Friday Night Smackdown!
London, England
April 24, 2009
results thanks to
-WWE Open.
-Smackdown Open.
-JR and Todd Grisham opened the show as the camera panned the arena. They
plugged Undertaker vs. Big Show for later tonight, as well as Batista & Shane
McMahon vs. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes.
-Edge came out, fresh off his win against Kofi Kingston on WWE Superstars last
night. Edge said two weeks ago, John Cena called him a desperate man, said he
was grasping at straws and that Cena was tougher than him. He told Edge that he
couldn’t keep him down. Edge said he was right. But he said he’d stop at nothing
to get what he wants. Edge talked about winning his first-ever World Title in
2006, by cashing in his Money-in-the-Bank against Cena following an Elimination
Chamber Match. Edge said that since then, he has cost Cena World Titles, beaten
him for World Titles, and even slapped his father across the face. Yet he still
keeps coming back. He said on Monday night, that all changed. Then they aired
the footage of Edge hitting Cena with a conchairto.
Edge said he hoped his voice was the last Cena heard before drifting into
unconsciousness. They showed Edge counting to ten and Cena not getting up, from
Raw. He said Cena’s night would end in a similar fashion on Sunday. Back to the
arena, the lights were off and a single spotlight shined on Edge in the ring. He
addressed Cena, saying he has the strongest resolve of anyone he has fought. It
almost makes him respect Cena, but he despises him too much. Edge said this was
it for him, he has nothing left. He said if he doesn’t beat Cena for the Title
on Sunday, he has nothing. Vickie can’t help, he claimed, and he has no friends.
This Sunday, he said they’re going to lay it all on the line for the very last
time. Somehow I doubt that. Edge said that after three years, this feud has to
come to an end, as it’s shortened both of their careers. Edge said that in the
end, he’d walk away as champion. “I will be the last man.....standing.” After
that line, Edge continued to stand in the spotlight for a few seconds, as his
music then finally began to play. He just stared into the camera. Great promo
that makes you wonder what would happen if Edge lost on Sunday. JR wondered if
Edge’s prophecy would be fulfilled on Sunday.
-Grisham and JR were shown on camera as they talked about the Jeff Hardy-Matt
Hardy feud. They showed how Big Show beat Jeff last week on Smackdown and the
aftermath with Matt Hardy’s legdrops.
-Tonight, Matt Hardy & Kane face CM Punk & Jeff Hardy. Actually, it’s next!
[Commercial Break]
I’ve got to be honest, I wasn’t sure that Matt could pull off being a heel, but
he’s done a nice job thus far. Jeff and Matt began the match, but before they
could make contact, Matt tagged out. Punk then came in to face his opponent for
Backlash, Kane. Punk got the better of the big man and tagged in Jeff. Kane with
an uppercut, then a tag in to Matt. That brought Jeff back off the mat for some
punishment for his brother. Jeff jumped over the top and landed a cross-body
onto Matt at ringside. The two men were down outside the ring as the show went
to break.
[Commercial Break]
A little double-teaming by Jeff and Punk, followed by a cover by Punk is what
viewers saw upon return from break. More double-teaming on The Big Red Machine.
Jeff, clearly not being able to focus with his brother standing on the apron,
was the recipient of a boot to the back by Kane that sent him to the outside.
The brothers were both in and they had a brief brawl, but Matt ended up getting
the best of him for the time being. More legdrops from Matt. Neck vice applied
by Matt. Both men found the mat, but only the eldest Hardy was able to make the
tag to his partner. Jeff broke out of another rest-hold from Matt and hit
Whisper in the Wind for two, broken up by Kane. Punk dove through the ropes onto
Kane to take him out of the equation. Mule kick and a beauty by Jeff. Jeff tried
a Twist of Fate, but Matt pushed him off, into Kane (who was on the apron). Matt
then rolled up Jeff and used a handful of tights to secure the victory.
WINNERS: Kane & Matt Hardy, at 10:41. Fine tag match that did the job of hyping
two of the PPV matches at once.
-Big Show vs. Undertaker is still to come.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed a video package previewing the Randy Orton vs. Triple H match this
Sunday, with clips from the happenings this past Monday on Raw.
-JR and Grisham plugged the Batista & Shane vs. Dibiase & Rhodes match again.
-The Big Show came out for his match with The Undertaker. It takes place next.
[Commercial Break]
-Big Show got on the mic said Smackdown is happy he’s leaving because they won’t
have a mountain of destruction to worry about anymore. Show talked up his lethal
right hand and said he’d turn out Taker’s lights tonight.
JR referred to this as the “main event” tonight. Body blows right off the bat by
Show on Taker. Taker returned fire and even traded hedbutts with the giant.
Show’s had a bit more behind them. Show missed a running boot and got hung up in
the ropes. Taker booted him over the top and to the outside.
[Commercial Break]
Show had the advantage out of break. More clubbing blows from Show. Taker choked
Show on the top rope to get away from an offensive attempt by The Big Show.
Taker struck back with right hands. A reversal and Show caught Taker coming off
the ropes with a clothesline. Taker tried another comeback here, but couldn’t
get Show up for a chokeslam, as Show dodged it with a back elbow. Chokeslam by
Show that got only a two-count. You could see the frustration on Show’s face.
Dragon-sleeper by Show, with both men on their feet. Taker countered it with a
DDT. He rolled over and got an arm across Show for a two-count. In the center of
the ring, the men slugged it out, with fans booing on Show’s punches and yay-ing
on Taker’s, much like Cena and Jericho on Raw. Clothesline from Taker took Show
off his feet. Taker went Old School (much more believable late in a match like
this), but Show socked him with a right hand as Taker jumped. Taker didn’t get
knocked out, but staggered around the ring a bit. Show lined up Taker to hit him
with another one, and he hit Taker in the back of the head. Referee Charles
Robinson checked in on Taker and, determining Taker couldn’t continue, awarded
the match to Big Show.
WINNER: Big Show via ref stoppage, at 14:21. Surprising result there. I guess
Taker got to kick out of the chokeslam since he was going to be on the losing
Taker got up and apparently thought the match wasn’t over and was challenging
Big Show, even though he was on spaghetti-legs. Show acted as if he was going to
leave, but then attempted another punch. Taker ducked and knocked him out of the
-Still to come, Batista & Shane McMahon face Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes.
-But next, the Divas Title is on the line as Maryse faces Gail Kim.
[Commercial Break]
Kim got things started with some rights to the face of Maryse. Roll-up by Kim
for one. Springboard cross body for two followed that up. Maryse got in some
hair-based offense, which drew the ire of referee John Cone. Kim made a
comeback, but the crowd wasn’t really behind her. Hurricanrana off the top by
Kim for a near-fall. Maryse tried to leave, but Kim came out and brought her
back into the ring. As Gail tried to come in, Maryse dropped her throat-first
across the middle rope. The French Kiss (DDT) by Maryse finished things off.
WINNER: Maryse, at 2:51. Entertaining match without the small hiccups their last
match had.
-Jeff Hardy did a promo backstage to hype his match with Matt on Sunday. I
believe he was at the top of the ladder, but the camera spun around at the
bottom, so it was hard to see exactly. There was some sort of perch up there. An
angry Jeff said Matt would be known as a quitter for the rest of his life after
-MVP was walking backstage; he’s in action next
[Commercial Break]
-They showed clips from “The View” of Sherri Shepherd and the ladies talking
about MVP and WWE.
Next week, at Madison Square Garden, MVP faces Dolph Ziggler with the United
States Title on the line. Chavo with a double-knee to the back of MVP as he was
briefly distracted. Chavo worked over the left arm of the US Champ. MVP worked
out of it and bodyslammed Chavo. Guerrero came back with a dropkick and a
baseball slide that sent MVP to the arena floor. Montel Vontavious Porter caught
Chavo with a knee-lift as he attempted to come back into the ring. MVP with his
trademark “Ballin’!” elbowdrop. Overhead throw by MVP, then he finished Chavo
off with the Playmaker.
WINNER: MVP, at 2:44.
Dolph Ziggler came out after the match and did a sarcastic clap for MVP. He had
a mic and said he hopes his number one fan, Sherri Shepherd, was watching,
because it’ll be the last time he leaves a match as United States Champion.
Ziggler said that after he beats MVP next week, he’ll introduce himself to
Shepherd as the new United States Champion.....Dolph Ziggler.
-Another plug for the main event tag match.
[Commercial Break]
-They replayed John Cena’s promo that aired on Superstars last night.
-JR and Grisham previewed the Backlash card.
-Batista made his entrance for the main event. The match is next.
[Commercial Break]
Dibiase pummeled Shane in the corner, but Shane fought back with some jabs of
his own. Jumping back elbow, then a few arm-drags. Batista tagged in and Rhodes
made a blind tag. Batista caught Rhodes with a clothesline, then dropped him to
the mat for a two-count. McMahon came in and was promptly double-teamed by Team
Priceless. Batista saved him with a double-clothesline, and the faces each
clotheslined a heel over the top rope and to the outside.
[Commercial Break]
The faces were in control of Cody Rhodes out of break, with Batista entering the
match. Shane elbowdropped Cody off the second rope while he was draped across
the knee of Batista. Dibiase came in and broke up the pin. Shane was distracted,
allowing Rhodes to nail him in the back with a dropkick. Dibiase then tagged in
and went right to work. Shane tried to fight out of the heel corner, but Cody
took him down with a Russian leg sweep. Shane kept trying to make a tag, but
Dibiase kept holding him back. Shane came back with a DDT on Rhodes and Batista
tried to get the crowd behind McMahon. Dibiase got the tag first and Shane
rolled Ted up for two. He kicked out and in the process sent Shane into Batista
on the apron. Batista didn’t look happy, shoved Shane out of the way and landed
a spinebuster on Rhodes. Shane picked up the win.
WINNERS: McMahon & Batista, at 11:20. Well, we got some more hints of
dissension, even though Batista and Shane hugged after the match.
-A final video package aired, plugging Cena vs. Edge at Backlash.