Friday Night Smackdown!
Sheffield, England
November 13, 2009
results thanks to
“Yes, sir, we promised you a great
main event…” The WWE video leads us into the show.
The Smackdown video plays and we’re brought into the arena with fireworks
blazing. Todd Grisham and Matt Striker welcome us to the show. Our Main Event
will be Chris Jericho taking on the Undertaker for the first time ever. Batista
and Rey Mysterio will also have a contract signing for their Survivor Series
match. We’ll also see Dolph Ziggler attempt to take the Intercontinental
Championship away from John Morrison. Looks like we’ve got a packed show!
CM Punk’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. As he makes his way to
the ring we see footage from last week when Scott Armstrong fast counted CM
Punk, costing him his match against R-Truth. Punk makes light of the United
Kingdom, saying it used to have Kings and Knights as well as ruling half the
world, but now they’re just as bad as the Americans. They can pretend they don’t
spend their days in a little pub and pretend they don’t spend every night
filling their lungs and noses with carcinogens. They can also pretend they don’t
chew tobacco, a habit which makes him sick. Punk says they’re weak minded and
have no heart. All they can do is “boo” and wave a finger at him. They need a
person such as himself to teach them the proper way to live. They should all
aspire to be as great as he is. Punk says he’s better than him and it’s not him.
His mind and body is clear and free of poison.
Punk says he’s perfect in every way – he doesn’t need a crutch like the people
do or a crooked official like Scott Armstrong. Punk says he filed a complaint to
the Board of Directors against him. As far as tonight goes he’ll beat R-Truth,
just like he’ll do at Survivor Series, and just like he could beat up everyone
in the arena. Punk is the choice of a new generation. R-Truth will come out
asking “What’s up” and he’ll tell him Straightedge.
R-Truth makes his entrance and gets in the ring. R-Truth says CM Punk can file
any complaint he wants as that’s his prerogative. Ok… R-Truth says he’s filing a
complaint as well. His complaint is against CM Punk for him impersonating a man.
R-Truth says he didn’t come out to put him down and make him look bad as he does
that all by himself. R-Truth did come out to add flavor, excitement, and to shut
Punk up. The people pay their hard earned money to see action, not to hear Punk
preach. He’s seen punks like him before and he is a punk. The truth is he goes
around telling people how they should live their lives so he can feel better
about himself. That’s the truth and tonight the truth will hurt. R-Truth asks
the crowd “What’s up” and the match can begin now.
CM Punk vs. R-Truth
They approach one another in the center of the ring and Punk shoves him. R-Truth
answers back with some right hands. R-Truth bounces his face in the corner and
slaps him. R-Truth has a whip reversed on him so he tries to catapult over but
he lands right in GTS position. R-Truth gets out of it and hits a heel kick to
the face for a one count. Punk hits a kick, sends him into the ropes, and
R-Truth holds on. Punk charges and R-Truth back body drops him over the top
rope. We’ll take a break here.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Punk locked in an arm bar. Punk gets to his
feet and backs R-Truth into the corner. Punk drives some shoulders into his
midsection and whips him to the opposite corner. Punk runs into an elbow and
R-Truth goes up top. Punk kicks him leg and he falls hard to the mat clutching
his knee. Punk works on the knee with stomps and leg locks. Punk hits a kick and
a chop block for a two count. R-Truth counters with a jawbreaker. R-Truth goes
into the ropes and gets hit with a drop-toe-hold. Punk locks on an Indian Death
Lock with a neck bridge. Absolutely beautiful! R-Truth gets out of it with some
punches. Punk goes to the apron and springboards off the top rope right into a
Both men get to their feet and R-Truth starts punching. Punk runs into a knee
and eats a clothesline. R-Truth covers for a one count. R-Truth hits a back
suplex for a near fall. R-Truth goes for the Scissors Kick but Punk moves and
kicks him in the knee. Punk signals that it’s time for him to Go To Sleep. Punk
gets him up but R-Truth wriggles into a sunset flip attempt. Punk sits on his
shoulders, grabs the rope, and gets the cheap win.
Winner by Pinfall: CM Punk
Match Rating: ** ¼
CM Punk quickly gets out of the ring and acts like this is a big deal.
Todd Grisham and Matt Striker promote Rey Mysterio’s book “Behind the Mask.” It
should be a good read. Later tonight we’ll see the contract signing for Batista
versus Rey Mysterio at Survivor Series.
Mickie James is making her way to the ring when she’s stopped by Layla, who
can’t believe Mickie is still on Smackdown. Mickie says she can’t believe she’s
still talking. Layla says they should take their advice and leave. Mickie calls
her “Scary Spice.” While all this is going on Michelle McCool walks into her
locker room in the background. Mickie walks off.
-Commercial Break-
Our Main Event is Undertaker taking on Chris Jericho for the first time ever.
We get a shot of the House of Parliament and Big Ben.
Natalya vs. Mickie James
They talk a little trash before Natalya gets a waist lock takedown and slaps her
on the head. Natalya wrenches the arm and talks some trash. Mickie gets out with
a cartwheel and some punches. Natalya reverses a whip but Mickie slides through
her legs and snapmares her. Mickie dropkicks her in the face and Natalya quickly
rolls out of the ring. Mickie goes to the outside and Natalya pushes her into
the steel steps. Natalya slides her in the ring and covers for a near fall.
Natalya picks her up by the hair and slams her down. Natalya locks on a picture
perfect Mexican surfboard, only releasing the hold when she nearly pins herself.
Natalya punches her in the corner until the referee backs her up. Natalya walks
into a kick so she grabs the legs and tries to slam her. Mickie lands on her
feet and begins punching her. Natalya answers with some punches in the corner.
Natalya runs in to a back elbow and then a hurricanrana. Mickie hits a trio of
clotheslines. Natalya answers with a chop and throws her out of the ring. Mickie
quickly gets on the apron and goes to the top rope. Mickie hits a Thesz Press
off the top rope as Michelle McCool and Layla walk out with her clothes. This
distracts her enough for Natalya to clothesline her in the back of the head.
McCool and Layla cut her clothes up as Natalya locks on a Sharpshooter and gets
the submission win!
Winner by Submission: Natalya
Match Rating: * ½
McCool and Layla rip her pants apart before walking up the ramp smiling.
A video plays of the people who waited outside for WrestleMania tickets. As
someone who has attended a WrestleMania live, I can understand the excitement.
John Morrison will defend his Intercontinental Championship against Dolph
Ziggler tonight.
The Hulk Hogan DVD commercial airs, with emphasis on these matches being from
his prime in the 80s.
-Commercial Break-
Josh Mathews is interviewing John Morrison. Mathews asks how he feels about
defending his Intercontinental Championship against Dolph Ziggler. Morrison asks
how he feels because he’s the Friday Night Delight. Morrison says the title is
on the line and he feels the pressure but the difference between him and Ziggler
is that Ziggler can’t handle that pressure. Ziggler’s calling his mom long
distance and complaining so he’ll make a mistake tonight. Morrison says he
thrives on the pressure. Tonight he’s going to hit him harder than Ricky Hatton,
kick him harder than David Beckham, and rock this mother harder than the
Beatles. At the end of the match Ziggler will be lying on the mat looking at
Morrison still the Intercontinental Champion.
As McIntyre comes out we’re reminded of his vicious assault on Finlay from two
weeks ago. McIntyre gets in the ring and says two weeks ago he didn’t let Finlay
in the ring because he’s not worthy. McIntyre says he’s had a change of heart
because he heard Finlay loves to fight. Because he wants to make an impact he’ll
fight and defeat Finlay.
-Commercial Break-
Drew McIntyre vs. Finlay
The controversial Scott Armstrong is calling this match. They circle the ring
and lock up. Finlay quickly gets him to his knees and elbows him in the face.
Finlay hits a short-arm clothesline and some uppercuts. Finlay chops him in the
corner. Finlay has a whip reversed on him but McIntyre lowers his head and gets
kicked in the face. McIntyre quickly responds with a kick to the face and Finlay
falls out of the ring. McIntyre clubs him from behind and hits a short-arm
clothesline on the outside. McIntyre rolls him back in the ring and stomps him.
McIntyre works on Finlay’s injured arm with kicks and an arm bar. Finlay fights
up and punches out. Finlay punches him so hard he goes over the top rope. Finlay
sends him into the barricade and throws him in the ring. McIntyre grounds and
pounds him when he gets back in the ring. They slug it out and I guess they were
throwing closed fists because the referee calls the match.
Winner: No Contest
Match Rating: * ½
Finlay grabs the shillelagh and gets a big boot for his trouble. McIntyre picks
it up and waits for Finlay to get up. Finlay gets to his feet and gets knocked
out by his own shillelagh. McIntyre looks wild as he gets out of the ring.
McIntyre then returns to the ring and picks the shillelagh up again. McIntyre
then strikes him in the chest while he’s down on the mat. McIntyre puts his
hands up and leaves the ring.
Coming up next we’ll see Batista and Rey Mysterio in a contract signing.
In the ring referees and trainers are surrounding Finlay. Finlay is hurting but
he sits up and gets to his feet. The crowd applauds Finlay as we see replays of
the match (or brawl). Finlay is woozy but he walks to the back.
-Commercial Break-
Did you know despite the baseball playoffs and World Series, still
delivered more page views than during the month of October?
Matt Striker is in the ring, which has black carpet, a table, and two chairs –
you know, traditional stuff for the contract signing. Matt Striker builds the
match up and introduces Rey Mysterio first. I forgot to mention it last week but
Mysterio finally shaved off that gross patch of chin hair. Batista is out next
to a ton of boos. He’s holding a black folder. As he makes his way to the ring
we see footage from Bragging Rights.
Matt Striker asks them to have a seat and make the match official. Batista
smiles and asks Rey how he’s doing before signing the contract. Mysterio signs
it and its official. Batista says he has something else he wants Mysterio to
sign. Batista says it’s a hold harmless agreement, which means he cannot legally
be held responsible for what he does to him. What that means is not him, his
family, or the promotion can sue him for what he does at Survivor Series.
Mysterio says he won’t sign it.
Batista angrily takes off his sunglasses and says he’s exactly what he thought
he was – a coward hiding behind a goofy mask. He was supposed to be his friend
but he cost him his World Heavyweight Championship. Mysterio will sign it or
he’ll snap his neck like a twig. Mysterio thinks about it and actually signs it.
Mysterio says he sees what Batista is doing – he’s trying to bully him because
he thought he wouldn’t sign it. Mysterio says it won’t be him being embarrassed
at Survivor Series – it’ll be Batista. Mysterio then pushes the table over on
Batista and quickly leaves the ring! Batista angrily gets up and destroys the
chairs. That was a solid segment.
Later tonight we’ll see Chris Jericho take on Undertaker for the first time ever
but next we’ll see John Morrison take on Dolph Ziggler with the Intercontinental
Championship on the line.
-Commercial Break-
The Smack of the Night is Dolph Ziggler defeating John Morrison by Count-Out two
weeks ago.
WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. John Morrison (c)
The bell rings and they circle the ring before Morrison attempts a single leg.
Ziggler punches him away and runs to the apron when Morrison charges. The
referee backs Morrison up and Ziggler gets a cheap shot. Ziggler stomps and
punches him. Morrison gets a quick roll-up for a no count. Morrison takes him
out with some punches and hits a one man flapjack. Morrison hits a break dance
leg drop for a two count. Morrison hits him with a knee in the corner and goes
to the top rope but Ziggler recovers just in time to swipe his leg. Morrison
lands abdomen first on the top rope. Ziggler hits a dropkick and covers for a
near fall. Ziggler kicks him in the ribs and hits a gut buster for another near
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Morrison locked in a grounded bear hug.
Morrison punches out of it and gets to his feet. Morrison punches him to the
corner and whips him to the opposite side. Morrison charges and dives but
Ziggler moves and Morrison hits the top rope, falling to the mat and lands on
his head. Ziggler snapmares him and hits a rolling neck snapper for a near fall.
Ziggler kicks him and drops some elbows on the injured midsection. Ziggler drops
a big one for a near fall. Ziggler locks a body scissors on. Morrison elbows out
but Ziggler quickly drops him with a body slam for a near fall.
Ziggler kicks him in the head and talks trash until Morrison slaps him. They
trade punches with Morrison coming out on top. Ziggler tries for a back suplex
but Morrison flips, lands on his feet, and hits a flying forearm shiver.
Morrison hits a clothesline and a jumping calf kick for a near fall. Morrison
goes for the Moonlight Drive but Ziggler counters into a big face buster for a
near fall. Ziggler punches him in the back of the head a few times and gets him
up only for Morrison to hit a “Wayne Rooney” kick to the face for a near fall.
Morrison goes for Starship Pain but Ziggler moves. Ziggler rolls him up and puts
his feet on the ropes but the referee doesn’t count as he caught him. Morrison
hits the Flying Chuck and covers for a close near fall.
Ziggler goes to the apron and attacks Morrison’s ribs when he approaches him.
Ziggler punches him in the head and they climb the ropes. They punch each other
silly until they both fall from the top rope to the outside! Ziggler lands flat
on the floor and Morrison hits the barricade hard! They both are knocked out and
get counted out!
Winner: Double Count-Out
Match Rating: ** ½
Later tonight we’ll see Chris Jericho versus Undertaker for the first time ever.
-Commercial Break-
Matt Striker thanks Art of Dying for “Get Thru This,” the official theme song of
Survivor Series.
Lisa Taylor vs. Beth Phoenix
Taylor tries for a quick roll-up but Phoenix never leaves her feet. Phoenix
punches her wildly before hitting a big shoulder breaker. Phoenix still holds on
to her and drives her upside down into the corner, hanging her in the tree of
woe. Phoenix then takes her and hits a sick neckbreaker. Phoenix hits a delayed
Glam Slam for the easy win. Highly enjoyable squash match.
Winner by Pinfall: Beth Phoenix
Match Rating: *
Backstage we see Chris Jericho preparing for his match. Josh Mathews walks in
and asks if he’s concerned about facing the Deadman. Jericho scoffs and says he
assumes Mathews is just like the parasites and hypocrites who think Undertaker
is actually dead. Jericho says he’s just a man and can be beat. For ten years
we’ve waited to see them lock up and for twenty years we’ve believed he’s a
magic man. Jericho says he can be beat and he will be beat. Jericho says he’s
the best in the world at what he does. Jericho says a man won’t stop him tonight
and nor a man and a giant at Survivor Series. Jericho says he’ll win the World
Heavyweight Championship and that’s real.
-Commercial Break-
Next week John Morrison will defend the Intercontinental Championship against
Dolph Ziggler in a Two out of Three Falls Match! What a match that will be!
Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker
This is the first time their paths have crossed in a singles match in the ten
years Jericho has been with the company. I’ve personally looked forward to this
match for a long time and I can’t wait to watch it.
Charles Robinson, my favorite, has this match. Undertaker quickly corners
Jericho but Jericho is able to quickly duck a punch and he starts punching
Undertaker. The referee backs him up and Undertaker grabs him by the throat and
throws him into the corner. Undertaker punches him down in the corner and
bounces his face off the other corner. Undertaker sends him into the ropes and
lowers his head so Jericho kicks him in the face. Undertaker just looks at him
and clotheslines him over the top rope!
Undertaker goes outside and bounces his face off the apron. Undertaker sets him
up on the apron and hits his huge guillotine leg drop. Undertaker stomps his
hand and wrenches the arm. Undertaker shoulders him down and drops a leg on the
arm for a one count. Undertaker wrenches the arm again and goes for Old School.
Undertaker goes to the top rope and Jericho quickly flips him off and to the
mat. We’ll take a break here.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Jericho punching Undertaker repeatedly in the
head while talking trash. Jericho stomps Undertaker in the corner until he’s
admonished by the referee. Undertaker kicks and elbows Jericho before whipping
him to the corner. Undertaker runs into a boot and Jericho takes him down with a
missile dropkick for a two count. Jericho locks on an arm trap chin lock.
Undertaker fights to his feet and powers out of the hold. Jericho knees him in
the midsection and kicks him out of the ring. Jericho taunts the crowd as
Undertaker gets up.
Jericho goes to the apron and comes off with a flying forearm. Jericho sends
Undertaker into the barricade and punches him. Jericho sends him into the ring
and chokes him on the second rope. Jericho then stands on him while choking him
on the rope. Jericho then walks into an elbow. Jericho comes back with some
punches and kicks. Jericho punches him down to his knees and talks more trash.
Jericho chokes him again, this time with his foot. Undertaker has had enough and
grabs him by the throat but Jericho kicks and punches out.
They trade punches with Undertaker coming out on top. Undertaker sends him to
the corner and splashes him. Undertaker hits snake eyes and goes into the ropes
only to be taken out by a dropkick, giving Jericho a near fall! Jericho punches
Undertaker some more until he’s admonished by the referee. Undertaker grabs him
by the throat but Jericho elbows out. Jericho goes into the ropes and runs right
into a big boot. Undertaker backs up and charges Jericho in the corner but
Jericho moves. Jericho goes for the ten punches until Undertaker attempts a Last
Ride. Jericho gets out of it and hits the Codebreaker out of nowhere for a near
fall! That was awesome!
Jericho does Undertaker’s taunt and goes for the Tombstone but Undertaker
counters into an attempt of his own. Jericho slides off and chop blocks him.
Jericho hits the Lionsault and goes for a cover but Undertaker sits up out of
nowhere! Undertaker grabs him by the throat and goes for a Chokeslam but Jericho
counters into a cradle! Jericho releases it and locks on the Walls of Jericho!
Undertaker is able to turn on his back and lock Jericho in Hell’s Gate! Jericho
taps out and the match is over!
Winner by Submission: Undertaker
Match Rating: *** ¼
Almost as soon as the match ends, Big Show’s music hits. Big Show gets on the
apron and goads Undertaker into attacking him. Big Show gets off and Jericho
tries to blindside him. Undertaker catches him but Big Show sweeps his feet. The
Unified Tag Team Champions gang up on Undertaker with punches. Big Show hits his
Chokeslam and drops a leg on him. Jericho locks him in the Walls of Jericho and
Big Show locks on his Colossal Clutch! All of a sudden Kane’s music hits and he
makes his way to the ring! Big Show decides to leave the ring without Jericho’s
knowledge. Jericho then eats a big boot and he gets out of the ring. Kane checks
on his brother.
Vince McMahon is backstage watching. He calls Teddy Long and says he hasn’t seen
Kane and Undertaker together in years. McMahon makes Kane and Undertaker versus
Jericho and Big Show for next week! McMahon asks Long why he’s feeling under the
weather and wonders if he has rabies or the Swine Flu. McMahon says he’ll see
him next week and reminds him he’s still on probation.
In the ring Undertaker stands next to Kane and Kane explodes the ring posts.
What a great way to end Smackdown.