Friday Night Smackdown!
Miami, Florida
July 17, 2009
results thanks to
-Jim Ross and Todd Grisham introduced the show. Ross hyped the main event.
Grisham touted an exclusive interview with Edge regarding his future.
-Jeff Hardy came out to his full ring intro, but in street clothes. No facepaint.
Ross called it part of the "ever-evolving look and emotions of Jeff Hardy."
Hardy opened by saying C.M. Punk made a shocking revelation last week. They
replayed the clip of Punk talking about his suspensions and stints in rehab
facilities. Hardy said Punk keeps bringing up his mistakes as if he's trying to
hide behind something. He said everybody makes mistakes. He said he's been
suspended twice for his mistakes. He said he hasn't failed a test in over a
year. Scattered applause from the crowd mixed with discomfort. "I have never
been to rehab; I've always healed myself," he said next, which got no cheers
(nor should it have). Punk's intro music interrupted.
Punk said not failing a drug test in a year isn't an accomplishment. Punk said
those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. When Punk asked if
he missed school exams, Hardy asked if he's his guidance couselor. Punk said
he's not but maybe he should have been. He might have done better in school and
life. He asked him who he thinks he is by bragging about never going to rehab
after failing two drug tests. Hardy said he's the next champion. Punk said he'll
still be champion in a year, and when he beats Hardy, Hardy will fall back into
his vices. He said eventually Hardy will be just another statistic. Hardy
punched Punk. Punk rolled to the floor and said he'll be the bigger man because
he has a match coming up next. [c]
(1) John Morrison pinned C.M. Punk in 12:00. A good opening three minutes, then
they cut to a break. [c] In the end, after a steady stream and back-and-forth
action, Punk charged Morrison in the corner. Morrison moved and countered an
Oklahoma roll with a cradle for a leverage pin on Punk - a surprise upset almost
out of nowhere. Morrison stood over Punk and offered a handshake. Punk refused,
choosing to just roll out of the ring instead. (**3/4) [c]
-As Layla walked out to the ring to her music, Grisham noted that she is a
former Miami Heat dancer. She got little reaction despite wearing a Miami Heat
jersey. She said on the mic she's so happy to be back where she once cheered the
Heat. She said she'd keep things up just like old times, so she danced. After
dancing for a full minute, Ricky Ortiz's music interruped. Ortiz walked out,
tossing rally towels to the crowd. He entered the ring and asked Layla if they
really want to see her dance. He said what they really need is inspiration and
motivation. He said her dancing won't help them, but he will. He said he's there
to personally "rally you up!" He asked the crowd to dig deep and rally up. The
already dead crowd got deader. Layla waved his towel in the air with a smile.
Still almost no crowd response. She then dropped the towel and walked out. Ricky
looked like she dropped a sacred cloth. Ouch. What was that whole segment about?
-Cryme Tyme Segment: The phrases Bottle Popperz, Street Soujas, and Livin the
Life Boyz flashed on the screen. Eve joined them and said the word of the week
is "championized." That means to engross onesself entirely at a champion level
where a person becomes a champion in all respects. JTG told viewers to be a
champion in everything they do. Shad said his boy Antrel Rolle was there, a free
safety with the NFL's Arizona Cardinals. Jesse interrupted the party. He was
wearing a Cardinals jersey. He quoted Will Smith saying "Miami is the place to
be." He wanted to go hit the town. Eve was game. Cryme Tyme got irritated by
him, though, and threw him into a garbage bin and rolled him away. Eve left with
Cryme Tyme and Rolle. [c]
(2) Kane pinned R-Truth. Kane dominated the first two minutes, but then Truth
knocked him to the floor. They cut to a break [c] Kane was in control after the
break. At 8:00 Trth shoved Kane toward the ringpost, but Kane blocked it. Truth
tried again and shoved Kane into the post. Kane, though, took over shortly
thereafter again. At 11:00 Truth turned a backdrop attempt into a DDT. He leaped
off the top rope, but right into Kane's extended boot, so Kane scored the pin.
Actually just fine despite on paper seeming like a potential disaster. Not very
good and quite methodical, but watchable. (*)
Afterward, The Great Khali's music played and Ranjin Singh and Khali walked out.
Truth connected off the top rope with a distracted Kane. Khali entered the ring
and Kane bailed out to the floor.
Ross plugged the main event tag match. Grisham again plugged the Edge interview.
Ross plugged ZZ Top would be guest hosts of Raw.
Another Pretty Ricky segment, wandering South Beach in Miami. People commented
on his teeth. He said he just got them fixed. He jogged behind someone, then
showed off his bling to people driving by on a bus, talked to a woman who said
she woudln't kiss him for a thousand dollars. He closed with, "Don't hate me,
hate the game."
The Hart Dynasty ring intro took place. [c]
(3) Cryme Tyme & Eve defeated The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith & Tyson Smith &
Natalya) in 3:00. Natalya nailed Eve with a hard clothesline for the win. Should
have been longer, but it was good while it lasted. (*1/4) [c]
-WWE Fact: U.S. Military personnel get free tickets to live events in the U.S.
(But not Iraq?)
-Ross and Grisham interviewed Edge. They asked him what his physical and mental
frame of mind is after surgery. Edge solemny said July 1 was his 17 year
anniversary in wrestling. He said he's accomplished more than he thought he
would with all of his title reigns. He said he thinks he's been a leader and
conquered everyone who has been put in front of him at the end of the day. He
said he's had setbacks, but he's tried to rise above them and get back to
competition. He said that's how he's wired. He said with that being said, and he
hates to even have to say this, but this injury could be the end of his career.
Some fans cheered. He hung his head briefly. He said a torn Achilles Tendon is
the hardest injury to come back from in "any realm of physical competition." He
said he will do everything in his power to get back to WWE and once again become
a champion. Grisham asked him if he has anything to say about his tag partner,
Chris Jericho. As Edge said there's never a good time to get injured, Jericho's
music interrupted.
Jericho walked into the ring and said Edge is making him sick. He called him
hypocritical. He said if he's looking for sympathy, he won't get it from him. He
said Edge doesn't care about the tag titles, WWE, or him. He said he won't allow
himself to get punished because of his selfish actions. He said that's why at
Night of the Champions he'll find a partner who's better than him in every way
and continue his reign as "ruler of the WWE universe." He said he brags about
his career and all of the titles he's won, but they've come about due to
politicking and being the right person in the right place. Jericho said he, on
the other hand, earned every title he won because he's the best in the world at
what he does. Jericho talked about Edge's broken neck, torn "pectorial" muscle,
and now his Achilles heel. He said Edge is injury prone, but he's never been
injured once because he's strong. "Weak, frail, pathetic," he called Edge.
"Edge, let's be honest with ourselves. You were never in my league to begin
with." He said his pandering to the fans proves that. He said he Jericho is the
true face of Smackdown and the true face of WWE.
Edge jumped in and said he doesn't need anyone, let alone Jericho, making a
personal attack on his character and durability and accomplishments. He said a
lot of people probably agree with him, but he'll use that at motivation in his
comeback. He said if he comes back, then paused and changed his wording to,
"When I come back, I will prove Chris Jericho and everyone else wrong." Jericho
smiled as Edge's music kicked in. [c]
(4) Dolph Ziggler & Chris Jericho fought Rey Mysterio & Jeff Hardy to an
apparent no contest in 10:00. Punk joined Ross and Grisham on commentary. A
minute into the match they cut to a break as soon as Hardy was knocked to
ringside by Jericho. [c] At 5:00 Jericho scored a two count on Hardy after a
fistdrop. Punk said Ziggler is impressive and maybe being tutored by Jericho.
Rey hot-tagged in a 6:00, his first action in the match, and went on a flurry of
offense against Jericho. Rey scored a two count after a roundkick to the side of
Jericho's head. Rey hit a 619. Ziggler yanked him off the ring apron and threw
him hard into the ringside barrier. Ziggler applied a headlock in the ring and
actually bridged into a head-stand to ostensibly add extra leverage. Cool
looking spot. Hardy hot-tagged in and hit a Whisper in the Wind. Jericho
countered with a Walls of Jericho attempt. Hardy powered out of it and flattened
Jericho with a Twist of Fate and a Swanton Bomb for a near fall broken up by
Ziggler. Hardy went after Jericho at ringside and threw him into the vicinity of
Punk, but not necesarily intentionally. Punk stood up and looked upset. Punk
retaliated by shoving Jericho into Hardy, sending him into the ringpost. The ref
called for the DQ. No winner was declared, though. Ross just said, "This match
is over." (**1/4)
Ziggler then jumepd Rey from behind at ringside. Ross said the match is over as
Jericho gave Hardy a Code Breaker in the ring and Punk looked on. Jericho put
Hardy in the Walls of Jericho. Ross said if Hardy's not 100 percent, Punk will
have a big advantage at Night of Champions.