Friday Night Smackdown!
Memphis, Tennessee
June 5, 2009
results thanks to
-WWE Open.
-Smackdown Open.
-Tonight, Edge takes on Rey Mysterio in a champion vs. champion match in the
main event.
-Also, CM Punk and Umaga, two days before their Samoan Strap Match Sunday,
face-off in a one-on-one match tonight.
-Ladders adorned the side of the ramp and the outside of the ring as Edge made
his way out for The Cutting Edge. Edge said the focus of the show would be his
Ladder Match at Extreme Rules, and his guest is his opponent in said match, Jeff
Hardy. Hardy then came out to a good ovation. Two ladders were set up in the
middle of the ring. Hardy said if Edge wanted to speak with him, he’d be atop
the ladder. And so he climbed up there. Hardy said he was comfortable up there
and come Sunday, he’d be comfortable as new World Heavyweight Champion. Edge
accused Hardy of pandering to the “sheep,” taking a page out of Chris Jericho’s
playbook. Sunday, Edge said, every time Jeff will try to climb the ladder, he’ll
be there to knock him back down. Edge kept telling Hardy that no matter how high
he gets up the ladder, Edge will be there to send him back to earth. Then he
climbed that ladder, as he said he will on Sunday, to grab the World Heavyweight
Championship. Both men were staring at each other on the ladder, with the title
hanging between them. Hardy interrupted Edge, tired of his talk. He said he
doesn’t care what Edge thinks and that people will talk about this Ladder Match
until the end of time, long after they’re both gone. Jeff said he is proud of
what and who he is right now. He said he’ll be living for the moment at Extreme
Rules. Edge told him he’d need the salvation he expects on Sunday. Then he
knocked Jeff a couple times with the belt to get him off balance, then shoved
him the rest of the way, as Hardy fell chest-first onto the top rope. These two
have certainly set the bar high for Sunday. They showed a replay, then Edge as
he walked to the back, posing for the fans as Jeff laid at ringside in pain.
[Commercial Break]
-After some shots of downtown Memphis, they showed a replay of what happened
moments ago.
Morrison tripped up Benjamin in the corner, then appeared to attempt a
split-legged moonsault, but Shelton crotched him on the top and got a
dragon-screw leg-whip. Benjamin continued to work the left leg of Morrison.
Morrison fired back at the 3:00 mark with a sudden enziguiri. Jumping heel kick
by Morrison for two as he continued to sell the leg/knee area. He ran over
Benjamin with a knee to the face that got a two-count. Springboard kick missed
and Benjamin capitalized with a half-crab. Tilt-a-whirl DDT by Morrison and the
move, which can look clunky, looked silky smooth. Starship Pain ended it.
WINNER: Morrison, at 4:51. Fine five minute match, but doesn’t really advance
this feud at all. It’s been treading water lately, it seems.
-Still to come, in a first-ever meeting (at least billed that way), Rey Mysterio
takes on Edge.
-Also, CM Punk faces Umaga in singles competition.
-Chris Jericho was walking backstage. We’ll hear from him next.
[Commercial Break]
-Chris Jericho came out for a match, but first, some mic work. He told Rey he
should be afraid because Jericho promised to reveal Mysterio’s true identity on
Sunday. He worked the fans, saying they follow Rey like “a mindless group of
zombies.” Jericho said it’s No Holds Barred on Sunday, meaning he can do
whatever he likes to Rey. He said taking off the mask would ruin Rey’s life
forever and to top it off, he’ll become Intercontinental Champion for the
unprecedented ninth time. R-Truth’s music interrupted.
Truth rapped to the ring and in the end, after asking the fans “What’s up?,” he
asked Jericho. Jericho had a great look on his face. He then scolded Truth for
coming out and pandering to the people. He wouldn’t let Truth’s interruption
stop him from saying what he wants to say, but Truth said he was done. R-Truth
then said Jericho was the biggest hypocrite he’s heard in his life. Truth said
talking down to the fans doesn’t make Jericho bad. But things are about to get
real bad. Truth’s most extensive mic work to date I believe, save for all the
rapping of course. Their match is next.
[Commercial Break]
Truth got the best of Jericho off the bat, so Jericho went to ringside. Truth
came over the top with a suicide dive. Truth went to the top, but Jericho hit
the ropes to crotch him. Jericho then dropkicked him to the mat on the outside.
Back in the ring, he started kicking Truth in the upper part of the body.
Jericho taunted Truth in a rest-hold, yelling “What’s up now, huh?” and also
demanding the ref “Ask him what’s up!” Lionsault missed from Y2J, but Truth’s
kick missed as well. Roll-up from Truth for two. Jericho tried to turn him for
the Walls of Jericho but Truth got monkey-flipped onto the second rope. He came
off but dove right into a Codebreaker (not a great one either) for the pin.
WINNER: Jericho, at 3:47.
As Jericho walked to the back, Rey Mysterio attacked him from behind. WWE
referees had to come out and hold Rey back. Rey then hit a seated senton on
Jericho at the side of the ramp.
[Commercial Break]
-They showed a replay of Rey’s attack on Jericho.
This has to be one of the least-interesting feuds in quite some time. Punk tried
to take Umaga down by the leg, but Umaga shoved him off. Punk still went to work
on the leg and threw Umaga shoulder-first into the ring post, then came off the
top with a cross-body (as Umaga was half-way down to the mat when Punk landed on
him) for a two count. Show then went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Punk was continuing work on the leg out of break, and hit an enziguiri that sent
Umaga out of the ring. Punk tried to catch Umaga napping, but he came off the
top and Umaga got him with a Samoan Spike, then was thrown into the barricade in
a nasty move. Back in the ring, time for an arm-bar by Umaga. He also dug his
fingers into Punk’s gut. Hard into the turnbuckle went Punk, then down on both
knees and Umaga clotheslined him down. More stretching from the Samoan. Punk
used his vaunted strikes to break out, but then was put back down with a
superkick. Punk came off the top again, and again Umaga was half-way down when
Umaga got to him. Foolishly, CM Punk tried a cross-body and Umaga caught him,
then slammed him down with that swinging tree slam. The big man dragged Punk
into the corner and gave him a few punches to the head. Umaga missed a running
butt charge and Punk landed the running knee in the corner, but Umaga shoved him
away. Umaga grabbed the straps, but the ref stopped him from using them. He
turned around and right into a GTS (the camera switched angles at the last
second as Umaga got his hands and arms up to protect himself from a clean shot)
and a pinfall.
WINNER: Punk, at 12:27. I hope this doesn’t mean Punk is losing on Sunday. Match
had its moments.
-Still to come, champion vs. champion, Rey Mysterio vs. Edge.
[Commercial Break]
-Todd Grisham and Jim Ross were in the ring to preview the Extreme Rules card.
-Maria came out to be the special guest referee for the next match.
The faces worked Alicia’s arm, but Fox jumped over Kim in the corner. She
celebrated too long though and Kim hit a hurricanrana. Dive into the stomach by
Kim, then a cross-body off the top for two. Fox tagged out to McCool. Kim was up
for a hurricanrana, but McCool tossed her over her head and to the mat. Then she
pounded away at Gail’s face until Maria broke it up. Layla was the victim of a
drop-toe hold in the corner. Melina tagged in and cleaned house on Layla. Dobule-knee
to the gut of Layla in the corner. Face-plant for a two-count. Fox distracted
Melina coming off the ropes and the rest of the faces went over to the opposite
corner to fight it out. McCool took the opportunity to get a free kick in on
Melina, then Layla hit her unique neck-breaker and picked up the surprise win
for her team.
WINNERS: McCool, Fox & Layla, at 3:16. Interesting decision there. I thought
they’d tease more of a Maria feud with one of the heels.
-Great Khali was walking backstage....he faces Dolph Ziggler next.
[Commercial Break]
-Grisham thanked Sick Puppies for lending their song to WWE for the official
Extreme Rules theme.
-More shots of the Memphis downtown area.
They showed what happened last month when the two met in singles competition.
Khali pounded away on Ziggler in the corner. The fight went to the outside,
where Khali had the advantage until he missed a chop on Ziggler and his hand
collided with the ring post. But he was able to chop Ziggler back into the ring.
Ziggler broke out of a choke and dropkicked Khali into the corner. He got
frustrated when he couldn’t deal with Khali, then was elbowed and booted down.
Khali set up and hit the Punjabi Plunge. Lights out.
WINNER: Khali, at 2:49. At least JR still thinks Ziggler will be a “big time
player” on Smackdown. That’s gotta count for something.
-Highlights of Edge’s attack on Jeff Hardy earlier tonight aired.
-Rey vs. Edge is next.
[Commercial Break]
-Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced Hall-of-Famer Koko B. Ware, who was
sitting at ringside. They played his theme and he did the bird and danced
Rey was very cautious while greeting fans on his way to the ring. An elbow by
Edge dropped Mysterio, then he ptu the boots to him in the corner. Edge flung
Rey through the bottom rope, but Rey as usual flipped and got back to his feet.
Why do people keep trying that with him? Edge tried whipping him into the steel
steps, but Rey somersaulted over them and landed on his feet, kicking the steps
into Edge’s legs. He then landed a seated senton on the Rated R Superstar. The
show went to break with both guys still on the outside.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break and back in the ring, Rey still had control of the match-up. JR
said Rey’s “physical hysteria” is what has led to him staying on offense through
the break. Just as I type that, Edge side-stepped a Rey charge and ran his
shoulder into the ringpost. Hard Irish whip into the turnbuckle by Edge and Rey
collapsed face-first into the mat. Crowd chanted “619" as Edge stalked Rey in
the ring. Rey went into the buckle again but got his feet up on an Edge charge.
After a headscissor take-over, Edge tried sunset flip unsuccessfully, then Rey
kicked him in the face and got a two-count. Rey rolled up Edge after Edge tried
an Electric Chair and Rey had him down for the three, but the ref only counted
two as Edge was late flipping things over. Did not look good. After exchanging
another series of roll-ups, Edge sent Rey face-first into the mat. Both men
stayed down as the show went to the final break.
[Commercial Break]
Edge jumped on Rey’s back with Rey hung throat-first over the middle rope and
got a two-count off of it. Edge sent Rey in the air, but Rey came down with a
face-buster. Both men were on the top rope and Rey knocked Edge off, then came
down with a hurricanrana on Edge, who rolled back out to ringside. Rey then
bounced off the ropes and dove through the ropes and onto Edge. The World Champ
was thrown back into the ring. Springboard legrdop by Mysterio for two.
Springboard cross-body for another near-fall. Edge got Rey on his shoulder, but
Rey countered into a DDT for two. Springboard hurricanrana attempt, but Edge
blocked it and locked in a Sharpshooter. Mysterio was able to get to the ropes.
Rey kicked Edge into position for a 619, but Edge got out of it and was
positioned again. Edge caught him and turned it into a backbreaker. Schoolboy
though for Rey got another two-count. This is tiring me just watching it.
Finally he set him back up and hit a 619. Edge got out of the way- Rey landed on
his feet, turned around and got speared. Fin.
WINNER: Edge, at 19:09. Well, what can you say. Just a great match between two
pros who know how to put on a 20-minute TV match.
Edge went under the ring and got a ladder. He brought it into the ring, but Jeff
Hardy came out with a chair and wailed it against the ladder, sending it into
Edge. Twist of Fate on Edge, then Jeff set up the Ladder and hit a legdrop on
the champ. Jeff celebrated as they showed a replay of his legdrop. The final
image was Jeff on the ladder, holding the belt over his head.