut short by Stone Colds music! The three men were still in the ring when Stone Colds truck barrelled into the arena, down the aisle and straight to the ring! Austin jumped out of his truck and chased the three with a tire iron, and he finally caught up with Hall. He started attacking the Bad Guy with the tire iron until he decided to jump back in his truck and try to run over him! Hogan and Nash ran back to retrieve Hall, and they carried him away before Austin could do any more damage.
Backstage, Hogan, Hall and Nash hurried to their limosine, only to find that Stone Cold had slashed its tires and had written WHAT? in white spraypaint on the side. The three were still fuming when Austin pulled up in his truck and, again, started chasing them with a tire iron!
A clash of brothers was next, as Edge battled his former tag team partner, Christian. As Christian was posing for his fans, Edge began his assault on his sibling. As Edge attemped an Edgecution, Christian blocked the move and hit a reverse DDT. Christian picked up his brother and went for an Unprettier, but Edge threw Christian into the ropes and nailed him with a spear! Edge finally defeated his sibling after Christian tapped out to his Figure-Four Edge Lock! Edge walked backstage, but a fallen Christian was still in the ring. He took the mic and said that he knew the fans expected him to throw a temper-tantrum, but he wasnt going to do it.
He said that he couldnt win a match anymore, but he wasnt going to cry. He said that instead of throwing a fit, he was going to do them one better. As of right now, I quit! he screamed, and he walked out of the building.
Backstage, the members of the nWo were still fleeing a rabid Rattlesnake. Hogan and Nash found an empty room and locked the door, but they realized that they had lost Hall! Nash told Hogan that they should go look for him, but the two talked themselves out of it, realizing that Stone Cold was still on the loose!
In six-man tag team action, the Hardy Boyz, accompanied by Lita, teamed up with Rob Van Dam to take on the team of Lance Storm and the Dudley Boyz, who were accompanied to ringside with Stacy Keibler. Several minutes in the match, RVD started working over Storm, culminating his assault with a flying kick to Storms face from the top rope. RVD climbed to the top rope again to attempt his Five-Star Frog Splash on Storm, but Stacy ran into the ring and pushed him off the ropes and onto the concrete floor on the outside. Lita ran into the ring and was about to attack Stacy when D-Von hopped in the ring and pushed the red-haired diva away. Matt Hardy attacked D-Von and went for his Twist of Fate, but Bubba Ray interfered, and the Dudleyz teamed up to nail a 3-D on Matt! Bubba Ray went for the pin, but Jeff climbed the ropes and hit a Swanton Bomb on Bubba to break up the three count.
Storm entered the ring and landed a reverse thrust kick on Jeffs jaw, but as soon as Lance turned around, Lita was there to greet him with a Litacanrana! With Storm laying in the middle of the ring, RVD climbed the ropes again and landed his Five-Star Frog Splash on the fallen superstar for the 1-2-3 win!
Back in his office, Flair was on his cell phone when he heard a knock on his door. He told the person to come in, and in walked Stephanie McMahon. An irate Stephanie told Flair that it was unfair of him to give Triple H another chance to get his WrestleMania title shot against Angle on RAW. Flair said he was just doing what her father had done for No Way Out. Steph told Flair that she was about to slap the smile off his face when a toilet flushed in the background. The Billion Dollar Princess was happy that she was going to have the opportunity to slap Flairs Horseman buddy around too, but it wasnt Arn in the bathroom it was Triple H! The Game walked up to a shocked Stephanie and said that lifes a bitch and then you marry one. The insult sent a furious Stephanie screaming out of the office!
The Tag Team Championship was on the line as Tazz and Spike went up against Billy and Chuck! Before the match, Billy and Chuck helped each other out of their white robes. Chuck started out with Tazz, and Chuck began laughing at the smaller, shorter opponent, but that all changed with the thug from Red Hook started pummeling him! Tazz eventually locked on the Tazzmission on Chuck, but Billy attacked Tazz from behind. Spike jumped on top of Billy and went for his Dudley Dawg, but Billy threw off his smaller opponent, which sent Spike directly into a reverse thrust kick from Chuck! Billy then hit a dazed Spike with his Fame-Asser to pick up the win! Billy and Chuck are the new Federation Tag Team Champions!
After commercial, Lilian Garcia congratulated Billy and Chuck for winning their first Tag Team Championship together. Billy said that he couldnt have done it without Chuck, and it was the greatest night of his live. He said he had had a lot of partners in the past, but none that were as special as Chuck. Chuck said that Billy had the best personality and physique, and that their bond was special. At that point, Faarooq and Bradshaw interrupted the interview. Billy screamed at them, asking them why they were ruining their party. Faarooq told the duo that they could continue to live it up and get their freak on. Bradshaw added that they should take some photos of themselves with the belts and tell each other how pretty they are because, at WrestleMania X8 in Toronto, Billy and Chuck were going to kiss their Tag Team Championship goodbye!
Stephanie McMahon made her way to the ring and got on the mic. She said that before the Undertaker kicked Triple Hs ass on SmackDown!, she had an announcement to make. She said that Triple H would win the Undisputed Federation Championship at WrestleMania over her dead body! She continued to talk, but she was cut off by Chris Jerichos entrance music! Jericho then made his way out to join Steph in the ring. Y2J told Steph that they hadnt spoken much since he won the Undisputed Championship, but he wanted to come out and say something to her, face-to-face. He said he used to call her filthy, dirty, disgusting and even a trash bag, but he never really meant them. He said he was just saying those things to get a rise out of the fans, but he soon realized that pleasing the fans got him nowhere. Y2J said he was wrong about Stephanie, and that he actually admired her. Now that he is the Undisputed Champion, he sees Steph as she really is a brilliant, calculating, conniving genius! He said that Triple H is nothing without her.
Stephanie took the mic and said that she totally agreed with Jericho. She said that she is the reason that The Game is a four-time Federation Champion. Steph said that Y2J had given her a great idea. She said that she knows all of The Games strengths and, more importantly, his weaknesses. Since they both want Triple H to lose at WrestleMania X8, she proposed that her and Y2J should become more than friends. She then asked Jericho if he would like to become business partners with her. With a big smile, Jericho said that Triple Hs worst nightmare just came true! The duo shook hands, and they made their way to the announce table to be guest commentators for The Games match against the Dead Man!
Triple Hs music hit, and the Cerebral Assassin made his way to ringside. The Game locked cold stares with Stephanie and Jericho before walking over to the announce table. Hunter grabbed a water bottle, took a big chug and sprayed water all over Y2J! Jericho and The Game began battling each other around the table before they made their way into the ring. Hunter laid out Jericho, but Steph made her way into the ring and slapped him! Triple H grabbed the hair of his estranged wife and set her up for a Pedigree, but Jericho attacked him from behind. The two continued to go at it until the Undertaker made his way to ringside on his motorcycle!
Triple H mocked the Dead Man from inside the ring, and as Taker tried to climb into the ring, The Game landed a right hand to the face of the long-time veteran. Taker just shook his head, climbed on his bike and retreated to the back without even entering the ring!
After break, Stone Colds music blared in the arena as his 3:16 truck re-entered down the aisle. As the camera panned to the truck, all eyes were on the trucks bed, where Hall was unconscious! Austin threw his beer cooler into the ring, and then he dragged Hall into the ring. The Rattlesnake started pummeling Hall with beer cans to the head. With the Bad Guy laid out, Austin grabbed a mic and said Hey yo! a few times to Hall. He started berating Hall about how the nWo cost him the Undisputed Championship at No Way Out. The nWo member continued to try to slowly crawl out of the ring, but Stone Cold continued to beat on him. Austin told the fans that he would kick Hall every time they chanted WHAT?! As the crowd screamed WHAT?! like rapid-fire, the Rattlesnake landed kick after kick on Hall until he finally said that he didnt want to wear out his new boots. Stone Cold got in the face of the fallen Hall and told him to tell Hogan and Nash that the Rattlesnake is the last person they should ever mess with. Austin asked the Bad Guy if he wanted to drink a beer with him because he was tired of kicking his ass.He handed Hall a Steveweiser and they toasted beer cans before Austin pulled him in, kick him in the mid-section and landed a Stone Cold Stunner! The Rattlesnake then listened to his watch, which was apparently telling him that it was time to get some black spraypaint and paint 3:16 on the back of Hall! Stone Cold continued to celebrate in the ring as a fallen Hall laid motionless in the middle of the ring as SmackDown! went off the air!