Friday Night Smackdown!
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
June 26, 2009
results thanks to
-Smackdown Open.
-Fireworks shot off from Milwaukee as Jim Ross plugged Rage in the Cage, Jeff
Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio against Chris Jericho and Edge slated for later tonight.
-Ring announcer Justin Roberts introduced Mr. McMahon. Vinnie Mac then strutted
out to the ring for a rare appearance on Friday nights. Of course, the first
thing he said was that it was good to be back on Smackdown. McMahon took a long
pause and then made some weird faces, asking what smelled so bad. He said it’s
because they were in cheese country and someone no doubt cut the cheese. OK
then. That wasn’t it, he said, as he noted there was an overwhelming stench in
the arena. He said it was the smell of fear and that the fans are afraid of him.
He said they were afraid of powerful people like him. “You suck” chants began.
He accused people of being afraid of their bosses and being afraid of losing
their jobs. A referee made his way down the aisle, so there must be something
going on here. Vince segued into showing what happened on Monday night. They
only showed him giving the “you’re fired” to Trump. Vince said this led to him
being there tonight, and he called out Teddy Long. That’s not a good sign for
Theodore, but it didn’t stop Long from coming to the ring with his usual smile.
Long welcomed McMahon to Smackdown, but Vince didn’t shake his hand and told
Long to wipe that smile off his face. McMahon said before he says what he has to
say, he wanted to know what Long had in store for him and the fans tonight. He
said it better be good. Long said he was excited about what’s been going on on
Smackdown. Maybe he’s getting promoted to Raw as a SWERVE! Long plugged the main
event tag match. Vince said it might be good enough for the fans, but it’s not
good enough for him. Long said it wasn’t going to be any kind of match, but a
Rage in the Cage match. McMahon asked Long to give him one more thing, or he
knows the consequences. Teddy said in that match, there would be a special guest
referee: C.M. Punk. Vince said that rather than firing Teddy on the spot, he was
going to do what everyone else’s boss has done to them: Put Long on probation.
Clearly, he’s doing too good a job on Smackdown, since it has been awesome the
last few months and has made Raw look even worse that it actually has been, in
R-truth came out as Long and McMahon walked to the back. Long did the “what’s
up” when Truth put the mic in his face, but Vince stayed silent when he gave
McMahon a chance for the “what’s up.” Truth is in action next.
[Commercial Break]
-Shelton Benjamin came out with a mic. He said he had a little truth of his own:
People like Truth, who claim to have been from the school of hard knocks, use
that as a line to make them feel better about the underachiever they really are.
Benjamin said he went to college and was in the top of his class. He said the
only thing Truth has going for him is the skipping and jumping he talks about in
his songs. Benjamin then gave Truth a lesson in the English language. He said
after he beats Truth tonight, Truth should leave WWE and get out of Shelton’s
Truth, angry from Shelton’s comments, was quite aggressive. After whipping
Shelton into the ropes, Benjamin fled the ring before Truth could do any more
damage. JR and Todd Grisham questioned whether Benjamin actually graduated the
top of his class. Benjamin caught Truth with a knee to the gut as Truth tried to
get back into the ring. Jumping side kick from Truth. Benjamin landed a Samoan
drop on Truth, who was wearing one white glove in the ring. A little eerie,
considering the timing of Michael Jackson passing away yesterday. Truth got
knocked to ringside as the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
When the show returned, Benjamin had Truth in a rest-hold. He choked Truth in
the middle rope and continued his assault. Truth connected with a few punches,
but Shelton hit a back-body drop to take the former K-Kwik to the mat. Sidewalk
slam into a back-breaker by Benjamin. Rear waist-lock applied by the Gold
Standard as Truth once again attempted to break out of it. I wonder when the
last time was that Truth had a singles match that got this much time. Benjamin
took his time to suplex Truth, allowing Truth to block the move. He went over
the back and hit a side Russian leg-sweep (has anyone seen a front Russian leg
sweep? Or back Russian leg-sweep?). Roll-up got two for the North Carolina
native. Truth landed right on Shelton’s shoulder, but Truth was powerslammed and
was on the receiving end of a two-count. German suplex into a pin for two by
Benjamin. Shelton missed a kick and Truth hit his corkscrew forearm for the win.
WINNER: Truth, at 11:20. I liked that better as part of his finishing sequence
where he ended things with the axe kick. Grisham said Truth calls it “The Lie
Detector.” Surprising result here.
-Vince walked up to Rey Mysterio in his locker room and made fun of his height.
He wished Rey luck and said he’ll need it. Vince called Rey’s mask stupid and
said Jericho could be doing him a favor if he loses this Sunday. Mysterio spoke
Spanish and walked away. I caught “boss” and maybe “brother” in there. McMahon
warned that everyone should only speak English on Smackdown.
-C.M. Punk faces John Morrison later tonight. Really, they couldn’t advertise
the champion wrestling ahead of time?
[Commercial Break]
-They showed the cage hanging above the ring and JR briefly touched on the main
Fox and Melina began the match. Interesting roll-up from Melina for one. Running
boot to the face of A. Fox. She tagged out to McCool. McCool kicked Melina out
of the corner and Melina feigned catching it right in the face. Referee (name
redacted) checked on her and held McCool back. Running knee from Michelle as she
continued to try and take Melina down a notch before their PPV match. Russian
leg-sweep from McCool for a near-fal as Melina screamed in pain. Fox, who is
being mentored by McCool, applied a head-lock. She stretched the lower back of
Melina. Melina finally fought back and made the tag to Gail Kim. Kim hit a pair
of clotheslines and brought Fox out to the apron. Cross-body from the top got
two. Kim nailed McCool, who was attempting to come in. McCool made a blind tag
and as Kim was working on Fox, and she snuck in and hit the Faith Breaker (after
awkwardly trying to position Kim into it).
WINNERS: McCool and Fox, at 5:13. Boy, Kim has really become a non-factor in the
division quite quickly.
-Punk was backstage getting loosened up when Vince and Teddy walked up to him.
Vince tried to do the wrist roll thing. McMahon asked Punk how he came upon his
success. Punk said he just lives a clean life and stuff. McMahon asked if his
straight-edge lifestyle was all an act. Punk said it wasn’t; he just gets high
on competition. McMahon accused Teddy of thinking Punk’s personality was all an
act. I have no idea what brought on this McMahon vs. Long thing tonight. It’s
kinda strange.
-Rage in the Cage is still to come tonight.
[Commercial Break]
-Grisham and Ross talked about the Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler match at The Bash.
-Cryme Tyme’s “Word Up,” their show, aired. This was their first
Smackdown-exclusive “Word Up,” I think. Eve made an appearance and the word of
the week was jackin’, to steal from someone I guess. Jesse, dressed a bit like
Cryme Tyme, stormed in and started rhyming, but Cryme Tyme wasn’t having it. CT
jacked Jesse’s necklace and reminded us of the word of the week. I have a
feeling this is going to be the weekly “get people who have nothing else to do
on TV” segment.
-John Morrison came out to face C.M. Punk. It’s next.
[Commercial Break]
Both men shook hands prior to the match. Clean break in the corner from
Morrison. I wonder if the announcers will mention their feud over the ECW
Championship. Head-scissors applied by Punk on the mat. Morrison got out and
arm-dragged the champion down as things started slowly, indicating a longer
match. JR dissected what the fans were thinking when they were booing Punk in
previous weeks. After some chain wrestling, Punk missed a kick and Morrison
countered with one of his own. Punk was driven hard chest-first into the buckle,
but Morrison missed a spring-board and Punk slammed him to the canvas. Jumping
heel kick by Punk, then a knee in the corner and a bulldog for two. He set
Morrison up for a GTS, but Morrison fought out. Overhead suplex with a bridge,
but Morrison kicked out at two. At this point, the show went to break.
[Commercial Break]
JR noted that Punk was working on Morrison’s head and neck during the commercial
break. Punk applied a bit of a head-scissor, and then once again after Morrison
got out and Punk put him back down. “C.M Punk” chant, which was met with a few
boos. With Morrison on the apron, Punk tried to sunset flip him to the outside.
Morrison kicked Punk in the throat, and Punk then tripped him, landing Morrison
back-first on the apron. Morrison then came back with a moonsault. He threw Punk
back into the ring and got a two-count. Dropsault by Morrison as he built
momentum in the match. Punk grabbed Morrison’s leg on a running knee attempt and
turned it into a half-crab. That was so smooth, a strength of both men’s in-ring
work. Morrison jumped over the top rope and onto Punk, but C.M. caught him for
the GTS. Morrison got out and hit the Flying Chuck for a very near-fall. Wow
that was close. He set Punk up for Starship Pain, but Punk nailed him on the
back. Off the top, he hit a reverse suplex for only two. He grasped Morrison for
the GTS, but Morrison rolled Punk up for two. Counter and Punk got two, then
Morrison turned that into another roll-up for the win.
WINNER: Morrison, at 16:09. Superb match. Good win for Morrison and a good sign
that he’s in for a big push sooner rather than later. I liked the finishing
sequence as well and how he won it. JR’s announcing gave it a big-match feel,
Punk took his title and talked to Morrison a bit after the match. As it appeared
they’d shake hands again, Punk grabbed him and gave him a GTS. Punk looked upset
about what just happened, conflicted if you will. He didn’t look happy with
himself and held his head in frustration. Interesting development.
-They showed replays of some high-impact moments of the match, as well as Punk
turning on Morrison.
-Chris Jericho was backstage with Josh Mathews. When asked why he was so
obsessed with unmasking Mysterio, Jericho said it wasn’t an obsession but an
intervention. He said Rey is an addict who needs to be brought kicking and
screaming to his salvation, which would be provided by Jericho himself. He said
eventually, the fans and Rey will thank Jericho, the true savior. This whole Rey
mask thing as a metaphor for being an addict is a bit of a stretch for me.
-Another plug for Rage in the Cage.
[Commercial Break]
-Todd Grisham and JR were in the ring to preview The Bash.
-The cage, with that ominous music that always seems to accompany it, was
-Jeff Hardy ran into Teddy Long and Vince McMahon backstage. Long wished him
luck at The Bash and Vince said he didn’t wish Jeff good luck, saying he didn’t
want him to win. McMahon talked about Hardy’s checkered past, and said he didn’t
want him representing Smackdown as champion. Hardy suggested McMahon ask the
fans who they want as champion and said he didn’t need McMahon’s luck. McMahon
made fun of the face he was making and yelled at him. Strange stuff.
-Another look at the cage and a plug for the main event, which is next.
[Commercial Break]
-C.M. Punk made his entrance as special guest referee.
Punk clapped for Hardy when he came out. Jeff leaped off Rey’s back and onto
Edge within the first minute. Right after, they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
Edge was in there with Rey upon return and Rey head-scissored Edge into position
for the 619. Instead though, Rey climbed up Edge’s back and tried to climb over
the top. Edge caught him, but Rey jumped on him for a two-count. Edge took
control when Hardy came in and he back-dropped him into the fence. Jericho came
in and got to Hardy, but things were turned on their head when Rey came in and
he got the best of Jericho. A double-team sent Edge’s head into Jericho’s crotch
as Jericho sat on the top rope. Hurricanrana by Rey for two on Jericho. Jericho
tossed Rey face-first into the steel cage. Both men were down as the camera
focused on Punk heading to break.
[Commercial Break]
Rey was getting flattened by the heels and Jericho worked to keep him away from
Jeff. Head-scissors by Mysterio on Edge after Edge whipped him into the
turnbuckle. He made the tag before Rey could, and Jericho cut off his attempt to
tag Hardy. Mysterio and Jericho found themselves battling on the top rope.
Mysterio elbowed him down but Jericho dropkicked Rey as he came off the top.
Again, Edge came in to halt Mysterio’s momentum. He sent Rey’s head into the
steel fencing, but Rey ended up planting Edge with a DDT. Jericho came in and
shouted at Rey about taking that mask off forever. Jericho tossed Rey up onto
the cage and Rey climbed to the top. Jericho realized his mistake fast enough to
stop Rey. Both men made tags and Hardy worked over Edge to quicken the pace.
Edge went for a spear on Hardy, but Jeff moved and the Rated R Superstar speared
Punk. Whisper in the Wind on Edge, but the ref was still down. He finally came
to and registered a near-fall. Jeff wasn’t happy with what he perceived as a
slow count. It was, but only because Punk was injured. Edge took Rey out, but a
Twist of Fate was blocked, Hardy turned his attention to Punk for a brief second
and that cost him: Edge hit the spear and got the pinfall.
WINNERS: Edge & Jericho, at 19:50. A formula tag match, only inside a cage.
There wasn’t a lot of climbing. I don’t know if they announced it and I missed
it, but I wasn’t sure if both men or just one man needed to climb out for the
Punk got the mic after the match and told the fans to give a round of applause
for the number one contender to his title, a man who fought his heart out
tonight, Jeff Hardy. JR wasn’t sure what to make of that, other than detecting a
hint of sarcasm.
-McMahon and Long were backstage watching the proceedings. McMahon said he
expected big things out of Long on Sunday and wanted him to perform as if his
job depended on it. Well, with all the matches announced, there’s only so much
Long can do Sunday (other than add stipulations I guess). They went back to the
ring where Jeff and Punk had a final stare-down.