Friday Night Smackdown!
Lexington, Kentucky
October 16, 2009
results thanks to
In memory of Louis Vincent Albano
1933 – 2009. Captain Lou was one of the greats who left an indelible mark on the
wrestling business and he will be missed. Often imitated, never duplicated.
“Yes, sir, we promised you a great main event…” The WWE video leads us into the
We open up with the Smackdown video, which has our new Divas worked in, and
we’re brought into the arena with a great pyrotechnics display. Todd Grisham
welcomes us to the show and promotes Rey Mysterio vs. Batista. Also the Dirt
Sheet returns. We now see Michael Cole sitting at the announcer’s table, filling
in for JR.
General Manager Theodore Long walks out to the stage and promotes Bragging
Rights. In addition to the WWE and World Heavyweight Championship matches, there
will be a seven on seven tag team match. Team Raw takes on Team Smackdown to
determine who the superior show is. Long says as General Manager he intends to
uphold this show’s great history and heritage, and also to insure that Smackdown
winds up the dominant show. Long made a tough decision to counter Raw’s team of
DX, Kofi Kingston, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, and Big Show. Long
introduces the Captain of Team Smackdown Chris Jericho.
Chris Jericho walks out and rips the microphone out of Long’s hands before
walking to the ring. Jericho says it’s about time Long put aside his prejudices
after years of incompetence, he made him the captain of Smackdown. Jericho says
as the face of the show he has to address the possibility of John Cena
returning. When Randy Orton beats John Cena at Bragging Rights he will be
banished from Raw, meaning he’ll want to return home to Smackdown. Jericho lets
Cena know that he is the man on the show. No one has been more successful or
dominant in the show’s ten year history and if Cena wants to come on the show
then he has to go through him. Jericho says he’s led the locker room by example,
honesty, and integrity. He’s the cornerstone of the show and is the best in the
world at what he does.
As the Captain of Team Smackdown it’s his responsibility to put together a team
that will listen to his every word and allow him to lead them to the Promised
Land. They will beat Raw that’s captained by two delinquents who have written a
piece of flotsam and jetsam. Jericho holds up the DX book. Jericho says they’re
two miscreants who are more interested in pandering to all us hypocrites and
pushing all their useless merchandise. Jericho lets us know what he thinks of
them by ripping the book up. Jericho says that’s the same thing he’ll do to them
when he meets them at Bragging Rights. That was pretty funny.
All of a sudden the stage explodes and the lights turn red. Kane makes his way
out to the ring and gets in Jericho’s face. Kane says it’s not just Jericho’s
team and they need to talk. Kane says he’s been listening to Jericho’s every
word and has come out to tell him that he is now the Co-Captain of Team
Smackdown. Jericho, looking intimidated, says of course he is and he was
thinking the same thing. Jericho claims he was just going to announce that
because the combination of Kane’s strength and his immense intelligence the Raw
Team doesn’t stand a chance. Kane says as far as he’s concerned, this book, DX,
and the rest of the Raw Team can all go up in flames. Kane then makes the ring
posts explode as Jericho smiles.
Two best friends will collide in the main event as Batista takes on Rey Mysterio.
-Commercial Break-
Bragging Rights Qualifying Triple Threat Match
Finlay vs. Mike Knox vs. Dolph Ziggler
The bell rings and no one is too anxious to make the first move. Ziggler tries
to form a team with Knox to take out Finlay but Knox just hits a short-arm
clothesline. Knox charges Finlay and Finlay throws him out of the ring. Finlay
then takes him down with a baseball slide. Finlay hits an uppercut on Ziggler
and bounces him off the turnbuckle. Finlay sends him into the corner and hits a
running shoulder tackle. Finlay sends him again into the ropes but lowers his
head and eats a kick. Ziggler clotheslines him over the top rope. Ziggler gets
on the apron and Knox comes flying out of nowhere and knocks him off.
Knox gets on the apron and jumps off so Finlay pulls the apron out, only he
doesn’t pull it out enough and Knox appears to have hurt himself as he crumbles
to the floor. His leg might be hurt. Finlay stomps his head before bouncing his
face on the apron. Ziggler all of a sudden takes Finlay out with a dropkick on
the outside before rolling Knox in the ring and covering him for a two count.
Ziggler mounts Knox and punches him before dropping a big elbow for a one count
broken up by Finlay.
Finlay hits a short-arm clothesline on Ziggler and drops an elbow on Knox.
Finlay hits Ziggler with an uppercut and body slams him for a two count. Finlay
hits a head-butt and drives Ziggler into the corner when he starts punching.
Finlay sits him on the top rope and climbs up for a superplex but Knox comes
from behind and gets Finlay in electric chair position and drops him. Ziggler
then comes off the top rope with a splash on Finlay. I may be looking too much
into this but perhaps Knox brought him down because of his leg. It looks like
that should have been a tower of doom spot. Ziggler covers Finlay for a two
count broken up by Knox. Knox hits Ziggler before hitting a nice suplex for a
near fall. Knox then covers Finlay for a two count. Knox gets up and gets hit by
a fame-ass-er from Ziggler for a one count broken up by Finlay.
Ziggler eats an uppercut from Finlay and a few more after that. Ziggler comes
back with punches and a dropkick, getting a near fall. Ziggler sends Finlay into
the corner and runs into his boot. Finlay hits the Rolling Hills on Ziggler and
hits it on Knox! Finlay waits for Knox to get up but Knox catches him and slams
him in the corner. Ziggler then splashes Finlay and Knox splashes them both in
the corner. Knox hits a weak bicycle kick on Ziggler. Knox goes into the ropes
and hits a cross-body on Finlay but Finlay hits him in the face with the
shillelagh at the same time! Finlay covers but Ziggler throws him out of the
ring and picks up the win for himself.
Winner by Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler
Match Rating: * ¾
So far Team Smackdown consists of Chris Jericho, Kane, and Dolph Ziggler.
Still to come tonight is the return of the Dirt Sheet with John Morrison and the
Miz, both opponents at Bragging Rights.
-Commercial Break-
Did you know as Smackdown celebrates its ten year anniversary, it has broadcast
more shows than ER, Law & Order, Cheers, and the Simpsons?
Tony Chimel is shown in the ring announcing this is a Bragging Rights Qualifying
Tag Team Match.
Bragging Rights Qualifying Tag Team Match
Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Dynasty
The match begins with David Hart Smith and Shad Gaspard starting it out. Smith
immediately knocks JTG off the apron. Shad intimidates Tyson Kidd and gets
dropkicked in the knee by Smith. Smith hits a wishbone split and works on the
knee a bit before tagging in Kidd. Kidd wraps Shad’s legs around the ring post
in a Sharpshooter! Unfortunately that gets no reaction from the crowd, half of
whom probably weren’t even a thought when Bret Hart was in WWE. Kidd tags Smith
back in and Smith works on the knee some more. Smith holds a leg bar on until
Shad kicks him off. Smith prevents him from tagging in Kidd and he locks on an
ankle lock. Batista was using that move a few weeks ago. I bet he’ll be
reprimanded for that. Smith misses an elbow drop and runs into a back elbow.
Shad tags in JTG and Smith tags in Kidd.
JTG ducks a clothesline and hits a flipping shoulder block. JTG hits a nice
dropkick and knocks Smith off the apron as revenge. JTG sidesteps Kidd and hits
a second rope face buster (Mug Shot) for a near fall. JTG goes to the ropes and
stops before Smith hits him. Kidd rolls him up for a one count. When he kicks
out Kidd goes into Smith, knocking him off the apron. Shad then dives off the
apron with a clothesline on him. In the ring Kidd counters a Shout Out with a
chicken-wing pin for a near fall. What a beautiful move. Kidd gets on the apron
and snaps JTG off the top rope. Shad prevents Kidd from springboarding off the
top rope for a second. Kidd springboards but JTG runs under him and hits the
Shout Out for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Cryme Tyme
Match Rating: * ¾
Cryme Tyme celebrates in the ring as the Hart Dynasty walks away. Team Smackdown
is now Chris Jericho, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, and Cryme Tyme.
Later tonight we’ll see Batista take on Rey Mysterio.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage Mickie James is in the office with Teddy Long and Michelle McCool.
Mickie James says she’s happy to be on Smackdown. Jericho walks in and James
tells him if he’s looking for someone to beat a Raw Diva than he should think
about having her, since she’s beaten every Diva on Raw. Something tells me the
officials don’t want that FAIL named Mickie James anywhere near a live camera.
Michelle McCool walks away and right into Beth Phoenix, who tells her now that
she’s on Smackdown she better not plan on keeping her title very long.
Elsewhere backstage Vince McMahon is talking on the phone (maybe to Shane
McMahon?) when CM Punk walks up to him. Punk complains about the Fatal Four Way
and says he should have a one on one return match with Undertaker. McMahon
agrees and says that’s why Long is on probation. McMahon then says that he did
like Punk’s idea for a return match from Montreal where Long, Punk and the
referee conspired against Undertaker. McMahon won’t call off the Fatal Four Way
but books that Submission Match with Scott Armstrong as the referee and Teddy
Long as the referee for next week’s Smackdown. McMahon wishes Punk luck and
continues talking on the phone.
-Commercial Break-
We now will have another Bragging Rights Qualifying Match but first we’ll hear
from Vickie Guerrero, who excuses herself on stage. Guerrero introduces he new
boyfriend Eric Escobar. Eric Escobar comes out to zero reaction in some lame
looking attire. He’ll face Matt Hardy.
Bragging Rights Qualifying Match
Eric Escobar vs. Matt Hardy
My favorite referee Charles Robinson will officiate this one. Hardy gets the
crowd into it before locking up with Escobar. Hardy ducks a clothesline and gets
a side headlock on. Escobar whips him off and goes for a hip toss, which Hardy
blocks, and hits a backslide for a one count. Escobar goes for a suplex but
Hardy gets an inside cradle for a one count. Michael Cole got really excited for
that. Hardy gets a side headlock back on and Escobar backs him to the ropes.
Hardy hits some punches but has a whip reversed on him and Escobar hits a back
elbow. Escobar attacks him and covers for a one count. Escobar hits a
clothesline for a two count.
Escobar traps Hardy in a chin lock. Hardy fights up so Escobar body slams him
down. Escobar goes for a senton but misses. Hardy ducks a punch and hits the
Side Effect for a near fall. Hardy goes to the second rope and comes off with a
back elbow. Vickie Guerrero gets on the apron and distracts the referee by
saying she hurt her ankle. Escobar sends Hardy into the ring post and grabs the
tights to get the pin.
Winner by Pinfall: Eric Escobar
Match Rating: *
Eric Escobar celebrates in the ring with Vickie Guerrero. Team Smackdown is now
Chris Jericho, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Cryme Tyme, and Eric Escobar. One more spot
remains open.
Coming up next is the return of the Dirt Sheet.
-Commercial Break-
Howard Finkel’s voice is heard introducing the Dirt Sheet. Both men make
separate entrances. In the ring is a carpet, half red and half blue. It looks
pretty cool. John Morrison introduces himself and says at Bragging Rights he’s
going to prove that being the Intercontinental Champion is far more superior
than being the Miz. Morison then realizes Miz has a title and asks if he brought
it on Miz introduces himself as our United States Champion.
Morrison then welcomes us to the Dirt Sheet.
Miz puts over Bragging Rights, which will determine which show is more superior
– Raw or Smackdown. They’ll also find out which former tag team partner is more
superior. Miz says everyone knows he was the star of that tag team. Throughout
history pairs have broken up, with one going on to fame and fortune, while the
other one fizzles into obscurity. For example Mork and Mindy – Robin Williams
and what’s her name? Then Bill and Ted – Keanu Reaves cracked the Matrix and
Bill went to the unemployment line, where Miz will go. The list goes on – Wayne
and Garth, Regis and Kathie Lee, and the Rockers. Miz says when they broke up
Shawn Michaels became SHAWN MICHAELS while Marty Jannetty stayed the same. Miz
says he’s Shawn Michaels and Morrison is Marty Jannetty.
Morrison says that’s impossible because Marty Jannetty didn’t have sweet
merchandise like he does. Morrison says Miz’ mom got on. Morrison says there’s
two Marty Jannetty’s – Marty Jannetty and Miz. Morrison says this is what
happens when you don’t have a girlfriend but what has happened is Miz conformed.
Miz had the courage to be himself and dress like a loser before showing a
picture of Miz in his old attire. Now he’s a strange mixture of Michael Phelps,
Mr. Ed, Pink, and Big Dick Johnson. When you put them all together you get the
Miz says he has great hair and women love his pearly whites. He also looks good
in trunks and Morrison says he looks husky. Morrison asks the crowd to make some
noise if they think he’s husky. Miz says they’re just jealous of his amazing
body. Miz says at Bragging Rights he will prove that he is better than Morrison.
Morrison asks why they should wait for Bragging Rights and challenges Miz right
now. Miz says he won’t do that in a second rate city, state, and show. Morrison
says Miz thinks Raw is the A-show but really it’s a cheap version of Saturday
Night Live before asking if Big Bird is hosting next week. Morrison says if you
want entertainment you watch Smackdown. Morrison says Miz is boring and Miz lets
him know that he’s the most entertaining superstar in WWE. Miz says he carried
Morrison for two years because he’s AWESOME. Morrison says he’s the Miz and all
he does is run his mouth. Morrison says talk is cheap and he doesn’t want to
hear about what Miz is going to do – he wants to see him do something now.
Morrison gets up and knocks Miz out of his chair and dares him to take a shot at
him. Morrison gets really intense and in Miz’ face. Miz backs away and leaves
the ring. Morrison says that’s what he thought would happen. Morrison says, “See
you at Bragging Rights, Jannetty.” Both raise their titles.
Still to come tonight is Batista vs. Rey Mysterio. We now see a video of Drew
McIntyre’s attacks on R-Truth. They’ll face each other next.
-Commercial Break-
Tonight we’ll have a message from the Undertaker to CM Punk.
Bragging Rights Qualifying Match
R-Truth vs. Drew McIntyre
The match begins and they circle the ring. They lock up and R-Truth pushes him
away. R-Truth blocks a kick and punches McIntyre. R-Truth punches him in the
corner and gets the crowd into it. McIntyre hits a kick and locks on a side
headlock. McIntyre goes over and under R-Truth before being dropped by a hip
toss. R-Truth dropkicks him out of the ring before hitting an over the top rope
splash on McIntyre.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see R-Truth trapped in a chin lock. During the
break McIntyre sent R-Truth hard into the steps. R-Truth fights up but McIntyre
stops him. McIntyre sends him to the ropes but R-Truth holds on. McIntyre
charges and R-Truth sends him over the top rope. R-Truth gets him back in the
ring and gets on the apron. R-Truth punches McIntyre from the apron but McIntyre
smashes him into the ring post, getting him a two count. McIntyre mounts R-Truth
and punches viciously before locking on a knee to the back chin lock. R-Truth
fights up but gets body slammed down. McIntyre goes to the second rope and jumps
right into R-Truth’s boots.
McIntyre charges but R-Truth sidesteps him and punches. R-Truth gets whipped to
the corner and he slingshots over McIntyre. R-Truth splits under a clothesline
and hits a nice spin kick for a near fall. R-Truth goes for his Scissors Kick
but he misses. McIntyre goes for his Double Arm DDT but R-Truth slams him into
the corner and clotheslines him over the top rope. R-Truth gets on the apron and
gets pulled to the steel steps. McIntyre sweeps R-Truth’s legs on the steel
steps and he hits the steps hard! That looked like it hurt because half of
R-Truth’s back caught the steps and the other half was off! McIntyre gets in the
ring and wins by count-out!
Winner by Count-Out: Drew McIntyre
Match Rating: * ½
Team Smackdown consists of Chris Jericho, Kane, Dolph Ziggler, Cryme Tyme, Eric
Escobar, and Drew McIntyre.
Backstage Rey Mysterio is getting ready when Batista walks in. They shake hands
and Batista says he’s not feeling good about this match next. Mysterio jokingly
asks if he senses fear and says brothers fight all the time. Batista says
tonight is one thing but at Bragging Rights it’s another. Batista says Mysterio
knows how much the title means to him. Mysterio says it’s the same for him.
Batista then says CM Punk and Undertaker are going to be a problem. Mysterio
says this is one of the times he wishes they could work together. Mysterio says
it’s a problem but he’s been World Champion before and he plans on walking out
with that title. They laugh and shake hands.
Coming up next we’ll hear from the Undertaker, who has a special message for CM
-Commercial Break-
Michael Cole thanks Maylene and the Sons of Disaster for their song “Step Up
(I’m On It),” the official theme song of Bragging Rights.
A video hypes up the Iron Man Match at Bragging Rights.
We now see a video from Breaking Point, when the new Montreal Screw Job went
down. They’ll meet up again in the same match under the same circumstances next
week on Smackdown.
Backstage Undertaker walks up in the purple light. “It has been said that
history has a way of repeating itself, but not in my yard. CM Punk, Theodore
Long, Scott Armstrong – once again the three of you have decided to tempt your
own fates and rest the holy grail from death’s grip. I think you should know
that once you enter Hell’s gate, there’s no turning back. CM Punk, at Bragging
Rights I will take your soul, and in one week’s time I will give you your last
Next week we’ll have a Submission Match for the World Heavyweight Championship
between Undertaker and CM Punk, with Scott Armstrong as the referee and Teddy
Long at ringside.
-Commercial Break-
Rey Mysterio vs. Batista
The bell rings and they shake hands. Mysterio gets a quick waist lock and
Batista quickly breaks his grip. Mysterio goes for a cross-body but Batista
catches him and lets him go. They laugh it off and go at it again. Mysterio
wrenches the arm and Batista whips him into the ropes. Mysterio slides through
his legs and smiles. Batista whips Mysterio and he slides to the outside.
Mysterio quickly gets in the ring smiling and we’ll take a commercial at this
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Batista throw Mysterio off him from a lock
up. During the break it’s been getting more competitive. They circle and lock
up. Batista throws him down harder. Mysterio runs and dropkicks the knee.
Mysterio kicks him and Batista throws him into the ropes. Batista charges into a
drop toe hold putting him in position. Mysterio goes for the 619 but Batista
avoids it and asks, “Are you kidding me?” Batista kicks him hard and goes for a
back suplex but Mysterio lands on his feet. Mysterio goes into the ropes and
kicks Batista in the face. Mysterio goes back into the ropes and gets SPEARED
big time! Mysterio rolls out of the ring to recover.
Mysterio gets back in the ring at the nine count and Batista covers him for a
near fall. Batista picks Mysterio up and Mysterio fights back with punches.
Batista throws him into the corner and hits some shoulder thrusts. Batista
doesn’t look happy about the damage he’s causing yet he whips him into the ropes
and hits a kitchen sink for a near fall. Batista locks on a reverse bear hug.
Mysterio hammers out with some back elbows before going into the ropes, ducking
a clothesline, and getting caught by Batista. Mysterio slides down and goes for
a roll up but Batista doesn’t budge. Batista picks him up and goes for a
powerslam but Mysterio slides off and chop blocks him. Mysterio kicks Batista in
the head and dropkicks him into the ropes. Mysterio hits the 619 and goes for
the West Coast Pop but Batista holds him! Batista goes for the Batista Bomb but
Mysterio counters into a hurricanrana pin for the win, despite Batista having
his shoulder up! The referee didn’t see it!
Winner by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio
Match Rating: ** ¼
Batista argues with the referee but to no avail. Batista hugs Mysterio and
raises his arm. Batista then leaves the ring to let Mysterio have his moment.
Batista claps for Mysterio until CM Punk comes through the crowd and hits
Mysterio with the GTS! Batista runs back to the ring but Punk escapes! Batista
helps Mysterio up and they hug as the show closes.