Friday Night Smackdown!
Indianapolis, Indiana
February 6, 2009
results thanks to
Already in the ring to start the show were a
bunch of random men. Kozlov then came out for this battle royale activity. Great
Khali was out next. Colt Cabana is in the ring. That's what's crackin. Suddenly,
Vickie Guerrero excused herself for a word. She said Jeff Hardy will get his WWE
Title re-match in the Elimination Chamber. The other final participant is
determined here.
(1) BATTLE ROYALE. Scotty "Colt" Goldman was tossed outside first. Poor guy.
Ross told him to head back to .com. Kizarny was knocked out. Son of Bam Bam,
Jesse, was out, followed by Shelton via MVP. Pick up an MVP vs. Shelton program
on Smackdown soon. Chavo then dumped out MVP and Shelton booted MVP on the
floor. Let's get a break. [CB]
Chavo out via Khali, then Fu Naki out via Khali. The Kendrick was out next via
Khali. Hawkins & Ryder were still in there along with Primo & Carlito. Khali
then dumped out Hawkins and Ryder before Kozlov snuck up behind Khali and took
him out. Final four of Kozlov, tag champs, and R-Truth. It took a triple
dropkick to get Kozlov off his feet, but Kozlov dumped the tag champs out when
they tried to lift him out. Kozlov then easily discarded of Truth for the win.
WINNER: Kozlov in 10:00. Just a basic battle royale to put the mid-carders on
the same level and ensure no one stood out beyond Kozlov and Khali.
So, it's Edge vs. Hunter vs. Taker vs. Show vs. Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy in the
Smackdown Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. Kozlov took the mic post-match and
said he will be champion in the Chamber.
[Commercial Break]
Backstage: Todd Grisham bought in Shane Helms for a word on Matt turning on
Jeff. They rolled footage from the Rumble of Matt taking out Jeff to cost him
the WWE Title, then Helms said he shouldn't have been surprised. He's known Matt
and Jeff for a long time, and Matt's always had a bit of an ego. All they ever
dreamed about was becoming WWE champion, Jeff finally gets there after
everything he's been through, and Matt pulls this stunt to take it away. Helms
said Matt simply revealed the kind of person he's been all along. A
self-centered, egotistical jerk. Helms said Jeff might not be here to fight for
himself, but he's here and he's going to find Matt. Solid promo. Very good.
Backstage: Edge was stroking the WWE Title belt when Vickie asked what's wrong.
Edge said nothing other than having to defend his WWE Title in the Chamber
against five crazy opponents. Big Show stepped in after Vickie talked up Edge,
and Show teased Edge about having a little chat before their tag match main
event tonight. Vickie played peacemaker to tell them to work together in beating
Hunter & Taker. Show sarcastically said he believes in Edge, then he walked off.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Matt Hardy was in the ring to address Helms's comments. No dramatic
music this week. He called out Helms to come chat about things. No music for
Helms, who stomped out to the ring. A fight broke out in the ring with an
exchange of fists rather than words. Helms was easily battered here. Tazz said
it's not even a match. Hardy then walked into a Thesz Press and Helms fought
Hardy then bailed to the floor and tried to take off through the crowd, but
Helms took him back to ringside. Hardy took advantage by whipping Helms into the
ring steps before rolling him back into the ring to land Bryan Danielson elbow
strikes to the neck that KO'ed Helms. The remaining refs on the WWE roster ran
into the ring to shoo away Hardy, who walked away. Nice build of Hardy's heel
character. Helms looked like a chump, but Hardy is on the way being to a
money-drawing heel right now.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: Shelton Benjamin stepped into the ring for a promo prior to a non-title
bout. Shelton said the reality is that he is the longest-reigning champion on
any WWE brand. Meanwhile, his opponent tonight gets a couple of lucky wins after
losing for 20 weeks, then thinks he's worth a U.S. Title shot. Shelton said
there's no happy ending for MVP, who's just like Peyton Manning in blowing the
big game. Big local heat. MVP then came out to answer Shelton.
(2) U.S. champion SHELTON BENJAMIN vs. MVP -- non-title match. Shelton dominated
early on as MVP worked babyface to set up his comeback. MVP nailed a bicycle
kick at 5:00 for a close nearfall, but Shelton went back on the offensive.
Shelton and MVP butted heads in the corner, then MVP nailed a Chono boot for the
pin and the win. WINNER: MVP in 6:00. Fine match to continue the program leading
to a future title match.
Backstage: Carlito and Primo were chatting, then the Bella Twins walked over to
talk about how big their match is tonight. The girls kissed them on the cheek
simultaneously, then R-Truth walked over to make sure they're ready for a
six-man tag, apparently. The tag champs said bye to their ladies, but Truth
wasn't sure if they were ready.
[Commercial Break]
(3) World tag champions THE MIZ & JOHN MORRISON & THE BRIAN KENDRICK (w/Ezekiel
Jackson) vs. WWE tag team champions CARLITO & PRIMO & R-TRUTH. Truth rapped his
way to the ring, which TBR wasn't amused by. Match started and Truth was
isolated until Carlito finally took the hot tag. Carlito landed some impressive
offense, then Miz and Morrison interrupted a pin attempt. Action broke down in
the ring as ref Marty tried to restore order. Awkward exchange between Carlito
and Kendrick, then Kendrick snuck up behind Carlito for a surprise Sliced Bread
for the pin and the win. WINNERS: Team Kendrick in 6:00. Showed off a little
personality from all six. Well, except for Primo, who didn't have much ring
time. A chance for most of the men to stand out after the generic opening battle
Breaking News: Jeff Hardy returns next week.
[Commercial Break]
In-ring: After a Maryse video package aired, Eve came to the ring for her
in-ring Smackdown debut. Eve was sporting old school wrestling trunks hitched up
real high above her waist. Michelle McCool came out as the opposition to pick up
their TV feud.
(4) EVE vs. MICHELLE McCOOL. Eve impressive early on, then McCool bailed to the
floor for a breather. Eve took her eye off the ball allowing McCool to begin her
heel attack. Eve came back at 3:00 with a nice dropkick, but McCool with a
modified Dragon screw off the middle rope into a heel hook. Eve was forced to
tap, giving McCool the decisive win. She wouldn't let go of the hold, though, so
Maria stormed the ring to chase off McCool. Diva drama continues. WINNER: McCool
in 4:00. McCool has found her way as a heel, especially with a few of the
mannerisms she's subtly added.
Backstage: Ross brought in Matt Hardy for a word on Jeff returning next week.
Hardy said in case he didn't hear what he said last week, he doesn't have a
brother anymore. Matt said a lot can happen in seven days, so don't count on
Jeff returning. But, if Jeff somehow makes it to Smackdown, he'll be ready to
welcome him with open arms. Matt cocked his head to convey the sarcasm and lack
of concern in his words. Fine promo.
[Commercial Break]
(5) UMAGA vs. KUNG FU NAKI. Kung tried to run away, but Umaga grabbed him and
nailed a straight kick to the chin. Kung was KO'ed, but Umaga dragged him to the
corner to inflict more pain via the big running butt bomb. Great camera work
there to put over the move. Umaga then measured Fu for the Samoan Spike and
connected for the easy win. WINNER: Umaga in 2:00. Effective squash match to
continue rebuilding Umaga his first two weeks back.
Backstage: Triple H as shown taping up his fists in preparation for the main
event tag match.
[Commercial Break]
Houston WrestleMania promo: Todd Grisham plugged the Hall of Fame featuring
Steve Austin. Also, Raw the night after WrestleMania in the Toyota Center. Don't
forget the Rockets vs. Timberwolves on My20 on Saturday night. Thanks Todd.
[Commercial Break]
(6) WWE champion EDGE & THE BIG SHOW vs. TRIPLE H & THE UNDERTAKER. Back and
forth action early, then Edge and Show cornered Hunter to keep him away from a
Taker tag. Show missed with a Vader Bomb out of the corner, then Hunter landed a
flip-over DDT. Taker finally took the hot tag and cleaned house. Edge thought he
subdued Taker with a spear, but Taker slapped on the triangle choke. Show broke
it up with a big leg drop, though. Edge and Show suddenly had a discussion that
led to Show knocking down Edge with the big right hand blow to the jaw. Show
slowly walked over to his corner, then Taker scooped up Edge and dropped him
with the Tombstone Piledriver for the pin and the win while staring down Show,
who quickly left the ringside area after the pin. WINNERS: Taker & Hunter in
16:00. Good showcase of the top talent on Smackdown. The tension between Taker
and Hunter should be exploited on next week's show to create an issue between
them leading to the Chamber match.