Friday Night Smackdown!
Cleveland, Ohio
September 4, 2009
results thanks to
-WWE Open.
-A highlight package aired of the Punk vs. Hardy match from last week’s
-To the arena they went, where Jeff Hardy’s music played and out came’s C.M. Punk, dressed like Hardy and doing all of Jeff’s
mannerisms. It took the fans a few seconds to realize it. He’s even got the face
paint. That’s pure evil right there, folks. Punk got on the mic and reminded the
fans that Hardy is gone. He said like a junkie waiting for his next fix, the
fans were waiting for their idol Hardy. Punk said that means no more ridiculous
face paint (and he wiped it off) more stupid arm bands (he removed them)
and no more excuses. Punk accused the fans of being not strong enough to be like
him and he said he knows how weak they really are. He had timekeeper Mark Yeaton
hand him the title and said the fans at least have a champion they can be proud
of. He said he’s the only one strong enough to pull the fans up from their
downward spiral lives. He said he won’t miss a show because of getting caught at
an airport and won’t miss a Wrestlemania because he failed a drug test. Oh,
we’re getting specific now.
Punk turned his attention to Undertaker and Punk said he’s no longer the
solitary icon on Smackdown. Punk listed his credentials and said if Taker wants
to come down and test his breaking point (hey, that’s the name of the PPV!),
he’ll be waiting. He said he knows Taker is in the arena and dared him to come
meet him man-to-man. When he didn’t come down, Punk said Taker would rather lurk
in the shadows and play psychological games. Fans were still chanting for Hardy
here. That can’t be good for Undertaker. Punk said the people sit on their
couches waiting for the Taker to do his supernatural stuff, but he’s not buying
it. He said at Breaking Point, it would be two icons in a fight to the finish.
He said Taker has never faced a guy like him before. Punk said he has laughed in
the face of temptation time-and-time again and he’s never tapped out to
society’s attempts at schoolyard pressure. He continued talking about the fans
and their vices. He said instead of a monkey on their back, it’s more like an
anaconda.....Anaconda Vice maybe? We’ll never know, as Matt Hardy’s music
interrupted and he came out.
Hardy took off his shirt and headed right to the ring where he and the
straight-edge champion brawled. A few referees finally came out to break things
up and had to physically hold the two back. Punk left up the ramp first. The
brawl kinda fizzled and the segment seemed to drag near the end of Punk’s
-Jim Ross hyped the Undertaker’s return to Smackdown tonight.
[Commercial Break]
-They hyped up John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio for the I.C. Title tonight in the
main event. Todd Grisham said Rey made a vow to take on all challengers, and he
accepted Morrison’s challenge for tonight.
-Punk was backstage, walking up to Teddy Long, quite distraught about being
attacked in the last segment. He accused Matt of being “hopped up” on something.
Long said if Punk has a problem with what just happened, they need to settle it
in the ring. Not for the title, though. Long made the match for tonight and Punk
didn’t seem to mind.
-Great Khali came to the ring for a match- they also noted that Khali vs. Kane
in a Singapore Cane Match had been booked for Breaking Point. Oh, goody.
Knox once again gave some more facts about the human body and bones in his inset
interview. Interesting dichotomy as Kane and Knox are both big monsters, but
Kane is much more gimmicky and cartoonish as far as the angles he’s involved in,
whereas Knox seems like a character more grounded in reality. Kane tagged out
when Khali tagged in, so he didn’t have to face the big man. Knox ran into a big
boot from Khali. Vice grip applied, but Kane pulled Knox out of the ring. They
went to break about 2:00 in.
[Commercial Break]
Back in with Khali and Kane. Gee, you’d think they’d want us to see them tangle
up as soon as it happened, since that’s the match at the PPV being plugged here.
Hard chop by Khali to Knox. Finlay came in and had his way with Knox, until Kane
knocked Finlay off the top rope and to ringside. Knox began to work the arm of
Finlay. The heels double-teamed Finlay and continued to work on the injured left
arm. Finlay began to come back until Knox hit one of the most violent
cross-bodies I’ve ever seen. Knox missed a charge in the corner, then Finlay
low-bridged Kane. Kane grabbed Ranjin Singh at ringside and Khali went after
him. As the ref was distracted by that, Finlay used the shillaleigh to hit Knox
with and get the pin.
WINNERS: Finlay & Khali, at 9:46. I don’t get why they continually book Finlay,
a face, to use a weapon behind the ref’s back.
-Teddy Long greeted Vince McMahon in his office; he was just watching the Rise
and Fall of WCW DVD. McMahon reminisced about the title match last week on
Smackdown. Vince complimented Teddy on that and for putting Punk vs. Taker on
the card for Breaking Point. McMahon made a note of Teddy’s conservative
dressing- Vince had on a pink jacket and a white collared shirt unbuttoned quite
a ways. McMahon tried to accuse Teddy of making fun of the way he dressed, then
left by saying he needed to go get lucky. What the hell was that?
-JR and Grisham plugged Matt Hardy vs. Punk as well as the Undertaker’s return.
[Commercial Break]
-Maria was doing her makeup backstage and Eve was there talking about wanting to
get her hands on Natalya. Michelle McCool barged in and told Eve to hold one of
her crutches. She made fun of Eve then said Dolph Ziggler won’t be able to take
his eyes off her. McCool said Maria was just Dolph’s “flavor of the week.” Maria
called McCool spotlight-hungry and then Melina walked in. Melina got in
Michelle’s face and McCool told her she’d be arrested if Melina put her hands on
her again. Michelle left and Melina turned her attention to Maria and asked if
she talked to Ziggler. Maria said she’s a big girl and can take care of herself.
She asked Melina to stay out of her business. Then Eve and Maria left.
-John Morrison and Rey Mysterio came out for the I.C. Championship Match.
[Commercial Break]
Morrison and Rey shook hands as the bell rang. Quick roll-up from Rey for only
one. Morrison did the same as the fans chanted “Let’s go Morrison.” Monkey flip
by Morrison as the two men had their hands interlocked. Rey got rolled up for
two after trying one of his own. Dolph Ziggler was shown backstage, watching the
match on a monitor. Shoulder take-down by Morrison, but the two men traded
offense. Rey missed a dropkick as Morrison held onto the ropes on a whip into
them. La Magistra cradle for two. The men were at a stalemate as they went to
break just over four minutes in.
[Commercial Break]
JR said that neither man was able to build momentum during the break. Mysterio
took Morrison in a headscissors and both men went tumbling over the top rope and
to the floor. Referee got to nine when both men rolled back into the ring.
Mysterio crashed into the ring post and Morrison got two on yet another roll-up.
Morrison worked the arm, but Rey took him down with a headscissors for two.
Morrison snuck under Rey for a roll-up but Morrison got kicked in the face and
Rey hit a springboard moonsault for two. Rey landed three running leg-drops to
gain a two-count. At just over the 10:00 mark, they went to a rear chinlock.
Morrison back-flipped out of an arm-stretcher and in doing so, dropkicked Rey on
his way around. Impressive. Johnny Mo fought back with a leg lariat, then a
standing shooting-star press for two. Morrison threw Rey under the ropes and
this time, he didn’t flip and get up. Morrison held onto him until the last
minute, perhaps that’s why. Smart move to give a subtle difference between that
and how its usually done. Morrison went after Rey and brought him in the ring to
pin him- he got just two. Flipping leg-drop for two. Rey was bleeding from the
mouth as Morrison tried to wear him down, but Rey fought up quickly. Roll-up for
two by Rey. Another one for two. Morrison flipped Rey over his head but Rey
landed on his feet on the apron. He set Morrison up for the 619, but Morrison
broke it up. The two men both went for a cross-body and collided in the air.
They were both down at the 16:00 mark when they went to break.
[Commercial Break]
If there was any doubt on how they’d handle Rey’s situation, they aren’t doing
so in a way to impact him negatively, that’s for sure. Anyway, they came back
nearly 19:00 in. Body-scissors applied by Morrison. Rey came back and tried to
throw Morrison out of the ring, but he landed on the apron. Rey solved that
problem by dropkicking the legs of Morrison, sending him face-first into the
apron. Rey with a hurricanrana on Morrison outside the ring. Springboard legdrop
for two back in the ring for Rey. Morrison slammed Rey face-first in a
wheelbarrow-like maneuver for two. Running knee to the face for two. If that was
William Regal, it’d be over. Mysterio struggled to get back to his feet.
Morrison missed a charge in the corner and Rey hit a springboard cross-body for
two. Seated dropkick from Rey. JR called this an “amazing, amazing championship
match.” Rey off the top, but Morrison dropkicked him in mid-air for two.
Morrison missed Starship Pain, but he landed on his feet. Seated senton by Rey,
then into the 619. Rey connected, but he couldn’t capitalize. He went
springboarding but no one was home. Flying Chuck kick for two- Rey did get his
hands up to protect him on that one. “This is awesome” chant from some fans. The
camera made sure to focus on them. Tilt-a-whirl back-breaker by Morrison, who
then went to the top, but Rey stopped him. Mysterio tried to hurricanrana
Morrison facing the other way but Morrison held on and landed Starship Pain for
the win and the title.
WINNER: Morrison, at 25:22. Well, give Rey credit, as upset as he was about the
suspension, he sure as hell didn’t half-ass it out there. Hell of a contest, a
match-of-the-year contender for sure. Barring some unforseen personal
issues/injury, Morrison is a slam-dunk future World Champ.
They showed a few replays and also Morrison embracing Mysterio after the match.
Morrison was nearly in tears as he held the title up.
-They hyped up Hardy vs. Punk tonight, as well as Taker’s return to Smackdown.
[Commercial Break]
-R-Truth rapped his way to the ring for a match, but was once again attacked by
Drew McIntyre in the middle of his spiel. It would appear that McIntyre wasn’t
the scheduled opponent for Truth. Double-arm DDT by McIntyre, who then retrieved
a microphone from ringside. He said he was overlooked last week, so he decided
to make a statement at the hands of the dancing fool in the ring. Tokyo Magnum?
Drew was mad that Truth had a match but he wasn’t on the show. He said he’d ruin
all the fans’ parties until someone recognizes him as the superstar he is.
-Another plug for Undertaker making his Friday night return.
[Commercial Break]
Maria tried a cross-body, but Natalya caught her and slammed her. Maria came
back with a few dropkicks. Instead of a bronco buster, Maria bounced up and down
in the corner with her foot on Natalya’s throat. I’m saddened by some of the
adjustments needed to make the show PG. Maria chased Layla around the ring and
ran into a Natalya clothesline. Dragon-sleeper by Nattie as she screamed “ask
her!” Tag in to Layla as she wrapped her legs around Maria’s throat and hung
upside-down over the top rope. Double axe-handle to the back for two. Snap
suplex by Natalya, back in, for two. Snap-mare by Layla after a tag, and she
proceeded to stretch the leg and arm of Maria, with her foot in her back.
Jaw-breaker by Maria allowed her to finally make the tag. Eve came in with
forearms and a one-legged dropkick. She knocked Natalya off the apron as well.
Low dropkick by Layla for two. Layla missed a kick, then Eve slammed her.
Natalya came in and Maria cut her off. Both went outside the ring. Handspring
splash by Eve where her legs got more of Layla than anything else, got the pin.
WINNERS: Eve and Maria, at 4:41.
-Josh Mathews was backstage with Matt Hardy. Hardy said Punk would likely be
worried about the presence of the Undertaker, but he should also be worried
about him. Hardy said he will take Punk’s health, well-being and livelihood.
Hardy said he’s going to take from Punk what Punk took from Jeff: his career.
[Commercial Break]
-Another plug for Undertaker returning to Smackdown tonight. Well, the main
event is next, so when would they plan to fit him in?
Punk avoided Hardy at the outset, but Matt was able to finally get offensive.
Punk turned things around and kicked away at Matt on the mat. Hardy with a
swinging neckbreaker. Matt jumped on Punk’s back with C.M. throat across the
middle rope. Punk elbowed out of a Hardy hold, then was too slow in going to the
top rope. JR name-dropped the Anaconda Vice during the match. Hardy with a
middle-rope suplex on Punk. Hardy began holding his side after a pin attempt.
Punk got Hardy up for a suplex and dropped him stomach-first over the top rope.
Punk then ran into him and knocked him out of the ring and into the retaining
wall at ringside.
[Commercial Break]
Back to the match with Hardy in an abdominal stretch. Punk kicked him right in
the gut, focusing on that abdomen that was previously injured. Snap mare then a
body-scissors by Punk. Hardy got his knee up in the corner and fought back
against Punk. That lasted until Punk whipped him chest-first into the buckle.
Three shots to the abdomen, then he double-stomped the injured mid-section of
the elder Hardy. Hardy attempted another comeback, but was too slow and Punk
continued his aggression, locking Hardy again in an abdominal stretch. Hardy
countered and fell back onto Punk. Irish whip by Punk, who took his time getting
ready to charge. That cost him, as he went shoulder-first into the steel post.
Bulldog out of the corner by Hardy. Hardy seemed to struggle to get the fans
behind him for most of the match, but did hit his second-rope leg-drop for two.
Twist of Fate blocked, but so was Punk’s backslide. Hardy flipped over and got
an inside cradle for two. Talk about slow getting to the three count. Punk with
a kick to the head of Hardy for two. Another long pause between two and three.
Scott Armstrong has to get that hitch out of his giddy-up. Punk was caught
coming off the top and Hardy gave him a Side Effect for two. Hardy followed Punk
to the outside. Hardy dove off the apron, but Punk got a foot into the bread
basket of Matt. He then dropped him abdomen-first onto the ringside barrier.
Punk grabbed a steel chair and hit Hardy with it a few times. No bell rang here,
either. Punk tried the “chair around the neck and into the ring post” thing, but
before he could complete the task, Undertaker’s bell tolled and the lights went
out. They came back on with Taker putting Punk in a choke. He chokeslammed him
through the announce table.
WINNER: Hardy, by DQ, at about 16:45. I’m going to assume that was the call
anyway. Good, methodical match that was solid in a different way than Rey vs.
Morrison. Not nearly on the same level of course, but still decent.
Taker posed as his music played and fire shot up from the stage. Having them
plug his appearance throughout the show and up to the main event really was
silly and made it obvious how the end was booked.