
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 28, 2002


The March 28 episode of SmackDown! -- the last episode of World Wrestling Federation programming before the brand extension -- kicked off live from Philadelphia with Diamond Dallas Page (SmackDown!) taking on Booker T (RAW). A few minutes into the bout, DDP knocked Booker from the ring, and turned around to see Brock Lesnar (RAW) standing in front of him! At Paul Heyman's command, Lesnar downed DDP with a number of power moves, leaving the former WCW Champion a crumpled heap in the ring! Lesnar and Heyman celebrated after the demolition.

Kurt Angle (SmackDown!) headed to the ring to a chorus of "You suck!," and your Olympic hero didn't seem to be in a good mood. Kurt said that considering he had risked his life wrestling in the Olympics with a broken neck, the least the crowd could do was show him a little appreciation. He then told the crowd, "You know what? You suck too!"

He said the fans were almost as pathetic as what happened on RAW, when Stephanie McMahon was forced out of the Federation by her soon-to-be ex-husband, Triple H. The crowd cheered for the statement, as Kurt told them to have a little compassion. Angle said that Stephanie was like a blossoming flower who brought joy and happiness to millions of people every day. He said he wouldn't let her leaving go unrecognized, so he wanted to take a moment of silence so they could remember all the wonderful memories Stephanie had provided them.

Kurt had them turn down the lights in the arena, and put a picture of Stephanie on the TitanTron. He asked for the moment of silence to begin, but instead of being silent, the crowd booed mercilessly! Kurt called the people heartless, and told Stephanie that if she was watching, she shouldn't listen to the people! Angle said the fans should show Stephanie respect, or he would beat the respect out of them! Kurt then headed to the outside of the ring towards the fans -- until suddenly, out came Vince McMahon (SmackDown!).

Mr. McMahon strutted to the ring and said that when you desecrated his daughter's name, you were desecrating his name. He said his name was worth more than all the fans' name combined. Mr. McMahon said the whole fiasco wouldn't have happened if not for Triple H. Vince said The Game had drugged and married Stephanie, only to publicly embarrass her and beat her up. Mr. McMahon called Triple H a real son of a bitch. Vince admitted that Stephanie wasn't always a perfect daughter, but she was as close to perfect as daughters came. He said that he blamed Triple H for every rotten act Stephanie had ever committed. Vince said he was happy The Game was Federation Champion, because now, he would be on both RAW and SmackDown! -- and he planned on making The Game's life a living hell on SmackDown!

Suddenly, out came the Undisputed Champion, Triple H, to a huge ovation! The Game questioned Vince saying that he was a bad influence and selfish and a son of a bitch. Triple H said that Vince ain't seen nothing yet! The Game said that if Vince screwed with him, he would make Vince's life a living hell. Triple H said that since Vince missed Stephanie so much, The Game suggested that Kurt was right, and they should honor her. Triple H said they would honor Stephanie's last few moments in the Federation, and he then showed the footage from Monday's RAW, of him pinning her and sending her packing!

Kurt was irate at seeing the footage, and told Vince he wanted a match with Triple H tonight on SmackDown! He begged Vince for a match, and Vince said he would be happy to under normal circumstances, but he wanted a piece of The Game as well! Triple H said he would be happy to take on either man! Vince said it would be The Game against Angle and Mr. McMahon in a Handicap Match on SmackDown!

The sounds of "Woo!" filled the arena, and Ric Flair (RAW) came out to the stage and stood side-by-side with Triple H. Flair asked if he'd heard Vince making the rules again. Flair said he was still 50-percent owner whether Vince liked it or not. He said it wouldn't be a Handicap Match -- Triple H would have a partner, and it would be Ric Flair, appearing on his last episode of SmackDown! The Nature Boy asked The Game to take care of Angle so Flair could have Vince all to himself!

Backstage, Bubba Ray Dudley (RAW) and D-Von Dudley (SmackDown!) talkedabout how their future as a team came down to their Tag Team Championship match against Billy & Chuck on SmackDown! D-Von said that if they won the titles, they would stay together as a team, but if they lost, they would go their own separate ways. Bubba said it was a hell of a run, but if the run had to end, best it should happen in Philadelphia -- the city that the Dudley Boyz were born in. Bubba said no one could ever take their legacy away from them. He suggested that they go out there and take Billy & Chuck to the extreme!

That match was up next, as Billy & Chuck (SmackDown!) defended the Tag Championship against the Dudleys. The champs were accompanied to ringside by their stylist, Rico. The Dudleys had an extra spring in their step, desperate to remain a team. Rico interfered in the bout on several occasions, and when the Dudleys seemed to have the match won with the Dudley Device, Rico distracted the referee. D-Von chased Rico up the ramp, and Billy hit the Fame-asser on Bubba Ray for the pinfall and the victory, ending the Dudleys' run as a team!

After the bout, Billy choked Bubba, until D-Von ran back down. The teams duked it out, and the Dudleys gave Chuck the 3-D. Then, the brothers gave Billy the "Wassup!" headbutt! Bubba then told his brother to get the table! The brothers gave Billy a 3-D through the table -- one last broken table for old time's sake! The Dudleys stared each other down afterwards, giving each other a farewell hug.

Faarooq (SmackDown!) and Bradshaw (RAW) of the APA were playing cards, and Faarooq said it didn't seem the same playing cards, now that they would be separated. The men said they would always be like brothers. Bradshaw said they came in drinking beer, and they only had one night left, so they would go out drinking beer. As they talked, they saw Tajiri and Torrie Wilson, and called them over. Bradshaw said they were throwing a big party tonight, with beer for everyone!

He sent Tajiri to get the other superstars, but told Torrie to stay so they could play strip poker! Torrie said she'd like to play, and an excited Bradshaw gave her some cards!

Lilian Garcia interviewed Matt Hardy and Lita, and congratulated both on ending up on RAW. Lita said it felt great to be Ric Flair's 10th draft pick, and it felt even better to know she was on the same side as Matt and Jeff. Matt said that last week was hard on him, and he was thrilled that Team Xtreme was together again on RAW. Suddenly, Chris Jericho walked over, and seemed sickened by Matt and Lita's romantic ways. Y2J said this was all about him, and that he was livid about being on SmackDown! -- he said he should be the Undisputed Champion and should be on both shows! Jericho said he was larger than life, and until he had the Undisputed Championship back around his waist, he would never be happy again. Matt said he could understand why Jericho was unhappy, since nobody wanted to be a has-been! As Matt and Lita walked away, Jericho attacked the two, and screamed that he was not a has-been!

Hollywood Hulk Hogan (SmackDown!) was getting ready in his dressing room when he was approached by The Rock (SmackDown!). Rock said this would be their last time to take on the nWo, since Hall, Nash and X-Pac were on RAW. Hogan said that their partner for tonight -- Kane (RAW) -- was bigger and badder than any dude he'd ever been in the ring with. He asked Rock if they could trust Kane. Rock mocked other big men, including King Kong Bundy and Kamala. Rock said Kane was an ass-kicking machine. Then, Kane came into the locker room as well. Kane asked if Rock was ready, and when Rock went to answer, Kane said, "It doesn't matter if you're ready!" Kane spoke in traditional Hulk Hogan mode, culminating in, "Whatcha gonna do when Hulk Hogan, The Rock and the Big Red Machine run wild on you?" Kane then did some of Hogan's traditional posing as Rock and Hogan looked at him as if he were crazy.

That match was up next, as Hogan, Rock and Kane took on Hall, Nash and X-Pac of the nWo. Within minutes, Hogan had hit the big boot and legdrop on Hall, but Nash came in to save his partner. Before long, the match was out of control, with all six men going at it. In the ring, X-Pac went for the Bronco Buster on Kane, but the Big Red Machine caught X-Pac coming in, and chokeslammed him. Kane then pinned X-Pac for the win!

In a match stemming from their earlier altercation, Chris Jericho took on Matt Hardy, who was accompanied to ringside by Lita. As Y2J went to work on Matt, Lita went up top and nailed Jericho with the Litacanrana! Jeff followed up with a front slam on Y2J for two. Moments later, Y2J went for the Walls of Jericho, and Lita got up on the apron. In trying to escape the hold, Matt kicked Jericho right into Lita, knocking her from the apron. Matt went for the Twist of Fate on Jericho, but Y2J hit a low blow, and then put Matt in the Walls of Jericho. Matt soon tapped out, giving the win to the former Undisputed Champion. After the bout, Y2J locked Lita in the Walls of Jericho on the outside of the ring!

In the APA's office, the duo was playing cards with a number of superstars, including Godfather, Val Venis, Christian, Hurricane and Torrie. The superstars were talking about their favorite memories from years past. Tajiri won the hand of poker, and Torrie lost, so she took off a necklace. Christian was mad at being one card away from a royal flush, and threw a temper tantrum! Faarooq just said, "Damn!," as Bradshaw stared at Torrie's necklace and said he thought she would have taken off her panties or something!

The Intercontinental Championship was on the line as Rob Van Dam (RAW) defended against Test (SmackDown!). Test broke the rules a number of times, and got into it with referee Earl Hebner on several occasions. Ultimately, Test went for a powerbomb, but RVD climbed over Test into a sunset flip, and pinned him for a successful title defense!

Backstage, Coach interviewed Raven (RAW), asking about his Hardcore Title match with Maven, and about being picked for the RAW team. Raven said that which show he competed on was less important than what he wrestled for. He said the Hardcore Title was his first objective. Raven said that Maven's success would also cause the rookie's downfall, and that Maven would feel the "Raven Effect."

Up next, Maven defended the Hardcore Championship against Raven. The bout was filled with garbage cans and other foreign objects. During the bout, Tommy Dreamer ran in to attack the men, but he was soon knocked from the ring. Before long, Raven hit Maven with the Raven Effect, and pinned him to become the new Hardcore Champion, bringing the title to RAW!

Watching on from his locker room, Mr. McMahon complained to Kurt Angle about having drafted a rookie. Vince said his pick of Maven was now a wasted pick, since they had lost the Hardcore Title. Vince said he would definitely land Austin for SmackDown! Angle said he had it on good word that Stone Cold would be on RAW on Monday to make his decision! Vince said that if Austin was going to be on RAW, then so too was he. Angle said it was now time to focus on their match on SmackDown!, and Angle said was an honor to team with Vince, even though McMahon had picked him second in the draft!

Back at the APA's poker game, Hurricane chugged a beer, and then passed out. Regal approached the group, and the European Champion reminded them that he had predicted last week that the APA was now out of business, and it had come to pass. Bradshaw said they were out of business, and they were now also out of beer, so the party was over. The tough Texan then beat the hell out of Regal, and he and Faarooq said it had been a good run. The duo exited their office for the last time, and turned the "Open" sign around to say, "Sorry -- we're closed." The two then shook hands and parted ways.

The main event on SmackDown! was a tag match pitting Mr. McMahon and Kurt Angle against Triple H and Ric Flair. The men all took turns chopping away at one another in the final SmackDown! match before the brand extension. After a few minutes of action, Vince locked Flair in Flair's own figure-four leglock! Flair finally reversed the hold, before Angle broke it up. The action was out of control as Triple H went for the Pedigree on Angle, only to have McMahon hit The Game with the Federation Championship while the ref was distracted! Still, Angle only earned a two-count.

With Triple H down, Mr. McMahon tagged in and nailed The Game. McMahon mocked the Nature Boy, and turned around only to have Triple H knock him down. The Game tagged in Flair, who hit McMahon with a top-rope axhandle. Flair chopped away at Vince, and moments later, he was about to lock Vince in the figure four when Undertaker ran down to the ring and creamed Flair with a huge boot to the face! Taker then put Vince on top of Flair, and the SmackDown! owner pinned the RAW owner to win the bout for his team! Vince smiled at Taker and hugged Angle as SmackDown! went off the air!