Friday Night Smackdown!
Providence, Rhode Island
November 6, 2009
results thanks to
"Yes, sir, we promised you a great
main event…” The WWE video leads us into the show.
The Smackdown video plays and we’re brought into the arena with a great pyro
display. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcome us to the show. They promote our
Main Event will be Batista taking on Matt Hardy.
The GONG hits which can only mean one thing – World Heavyweight Champion
Undertaker is making his way to the ring. “It seems like an eternity ago that
the demons of hell passed judgment on the mortal world and a creature was born
of the night so powerful that the mention of his name would send shivers down
the spine of all those who opposed him. It was at the Survivor Series that the
dark birth of the Undertaker was born, and year after year all who opposed me
perished at my feet. Yet year after year they still come – they still come for
this. They come for a chance to be World Heavyweight Champion. This is the holy
grail for all who step foot in this ring. The Big Show betrayed an entire team –
he betrayed an entire team for an opportunity to become World Heavyweight
Champion. What he won was the opportunity to be terminated by the hand of the
“And that brings me to Chris Jericho. There are few things in this world that
bring joy to my dark heart. One is being able to fight alongside my brother
Kane. The second thing is fighting against my brother Kane. But last week Chris
Jericho took that opportunity away from me. So at the Survivor Series, Chris
Jericho’s fate, health, and soul will be mine.”
Chris Jericho’s music hits and he walks down to the ring. Jericho says it’s been
ten years and finally the WWE Universe is getting what it’s been waiting for.
Two of the biggest stars in WWE history will be face to face. The best in the
world and the phenom. Jericho asks what the phenom is and gives the Webster’s
Dictionary definition as an exception, unusual, and abnormal person. Jericho
says that describes himself more than Undertaker. Jericho says he’s the true
Phenom of the WWE because he’s exceptional – exceptionally talented with
accolades that are second to none. He’s the best in the world at what he does
and that makes him unusual. What makes him abnormal is that he’s the only one
with the boldness and the braveness to stand up for what he believes in and tell
the truth. Jericho says the truth is Undertaker has been brainwashing us
gelatinous, sycophantic tapeworms for twenty years. Jericho says he’s not a
Deadman – he’s just a man, like Kane, John Cena, and Big Show, men he’s beaten
in the last ten days. Jericho says he’s on the roll of his career and he can’t
be stopped. Jericho also says he can beat anyone at any time. Jericho says at
Survivor Series he’ll beat Undertaker and become World Champion for the sixth
Jericho gets in the ring and says he’s not afraid of Undertaker. Jericho says
he’s just a man and there’s not a man on this planet that he’s afraid of.
Jericho walks up to Undertaker and says he’s the new Phenom because he’s the
best in the world at what he does. Jericho asks if he understands and calls him
“man.” Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Jericho kicks out of it, goes into
the ropes, and eats a big boot. Jericho quickly rolls out of the ring holding
his mouth. Undertaker looks at him and taunts him.
Todd Grisham and Matt Striker talk about the “Great Betrayal” when Batista
attacked Rey Mysterio at Bragging Rights. We’re then brought to a four minute
video package highlighting the past week’s events.
-Commercial Break-
The search for Parts Unknown continues on
Dolph Ziggler & The Hart Dynasty vs. John Morrison & Cryme Tyme
John Morrison and Tyson Kidd will start this match out. They circle the ring and
lock up. They quickly separate and Kidd whiffs Morrison with a spin kick. Kidd
gets a waist lock and a headlock takeover. Morrison fights up and whips him off.
Kidd goes over and under Morrison and Morrison hits him with a hip toss.
Morrison then quickly clutches his ribs. Morrison is selling Dolph Ziggler’s
attack from last week when he smashed him off the announcer’s table. Dolph
Ziggler and JTG are tagged in as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see JTG locked in a chin lock from Dolph Ziggler.
JTG throws him off and hits a nice hip toss. JTG hits a grounded blockbuster.
JTG comes off the second rope but Ziggler avoids him. JTG lands on his feet and
hits a jawbreaker. JTG goes for a monkey flip but David Hart Smith snaps him off
the top rope. The referee was being distracted by Natalya. This gets Ziggler a
two count. Smith is tagged in and he works on JTG with some stomps. Smith hits
some strikes before tagging in Kidd. Smith whips JTG into the ropes, hits a
drop-toe-hold, and Kidd hits him with a dropkick to the temple. This gets Kidd a
two count. Kidd tags Smith back in. Kidd hits a backslide and Smith drops a leg
for a one count. Smith then locks on a chin lock. JTG fights up but gets powered
to the corner. Ziggler gets tagged in and he hits a snapmare. Ziggler hits a
rolling neck snap for a two count. Ziggler locks on a chin lock. Ziggler holds
it on for a bit and talks some trash. JTG fights up so Ziggler goes for a back
suplex but JTG flips out and hits a neckbreaker over his knee. Ziggler tags in
Kidd and JTG tags in Morrison.
Morrison comes in and hits some punches. Morrison hits a clothesline and a back
body drop before sending him into the ropes and hitting a jumping calf kick.
Morrison clutches his ribs as Smith is tagged in. Morrison ducks a clothesline
and lays in some punches. Morrison goes for a whip but Smith pulls him into a
powerslam attempt. Morrison slides off and sends him into the corner. Morrison
takes him out with the Flying Chuck. Ziggler runs in and Morrison punches him in
the face. Morrison tags in Shad and takes Tyson Kidd out with an over the top
rope corkscrew splash.
Shad comes in with a shoulder block and a clothesline. Shad hits some punches
before sending him to the ropes and hitting a back elbow. Outside the ring
Ziggler drops Morrison ribs first on the barricade. Shad sends Smith to the
corner and splashes him. Shad gets him on his shoulder and Ziggler makes a blind
tag. Shad goes for Thugnificent but Ziggler hits him by surprise with the
Zig-Zag for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Dolph Ziggler & The Hart Dynasty
Match Rating: **
The heels get their hands raised in the ring as John Morrison gasps for air on
the outside.
Coming up next we’ll have a sit down interview with Rey Mysterio.
-Commercial Break-
Did you know visitors spend more time on than MySpace, Twitter,
or Facebook?
Rey Mysterio is backstage in the locker room being interviewed by Josh Mathews.
Here’s what was said:
Mathews: Rey Mysterio, you’ve been through so much since Bragging Rights –
failing to win the World Heavyweight Championship and then being physically
assaulted by your best friend Batista afterward. After your face to face with
Batista last week, what state of mind are you in?
Mysterio: Josh, I’d be lying to you if I said I wasn’t upset. Could you imagine
one of your family members walking out on you over something so small? Well,
that’s how I feel. I mean (speaks Spanish)…
Mathews: Rey, Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long made it official. At
Survivor Series it’ll be you versus Batista. Do you have a message for Batista?
Mysterio: Batista, I know you’re watching, man. You won’t listen to me, you
won’t listen to logic, you decided to throw away our friendship, and you decided
to throw away the spirit of Eddie Guerrero. You know, man, I don’t know what’s
gotten in to you, but whatever it is I’m going to get it out. You’ve shown me a
side of you that I’ve never seen before but now I’m going to show you a side of
me that you never thought existed.
Brittany Carter vs. Beth Phoenix
The match begins and Phoenix picks her up before powering her into the corner.
Phoenix holds on to her and runs across the ring, powering her into the other
corner. Phoenix squashes her down with one hand and hits the Samoan Wrecking
Ball. Phoenix hits a backbreaker, keeps holding her, and hits another. Phoenix
drags her around the ring by the hair. Phoenix gets her in a torture rack and
jumps up for a backbreaker. The crowd likes this. Phoenix hits a delayed Glam
Slam for the win. That was about as entertaining as a squash match gets.
Winner by Pinfall: Beth Phoenix
Match Rating: ½ *
We’ll hear from the Animal Batista next.
-Commercial Break-
The Smack of the Night is Drew McIntyre’s brutal beat down of Finlay.
Drew McIntyre’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring looking devious.
He’ll face Jimmy Wang Yang. Jimmy Wang Yang is taunting on the ropes and
McIntyre knocks him off and to the floor! That was a mean bump! Charles Robinson
checks on Yang as McIntyre grabs the microphone. McIntyre says the party can’t
even get started until he gets some competition worthy of a future World
Champion. Yang gets in the ring and demands the match starts.
Drew McIntyre vs. Jimmy Wang Yang
McIntyre is walking away from the ring when the bell rings. McIntyre gets in the
ring surprised and gets surprised by some chops from Yang. Yang hits a kick but
the next is blocked and McIntyre clotheslines him down. McIntyre viciously
punches him before hitting the Double Arm DDT for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Drew McIntyre
Match Rating: No stars
McIntyre knees him in the back of the head for good measure before angrily
leaving the ring.
We’re backstage with Batista. Josh Mathews walks up and says last week it was
Rey Mysterio and then Matt Hardy. Mathews wants to know why. Batista says he’s
not here to make friends. He’s here to be World Heavyweight Champion. Rey
Mysterio, who was supposed to be his friend, robbed him of that. Matt Hardy, who
needs to mind his own business, never should have gotten involved. Batista’s
point is if he has to hurt Mysterio, Hardy, or anyone else to become champion,
he’ll do just that.
Rey Mysterio is seen walking backstage. He’ll face Mike Knox next.
-Commercial Break-
Rey Mysterio vs. Mike Knox
The match begins and Knox punches and kicks Mysterio around the ring. Knox sends
him into the ropes so Mysterio slides through his legs. Knox kicks him in the
midsection and punches him into the corner. Knox sends Mysterio hard into the
opposite corner and runs into some boots. Mysterio hits a head-scissors, which
gets Knox in position for the 619. Knox quickly gets out of the ring. Mysterio
gets on the apron and jumps off but Knox avoids him. Mysterio lands on his feet
and gets DESTROYED by a cross-body for Knox! That was awesome!
Knox throws Mysterio back in the ring but Mysterio quickly rolls out to recover.
Knox follows him outside and kicks him. Knox rolls him back in the ring and
covers for a near fall. Knox stomps on Mysterio before dropping a knee on his
ribs. Knox whips Mysterio sternum first into the corner and drops another knee
on the ribs, giving him a two count. Knox stomps Mysterio and locks on a bear
hug. Mysterio punches out and kicks Knox. Mysterio goes into the ropes and kicks
Knox in the face. Knox angrily charges but Mysterio pulls the top rope down and
he flies to the outside.
Mysterio hits him with a baseball slide. Knox gets into the ring as Mysterio
goes into the ropes and he gets floored with a shoulder block. Knox follows it
up with a big splash for a near fall. Knox locks on an abdominal stretch. Knox
hits a pump-handle slam into a backbreaker for a near fall. Knox locks the
abdominal stretch back on. Mysterio tries to punch out but Knox stops him with a
pump-handle slam attempt but Mysterio counters into a big DDT.
Both men are being counted down. Mysterio hits Knox with some punches before
hitting a dropkick. Mysterio then hits a wheelbarrow bulldog for a near fall.
Mysterio gets hit with a knee. Knox sends Mysterio into the corner. Mysterio
tries to catapult over him but Knox catches him on the shoulder. Mysterio slides
to the apron and hits a springboard seated senton. Mysterio goes back into the
ropes and Knox takes him out with a clothesline for a near fall. Knox charges
Mysterio in the corner but Mysterio moves and he hits the ring post. Mysterio
dropkicks him into the ropes and hits the 619! Mysterio follows it up with a top
rope splash and picks up the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Rey Mysterio
Match Rating: ** ¼
Later tonight we’ll see Batista take on Matt Hardy.
-Commercial Break-
Matt Striker thanks Art of Dying for “Get Thru This,” the official theme song of
Survivor Series.
Next Friday John Morrison will defend the Intercontinental Championship against
Dolph Ziggler. That’s going to be a good match.
CM Punk’s music hits. As Punk comes out we’re reminded of CM Punk’s match
against Scott Armstrong from last week. Want to know the referee of his match
this week? Scott Armstrong!
CM Punk vs. R-Truth
The match begins and Punk backs R-Truth up with some kick attempts. They lock up
and R-Truth spins Punk to the corner. Punk gets in Scott Armstrong’s face before
locking up with R-Truth. R-Truth gets a side headlock on. Punk whips him off and
gets floored by a shoulder block. Punk angrily gets in Armstrong’s face as
R-Truth taunts him with a dance. Punk gets a waist lock on and then a side
headlock. The fans are chanting “We want Hogan.” Punk hits a headlock takeover
and R-Truth gets a head-scissors. Punk gets out and locks on an inverted full
Punk punches R-Truth for a few seconds before hitting a head-butt. Punk goes
into the ropes and takes a hip toss. R-Truth clotheslines Punk over the top rope
and follows it up with a nasty over the top rope splash. We’ll take a break
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Punk hit a spin kick to the midsection of
R-Truth. Punk attempts a suplex but R-Truth lands on his feet and suplexes Punk.
Punk is on the apron and snaps R-Truth off. Punk springboards off the top rope
with a clothesline for a one count. Punk stomps and kicks R-Truth. Punk hits a
suplex for a two count. Punk locks on a bow and arrow stretch. That’s a great
submission move. It’s definitely up there as one of my favorites. Punk elbows
him in the back of the neck and hits some punches. Punk whips him into the
opposite corner but due to terrible editing he’s actually whipped across the
ring back into the same corner he just got whipped out of. Punk goes for a big
Bronco Buster but R-Truth moves.
R-Truth hits some punches. He sends Punk into the ropes and hits a pair of
clotheslines. R-Truth has a whip reversed on him so he springboards over Punk,
cartwheels, splits under a clothesline, and hits a big heel kick. R-Truth
splashes him in the corner and runs right into a jumping calf kick. That gets
Punk a near fall. Armstrong appears to be counting a little slower. Punk gets in
Armstrong’s face and tells him to do his job and count faster. R-Truth then
rolls him up and Armstrong fast counts him. R-Truth beat CM Punk!
Winner by Pinfall: R-Truth
Match Rating: * ¾
Scott Armstrong quickly leaves the ring as Punk looks shocked. Punk runs up the
ramp and is incredulous. Punk screams and runs back to the ring and has a
Mickie James is walking backstage. Michelle McCool and Layla confront her and
say that no one likes her. Mickie says she’s not going anywhere and after her
team beats McCool’s team at Survivor Series, she’s coming for her title. She
calls Layla “Scary Spice” and walks off.
We see a recap from last week with Matt Hardy imploring Batista to not make the
same mistakes he did. Batista scoffed and walked off before returning to
blindside him. Matt Hardy takes on Batista tonight.
-Commercial Break-
The Raw Rebound plays. That Chris Masters “Crazy Train” thing was the weirdest
thing I’ve watched on wrestling in a while.
Josh Mathews is backstage with Matt Hardy. Mathews asks Hardy what prompted him
to get involved in the issue between Mysterio and Batista. Hardy says we’re all
human and they make mistakes. Hardy says after what he and Jeff went through
this year he just wanted to talk to Batista. All that happened was Batista
cowardly hit him from behind. Hardy says he’s not here to be a friend. He’s here
to fight.
Matt Hardy’s music hits. He’ll face Batista next.
-Commercial Break-
Matt Hardy vs. Batista
Charles Robinson is the official here. They lock up and Batista forces Hardy to
the corner. Batista pushes him and Hardy pushes back. Batista powers Hardy to
the corner and hits some shoulders. Hardy hits some punches so Batista whips him
to the ropes. Batista lowers his head and eats a kick. Batista goes into the
ropes and floors him with a clothesline. Batista whips Hardy hard into the
corner and sends him into the ropes for a forearm smash and a two count. Batista
smashes Hardy’s face off his knee. Hardy comes back with punches but Batista
hits a knee and follows up with a nice suplex for a two count.
Batista chokes Hardy on the second rope. Batista whips him to the corner and
charges but Hardy moves. Hardy tries to roll him up but Batista doesn’t budge.
Batista punches Hardy off and shoulders him in the corner. Charles Robinson
admonishes him and Batista yells at him. Instant heel! Batista punches him in
the corner until Hardy comes back with some punches. Hardy goes to the second
rope and Batista rips him off. We’ll take a commercial here.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Batista lock Hardy in a camel clutch (Sheiky
Baby!). Batista sends Hardy into the ropes and hits a shoulder to the
midsection. Batista pushes him back to the ropes and hits a shoulder to the
back. Batista hits a body slam and covers for a near fall. Hardy hits some
punches so Batista hits the worst looking drop-toe-hold of all time. In reality
that was Hardy’s fault on that one.
Batista whips him into the corner hard and covers for a near fall. Batista locks
on a guillotine choke. Batista transitions to just a straight body scissor.
Batista turns it back to the choke. Batista hits some crossfaces. Hardy
eventually elbows out. Batista clubs the back and goes for a powerslam but Hardy
slides off and hits a headlock neckbreaker.
Both men are being counted down and they get up at nine. Batista charges into a
kick to the face. Hardy hits some punches and ducks a punch from Batista. Hardy
hits a dropkick to the knee and DDTs him. Hardy goes to the top rope and goes
for a moonsault but Batista rolls out of the way. Batista picks Hardy up and
Hardy hits a Twist of Fate! Hardy covers but Batista grabs the rope at two and a
half. Hardy goes for another one but Batista takes him out with a Spinebuster!
Batista viciously stomps him and chokes him with his foot. Hardy falls to the
Batista throws Hardy into the barricade. Batista bounces him off the announcer’s
table and rips the top off it. Batista grabs a television monitor and smashes it
against Hardy’s back! Batista is disqualified!
Winner by Disqualification: Matt Hardy
Match Rating: * ¼
Batista sends Hardy into the steel steps and powers him back into the ring.
Batista slowly takes his elbow pads off and sets up for a Batista Bomb. Batista
thinks twice about it and throws Hardy away. The crowd boos him wildly as he
walks up the ramp smiling.
It’s announced that next week’s Smackdown will see Chris Jericho take on the
Undertaker for the first time ever one on one! What a match that’s going to be!