
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
May 16, 2002


With just 72 hours remaining until Judgment Day, WWE SmackDown! emanated from the Molson Centre in Montreal, Canada!

Triple H headed to the ring as the show kicked off, bringing the capacity crowd to its feet! The Game said Vince McMahon just doesn't get it. He said Vince thought he could knock The Game down. He said Vince thought he could send six guys to kick his ass, send Chris Jericho with a steel chair, and book him in a Hell in a Cell match, and The Game would just go away. Triple H said reality is that he's still here, and that's how it would always be. He said every time Vince knocked him down, he would get right back up and get right back in Vince's face. And every time Vince knocked him down, The Game said he would get closer and closer to Vince's face, and then he would chew him up and spit him out.

The Game said he would take Chris Jericho straight to hell this Sunday. Since Y2J has never been in a Hell in a Cell match before, The Game said he would give him a first-hand feeling of what it would be like. He invited Jericho down to the ring -- calling it "purgatory," and saying Y2J could start to burn tonight.

But instead of Jericho, out came Edge! The Game looked confused as to Edge's presence. Edge said The Game had failed to mention one point in his speech -- that Triple H had also hit him with a sledgehammer last week! Edge said he didn't enjoy being hit with a sledgehammer. He said they were both supposed to be "good guys," but to be blunt about it, he didn't give a crap. Edge said on Sunday, Triple H may take Jericho to hell, and he would shave Kurt Angle bald, but he had a feeling in his stomach -- he wanted to play The Game!

The two superstars stared each other down, and Triple H said he wanted to explain something to Edge -- he said he is a lot of things, but one thing he definitely is not is a "good guy." Triple H said if Edge wanted to play The Game, he was standing right there.

Edge then punched The Game, and the two started duking it out -- until Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho ran to the ring to go to work on the men. Angle and Jericho double-teamed Triple H, and then Angle speared Edge! Jericho tossed Triple H into the steel steps, and then back in the ring, Jericho held Edge, and Kurt took a pair of scissors and cut off a lock of Edge's hair! Triple H chased the men away with a steel chair, as Kurt held up Edge's hair in celebration!

Vince and Stacy were in his office, and Vince said he thought Stacy would knock 'em dead in her Swimsuit Competition against Torrie Wilson tonight on SmackDown! Vince asked for a sneak peek, and Stacy gave him one. Vince couldn't believe her bikini was so tiny! He asked if he could give her puppies a little nuzzle for good luck, and she said yes, but before he could do so, there was a knock at the door, and in came Jericho and Angle. They bragged about what they had just done. Vince said tonight would be a night for fun, and Angle and Jericho would have fun when they teamed up against Triple H and Edge! Vince then excused the men, and Angle made sure to say goodbye to Stacy before he left!

The opening match on SmackDown! pitted Lance Storm and Hardcore Holly against Randy Orton and Big Valbowski. Storm nailed Orton with a superkick and appeared to have the win, but the rookie rolled Storm over and pinned him for the victory! To add insult to injury, Orton was holding Storm's tights! Storm and Holly were shocked!

After a recap of the happenings from Monday's RAW between WWE Undisputed Champion Hollywood Hulk Hogan and the Undertaker, Hogan was seen arriving at the arena, noticeably limping, and obviously in a bad mood.

Torrie Wilson walked backstage in her robe, and ran into Maven. He wished her good luck in her swimsuit competition later in the evening. Maven then said he'd seen what happened between her and Tajiri last week on SmackDown!, and said if she wasn't busy later, maybe they could go out for a bite to eat or a couple of drinks. Torrie said that sounded fun, and it was a date! Torrie walked away, but Maven was then approached by Reverend D-Von and Deacon Bautista. D-Von said he couldn't believe the impure thoughts going through Maven's head. D-Von said Torrie was a no-good jezebel, and as he continued to yell at 

Maven, Al Snow approached and asked if there was a problem. D-Von said no, that he was just wishing Maven luck. He added that he would show Maven salvation later that night.

Funaki was getting dressed in the locker room when he was approached by mild-mannered reporter Gregory Helms. He questioned if Funaki knew anything about the evil, mysterious note The Hurricane had received last week. He said that since Funaki wears an "Evil" T-shirt, he may know something about the note. Funaki asked what was wrong with Helms, and said he had to get ready. As Funaki turned around, Helms noticed another note on Funaki's back. Helms read the note, which congraulated Hurricane on his Cruiserweight Title match tonight, and said that if he were to win the title, the pain would begin.

Next up, Reverend D-Von took on Maven. Deacon Bautista and Al Snow accompanied the superstars to ringside. Prior to the bout, D-Von delivered his latest sermon, telling the fans that Deacon Bautista would come out among them, and they would add to the collection plate for their sinful ways. Maven seemed to have the match in control, but with the ref distracted, D-Von hit Maven with a low blow, and then hit the "Saving Grace" reverse neckbreaker for the pinfall win. After the bout, D-Von continued to attack Maven, until Snow ran in for the save. But Deacon Baustista nailed Snow over the head with the steel collection box!

Stacy was checking her hair and makeup in her locker room mirror, when suddenly a midget popped out of a cabinet, much to her shock! The midget said Stacy was his favorite superstar in WWE, and he knew she was going to win the Swimsuit Competition tonight. He said he would record the contest tonight, and that he would be waiting for her!

Tazz jumped into the ring to host the Swimsuit Competition between Torrie Wilson and Stacy Keibler, much to the delight of the males in the crowd! Tazz explained the rules -- the fans were the judges, and would pick the winner. Tazz told Torrie to go first, and she was about to take off her robe when Tajiri ran to the ring and covered Torrie up! He escorted her from the ringside area before she could take off her robe!

Back in the ring, Stacy said that there was no competition, so she was the winner! Tazz said if she was the winner, she needed to show the fans what she's got! Stacy asked if that's what the people wanted. She showed a little leg, and then said, "You wish!"

Suddenly, Trish Stratus' music played, and out came the new WWE Women's Champion! The new champion got a huge ovation from the crowd as she got into the ring. Stacy asked what the hell Trish was doing here, and Stratus said the people had come for a competition. Trish asked if Stacy was afraid of competition. As the crowd chanted for puppies, Trish said she had forgotten her bikini, but she had something else -- and she took off her jacket to reveal red lingerie! The crowd loved it!

When Trish turned around, Stacy tried to hit her with a shoe, but Trish simply knocked Mr. McMahon's assistant from the ring. Tazz then proclaimed Trish as the official winner of the contest!

In Mr. McMahon's office, the WWE co-owner talked with D-Von and Deacon Bautista. Vince congratulated the men on their recent success. Suddenly, Stacy marched into the office, complaining about what Trish had just done. Vince said he didn't know how he could make it up to her, but he would think of something. Stacy said he could make it up to her by giving her a title match with Trish, which Mr. McMahon said he would do for Judgment Day, under one condition -- if Reverend D-Von and Deacon Bautista would provide protection for her. D-Von asked if Vince wanted him to buy condoms, but Vince said no -- he was worried that Bubba Ray might be in Trish's corner, and wanted Stacy protected. D-Von said he and Deacon would love to lend a hand. Vince said that it was now assured that Stacy was the next WWE Women's Champion, and a thrilled Stacy gave Vince a big hug!

Next up, Rico took on Rikishi. WWE Tag Team Champions Billy & Chuck were at ringside for the encounter. Rico was clearly at the advantage thanks to that fact, as the Tag Champions used the numbers game to their advantage, even attacking the Phat Man every time he was on the outside. Rikishi backed Rico into a corner, but Rico grabbed the ref, allowing Billy & Chuck to get into the ring. The champs tried to double-team Rikishi, but Rikishi ducked and the champs ran into each other. Moments later, Rikishi hit a sit-down splash for the pinfall victory. After the bout, Rikishi walked to the stage and danced for the crowd!

Vince and Stacy were cuddling backstage, and Vince said there was no doubt she would have won the Swimsuit Competition. As he was about to kiss her, the Tag Team Champions and Rico barged into his locker room, complaining about what had just happened. Vince couldn't believe that Rico had lost to Rikishi. He said he was ashamed of the Tag Team Champions, and at Judgment Day, they would defend their titles against Rikishi and a partner of Vince's choosing. Vince then threw the men out of his office.

The WWE Cruiserweight Championship was on the line in a Triple Threat Match as Tajiri took on The Hurricane and Kidman. Tajiri attacked Kidman before Hurricane even had a chance to get to the ring. Later, Kidman hit the Shooting Star Press on Tajiri, but Hurricane pulled Kidman out of the ring. Tajiri downed Hurricane with kicks, but missed a kick to the head -- allowing Hurricane to nail him with a huge chokeslam, and pin Tajiri to win the Cruiserweight Championship!

The sold-out crowd in Montreal rose to its feet as Undisputed WWE Champion Hollywood Hulk Hogan headed to the ring. Hogan was clearly limping on his way to the ring, but still couldn't help but smile at the amazing reaction from the Montreal faithful. When chants of "Hogan! Hogan!" began filling the arena, the champion was moved to tears, clearly taken aback at the ungodly response.

Hogan was unable to silence the crowd, and finally said the crowd was simply overwhelming. Hulk said he had one goal, and that was to get to WrestleMania. And the night after WrestleMania, he had come out in Montreal to say thanks. But because of all the Hulkamaniacs in Montreal, he just couldn't go home now. Hogan said tonight, he found himself out in Montreal on the eve of Judgment Day just to say thanks again.

The "Hogan" chants continued, as Hogan thanked the fans for making his dreams come true. He said he hoped the dream never ended, that he never had to wake up to reality again. Hogan said every night, he turned on the news, and when he saw what was going on in the world, reality sucks. Hogan said when he was in the ring, he was in his own fantasy world, and he hopes it never ends.

The champion said he was going to say "I hope," but now that he was back in Montreal, it wasn't that he "hoped" -- he said he knew that Hulkamania would live forever. He said with that being said, he asked what Undertaker was going to do at Judgment Day when Hulkamania ... but before he finished his question, "No Chance in Hell" blared over the speakers, and out came Mr. McMahon.

The WWE co-owner headed for the ring, looking like he was seething about something. Vince stared Hogan down. Vince said that reality didn't suck -- in his opinion, Hulkamania sucks. Vince said he enjoyed how Taker dragged Hogan behind his own motorcycle on RAW. Vince said once he had agreed with the fans, that Hogan was an icon -- but no more. Vince said he was looking at an empty shell of what Hogan used to be. Vince said Hogan didn't realize that Hulkamania is diseased, that it had terminal cancer. He said this Sunday at Judgment Day, Undertaker will stuff the remnants of Hulkamania in a cardboard box and bury it.

The crowd chanted "Na na na na hey hey goodbye" at Vince, but Vince said the chant was actually for Hogan instead of him. Vince reminded Hogan that he was the Dr. Frankenstein who created Hulkamania, and what he had created he could always destroy. He told Hogan he now knew what the red and yellow of Hulkamania stood for -- the red represents the blood Hogan will shed at Judgment Day, and the yellow represents the cowardly streak that runs down Hogan's back.

Shockingly, Vince then slapped Hogan across the face -- and Hogan didn't like that too much. The champion punched out Vince and nailed him with a legdrop, and then ripped off his shirt to a standing ovation, before downing the owner with yet another legdrop!

Marc Loyd interviewed Triple H about the Hell in a Cell match this Sunday. The Game said Jericho needs to understand something -- there would be no Kurt Angle or six other guys to help Y2J. When the cell lowered, Triple H said Y2J would be alone with him. He said if Jericho was wondering what would happen inside Hell in a Cell, he should call Mick Foley. He said he had ended Foley's career in Hell in a Cell, and said this Sunday would be no different.

As The Game spoke, he was approached by Edge. Edge said that just because they were interrupted before didn't mean they didn't still have a problem. Triple H said he admired Edge's guts and bravado, but maybe Edge should go win a couple of world titles before he jumped on The Game. Edge said perhaps he would take the Triple H route -- marry the boss' daughter and sleep his way to the world title. Triple H laughed, saying Edge could do it any way he wanted, just starting tomorrow, because tonight they had unfinished business with Angle and Jericho.

The main event on SmackDown! pitted Triple H and Edge against Kurt Angle and Chris Jericho. Angle held up a lock of Edge's hair as he headed to the ring. The Olympic hero and Y2J double-teamed Edge before Triple H even had a chance to make his entrance, but once The Game made it to the ring and the sides evened up, the match began.

There was clearly some tension between The Game and Edge, but they put their differences aside to assault their foes. Triple H went for a Pedigree on Jericho, but Angle saved his partner, and the two double-teamed The Game with Edge on the outside. Triple H battled back with a double clothesline, and Edge hit a top-rope clothesline on the two as well. Edge slingshotted Jericho from the ring, and Angle went for the Angle Slam, but Edge battled out and took Angle down. Jericho then got a steel chair and went into the ring, only to be speared by Edge. Angle then snuck up from behind and nailed Edge with the Angle Slam, only for Triple H to give Angle the Pedigree.

Jericho broke up the pinfall attempt, and he and The Game fought to the outside. The ref tried to break up their fight, but was knocked out. Triple H and Jericho battled through the crowd and away from the ringside area.

Back in the ring, Edge and Angle slugged it out, and Edge suplexed the Olympic hero. He set Angle up for the spear, but Angle instead tossed the steel chair right into Edge's head. Angle then hit another Angle Slam, and pinned Edge for the victory! Angle held up Edge's lock of hair and gloated as SmackDown! went off the air!