Friday Night Smackdown!
Austin, Texas
April 10, 2009
results thanks to
-WWE Open.
-The post-Wrestlemania video package aired, with lots of slow-motion and stills.
-Smackdown Open.
-JR opened the show by plugging John Cena as a special guest on Edge’s “Cutting
Edge” segment.
-As Matt Hardy came to the ring, they showed Todd Grisham and JR at the announce
table. Matt spoke about unforgettable Wrestlemania moments that took place this
past Sunday. He mentioned Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels and their match, but
said the greatest Wrestlemania moment of all-time happened when he beat Jeff in
an extreme rules match. No hyperbole there, eh Matt? Then again, he’s a heel, so
it’s OK. He called Jeff an extreme disappointment for all the fans in the
building that night. Matt said he proved to the world that he is the superior
Hardy. But what about Milwaukee Brewers SS J.J. Hardy? He’s pretty good.
Apparently, Matt is going to try to erase Jeff from WWE. You mean like Chris
Benoit? Matt told Jeff for once in his life, make a good decision and come to
the ring and apologize to the people for being a disappointment. Matt seems more
and more comfortable on the mic every week. Matt also wanted an apology from
Jeff for attempting to be his brother. The crowd chanted for Jeff and Matt
implored him to come out. Jeff’s music hit and the younger Hardy sauntered out
onto the stage.
Jeff, lacking the usual energy he brings, walked to the ring, then chased Matt
right out of it. Jeff was holding his lower back as well, still selling the pain
from their match. As Matt went up the ramp, Teddy Long came out. For those who
didn’t see ECW, he took a brief moment to say he was back in charge of Smackdown.
Teddy said that Monday is the WWE Draft and said one or both of them may be
leaving Smackdown. Teddy said that, in regards to what Matt said earlier about
Jeff leaving tonight in a stretcher, Matt would face Jeff in a Stretcher Match
tonight (first time ever on Smackdown).
[Commercial Break]
-They showed the photo of Cena with Edge and Big Show on his back from their
match at WM, then Grisham plugged that he’d be on “The Cutting Edge” tonight.
-Eve Torres was backstage with Kofi Kingston. Apparently, he’s got a match with
Show coming up. Eve asked about participating in his first WM. Kofi said he was
in awe and wondered how he could shock the world like Shawn Michaels and Razor
Ramon did years back. Kofi said while he didn’t win, he can’t be disappointed
with the results. He transitioned to plugging his match against Show and said
maybe he’d shock the world tonight. Good of WWE to give some mic work to someone
like Kingston, who usually doesn’t get the opportunity. And I don’t mean to echo
Wade on this, but you’re trying to get viewers to watch the WWE draft on Monday
and can’t even come up with an explanation as to why Raw’s Kingston is on
Smackdown? It just seems counter-productive to me.
They showed stills of the MITB match as Kofi made his entrance. Kofi did a
hand-stand and tried to kick Big Show. That was strange. He tried it again, but
Show caught his leg and kicked him in the head. Show picked Kofi up by his head
from the floor to the apron. Kingston pounded away in the ring, but Show shoved
him off. Hard slap to the chest in the corner. Show used his Million Dollar
Dream-like throw, but Kofi no-sold it and went on the attack. He got caught in a
powerbomb, but flipped out of it. Show swatted away one of his kick attempts.
Kofi did a flip kick between the ropes a la Christian lately and he ended up
finally putting Show on his back. Double leg-drop for two. Kofi came off the top
rope, but was met with a punch to the face that knocked him out. Cover was
WINNER: Show, at 3:33. Fun match with some unique moves thanks to Show’s size
and Kofi’s abilities.
-They showed highlights of the Hall-of-Fame Induction Ceremony.
-JR plugged the Stretcher Match for later tonight between Matt and Jeff Hardy.
It’s the main event.
[Commercial Break]
-Santino came out for a match, but also had a mic. He said there are a lot of
Divas that are upset about his twin sister becoming the first-ever Miss
Wrestlemania. He said even his girlfriend was mad at him. He talked to Teddy
Long and wanted to come to Smackdown tonight to check things out. Well, at least
it’s an explanation. Marella said he challenged anyone to come out and take him
on one-on-one. Great Khali accepted by coming out. He’s got new maroon-ish
Ranjin Singh came out with Khali and said Santino doesn’t have to fight Khali
tonight, on one condition. Khali gets a date with Santina? Ranjin said Khali
thinks Santina is hot. Santino cringed. Singh said she is the only Diva Khali
can think about. He said he wants Santina to be Khali’s guest on the Khali Kiss
Cam. And if Santino can arrange that, no fight tonight. Marella accused Khali of
being a pervert, thinking apparently that Santino’s sister is a “woman of the
night.” He said she went to the school of hard knocks and said he’s speaking on
behalf of his sister and just saying no. Khali worked the mic a bit and said he
liked Santina. Santino said Khali can’t talk about his sister like that! Singh
told the ref to ring the bell.
Punjabi Plunge->end.
WINNER: Khali, at :26.
-Grisham said they’d take a look at Undertaker’s streak, now 17-0, next.
[Commercial Break]
-Grisham and JR (who Grisham referred to as “Jim,” which was REALLY weird
hearing) talked about the HBK vs. Taker match at WM. We got a highlight package
of Taker running through 16 Wrestlemania opponents, then adding Michaels to the
-Gail Kim came out for her match with Michelle McCool. That’s next.
[Commercial Break]
-We got to see all the media trips John Cena was taking to plug “12 Rounds.”
Michelle took Gail down immediately and used a blatant choke. Grisham referenced
Kim winning the Women’s Title on her first night in WWE years ago. Kim hit a
dropkick, then a hurricanrana. They got their lines crossed a bit as Michelle
caught a boot from Kim, who fell backward while McCool fell forward. Maryse was
shown watching the match on a monitor backstage. They fought on the apron, when
Michelle pushed her into the steel ring post. Gail fell to the floor, then got
booted in the face. Back in the ring, McCool missed a legdrop and Kim came back
with some punches and a clothesline. JR casually threw in that Dibiase & Rhodes
were in the house tonight to face Carlito & Primo. Really? That would’ve been
nice to know earlier. Kim missed a move off the top rope and Michelle went for a
pin, but Kim reversed it and cradled her for three.
WINNER: Kim, at 2:55.
-Edge was walking backstage. His “Cutting Edge” segment is next.
[Commercial Break]
-Edge was already in the ring for “The Cutting Edge.” He said he went into
Houston expecting the biggest win of his life. He said his guest is the man who
stole the title from him: John Cena. Cena came out (only one of him this time).
Cena said he didn’t get the chance on Monday, so he wanted to get this out of
the way: “The!” Edge said Cena always comes out and panders
for a reaction. Interestingly, it was mostly positive. Edge said he doesn’t care
about the fans. Edge said the World Title is his life, the thing that keeps his
heart beating. Edge again accused Cena of stealing the title from him. Cena
looked like he wasn’t understanding things. Cena told Edge to get over himself.
Edge said Cena ruined his life. Cena seemed bemused by that statement. He said
Edge brought him out to talk, so it’s time to talk. Cena ran down their history
together and talked about the things they’ve done to each other. Cena said he’s
on Edge’s show and Edge should talk about how they are perhaps the greatest
rivalry in Sports Entertainment history. But instead, Edge chose to talk about
Cena ruining his life. His words seemed to affect Edge. Cena said if that’s all,
then they’re done, because Edge is wasting his time.
As Cena started to walk out of the ring, Edge said “I hate you.” Edge said he
hats John’s hat, his wristband, his music, his shirt and everything he stands
for. Edge said all the stuff between them over the years has exhausted Cena as
much as him, and it can’t go on any longer. Edge said it’s finally going to end
at Backlash, where one beats the other so badly they can’t get back up. Edge
said at the end of the match, he’ll be the one left standing. Cena got in his
face and yelled “No!” Crowd chanted for Cena as he kicked a chair out of the
way. He said Edge may be a better wrestler, may be smarter, but he’s desperate.
Cena said a Last Man Standing Match is based on punishment. Cena said he’s damn
sure tougher than Edge. That’s why he said he’ll be the last man standing, and
why Edge hates him. He said it’s not the hat, or the wristbands, or the t-shirt
(all of which he threw into the crowd). Cena said Edge has always hit him with
everything he had, but Cena always got back up. Cena said if Edge wants to end
it, end it now. Edge seemed ready for a row and even took his shirt off. He
balled up his hand into a fist......but didn’t take the shot. Instead, he turned
around and walked out of the ring. Cena got his belt and celebrated. Great,
great segment. Don’t know what else to say.
-A reminder that Jeff vs. Matt in a Stretcher Match is still to come tonight.
-But next, Carlito & Primo face Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes.
[Commercial Break]
-Grisham thanked AC/DC for providing the theme song to Wrestlemania, then they
talked about the first-ever unified Tag Champs.
Dibiase and Rhodes did some quick tagging in and out, beating up Carlito in
their corner. Small package for two by Carlito and Cody didn’t take kindly to
that. The Colons took over and Carlito powerbombed Primo onto Cody for two.
Carlito with a springboard double back elbow. He and Primo clotheslined the
members of Priceless over the top rope and to the outside. Carlito had Dibiase
on his heels in the corner as the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Dibiase was in control out of break on Primo, after Colon’s high-risk move
during the break went awry. Double-stomp by Dibiase to the bread basket of
Primo. Carlito came in to break up a cover. After breaking out of an abdominal
stretch, Primo flipped Cody over the top and to the outside. Carlito tagged in
Carlito dropkicked Dibiase out of the ring as Teddy thought about coming in.
Carlito to the top, but Dibiase pulled him off and Rhodes hit the Cross-Rhodes
for the win.
WINNERS: Rhodes & Dibiase, at 9:45. Solid tag match.
After the match, Carlito got beat up even more ‘til Primo broke things up. He
got a taste of Dibiase’s Dream Street finisher and Carlito tried to help his
brother, but was beaten down again. Then Randy Orton made his way to the ring.
He kicked Primo in the chest, then did the same to Carlito. Remember when stuff
like this would draw out multiple refs trying to break it up? Now there’s only
one ref, and he does nothing. All three members of Legacy raised their arms in
[Commercial Break]
-I guess Legacy isn’t done- they were still in the ring and Orton had a mic. He
talked about the match at Backlash. Orton reminded everyone that it was he who
put Batista on the shelf in the first place, with a kick to the skull. Orton
talked about the rules of the match and how the title can switch hands. He said
Triple H’s team is full of hotheads and that one of them is bound to get DQ’d or
counted out. He said after Backlash, he’d take his rightful place as WWE
-JR ran down the Backlash card.
-Todd Grisham was on the house mic to explain the rules of a Stretcher Match to
the fans. I feel like he’s explaining some event on the old TV show Guts or
-Jeff Hardy made his entrance for the main event, which is next.
[Commercial Break]
Jeff came out hot, but Matt avoided a corner dropkick by heading outside. They
fought at ringside and Jeff attempted to suplex Matt on the stretcher, but Matt
didn’t stick on there and fell off. Looks like his back went right against the
metal rail of the stretcher. Back in the ring, Matt was in control until Jeff
hit a front suplex. Twist of Fate from Jeff blocked and Matt hit a Side Effect.
He placed Jeff on the stretcher and started rolling him up the ramp. He almost
crossed the line, but Jeff got up just in time. Jeff took the mat off the
stretcher so it was all metal. He stood on top of it, rolled it down the ramp
and jumped off, clotheslining Matt. Great visual, but scary at the same time.
[Commercial Break]
Jeff made a comeback with a few clotheslines on Matt. Matt grapevined Jeff,
utilizing a double underhook, then putting his legs around Jeff’s waist. It was
a version of the sleeper, according to JR. Matt apparently though the did the
job, and grabbed a stretcher to put Jeff on. He began wheeling Jeff up, but Jeff
punched away at Matt to stop the ride. Jeff got off the stretcher and mule
kicked Matt. Jeff got Matt on the stretcher, but couldn’t get him across and the
two traded rights at the top of the stage. Matt tried to take Jeff’s head off by
rolling the stretcher toward him as Jeff was on the floor. He barely got out of
the way in time. Jeff went back in the ring as Matt got a chair from under the
ring. Jeff pushed it into Matt’s face. He pushed Matt off the apron and onto the
stretcher (and the chair sitting on the stretcher). Jeff went to the top but
overshot Matt and landed butt-first onto the stretcher (and the chair). Both men
were down at ringside as apparently, the other end of the stretcher hit Matt in
the face when Jeff landed on it. Matt was put on the stretcher as Jeff went to
the top. Swanton, but Matt got out of the way and Jeff landed right on the
stretcher. Matt tried to wheel him up, but he had to keep Jeff down multiple
times. Matt knew he wouldn’t make it so he took a chair and bashed Jeff in the
head with it. That was enough to keep Jeff down for Matt to push him across the
WINNER: Matt Hardy, at 14:10. Fun match with lots of innovative moves. I thought
Jeff would win to even things up, but I guess his win will come at Backlash.
Matt celebrated at the top of the ramp as the show ended.