September 12, 2002
Smackdown starts off with recaps from last Thursday.
We start off with Cole and Tazz talking about the events to come in the evening.
Then we go into a match with Brock Lesnar, accompanied by Paul Heyman, vs. Hardcore Holly.
Brock Lesnar vs. Hardcore Holly
The start off with a face-to-face confrontation then Hardcore punched Lesnar in the face to start off the match. Hardcore tossed Brock out of the ring, but Brock continued to gain control over holly throughout the match.Brock tossed Lesnar back in the ring and tries for a three count, and was unsuccessful with Hardcore kicking out. Hardcore got knocked out with the clothesline, then Brock took him down with a suplex, Hardcore battled back, but Brock took him in the corner and laid in some kicks on Hardcore. Brock gets Hardcore in the middle of the ring putting the bear hug on Hardcore. Brock gave Hardcore a backsuplex and tried for a three count again, but Hardcore kicked out. Brock gave Hardcore the powerbomb, landing Hardcore on his head. Brock gave Hardcore the F5 to get the pin and win the match.
They show and Instant Replay as Brock and Paul leave the ring.
Backstage we see the Undertaker and Sarah have arrived.
Back from commercial we go to a match with Eddie and Chavo Guerrero vs. John Cena and Edge
Eddie and Chavo Guerrero
vs. John Cena and Edge
Eddie attacks Edge before the bell rings. John Cena holds
Eddie off the ring floor by
his hair. Eddie finds a way to get out of the hold and back into
the ring. Eddie and Chavo try to take over Cena but Edge came in with a double clothesline. And the match
is on. Eddie pins Cena for the win.
This was a very interesting match.
After the match Chavo and Eddie are in the ring with Edge lying face down on the mat.
Chavo took his pants off and pulled his underwear up like a thong and Eddie goes to push Edge's head into a Chavo stinkface, Edge stopped Eddie and turned it around and Eddie ended up with the Chavo Stinkface.
Back from commercial we, of course, see a "moments ago". Backstage Eddie and Chavo are arguing. Eddie is ticked about getting the Stinkface, Chavo explains that he didn't know that Eddie was on the receiving end.
Asking why Taker brought Sara to the stadium, he said she had family there.
Matt Hardy came up and congratulated Taker on having a little one and Taker told him to have the conversation another time. Matt tried to walk into the locker room to congratulate Sara; Taker didn't like the idea and tossed Matt Hardy into the door behind him.
Rico is seen on the cell phone saying he had two grooms and no brides.
He walks into Steph's office to ask her to please attend the ceremony. She told him to understand that its not that she doesn't want to be there, its just that she has bad luck attending weddings Steph said she hopes all is O.K. Rico said its not O.K. and rattles off a list of problems accruing. Rico was freaking out. And Steph said she will attend and Rico thanked her and left.
Back from commercial Kurt Angle walks out to the ring.
He starts off saying how appropriate that he has a return match with Rey in Minni, you know meaning short. The crowd antagonizes Angle with chanting What!?! and You S*ck (What chants still exist). He says that Rey is a boy in a mans world, then says he's a man who loves to play with boys, he quickly tried to fix that statement. The You S*ck chants came in well there. But what Angle meant to say was that he'd love to man handle Rey. Again trying to fix the sentence and does it again. And says he is going to get on top of Rey, the stops again and tells Rey to get his butt out there.
Back from commercial Angle is still in the ring, and Rey enters for a match.
Angle vs. Rey Mysterio
The bell rings and we are ready for a great match. Angle showing
Mysterio no respect. Angle running around the ring after Rey and Angle went flying through the ropes. Angle comes back
in the ring and is still falling for all the setups Rey is
putting in front of him. Rey gets a two count on Angle, Angle tossed Rey across the ring, Angle gains
control for a bit and goes for a three count on Rey but is only
successful with two. Angle puts a bear hug on Rey. Rey rolls over
for a three count but only gets two. Both are on the mat as the
ten count starts. They both get up before ten. Angle finally gets
an ankle lock on Rey but Rey breaks from it. Rey dialed 619 on
Angle, and again goes for a three count but Angle
kicked out at 2 ½. Rey is on the top rope and Angle
runs up the ropes and gives Rey the Angle slam and finally
gets the three-count on Rey.
Backstage we see a limo pull up. A guard knocks on the window to see who it is, then allows them through.
Back from commercial we go to Chris Benoit vs. Rikishi match.
Chris Benoit
vs. Rikishi
Benoit gives Rikishi a headbutt,
and Rikishi did some move I couldn't explain. Benoit gives
Rikishi some chops and goes for a three but only gets a two count
with Rikishi kicking out. Benoit
puts Rikishi in the sleeper hold. Rikishi gets to his feet and slings Benoit into the ropes. He starts slapping
his behind, smells like a stinkface coming soon. Rikishi gets to
the top rope and Benoit goes behind him and drops Rikishi to the
floor. Benoit goes to the top rope, but Kurt Angle ran out and
knocked Benoit of the top rope. Rikishi tossed Angle out of the ring.
Rikishi goes for the stinkface on Benoit, and Angle stood outside
the ring holding Benoit in place. Angle left the ring laughing. Benoit
wins by DQ.
We come back to start off the ceremony. We see the ring getting ready as we go back to Steph's office and Benoit was demanding a match with Kurt Angle for him laughing about the stinkface, she sets a match for Unforgiven. Benoit vs. Angle. Matt barged in and demanded a match vs. Undertaker, Stephtold him he doesn't demand anything, and Undertaker already has a match tonight. Steph told Matt since he's so filled with 'Mattitude', she made the match, Matt Hardy vs. Undertaker.
We go back to the ring, we see Rico is out there asking the Justice of the Peace if he was kind of old as he shook his hand. He walked through the ring complaining about all the things wrong. The flowers, the colors, and so on.
Back we see Steph getting in the ring. Rico told her she looked wonderful and said the Justice of the Peace was a last minute replacement. He addresses the crowd, presenting the commitment ceremony of Billy and Chuck.
Three ladies are up on the ring entrance singing, "It's Raining Men", as Billy and Chuck come out dancing dressed in tuxes with red ties. The entered the ring and gave each other a big hug. Only people in the ring are Rico, Steph, Billy, Chuck and the Justice of the Peace, all dancing by the way.
The girls stop singing and the Justice of the peace starts. Billy and Chuck have written their own vows. Chuck started. He told Billy he captured his heart. Then Billy goes and said to Chuck that his vows were corny. But that's why he thought Chuck was special and put the ring on his finger. And asked him to be his tag team partner permanently. Rico said how wonderful it was. Rico presented a video of highlights entitled "Our Love Story".
Rico wiped tears from his eyes. Rico said to go on with the ceremony.
But first the Justice had to ask if there was anyone there who did not think that these two should be together, and to speak now of forever hold your peace. Silence, besides the crowd of boos.
Then we hear music and Godfather has walked out with all his girls. Godfather spoke saying he was sorry but when he heard that Minneapolis was having a party that he had to be there. So let the good times roll cause the Godfather is back in business. But he had to stop the ceremony and said the truth must be heard. And asked Billy what happened. Said he knew Billy still had the pimp in him. Godfather said he remembered when the fine, fine, fine, fine, ladies liked him so much. And to Chuck he said he was the legendary skirt chaser of all time. Rico told Godfather to hold on that he wasn't taking the interruption and that no one in the building wanted to see him or his good time girls and to remove himself from the building. And if the Godfather didn't do it, Rico would have security do it for him. Billy and Chuck tried to speak, but Rico said he had it under control. Rico said to go right to the end of the ceremony and skip the interruption. The Justice of the Peace asked Billy if he would take Chuck till death do they part, in sickness and in health, and he said YES! The Justice then asked Chuck the same question. Rico told Chuck to go ahead it was O.K., and that it wasn't time to get cold feet. Chuck finally said yes. The Justice was going to pronounce them when Chuck and Billy stopped them and said it wasn't supposed to go this far, it was a publicity stunt, that they aren't gay (and there isn't anything wrong with it). Billy said if he were gay he wouldn't marry Chuck. Rico freaked out. The Justice went on to say some words. Some were hard to hear. But the last line he said was three minutes. Then he stood up straight and in his own tone of voice asked, "did I hear myself say three minutes?" And then he took off his mask and it turned out to be Eric Bischoff. Bischoff grabbed Steph and held her back in the corner, as the Island Boys came out destroying the ring and knocked out Billy and Chuck. One of the Island Boys picked up Steph and dropped her on her back. Rico was holding Steph down, then Rey, Cena and Edge I believe, came running out and after Bischoff; Angle was in the ring to check on Steph while the rest of the Smackdown roster came out.
Back from commercial they showed the "moments ago". Torrie Wilson comes down to the ring for here match against Nidia.
Torrie Wilson vs. Nidia.
Nidia came to the ring and Torrie stopped her. They both got back
into the ring and the bell rang. Nidia knocked down Torrie and
threw her gum at her. It was a quick match with Torrie
getting the three count on Nidia.
We see Undertaker and Sara in the back. Undertaker said he would be right back. We see Matt Hardy in the back knocking on Brocks door and asked Brock and Paul if they were ready.
Back from commercial we see Matt Hardy come to the ring with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman, followed by Undertaker entering to the ring with his motorcycle.
Matt Hardy vs.
Undertaker came in the ring throwing his shirt out at Brock; Heyman was jumping on the ring
acting like a lunatic. Heyman throws a chair in the ring and the
ref. throws it back out. UT starts dominating Matt Hardy. Heyman
keeps trying to interfere and the ref. gets out of the ring and
forces Heyman to leave. Matt had seemed to have got some kind of
control, however that didn't last long. Undertaker is outside the
ring and Brock takes a shot at him. Brock rolls UT back into the
ring and the Ref. steps out telling Brock to leave ringside too. Back in the ring Matt
is getting some hits in on UT. UT stopped him with a clothesline.
Undertaker gave Matt Hardy some punches that kept knocking hardy
down. UT gave Matt Hardy snake eyes on the top rope. They show on the screen that Paul
entered UT's
dressing room and started to talk to Sara. As soon as Undertaker saw it
he was out of the ring and on his way there.
He entered the room and attacked
Paul. Brock came in from behind and hit UT with a chair. Then
went walking towards Sara backing her into the wall. Brock put his hands on her
pregnant stomach and said "Life's A Bitch". Lesnar and Paul left. And that was the end
of Smackdown.