Friday Night Smackdown!
Corpus Christi, Texas
March 20, 2009
results thanks to
-The voice-over of the opening package talked
about this being the 500th episode of Smackdown and how superstars from all
three brands will be on the show. They showed some clips of the past 499
episodes, including Edge teaming with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff as the
-Randy Orton’s interview from this past Monday played over video of Triple H
breaking into Orton’s house, then we saw what happened during the HHH vs. Cody
Rhodes match from Raw.
-To the arena, where Triple H’s music played to start the show. He came out and
it looks like he’s set for action. During his entrance, they plugged Shawn
Michaels vs. Kane also on the card for tonight, as well as Undertaker vs. JBL.
All three of these matches make for a loaded event, yet none are really giving
away PPV-caliber main events, which is a good middle-ground to aim for.
HHH got on the mic and said that the worst kept secret in the business is his
marriage to Stephanie “in real life.” I think they could’ve come up with a
better phrasing for that. HHH said when Orton kicked Vince and Shane in the
head, he let it slide. But he said Orton should’ve known better than to do what
he did to Stephanie. HHH said Orton has tried to hide, but he’s not buying it.
Trips said Orton has a disease: Not IED, but cowardice. He said Orton has run
from every challenge he’s ever faced in his life. For Orton, there will be no
one to hide behind at Wrestlemania. We got an extreme close-up and he said Orton
better pray that he’s as good as he thinks he is. Trips said while Orton says he
has a disease, Orton really IS a disease and Triple H is the cure. That last
part seemed a bit forced and out of left field.
Well, this should be better than their Survivor Series battle. Kozlov took Trips
down with a shoulderblock, but Trips low-bridged him out of the ring. Kozlov
came right back in, only to get clotheslined to the outside on the opposite side
of the ring. Match continues after break.
[Commercial Break]
Triple H had Kozlov in a leg-lock out of break. As the ref admonished The Game
for holding on while Kozlov had the ropes, Vlad came in with a headbutt to the
chest. Kozlov missed a headbutt in the corner and Triple H set up for the
Pedigree, but Kozlov back-dropped out of it. Kozlov ran right into a spinebuster
though. Pedigree (and a good one) for three.
WINNER: HHH, at 7:36. Well, they kept it simple and short. A good warm-up match
for Triple H over a name opponent.
-This past Monday on Raw, Edge forgave Vickie Guerrero for her transgressions.
But then Big Show proclaimed his love for her- and Edge speared him in the main
event. What will happen with those three tonight on Passions?......I mean,
Smackdown? Well, they’re all in the building, so something is bound to happen.
[Commercial Break]
-A video package on Wrestlemania 23 aired. They focused on the Trump vs. McMahon
Both men were already in the ring facing off against each other coming back from
the video package. They did have Justin Roberts do formal ring introductions
though. No clean break in the corner as Shelton stayed right on MVP with punches
and kicks. Benjamin worked the chest and rib area, draping MVP over the top
turnbuckle and then the top rope. MVP countered an abdominal stretch with a
hip-toss, but was put back down after a knee-lift. Overhead throw for two by
MVP. Big boot by MVP also got two. Crowd chanted “MVP, MVP.” He hit the “Ballin’!”
elbowdrop. Shelton countered a suplex with a neck-breaker. MVP tried a couple
pining combinations, but he couldn’t keep the champ down. The challenger
side-stepped an attempt by Shelton to hit Paydirt and MVP came back with the
Playmaker for the win.
WINNER: MVP, at 5:20. Good, high-energy match. Good pop for MVP after the match
as well. Felt like they could’ve built this match up a little more, but maybe
WWE felt like they needed the 500th episode to have something newsworthy happen
on it, so they booked this title change.
-We saw a profile of Miles Jackson, John Cena’s character’s nemesis in “12
-Coming up tonight, HBK faces Kane. They showed HBK superkicking Taker on Raw
[Commercial Break]
HBK chopped Kane but the big man came back with a shoulderblock. He missed an
elbow and Shawn began to go low, aiming for the knees. Big uppercut though from
Kane ended that short surge. As much as I may rag on him, he’s still got one of
the best uppercuts in the business. More right hands in the corner. Shawn with a
desperation right hand to create some separation between the two. HBK did the
flip sell in the corner and fell to ringside.
[Commercial Break]
Kane was still in control out of break. He hit a running corner clothesline for
a near-fall. Kane began to work on the left arm and shoulder of HBK. Low
dropkick by Kane got a two-count from referee Marty Elias. Kane working very
scientifically this match. Michaels started a comeback with right hands and
chops. Swinging neckbreaker and both men were down. Shawn’s inverted atomic drop
was blocked by Kane, who wanted to go for a chokeslam. That was blocked and HBK
hit the atomic drop then an elbow off the top rope. Looks like he elbowed Kane
in the knee as Kane was turning when HBK landed. Not sure what that was supposed
to be. Clothesline off the top rope by The Big Red Machine. He ran in for a
chokeslam and was instead met by Sweet Chin Music. Goodnight.
WINNER: Michaels, at 11:21. One of Kane’s better matches as of late. JR said
Undertaker’s streak will be “in jeopardy” at Wrestlemania.
-Vickie tried to talk Big Show out of something, but couldn’t. He said he came
out there on Monday because he didn’t think Edge could handle Cena. He said he
can’t just walk away from someone spearing him like Edge did. Show said it’s too
late to let it go, then said Edge deserves everything he’s going to get.
[Commercial Break]
-JR announced that Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy at Wrestlemania would be an Extreme
Rules Match.
No entrance for Kendrick, so sadly, no dancing. And how did they pick him to be
in an extreme rules match? Hardy dropkicked Ezekiel Jackson as soon as the bell
rang, making sure he got to ringside safely. He then threw Kendrick out and
plancha’d on Jackson. Zeke came from behind and attacked Jeff, throwing him into
the ring barriers. Jeff came back with a chair, slamming Jackson in the back
with it several times. Back in the ring, Kendrick hit a dropkick and punched
away at Jeff. Kendrick missed a splash in the corner and Jeff got another chair.
He threw it at Kendrick in the corner, then used it to propel himself into The
Brian. He took Kendrick’s head and pounded it on the steel chair over and over
again. Twist of Fate on the chair, though it looked like he missed the chair. To
the top, Swanton for the victory.
WINNER: Hardy, at 3:30. Just a “preview” of Jeff’s Wrestlemania match with Matt
even though aside from the chairs, this match wasn’t too extreme. Of course,
they wouldn’t want to give everything away before the WM match.
[Commercial Break]
-The video for the latest inductees into the 2009 Hall-of-Fame: The Von Erich
Family aired. Freebird Michael Hayes will induct them.
-A trailer for “12 Rounds” aired. It hits theaters a week from today.
-The Undertaker made his entrance for a match with new Intercontinental Champion
John Bradshaw Layfield. The match is next.
[Commercial Break]
-Taker got on the mic out of break and said HBK is the prey and he is the
hunter. When he least expects it, he’ll feel the wrath of The Undertaker.
JR acknowledged that JBL had accepted Rey Mysterio’s challenge for a
Wrestlemania match with the I.C. Title on the line. He also speculated as to
what JBL’s “big announcement” for Wrestlemania could be. Taker punched JBL
square in the face as soon as the bell rang. JBL fought back with rights of his
own, just pummeling Taker. Referee Chad Patton had to physically restrain
Layfield. JR compared Taker’s 16 Wrestlemania wins in a row to a team winning
the Super Bowl 16 years in a row. I don’t know about THAT. Taker went for Old
School, but JBL managed to get out of it. He did take a big boot though, to
which Undertaker got a two count off of. More after the break.
[Commercial Break]
Taker dropped the leg over JBL’s throat with the IC Champion laying on the
apron. He then threw JBL into the ringside barrier. But Taker crotched himself
as he missed a running boot. JBL smelled blood and back in the ring, worked over
the leg. He even applied a figure four-like maneuver. Taker got an evil look in
his eye and grabbed JBL by the throat to break it. Before Undertaker could do
any damage, JBL came back with a chop block. Taker got some more punches in,
then hit Snake Eyes and a boot to the face. After a legdrop, he called for a
chokeslam. But JBL again kicked Taker in the knee and hit the Clothesline from
Hell, but only for two. Taker locked in Devil’s Gate and instead of bleeding and
tapping immediately, JBL seemed to lose consciousness, then eventually tapped.
That’s odd.
WINNER: Undertaker, at 11:36.
-Tonight, they’re being quite vague as to what will happen between Cena, Edge
and Big Show tonight, just saying they’re all in the building. Then they showed
Show and Edge on a split-screen, both heading to the ring for something next.
[Commercial Break]
-Big Show came to the ring. Ross ran down some impressive size stats for Show.
He got the mic and told Edge to quite being a coward and to come to the ring to
deal with things like men. He did came out and the two started arguing on the
mics. Vickie Guerrero interrupted this pissing contest and came to the ring.
Vickie said she can’t help the way she feels and that she’s in love with both of
them. Edge told her she was being ridiculous and Show told him not to talk to
her like that. Edge said she’s his wife, he can talk to her any way he likes.
Vickie said this will be settled at Wrestlemania and the winner not only will be
champion of the World, but champion of her heart. She told them to call a truce
and she said at WM, this will all be over. They both shook hands in agreement,
and John Cena’s music hit and he came out to a rousing ovation.
He said they seem to be forgetting that there’s a third competitor in the match
and he wants nothing to do with Vickie Guerrero. He said this truce they have is
ridiculous. He said this was the 500th episode of Smackdown and this is the best
they can do for the WWE Universe? He said this was awesome TV and that everyone
will be talking about this forever. Sarcastically, of course. Cena tried to get
Edge riled up about what Big Show has done with Vickie. He did the same thing to
Big Show, talking about how Edge speared him in front of the free world but Show
isn’t doing anything about it. Cena said on the greatest stage of them all,
those two are going to fight to see how wins Vickie’s affection?
Edge said Cena wouldn’t understand and her love is worth fighting for. Edge
talked about the little things, like Vickie sleeping and passing gas. Cena made
a joke out of that of course. Why would Edge even bring that up, even if he does
think it’s cute? Show and Edge began arguing again and Show told Vickie to tell
Edge that if Edge doesn’t watch his mouth, he won’t make it to Wrestlemania. The
two shoved each other as Vickie tried to get in the middle of it, then Edge
slapped him. Show grabbed Edge by the throat and pushed Vickie to the ground,
trying to get her out of the way. He realized what he did and tried to help her
up. Edge saw his opening and went to spear Big Show but he moved and speared
Vickie. As he tended to her, Big Show grabbed Edge and threw him to the mat so
he could do it. He picked Vickie up in his arms and Edge took her from him and
put her in his arms. Show stole her away again. Edge went after Show’s knee,
causing him to fall forward and drop Vickie. Edge blamed Show, who then
chokeslammed him. Show scooped Vickie back up in his arms and walked to the back
with her.