Friday Night Smackdown!
Omaha, Nebraska
January 16, 2009
results thanks to
-The show opened with a replay of last week's show-opening with Jim Ross and
Tazz discussing the Jeff Hardy hit and run accident angle. This remains an
example of how to do something outside of the bounds of the wrestling arena and
ring that involves criminal actions and police, but has a realistic and
therefore effective tone to it so far. Little details can make all the
difference in being able to enjoyably and easily sustain disbelief and get
absorbed in a storyline, and WWE so far on this has done so - and in a tasteful
-After the Smackdown opening aired, Ross and Tazz introduced the show as the
camera panned the crowd. They announced that Hardy would be Edge's guest on "The
Cutting Edge" interview segment.
-Vickie Guerrero stood center-ring and said she wanted to show everyone what
will happen if you disrespect her. A video clip aired of Triple H's "Triple
Jeopardy" series last week. She said Triple H paid the price of disrespecting
her. She said Triple H ruined her wedding day and almost her marriage and even
tried to ruin her reputation. She said, "He has some nerve!" She said if he
thinks this is some kind of joke, look who's laughing now. Triple H's music
began and he walked out. Ross said he's amazed Triple H is even able to be there
Triple H walked to the ring with a envelope in hand a sinister look on his face.
Triple H said it's tough to say, but he's sorry. He said he wants to bury the
hatchet, so he had something for her. She reached for the envelope, but he
pulled away and said he wanted to tell her what it was first. "It's, uh, your
nude photos." He said he had to go through a lot to get them back because
apparently The Great Khali had them and he showed them to a lot of guys in the
back, the crew, the catering people. He said Joey Styles bought them from The
Great Khali. He said Styles runs and he put them up on the website and a
lot of people saw them. Triple H said it cost him a fortune to buy them from
Styles, but here they are. She looked inside briefly.
Vickie said she accepts his apology, but that's not good enough for her. She
said she can't remove him from the Royal Rumble, but she can put it on the line
in a match. So tonight Triple H would face Big Show in a Last Man Standing match
with the Rumble slot on the line. Triple H hung his head, seemingly a defeated,
disappointed man. As Vickie began to walk away, he then spoke up and said he
thought she might not graciously accept his apology. So maybe this would help.
He then pointed to the big screen as old-style "sexy" music played as her pics
aired on the big screen. The images were blocked out other than her face, but
the crowd reactions suggested they saw more than the TV audience. Triple H said
she was young and needed the money.
Vickie interrupted Triple H's music by yelling, "Excuse me!" She augmented her
decision earlier. She said MVP will be fighting Big Show with Triple H's Rumble
slot on the line. And she banned Triple H from ringside. Now, on a number of
levels that hardly seems fair. But he did make fun of her for being fat a couple
weeks ago, so really, all's fair after that. I credit Triple H for not making
fun of her body this time, but sticking with the general embarrassment of having
nude pics go public.
-A commercial aired hyping WWE on PPV in general, with the catch phrase being:
"You should have been there!"
[Commercial Break]
-As a scene aired of the exterior of the arena and Downtown Omaha, Neb., Ross
threw to highlights of Jack Swagger's ECW Title victory over Matt Hardy.
1 -- JACK SWAGGER & MARK HENRY (w/Tony Atlas) vs. MATT HARDY & FINLAY (w/Hornswoggle)
This is a big moment for Swagger, his first appearance on one of the Big Two
shows. For those who haven't been watching ECW, he is the real deal and the best
bet to come out of nowhere to be a major player quickly. He is a natural in the
ring, a natural on the mic, he's a natural with body language and facial
expressions, and a natural at being a heat generator. Ross on Swagger: "Jack
Swagger, a young man who has as much potential as anyone I've seen in WWE in
many, many years." Meanwhile, Matt Hardy's apparently been on the diet that
Hurricane Helms was on the past six months. He's hitting that age in his mid-30s
where the same number of calories in doesn't necessary work itself off as
easily. Henry overpowered Hardy early, but Hardy came back with an enzuigiri and
then a hot-tag to Finlay. Swagger sold to Finlay for a moment, but then rammed
Finlay into the ringpost and sent him to the floor where Henry beat on him a
little. Swagger got sustained offense as Hardy got the crowd to clap as they cut
to a break.
[Commercial Break]
-A commercial aired hyping Mr. McMahon's return to Raw. "What does this mean to
the WWE Universe?"
Even when Swagger applies a chinlock, he makes it look like he's holding someone
back from pushing a nuclear bomb button that's going to destroy the world.
There's nothing casual about it. Finlay avoided a swing splash by Swagger at
11:00 leading to a hot-tag to Hardy. Hardy took it to Swagger right away,
looking to get retribution for losing the ECW Title to him earlier in the week.
Hardy hit a Side Effect and then set up a Twist of Fate. Atlas threw Hornswoggle
into the ring to distract Hardy. Atlas then surprised Hardy with a clothesline.
Finlay hit Henry with the shillelagh. Swagger kicked Finlay in the face. Hardy
surprised Swagger with a Twist of Fate for the win.
WINNER: Hardy & Finlay in 12:00.
STAR RATING: *1/2 -- Basic okay tag match. I'd have wanted to give Swagger a
little more time to shine in his national Smackdown debut than what they gave
him here, especially coming off of an ECW Title. Having the heel champ lose to
the babyface former champ or challenger is a tried and true proven booking
technique, but with someone as new as Swagger, it might not have been ideal.
-Edge told Vickie backstage that at the Royal Rumble, Jeff Hardy's first title
defense will be his last. Chavo Guerrero walked in with Big Show following
behind. He gave Vickie a cup of hot coffee. Show said the Last Man Standing
match is a great concept and he will take care of business. He told Edge
hopefully he takes care of business because after he wins the Rumble, he's going
to WrestleMania "and maybe I can knock you out when there's a lot more at
stake." Chavo said, "Ohh, in your face! It's on!" He said Triple H will no
longer be in the WWE Title picture after tonight. Edge anxiously told Chavo to
go be sure everything is set up right for the Cutting Edge interview later
because he's going to make it something Hardy will never forget.
-A Royal Rumble commercial aired.
[Commercial Break]
-WWE Fact: Once again last week Smackdown broke its own record as the
highest-rated show in My Network history.
-Backstage Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson bumped into R-Truth backstage.
Kendrick said his laughing and dancing doesn't impress him. Ezekiel whispered:
"That's what's up." Funny.
-Todd Grisham interviewed Michelle McCool backstage. A clip aired of McCool's
attack on Eve last week after a phony apology. McCool told Grisham it's all
about jealous. Grisham hilariously said, "So you're jealous of Eve and Maria?"
McCool interrupted and said they're jealous of her. He asked Grisham to look at
her. "It's okay, I'm used to it," she said. She vowed to regain her Divas
Championship soon. Victoria walked into the picture and said she may bully those
little girls, but she doesn't intimidate her and she's about to find out why.
-Backstage MVP warmed up shadow boxing. He told Triple H was had the fight in
the bag. Triple H told him he better start a win streak tonight. MVP said they
both need him to win and he won't let him down. "The streak ends tonight," he
-R-Truth rapped his way to the ring. They cut to a break before we could fairly
judge how off-beat he'd end up by the time he got to the ring.
[Commercial Break]
2 -- R-TRUTH vs. BRIAN KENDRICK (w/Ezekiel Jackson)
Truth dominated early. Kendrick took over with a surprise kick as the ref was
talking to Truth. He controlled the next few minutes with a leglock and then a
chinlock. He went for The Kendrick, but Truth avoided it and came back with his
rolling scissors kick for the win almost out of nowhere.
WINNER: Truth in 5:00.
-Triple H reenforced to MVP how important this win is. "You do what I told you
to do and you win this. This match means everything to me," he said. MVP said he
had it. Triple H said for his sake he better hope he does. MVP looked at Triple
H's sledgehammer and seemed intimidated.
[Commercial Break]
-A vignette aired of Vladimir Kozlov's workout routine at a gym.
3 -- THE BIG SHOW vs. MVP -- Last Man Standing match
MVP jump-started the match with a chairshot from behind. As he swung the chair
at him again at ringside, Show punched the chair out of his hands. MVP rolled
into the ring to regroup and ready for Show's entrance. As Show tried to enter,
MVP kicked him to the floor. Show eventually swatted MVP aside and entered the
ring, then caught his running boot attempt and sent him tumbling to the floor at
Show went after MVP on the floor. MVP rolled back into the ring. Ross
complimented MVP's "Hit and Run" strategy. Show shoved MVP to the floor seconds
later and this time caught up with him on the floor. He clubbed him across the
back with his forearm. At 4:00 Show whipped MVP into the steps. Tazz wondered
what Triple H's advice was for MVP. MVP moved out of the path of a charging
Show, then leaped off the ring apron and dropkicked Show into the ringpost at
5:00. They cut to a break after Show again swatted away an MVP kick.
[Commercial Break]
After the break, Show slapped MVP across the cheat and then smiled with a sense
of satisfaction. He continued the methodical beatdown of MVP, including lifting
him by his head and throwing him to the mat. MVP came back with a sleeper at
12:00. MVP came back with a sleeper briefly, but when the action spilled to the
floor, Show whipped MVP into the security wall. He sat on the steps at ringside
as the ref began to count to ten MVP got up before ten. Show casually stood up
and went back to work. Show grabbed MVP by his lapels. That infuriated Show,
went aggressively went after MVP with a suplex on the ramp. MVP rolled all the
way off the ramp to the floor where the ref began counting again. MVP stood up
before ten. Show chopped him hard in the chest. Show pressed and threw MVP onto
the stage. Show lifted MVP for a chokeslam. Triple H ran out and hit Show from
behind with a sledgehammer. Both men went down. The ref began counting. Triple H
yelled at MVP, encouraging him to stand up. The crowd chanted, "MVP, MVP." He
did stand up with help from the WWE logo on the stage. The ref raised MVP's arm.
When was the last time that happened? The camera zoomed in on Show really
selling the pain from the sledgehammer shot.
WINNER: MVP in 16:00.
STAR RATING: **1/2 -- The definition of lumbering, but still well played out.
I'm not sure if MVP's losing streak ending needed to be done that way under
circumstances where he wasn't even the main focus of the match or angle.
-Tazz plugged a Hall of Fame announcement. Ross plugged Undertaker's Edict.
[Commercial Break]
-A vignette aired on Umaga's pending return.
-Edge told Vickie backstage he wants to teach Big Show a lesson on taking care
of business, and he'll show him how it's done later on his Cutting Edge
interview with Jeff Hardy
-A video played of Undertaker. He looked into the camera and said, "This year
there will only 29 mortal souls in the Royal Rumble match and one immortal
phenom." He said darkness will fall for those who attempt to derail his destiny.
Video images showed of other entrants in the Rumble. He said their fate will be
worse than a simple over-the-top elimination. "Their suffering will be
infinite," he said. "I will bury them all."
[Commercial Break]
Ross said this is Victoria's last match in WWE. "Victoria's retiring," he said.
She went after McCool at ringside, and then pounded her head back in the ring.
Ross said she's had an amazing career in WWE and wanted to dedicate this match
to the troops. She hit a standing moonsault for a near fall at 1:00. Ross noted
the referee for this match, Jack Doan, was back from shoulder surgery. She
scored another near fall at 2:00 after a superplex. Ross said Victoria's
decision to retire came about rather abruptly. He said a lot of tears were shed
earlier in the day as she said her goodbyes to a lot of people. McCool came back
and began working over Victoria's leg, ramming it over the edge of the ring
apron. Victoria made a comeback at 5:00 with a backslide for a near fall. She
set up her Widow's Peak finisher, but her leg buckled and McCool escaped and her
Styles Clash finisher, now titled the "Faith Breaker." Victoria lay in the ring
afterward soaking up the moment as McCool paced around the ring celebrating.
WINNER: McCool in 6:00.
STAR RATING: *1/2 -- Good TV women's match. Longer than usual, which was a nice
show of respect giving Victoria time for a full-fledged match on TV instead one
of those one minute deals.
-Backstage Vickie told Triple H he's done it now because by getting involved in
the MVP-Show match, he's out of the Rumble. Triple H said she said he was banned
from ringside, and he was on the stage, nowhere near ringside. He said that
means he is still in the Royal Rumble. Vickie's smile turned to a big frown. She
said next week he will face the undefeated Vladimir Kozlov. There's one very big
reason to skip next week's show after their PPV debacle, one of the worst
matches in WWE history.
[Commercial Break]
-After teasing it during the show twice, they aired the Steve Austin Hall of
Fame announcement video. Ross and Tazz reacted at ringside.
-Ross and Tazz hyped the Royal Rumble.
-Edge made his full ring intro for "The Cutting Edge" segment.
[Commercial Break]
-A commercial aired hyping the Triple H vs. Kozlov match. A soundbite then aired
with Kozlov. "Next week will Triple H bring me competition? I think not.
Vladimir Kozlov will still be undefeated," he said. Ross and Tazz hyped next
week's main event. I do like the WWE trend of almost every week giving a nice
dose of hype and storyline backing to the following week's main event, rather
than just seeming like they're winging it.
-Edge said as an elite athlete, he's learned to block out distractions. He said
his only focus lately has been to take back his WWE Championship from Jeff
Hardy. He said lately that's been difficult because every week there seems to be
a new distraction trying to shift his focus, such as very private photos of his
wife being plastered all over He said words won't due justice this
story, so instead they made a movie. He pointed to the big screen and a video
aired of Jeff Hardy's WWE Title victory. Edge called Hardy's title reign "an
embarrassing, irrational period" in WWE history. He laughed and said that's just
a slight glimpse of the preview. He said the movie ends at the Royal Rumble when
Hardy's only WWE Title reign was an accident. He doesn't just want to tell the
fans, he wants to tell Hardy in person.
Jeff Hardy's ring intro aired and as he danced on the stage, the pyro show got
out of hand and engulfed him. He went down in pain, grabbing at his face. Ross
gasped, "What?" A trainer ran to the back for help. Jimmy Wang Yang was the
first out, calling for help. Hurricane Helms was next out, followed by trainers.
They went to shots of concerned fans in the crowd. A stretcher was brought out.
R-Truth ran out next to help him onto the stretcher. Hardy covered his face as
they rolled him onto the backbrace. Vickie stepped out to a chorus of boos and
observed. It's a little weird they went the backbrace route for facial burns.
They replayed the pyro engulfing him from several angles as the crowd fell
silent. Hardy was rolled to the back, still covering his face, as the crowd
chanted "Hardy, Hardy" and the show ended without further comments.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Good edition of Smackdown. It hardly felt like a throwaway
B-show that's been to often this decade. The show-closing angle was well-done.
Realistic, but tasteful. The Show-MVP build up and execution and follow-up was
all sharp. The filler matches were solid, too.