Friday Night Smackdown!
Biloxi, Mississippi
June 12, 2009
results thanks to
-WWE Open.
-Highlights aired of the Ladder Match from this past Sunday, as well as C.M.
Punk and his title win right afterward.
-To the arena, where Justin Roberts announced C.M. Punk as the new World
Heavyweight Champion. Hmm.....something looks....different about the video here.
It feels slowed down a bit, like I’m watching a video package. Wonder if it has
anything to do with the change to digital. Anyway, Punk got the mic and wanted
to clarify a few things. He wanted to address those that said he stole the title
from Jeff Hardy. He doesn’t see it that way, and no one saw it that way when he
did the same thing last year to Edge. Punk said he’s proud to stand in the ring
as champion. Mixed reaction, but mostly boos I’d say. He said he earned the
right to cash in his opportunity by winning a big-time match at Wrestlemania. He
said it doesn’t make him a bad guy to win it the way he did. Punk acknowledged
that it wasn’t the most popular thing in the world, but he reasoned he’s never
done things just to be popular, he’s only done things that he wants. Punk said
the title means the world to him and it’s what he wrestles day-in and day-out
for. Punk said he’d represent Smackdown as champion to the best of his ability.
Jeff Hardy’s music hit mid-sentence, but Punk actually finished what he was
saying over the music. He shot the entranceway an unhappy look when Jeff came
Loud “Hardy” chants greeted Jeff. He said he didn’t come out to complain about
what Punk did, but he disagrees that he earned it. Hardy asked the fans, and
they all sided with Jeff. Jeff got in Punk’s face and told him he cashed it in
on the wrong guy. Punk said he understands that Hardy is angry, but begged him
to understand where he was coming from. More “Hardy” chants. He said he didn’t
put Jeff in a Ladder Match at Extreme Rules...Jeff did. He chose that match for
him and Edge and Punk realized that it was the nigh that he was going to cash
in. “Them’s the breaks, man,” Punk told him. Hardy told him he sensed
selfishness. He asked Punk if C.M. cared about his fans. Hardy said he wants his
title match and wants his re-match tonight. Then Edge’s music came on and he
entered the arena.
Mic in hand, Edge vociferously denied that Hardy should get a re-match and said
he should instead. Hardy reminded Edge that HE won the Ladder Match. Another
“Hardy” chant. He said it’s not even about Edge, it’s about him and Punk. Punk
said it was a good point and told Edge to beat it. Edge told Punk he’s been
trying to make out who he is since he arrived on Smackdown, who he emulates.
Edge realized that Punk wants to be him. After all, he calls his lifestyle
“Straight Edge.” He said Punk cashed in the MITB just like him, but he’ll never
be Edge. Another fact: Hardy has to get behind him in the line for re-matches,
because Edge wants him tonight. Hardy said they’re both full of.....then he
attacked Edge and hit the Twist of Fate and Swanton on Punk. At first blush, it
seems like a ‘tweener role for Punk but as long as he’s feuding with Hardy, he’s
going to be a heel in the eyes of fans.
Oh wait, Teddy Long came out to settle things I suppose. Long said Punk’s first
title defense would be at the WWE Three-For-All this Monday. Long said he’d face
the winner of the #1 Contender’s Match tonight between Edge and Hardy.
-They showed a replay of Hardy’s attack.
[Commercial Break]
-Teddy Long was walking backstage- he went into his office where Chris Jericho
was waiting. He wanted to know why Jericho was denying him a shot at the World
Title tonight. Long denied he was denying Y2J of anything and Jericho said it’s
more of the same from Long dis-respecting him. Long said he’s already made the
#1 Contender’s Match, but tonight, Jericho will go one-on-one with C.M. Punk.
JR told everyone to buy stock in Dolph Ziggler. I’d have to run that by my
financial advisor, Gorlock, first. I suppose this is a re-match from last week.
Ziggler went to the outside as soon as the bell rang, but then got chopped down
and again went to the outside. Khali brought him in the hard way, then chopped
him down. And again. Khali grabbed Ziggler in a chokeslam, but Ziggler brought
his arm down over the top rope. He went to work on the left leg of Khali,
getting the big man down. Front chancery applied by Ziggler. Khali though picked
him up and sent Ziggler down to the mat. Big boot caught Dolph coming off the
top rope, but he managed to avoid a Khali Chop. Khali decided to go after him,
but Ziggler grabbed Ranjin Singh. He tugged Singh around the ring then at eight,
shoved him into Khali, and made it in the ring for the count-out win.
WINNER: Ziggler, at 2:58. Well, it’s a win, but it doesn’t look like this feud
is over.
-Jeff Hardy faces Edge in the main event to find out who will face C.M. Punk for
the World Title on Monday.
[Commercial Break]
-It’s Champion vs. Champion tonight (again) when Punk faces Jericho.
As usual, Alicia Fox was at ringside offering her support for McCool. Eve and
Layla did battle to open things up. They traded offense until Layla face-planted
Eve in the corner. McCool then came in and aggressively went after Eve. Some
sort of side-sweep by McCool led into a chin-lock. Jaw-breaker freed Eve from
the move. She tagged Melina in and Melina went to work with clotheslines and a
back-kick for only one. Layla broke up a pin and Eve took her out while Layla
was celebrating. Melina was going to go for her finisher, but McCool’s protege
(apparently) Alicia Fox distracted Melina, allowing McCool to turn things around
and land the Faith Breaker for the win.
WINNERS: McCool & Layla, at 2:51. Felt like an 8-10 minute tag match condensed
into under three minutes (like a hot tag a minute or two in)
-R-Truth teams up with John Morrison to take on Shelton Benjamin and Charlie
Haas, and it’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Benjamin attacked at the start, but Morrison quickly recovered. Truth came in
and got his feet up on a splash attempt, then he kicked Haas away as Charlie
tried to get involved. That gave Benjamin time to leap to the top rope and
suplex Truth off of it. Both men were down as the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Back with, surprise, Truth in a rest hold with Shelton in control. Samoan drop
by Benjamin got him a two-count. JR, just like on his blog, reminded fans that
Shelton and Haas are not permanently reunited and as far as he’s heard, have no
desire to do so. Haas back in with a hard Irish whip on Truth in the neutral
corner. Haas kicked Truth in the chest, then in the face, then hit a
belly-to-belly suplex. Haas grabbed onto Truth’s leg to try to prevent him from
making a tag, but was ultimately unsuccessful. Morrison tagged in and hit a
flying heel kick, then dropkicked Shelton off the apron. Flying Chuck Kick
registered a two-count. Truth came in to thwart Benjamin, and nailed him with a
flying headscissor. Haas took Truth out and Morrison finally got the Moonlight
Drive, then the Starship Pain. Pin.
WINNERS: Truth & Morrison, at 9:24. I’m BEGGING WWE to change up the tag
formula, especially breaking away from “the heel gets involved and taken out by
the face, then the legal heel takes him out and the legal face hits his
finisher.” It wasn’t long ago they did this finish twice in the same show.
-Edge faces Jeff Hardy in a #1 Contender’s Match later tonight.
-Plus, Jericho sets his sights on C.M. Punk and it’s next.
[Commercial Break]
-Todd Grisham thanked the fans for joining WWE for Extreme Rules on Sunday, and
also plugged
Jericho brought Rey’s mask out to the ring with him. Jericho worked the mic
before the match, saying he stands up for what he believes in. He said he
thought he was an honest man, whereas 99.9% of the fans are liars and people who
have failed at accomplishing everything they’ve ever tried to do. He said by
exposing Rey’s true identity, he has lifted the air of deceit of Rey’s shoulders
and he can walk the streets free now. Jericho said he set Rey free by doing
this. But instead of thanking him, Rey has disappeared. Y2J said he led Rey to
his salvation, and that he’s Rey’s savior. He said he exposed Rey as a fraud and
he’ll do the same to Punk tonight. He guaranteed a win against Punk. Should be
interesting to listen to C.M.’s crowd reactions during this one.
JR defended Punk’s decision on Sunday, saying Punk was being smart by cashing it
in at the time he did. Jericho applied a wristlock on Punk and demanded the ref
“ask him!” Punk went into a side head-lock as things started out slowly. Kicks
from Punk (greeted with a few boos), then he sent Jericho down with a back
elbow. Jericho tried to apply the Walls, but Punk shrugged him off. Up in the
GTS (cheers), but Jericho got down and went to the outside.
[Commercial Break]
Back from break, Punk flew at Jericho with a cross-body and got a near-fall.
Jericho hung Punk stomach-first over the top rope. Then he delivered his
trademark springboard dropkick. Back in the ring, Jericho put Punk in a
chin-lock with the arm worked on. Crowd got behind Punk a bit to try to help him
out of the move. Punk broke out, then walked into a drop toe-hold that sent Punk
face-first into the middle buckle. Jericho missed a shoulder charge and punk
used his educated feet to his advantage. Running knee in the corner, then
bulldog out of it for two. Jericho lifted Punk over the top rope and to the
apron and Punk missed a springboard clothesline. Lionsault connected for two.
Hard elbow caught Punk charging in, but then Punk powerslammed Jericho.
Enziguiri by Jericho got him a two. Punk grabbed Jericho for the GTS, but
Jericho blocked it on the way down and put Punk in the Walls of Jericho. Punk
struggled in it, and finally made it to the ropes (mixed reaction). Jericho
charged in and Punk dumped him to the apron. Jericho to the top, but Punk
connected with a kick to the head. Suplex off the second rope by the World
Champion. Jericho came back and surprised Punk with a Codebreaker, but Punk got
his leg on the rope. Kicks from Jericho, but he walked into a kick to the head.
GTS connected for the win.
WINNER: Punk, at 13:52. I like Punk getting the win here even though he’s
champ....WWE needs to book him stronger as champion than they did when he was on
Raw, and getting a win over Jericho will give him some more credibility.
[Commercial Break]
-The RAW Rebound aired. This week, there will be a Fatal Four-Way for the WWE
Title: Big Show, John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H.
-Jeff Hardy came out for the main event. It’s weird, I can tell lately which
part of the announcing by Grisham and Ross is done at the arena, and which is
voiced over. Like Grisham sending it to break sounded obviously dubbed in.
[Commercial Break]
Punk joined JR and Grisham on commentary after both combatants made their
entrance. Both men looked worn down and started things slowly. Elbow to the back
of the head and it looked like Edge and Hardy were sucking wind a minute or two
in. Punk said he hopes the fans can overcome how they’re feeling now in
reference to them booing him, and he also thanked his fans for sticking with
him. Edge went down, holding his shoulder outside the ring, and Hardy was on the
mat inside the ring as they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Hardy was working the arm/shoulder area of Edge out of break. Hardy wrapped
Edge’s arm around the top rope to really try to injure it. Big boot by Edge
caught Hardy off the ropes. Edge tried to shake his arm out and couldn’t
capitalize. Punk again tried to defend his decision to cash in his contract on
Sunday night. Edge kicked away at Hardy as he was down. Edge missed a dive at
Jeff in the ropes though. Jeff tried to suplex Edge but couldn’t get him up and
Edge saw an opening and took out the leg. When Jeff was in peril, Punk replied
to an earlier question saying at this point, he’d rather face Jeff. Short
clothesline from Hardy, but there wasn’t a lot behind it. Hardy got hung upset
down in the corner and ended up almost falling on his head as Edge was
recuperating in the opposite corner.
[Commercial Break]
Edge was continuing to have his way with Jeff, kicking at the already injured
leg. Edge took the pain to Jeff on the outside of the ring, then tossed him back
into the ring. He took Hardy to the mat and applied a leg-hold to Hardy. Hardy
kicked Edge off of him and to ringside, but Edge tried to stay on the attack. He
came off the top, but was met with a boot to the gut and a DDT. Both men ran the
ropes and greeted each other with a clothesline. Hardy stayed on offense and got
a bodyslam on Edge. He went to the middle rope and landed a legdrop for a
two-count. Edge pushed Jeff’s legs away as he tried the legdrop in between
Edge’s legs. Leg. Edge locked in a Sharpshooter. Sunset flip attempt by Hardy
got two. Jeff set Edge up for a Twist of Fate, but Edge shoved him off and
missed a spear. Hardy rolled Edge up for two. Twist of Fate landed, then Hardy
went to the top. Edge rolled to ringside, but Hardy just bowled himself over
onto Edge. Edge threw Hardy into Punk at the commentator’s table. Punk went into
the ring and attacked Edge for the DQ.
WINNER: Edge, via DQ, at 21:36. Different kind of match here, with each man
selling the injuries from Sunday.
Jeff attacked Punk when he realized Punk cost him the match, but Punk came back
and gave the GTS to Hardy. Punk’s music played as both men lay in the ring.
-Teddy Long was watching backstage with Tiffany. Tiffany touted her ECW Title
match that will be at Raw, and Long told her that it’d be a Triple Threat Match
between Punk, Hardy and Edge on Monday.
-One last shot of Punk with the title before they signed off.