
Indianapolis, Indiana
July 25, 2002

Rey Mysterio def. Tajiri
SmackDown! kicked off with a high-flying bout between Rey Meysterio and Tajiri. The Japanese Buzzsaw took it to the newcomer early, but Mysterio nailed the 619 to get some momentum. Tajiri's shoulders were pinned to the mat shortly after a top rope huracanrana from Mysterio!

Kurt Angle came out and addressed the crowd, saying he was sorry that he scared everyone last week when it appeared that he was jumping to RAW. Angle said if he were no longer on SmackDown!, there'd be no reason to watch. Angle stated that he was a bit upset last week after the actions of Brock Lesnar. Angle reminded the NCAA Champion that the Olympic Hero was winning gold medals back when Lesnar was playing Hungry Hungry Hippos! Angle called out Lesnar, but it was Hollywood Hulk Hogan that strutted out beneath the TitanTron! Hogan said he wanted a piece of Lesnar first as the Next Big Thing had interfered in Hogan's match last week too. Angle said he wasn't leaving and told Hogan to come to the ring and do something about it! Hogan went to the ring, but Stephanie McMahon came out and stopped them. Stephanie said that Angle and Hogan would square off in a match later on with the winner facing Brock Lesnar next week!

Brock Lesnar def. Mark Henry 
In this battle between two of WWE's largest superstars, Lesnar showed amazing strength in suplexing Henry and hitting the F-5 to get the pinfall! Paul Heyman smiled and escorted the Next Big Thing out of the ring. Backstage, Lesnar confronted Hogan and said he really wanted to face the Hulkster next week. Later, though, Lesnar bumped into Angle and wished him luck too!

Hollywood Hulk Hogan def. Kurt Angle
During an intense battle, the referee got knocked down which allowed a frustrated Angle to bring a steel chair into the ring. Hogan kicked the chair out of Angle's hands and tried to get the pin, but the ref could not count. Hogan went to the ref's aid, but Brock Lesnar came down and got into a shouting match with Hogan. Angle used the distraction to smack Hogan with the chair, but did so just as the referee picked his head up! The ref called for the disqualification, meaning the Hulkster will meet Lesnar next week on SmackDown! After the match, Angle vented his frustration on Hogan and Lesnar whirled the Hulkster into the F-5!

Rikishi def. Reverend D-Von
After dropping Deacon Batista with a kick to the face, the Phat Man splashed down with the Rump Shaker and got the pin on Reverend D-Von! Rikishi tried to follow after the match with a Stink Face, but Batista stopped him cold with a clothesline and spinebuster, and D-Von added a flying head butt for good measure.

Jamie Noble came out and targeted the announce team. Noble accused Michael Cole of eyeballing Nidia, so he prompted his girlfriend to give Cole a good time. Nidia went over and gave Cole a lap dance punctuated by a deep kiss with plenty of tongue! 

John Cena def. Rico
The stylist missed a moonsault whch allowed Cena to hit the tilt-a-whirl slam and get the pinfall! Cena continued attacking Rico, but was picked off by Billy and Chuck! Chuck held Cena on his shoulders while Billy climbed the top rope and launched a flying bulldog onto the rookie.

Eric Bischoff, who had been kicked out of the backstage area by Stephanie McMahon earlier, purchased a ticket and paid off a fan in the front row for his seat! Stephanie came down and had a message for the RAW GM. She said that the main event of the night wouldn't be The Rock vs. Edge. It would be The Rock teaming with Edge against newly-acquired: RAW talent -- Eddie Guerrero and Intercontinental Champion Chris Benoit! A ticked-off Bischoff stormed to the ring but was kicked out by security!

Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero def. Edge and The Rock
In perhaps the most intense battle of the evening, The Rock knocked down Eddie Guerrero with a Rock Bottom and set his sights on Chris Benoit. Suddenly, the Great One spied Brock Lesnar emerging from beneath the TitanTron with a steel chair! The Rabid Wolverine pounced on The Rock and slapped on the Crippler Crossface, forcing the Undisputed Champion to tap out! Lesnar smiled in approval and watched The Rock writhe in pain from ringside. As Lesnar backed up the ramp, Hogan jumped out and clocked Lesnar with a steel chair.