Friday Night Smackdown!
Columbia, South Carolina
October 23, 2009
results thanks to
A video package hyping the World
Heavyweight Title match plays. Tonight Undertaker will defend his title against
CM Punk in a Submissions Match with Scott Armstrong as the referee and Teddy
Long at ringside. Will the Undertaker be screwed again?
The Smackdown video plays and we’re brought into the arena to a great pyro
display. Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcome us to the show. This
is the original Smackdown team for years. A bit of nostalgia here! They’re
covering for Todd Grisham, who got married, and Jim Ross. Get well soon JR! Our
Main Event will be Batista and Rey Mysterio taking on Chris Jericho and Kane.
Chris Jericho’s music hits and the Unified Tag Team Champion makes his way to
the ring. He’ll co-captain Team Smackdown with Kane. A replay from Raw plays
where it looked like Team Smackdown was going to take out Shawn Michaels but
instead Team Raw joined him and a huge brawl broke out.
Jericho says this Sunday will further cement his legendary status as not only
one half of the Unified Tag Team Champions and the face of Smackdown but as the
man who led Smackdown to a crushing victory over Team Raw. Jericho claims every
time he steps in the ring he wins. His greatness is omnipotent. Jericho knows
the only way to shut DX’s mouth is to tweak his team and tune it up a little
more. Jericho needs to know if the men on his team are worthy to stand in the
same ring as him. Jericho says they’ll prove their dominance at Bragging Rights
just as he and Kane will do tonight against Rey Mysterio and Batista tonight.
Cryme Tyme’s music hits and JTG comes out to the ring alone. JTG says he’ll pass
on Jericho’s offer to show some manhandling. Jericho asks where his partner is
and wonders if he’s locked up in jail before laughing to himself. That was
pretty funny. JTG says Shad has the flu. Jericho doesn’t believe him and says
what makes him sick is being on the same team as him. Shad may have picked up
the flu from us parasites and germ incubators but he doesn’t care. Jericho asks
if JTG knows what an honor it is to be in the same ring as him.
EXCUSE ME! Vickie Guerrero makes her way out to the stage to big heat. She says
she’s the official consultant of Team Smackdown and introduces her boyfriend
Eric Escobar. They come out to the ring and Escobar takes the microphone.
Escobar says he heard a lot of talk from DX on Raw saying they don’t know who he
is. Escobar says after he leads his team to victory at Bragging Rights they’ll
never forget the name of Eric Escobar.
Dolph Ziggler comes out, clearly upset at this gimmick infringement. Ziggler
says it’s time to get down to business. Ziggler says he’ll be the one
responsible for the win at Bragging Rights and he won’t let them screw that up
for him. JTG asks what he knows about winning, having lost his four
Intercontinental Championship Matches and breaking up with Maria. JTG says he
should be Dolph Loser. Yikes…
Drew McIntyre comes out and says they shouldn’t be concerned about losing at
Bragging Rights because Jericho’s ace is McIntyre. He’s handpicked by Vince
McMahon to be a future champion. McIntyre says he should be the captain and…
Kane’s music hits. He’s the co-captain of Team Smackdown. Kane says as far as
he’s concerned none of them are worthy to be competing alongside him. Jericho
chimes in with “Or Me!” That was funny. Kane says since he and Jericho are busy
with Mysterio and Batista they should be busy too. Kane asks if they really want
to be on the team. Jericho says that’s the question they want to know. Since one
of the members is sick they doubt it. Originally they planned a ten man tag
match since anything Raw can do, they can do better. Since there are only four
of them there will be a four on five tag team match. The caveat is that if they
lose they’ll be replaced at Bragging Rights by the five men who beat them
tonight. Jericho says the match starts next and Kane laughs.
-Commercial Break-
4 on 5 Handicap Tag Team Match
JTG, Eric Escobar, Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre vs. The Hart Dynasty, Finlay,
Matt Hardy & R-Truth
JTG will start this out against Tyson Kidd. They lock up and JTG gets a side
headlock. Kidd whips him off but gets shoulder blocked. JTG kicks him, goes into
the ropes, and hits a fame-ass-er for a one count. Kidd rolls to his corner and
tags in Finlay. Finlay gets a quick headlock, gets whipped off, and shoulder
blocks JTG. Finlay wrenches the arm and takes him down for a no count. Finlay
hits some hard uppercuts and a short-arm clothesline. Finlay drops a knee on the
face before being driven into JTG’s corner. Dolph Ziggler gets the tag.
Ziggler comes in and punches Finlay. McIntyre gets a cheap shot in. Ziggler
continues the assault before being pulled away by the referee. Finlay blocks a
kick and takes him out with a clothesline. Finlay whips him to the corner and
delivers a shoulder block. Finlay goes for the Rolling Hills but Ziggler slides
off and clubs him. Ziggler sends him to the corner and dives at him but Finlay
moves and he hits the ring post skull first! Ziggler falls to the outside of the
ring! We’ll take a commercial here.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Finlay locked in a chin lock from Eric
Escobar. Finlay has a small cut on his forehead. No blood – sorry bloodhounds.
Finlay fights up and arm drags him off. Escobar hits a poorly timed clothesline
and McIntyre tags in. McIntyre clubs Finlay and kicks away at him. McIntyre
assaults him on the ground and stomps his head. McIntyre gets Finlay in the
corner and Ziggler tags in, rolling up Finlay for a one count. Jericho and Kane
are seen watching backstage. Ziggler drops a big elbow for a one count. Ziggler
locks on a chin lock. Finlay nearly gets to his corner but Ziggler clubs him
away. Ziggler tags McIntyre back in. McIntyre prevents Finlay from getting to
his corner and elbows him in the face for a two count. Ziggler is tagged back in
and gets a chin lock on. Finlay fights up but gets kneed down. Ziggler gets a
cheap shot on R-Truth. Finlay quickly tags in Matt Hardy.
Matt Hardy comes in and clotheslines Ziggler down twice. Hardy hits a one man
flapjack and covers for a two count. Hardy hits a body slam and goes to the
second rope for an elbow, which gets a two count. Ziggler hits some punches but
Hardy hits him with a Side Effect for a near fall broken up by Eric Escobar.
Finlay runs in and clotheslines him over the top rope, going over along with
him. JTG tags in and hits the Shout Out for a near fall broken up by David Hart
Smith. McIntyre runs in and throws him out of the ring. Tyson Kidd runs at him
and McIntyre back drops him over the top rope onto Smith! R-Truth then
clotheslines McIntyre over the top rope, taking himself out as well. Escobar
bounces Hardy off the turnbuckle but Finlay hits JTG in the knee with the
shillelagh! Hardy takes advantage of the situation and hits the Twist of Fate on
JTG for the win! Team Smackdown has drastically changed!
Winners by Pinfall: The Hart Dynasty, Finlay, Matt Hardy & R-Truth
Match Rating: ** ½
The winners celebrate big time in the ring. It’s weird to see the Hart Dynasty
hug R-Truth. This is a bizarre change to happen two days before the PPV. It’ll
now be Jericho, Kane, the Hart Dynasty, Finlay, Matt Hardy, and R-Truth taking
on Team Raw.
Backstage CM Punk is talking with Scott Armstrong. Punk says he doesn’t
understand the severity of the situation and he says he does. All he can think
about since he rung the bell at Breaking Point is what he’s done to his and his
family’s reputation. Punk says that’s selfish thinking and says it’s not about
Armstrong – it’s about him. Long says he’s still on probation. He can lose his
job and his life if he’s not careful. Punk asks how they understood what needed
to be done in Montreal and now they’re second guessing themselves. Armstrong
says his dad taught him that you’re nothing without your good name. Armstrong
says if he’s on the chopping block because of this than so be it and walks away.
Armstrong opens the door to see a smiling Vince McMahon. McMahon says they need
to talk.
John Morrison is walking backstage with his Intercontinental Championship. He’ll
be in action next.
-Commercial Break-
Still to come tonight is Batista and Rey Mysterio taking on Chris Jericho and
John Morrison vs. Mike Knox
This is a non-title match. As Mike Knox comes out they air a prerecorded promo.
Knox says that blunt abdominal trauma is the most severe pain the human body can
experience. Despite the muscle mass of John Morrison the result is the same. The
liver collapses, releasing bile into the blood stream, causing internal shock.
Knox smiles and asks isn’t that something.
Morrison ducks a clothesline and gets a side headlock on. Knox pushes him off
but Morrison slides through his legs and hits some punches. Morrison gets
whipped into the ropes but Knox bends and gets kicked in the face. Morrison goes
back into the ropes and gets destroyed by a cross-body for a near fall. Knox
hits a gut buster for a two count. Knox sends him sternum first into the corner
before locking on an abdominal stretch. Morrison elbows out and rolls Knox up
for a two count. Knox misses a punch and Morrison punches before hitting a chop
block. Morrison goes into the ropes and hits a back heel kick. Morrison hits a
running knee to the face and covers for a near fall. Morrison attempts the
Moonlight Drive but gets pushed off. Morrison runs right into a bicycle kick.
Knox tries for another cross-body but Morrison moves. Knox crashes into the
ropes throat first. Morrison then hits Starship Pain and it’s academic from
Winner by Pinfall: John Morrison
Match Rating: * ¼
John Morrison grabs a microphone and says he’ll face his former tag team partner
the Miz at Bragging Rights. While he’s busy proving that he’s Shawn Michaels and
not Marty Jannetty, he knows who he is. He’s the Friday Night Delight, the
Intercontinental Champion John Morrison. Morrison raises his title in the air.
Tonight’s Main Event will be the World Heavyweight Title Submission Match
between Undertaker and CM Punk. Scott Armstrong is the referee and Teddy Long is
at ringside.
-Commercial Break-
Did you know last month, over 100 million photos of WWE ringside action were
viewed on
The new Team Smackdown is talking backstage and Chris Jericho walks up with
Kane. Jericho says they’ve earned the right to stand next to him at Bragging
Rights. As co-captain he expects… and Kane puts his hand on Jericho’s shoulder,
reiterating “WE.” Jericho says they expect for them to follow their lead.
R-Truth says to save the General Patton speech. They may not like him but they
respect him. Finlay says they don’t have to question where there loyalty lies.
Natalya says they’re on the same page. Hardy says he wants to embarrass and
humiliate Raw. R-Truth says that’s the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Jericho tells them to watch he and Kane destroy Batista and Mysterio, the same
way they’ll destroy Team Raw. Jericho leaves and Kane looks at them menacingly
before saying, “Good talk.”
Elsewhere backstage Mickie James is talking to Mae Young. Michelle McCool walks
up and says hi to Mae. McCool says it’s a shame Mickie didn’t make the Smackdown
Divas team at Bragging Rights but there’s always next year. Mickie says she
knows why she didn’t make the team. McCool says because Natalya and Beth Phoenix
are a lot more talented than her. Mickie says it’s because McCool is scared
she’ll show her up and because she’s her biggest threat. Most importantly she
knows she’ll take the Women’s title from her. McCool says to keep dreaming.
Mickie tells her to break a leg on Sunday before leaving. Beth Phoenix walks up
and says hi to Mae and McCool. Phoenix tells McCool not to get used to having
the title much longer. Phoenix walks away and Mae Young says, “She told you.”
McCool tells her to shut up and Mae Young slaps her!
Michael Cole takes us back to what happened last week on Smackdown between
Batista and Rey Mysterio. Mysterio pinned Batista but his shoulder was up. The
referee didn’t see it.
Backstage Batista and Mysterio were laughing about who beat who. Mysterio says
he and his family watched Batista’s DVD. Mysterio says he learned something new
about him. Batista says he wishes they put him winning the title for the sixth
time at Bragging Rights on the DVD. Mysterio says that’d be hard because he’s
going to win. They laugh and Mysterio says they’ll see what happens but tonight
they’re going to win. Mysterio walks away and Batista follows.
-Commercial Break-
Still to come tonight is a Submission Match for the World Heavyweight Title.
Will Undertaker be screwed again?
Rey Mysterio & Batista vs. Chris Jericho & Kane
It’ll be Batista starting out against Chris Jericho. Jericho approaches him and
slaps him. Batista responds with a clothesline. Batista sends him into the
ropes, hits a back elbow, and gets a two count. Batista sends him hard into the
corner and tags in Rey Mysterio. Batista whips Mysterio into a baseball slide to
Jericho’s groin. Mysterio hits a snapmare and goes to the ropes for a leg drop,
getting a two count. Mysterio stops Jericho from making a tag. Mysterio has a
whip reversed on him so he slides through Jericho’s legs. Jericho charges into a
drop-toe-hold on the ropes. Mysterio goes for the 619 but Kane pulls him out of
the ring by his legs hard.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Mysterio stretched across the knee of Kane.
Mysterio gets out but Kane floors him with an uppercut. Kane tags Jericho in and
hits a backbreaker. Jericho kicks Mysterio in the head. Jericho talks trash and
slaps him around. Jericho gets him up and punches him back. Jericho whips
Mysterio into the ropes and Mysterio hits him with a wheelbarrow bulldog.
Jericho tags Kane before Mysterio gets Batista and Kane gets Batista off the
apron. The referee is distracted as Jericho attacks Mysterio. Kane hits a
snapmare and a running low dropkick to the face for a near fall. Kane clubs at
Mysterio’s chest before tagging Jericho back in. Jericho steps on Mysterio’s
head and bounces him off the turnbuckle. Jericho hits a BEAUTIFUL delayed
vertical suplex for a near fall. Jericho traps the arm and locks on a chin lock.
Mysterio tries to fight out but can’t. Jericho goes for a powerbomb but Mysterio
is able to counter with a hurricanrana over the top rope! Mysterio slowly crawls
to Batista and makes the tag!
Batista ducks Kane’s clothesline (he was also tagged in) and hits some punches.
Batista whips Kane to the corner and clotheslines him. Kane gets Batista in the
corner and charges into nothing. Batista goes into the ropes and hits a big
shoulder block. Batista then scoops him up and hits a big Spinebuster. Batista
shakes the ropes and goes for the Batista Bomb but Jericho blindsides him with
an Enzuigiri. Jericho goes for the Codebreaker but gets a Spinebuster. Batista
then turns into a big boot. Kane sends him shoulder first into the ring post.
Kane signals for the Chokeslam but Mysterio stops him. Kane Chokeslams Mysterio
and turns into a huge Spear from Batista for the win!
Winners by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio & Batista
Match Rating: * ½
Backstage McMahon is sitting with Scott Armstrong with CM Punk and Teddy Long in
the background. McMahon says he’s excited about the championship match. McMahon
says he’s proud of Punk’s accomplishments. McMahon says Teddy Long deserves a
gold star for making this match (Vince made it last week…). McMahon says he can
smell change in the air. What starts in the fall usually ends at WrestleMania.
McMahon talks about all the events of WrestleMania weekend. McMahon tells
Armstrong that Bullet Bob Armstrong (his Dad) could be a candidate for the Hall
of Fame this year. McMahon says to keep that thought in the Championship Match
tonight. Armstrong looks conflicted as he says he’s ready.
-Commercial Break-
Mickie James vs. Layla
They lock up and Mickie gets a quick headlock. Layla elbows her off and gets
shoulder blocked. Mickie cartwheels over her and dropkicks her for a two count.
Layla throws her out of the ring but Mickie lands on her feet and sweeps Layla
from the outside. Mickie gets to the top rope and kicks Layla in the face. Layla
no sells it and throws Mickie off the top rope. Michelle McCool is seen watching
the match. Layla gets a near fall. Layla kicks her a few times before pinning
for a two count. Mickie rolls her up for a two count. They do a strange slow
motion headlock before Layla hits a sidewalk slam for a no count. Huh?
Things are getting awkward now. Mickie gets the crowd back into it (sort of)
with a slap before hitting some punches. Mickie hits a pair of clotheslines and
a back elbow. Mickie hits a neckbreaker for a two count. Layla hits a knee to
the midsection and misses a kick. Mickie hits a Thesz Press (I hate that).
Mickie sends her into the corner and hits the Mick Kick for the win. I’m sorry
but that was a waste of time.
Winner by Pinfall: Mickie James
Match Rating: ½ *
That tremendous video package for Captain Lou Albano plays. Rest in peace,
Captain Lou.
-Commercial Break-
There’s a Punjabi Prison play set? I want that for Christmas!
Jerry Lawler thanks Maylene and the Sons of Disaster for the use of “Step Up
(I’m On It),” the official theme song of Bragging Rights.
We take a look at the John Cena vs. Randy Orton rivalry. THE rivalry,
apparently. I guess they gave up on trying to convince us that Triple H vs.
Randy Orton is the greatest of all time.
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are in the ring and they run down the Bragging
Rights card. All in all I’m not a huge fan of this event. It just doesn’t feel
like a big event to me.
CM Punk comes out to the stage with Teddy Long and Scott Armstrong. Punk says we
don’t understand how great it is to walk into an arena and know that he can
physically dissect everyone in it. It’s nice to know he can reduce those
watching at home to tears. Nothing makes him feel more unstoppable than making
the Undertaker tap out in a few short minutes for the second time. Punk says he
knows how horrible our lives are and how we’re holding on to some false hope
that Taker will be him but he can’t and he won’t. Punk’s Bragging Rights start
right now when he once again becomes our Straightedge World Heavyweight
Champion. The best part is there’s nothing we can do about it.
-Commercial Break-
Did you know visitors spend more time per visit on WWEUNIVERSE.COM than Facebook,
MySpace, and Twitter?
Teddy Long is seated at ringside, Scott Armstrong is the referee, and CM Punk is
in the ring.
World Heavyweight Championship Submission Match
CM Punk vs. Undertaker (c)
The match begins and Punk feigns kicking Taker a few times. Undertaker lays him
out with a big right hand and Michael Cole wastes no time using his old “Best
Pure Striker” line. What does that mean? Undertaker bounces Punk off the
turnbuckle and punches him in the corner. Undertaker bounces him off another
turnbuckle and punches him. Undertaker wrenches the arm before hitting a body
slam. Undertaker misses an elbow drop and Punk goes for the Anaconda Device but
can’t get it. Undertaker looks at the conspirators as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Undertaker grab Punk by the throat and throw
him over the top rope. Undertaker throws him over the barricade. Undertaker
bounces him off the announcer’s table and clubs him. Undertaker bounces him off
the steel stairs and throws him back in the ring. Undertaker gets in and Punk
gets on the apron. Undertaker charges with a big boot but Punk moves. Punk gets
Undertaker on the outside and hits an enzuigiri that hardly hits. Punk bounces
Undertaker off the steel steps and whips him into them. Punk kicks him in the
head a few times before sending him in the ring.
Punk is laughing as he springboards off the top rope into a Chokeslam attempt.
Punk gets out of it and punches him. Punk goes into the ropes and into a right
hand. Punk comes back with punches and a head-butt. Undertaker head-butts him
and they trade punches with Undertaker coming out on top. Undertaker sends him
to the corner and clotheslines him. Undertaker hits snake eyes and a big boot
followed by a leg drop, brother. Undertaker goes for Hell’s Gate but can’t get
Undertaker bounces Punk off the turnbuckles and goes for Old School. Teddy Long
gets out of his chair and Punk pulls Taker off the top rope. Punk hits a high
knee in the corner and hits a bulldog. Punk tells Long to give him a chair and
Long gives it to Scott Armstrong. Punk rips it out of his hands and runs at
Taker but Taker kicks it in his face. Undertaker looks menacingly at Scott
Armstrong and Chokeslams him! Undertaker looks at Teddy Long now and Long backs
away. Undertaker turns into a chair to the gut, back, and head! Punk yells at
Long to get another referee. Punk locks on the Anaconda Vice and Mike Chioda
runs down. Long wants the bell but Undertaker counters into Hell’s Gate and Punk
Winner by Submission: Undertaker
Match Rating: * ¾
Undertaker takes his World Heavyweight Championship and does his taunt. Punk
backs up the ramp looking scared.