Friday Night Smackdown!
Washington, D.C.
January 3, 2014
results thanks to
“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.
The show kicks off with a video of Daniel Bryan joining up with The Wyatt Family
at the end of Monday Night RAW. Daniel Bryan said, “You were right. You were
always right. I’m yours. Let me join the family.” Bray Wyatt then knocked out
Bryan with the Sister Abigail before they carried him to the back.
Michael Cole and John “Bradshaw” Layfield welcome us to the show. Cody Rhodes
and Goldust will defend the WWE Tag Team Championships against Luke Harper and
Erick Rowan of The Wyatt Family. They wonder what role Daniel Bryan will play in
the match.
The Shield makes their way to the ring through the crowd. Dean Ambrose asks if
the crowd thinks they don’t know what is going on. They’ve heard the rumblings
throughout the locker room and the WWE Universe. They say The Shield isn’t on
the same page anymore, and they are crumbling from within. They also say that
some egos have gotten out of control. Ambrose stood by Roman Reigns while saying
that. Ambrose says they are dead wrong. CM Punk is dead wrong if he thinks he
can divide and conquer The Shield. What Punk fails to understand is The Shield
cannot be conquered because The Shield cannot be divided.
Roman Reigns takes the microphone, and he says Ambrose is right. To divide a
great team, you have to attack its weakest link. As it pertains to The Shield
and the so-called “weak link,” it’s pretty obvious. Reigns takes a moment to
look toward Ambrose before saying, “There is none.” Seth Rollins says any
setbacks The Shield has had recently are only temporary. In the end, they will
prevail because they will do what they do best – come together and dominate.
Reigns tells the crowd to believe that. Rollins then says, “Believe in The
Shield.” They put their fists together in the ring.
Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns vs. Jimmy and Jey Uso
Dean Ambrose joins Michael Cole and JBL on commentary for the next match. Roman
Reigns will start the match against Jimmy Uso. They lock up, and Reigns powers
him to the corner. Reigns backs up, punches him in the ribs, and head-butts him
down. Reigns then throws him hard to the opposite turnbuckle before stomping
him. Seth Rollins is tagged in, and he punches Jimmy before trying to whip him
to the corner. Jimmy puts the brakes on and hits two clotheslines on Rollins.
Jey Uso is tagged in, and he catches Rollins with a forearm shiver in the
corner. Jey sends him into the ropes and hits a back elbow for a one count. Jey
wrenches the arm and tags Jimmy back in. They send Rollins into the rope and hit
a double back elbow before dropping a double elbow for a two count. Jimmy chops
him in the corner, and Rollins comes back with a chop of his own. Rollins puts
him in the corner, but Jimmy quickly pops up and responds with some punches.
Rollins kicks back, but he has a whip reversed on him. Jimmy then hits him with
a back body drop for another two count. Jey is tagged in, and he comes off the
top rope with an axe handle to the arm. Jey hits an arm drag, and he keeps the
arm bar applied. Rollins fights up, and he catches Jey with a jawbreaker.
Rollins punches him to the ropes. Jey ducks a clothesline and goes into the
ropes. Jimmy blind tags in as Jey blocks a kick from Rollins and catches him
with an uppercut. Jimmy then clotheslines Rollins over the top rope. Reigns runs
in, but the Usos duck a clothesline and kick him in the midsection. The Usos
then double clothesline him over the top rope. Rollins run back into the ring,
and they give him a back body drop over the top rope onto Reigns!
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Rollins trapped in a hammerlock from Jey Uso.
Rollins fights up and manages to make a tag to Reigns without Jey knowing.
Rollins whips Jey off, and Reigns floors him with a back elbow for a two count.
Reigns punches and kicks him a few times before stomping him. Jey rolls to the
apron, and Reigns picks him up to club the chest. Reigns gets him back in the
ring, and he suplexes him for a two count. Rollins is tagged in, and he comes
off the top rope with a punch to the ribs. Rollins puts him in a hammerlock
before sending him into the turnbuckle shoulder first. Rollins stomps on the arm
a few times before pulling at his nose. Rollins then applies a cobra clutch, but
Jey soon fights up and pulls him off. Jey goes for a tag, but Rollins stops him
and hits a hot shot into the ropes. Reigns is tagged in, and he drops an elbow
for a near fall. Reigns slams the arm down before dropping a knee on it. Reigns
then punches him in the face before tying the arm around the bottom rope. Reigns
then yanks the arm before applying a chin lock. Jey fights up, and he tries to
elbow out, but Reigns knees him in the midsection. Reigns pushes Jey into the
ropes, but he hangs on. Reigns then charges at him, but Jey pulls the top rope
down to get him out of the ring. Reigns quickly gets back on the apron, and Jey
punches him down. Jey crawls over to his corner, but Reigns grabs the ankle. Jey
quickly kicks him off, but Reigns falls to his corner where Rollins tags in.
Rollins tries to grab Jey, but he tags in his brother.
Jimmy ducks a clothesline from Rollins, and he forearms Reigns in the corner.
Jimmy then sidesteps Rollins as he goes for a splash in the corner, and he takes
him down with a running back elbow. Jimmy then hits a clothesline and a kick to
the midsection. Jimmy sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats
a kick. Rollins then hits the ropes, and Jimmy counters him with a Samoan Drop.
Jimmy gets the crowd going before going for a running butt bump to the face, but
Rollins rolls out of the ring. Reigns runs in, and he blocks a kick from Jimmy.
Reigns spins him, and Jimmy stuns him with an enzuigiri. Jey runs in, and they
throw Reigns out of the ring. They signal for stereo planchas and hit the ropes,
but Ambrose gets off commentary and sweeps the feet of Jey Uso to cause a
Winners by Disqualification: Jimmy and Jey Uso
Match Rating: * 1/2
Ambrose pulls Jey out of the ring, and he clotheslines him down. In the ring,
Rollins attacks Jimmy from behind. Rollins and Reigns stomp Jimmy while Ambrose
stomps Jey outside the ring. Ambrose then gets in the ring, and he stomps at
Jimmy as well. The Shield sets up for the Triple Powerbomb, but CM Punk’s music
hits, and he runs down to the ring. The Usos and Punk then team up to fight The
Shield off. The Shield escapes through the crowd before taking any serious
Vickie Guerrero comes out to the stage. We’ll find out what she’s doing, next.
-Commercial Break-
During the commercial break on the WWE App, Vickie Guerrero worked up a solution
for this problem in the ring. Vickie then books the main event for the evening
as CM Punk and The Usos versus The Shield.
Fandango w/ Summer Rae vs. R-Truth
Xavier Woods joins Michael Cole and JBL on commentary for the next match. The
bell rings, and Fandango quickly attacks R-Truth by punching him down in the
corner. Fandango stomps him before sending him to the opposite corner. R-Truth
slingshots over him, does a cartwheel, and catches him with a hip toss. R-Truth
punches Fandango in the face before having a whip reversed on him. R-Truth hangs
on to the ropes and taunts Fandango with a dance. Fandango charges him, and
R-Truth sends him to the apron. Fandango quickly snaps him off the top rope and
takes him down with a rolling wheel kick for a two count. Fandango boots him in
the head before hitting a suplex for another two count. Fandango applies a chin
lock, but R-Truth fights up. Fandango quickly clubs him down before hitting the
ropes. R-Truth then takes him down with a jumping calf kick.
R-Truth hits a forearm shiver before hitting a clothesline. R-Truth punches him
before sending him to the corner. R-Truth then runs into Fandango’s boot. Xavier
Woods then climbs on top of the commentary table and calls for the Funkadactyls.
Woods dances on the table with JBL’s hat while the Funkadactyls come out to the
stage dancing. In the ring, R-Truth splits under a clothesline and hits “What’s
Up?” for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: R-Truth
Match Rating: 1/2 *
R-Truth and Xavier Woods dance in the ring with The Funkadactyls after the
We’ll take a look at what happened with Daniel Bryan and The Wyatt Family at the
end of RAW, next. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan will also challenge for the WWE
Tag Team Championships against Cody Rhodes and Goldust later tonight.
A promo airs that highlights the upcoming return of “The Animal” Batista.
-Commercial Break-
A video recaps the main event of Monday Night RAW. Daniel Bryan defeated Luke
Harper and then Erick Rowan to get a shot at Bray Wyatt. Harper and Rowan then
brutally attacked Bryan. Wyatt then came in the ring, and Bryan was again
brutally attacked by Harper and Rowan. Bryan then asked to join the Wyatts.
Cody Rhodes and Goldust make their way to the ring. They’ll defend their WWE Tag
Team Championships against Luke Harper and Erick Rowan of The Wyatt Family,
-Commercial Break-
Luke Harper and Erick Rowan appear in the ring after the lights go out. Bray
Wyatt’s rocking chair is at ringside, but he is not in it. The commentators
wonder where Wyatt is along with Daniel Bryan.
WWE Tag Team Championships
Cody Rhodes and Goldust (c) vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan
Goldust will start the match against Luke Harper. They circle the ring before
Goldust walks up to him. Goldust rubs himself and chops at him, but Harper
doesn’t flinch. Goldust ducks a right hand and hits one of his own. Harper
powers Goldust to the corner and punches him in the ribs. Harper sends him into
the ropes and shoulder blocks him down. Harper taunts Goldust as he gets up.
Goldust punches him in the face and tags in Cody Rhodes. They hit Harper with a
double-team suplex for a no count. Harper reverses a whip on him, but Rhodes
slides through his legs and dropkicks him in the knee. Goldust is tagged in, and
he drops an elbow on Harper before applying a side headlock. Harper punches out
of it, and he tags in Erick Rowan. Harper rakes Goldust’s eyes before Rowan
comes in and head-butts him. Rowan clubs at him, but Goldust responds with some
punches of his own. Rowan powers him to his corner, and Harper tags in. Harper
sends him into the ropes, but he misses a clothesline. Goldust then takes him
down with a clothesline of his own before hitting him with an uppercut. Goldust
then catches him with some punches in the corner. Rowan comes over by Goldust,
and he gets punched down. Harper then takes him down with a vicious forearm to
the jaw!
Rowan is tagged in, and he drops a knee on Goldust. Rowan forearms the chest
before whipping him hard into the opposite corner. Goldust falls to the mat from
the impact. Rowan chokes him on the bottom rope before clubbing him on the back.
Rowan punches him in the corner before tagging in Harper. Harper punches him
down before applying a modified headlock. Goldust fights up, but Harper punches
him back. Harper sends him to his corner, and he runs into a boot. Goldust
elbows Rowan in the face, and he catches Harper with a leg trap sunset flip!
Cody Rhodes is tagged in, and he floors Harper with a springboard missile
dropkick. Rhodes hits some punches before ducking a clothesline and hitting a
high knee to the face. Rhodes uppercuts him in the face before hitting him with
a knee to the kidneys to send him out of the ring. Rhodes then surprises Rowan
with a Disaster Kick to knock him off the apron. Rhodes then scales to the top
rope to take Harper out with a plancha to the outside! Rhodes picks him up, and
Harper sends him into the barricade. Harper then picks him up, and he whips
Rhodes into the steel steps. Goldust comes over to check on his brother, but
Harper and Rowan stand in his way.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Rhodes flip through a back suplex attempt and
kick Rowan in the face. Rowan quickly powers him to the corner and punches away
at him. Rowan then applies the Claw to Rhodes’ head before throwing him across
the ring. Harper tags in, and he looks at Goldust before splashing Rhodes in the
corner. Harper punches him down before executing the gator roll. Harper then
applies a grounded side headlock. Rhodes fights up from the move, and Harper
uppercuts him before knocking Goldust off the apron. Harper punches him back
before hitting the ropes. Rhodes hits the ropes alongside him, and he takes
Harper down with a clothesline. Rowan is tagged in, and he stops Rhodes from
tagging in Goldust. Goldust yells at Rowan before head-butting Rhodes in the
back of the head. Rhodes fights back, but Rowan pushes him into the ropes.
Rhodes hangs on. Rowan charges at him, and Rhodes pulls the top rope down to get
him out of the ring. Harper quickly throws Rowan into the ring to tag himself in
before Rhodes tags his brother. Harper punches Goldust off the apron before
hitting Rhodes with a sit-out powerbomb. Goldust breaks up the pinfall, and he
clotheslines Rowan out of the ring as he tries to come in and help. Harper then
knocks Goldust out of the ring.
Harper sends Rhodes into the corner, but Rhodes surprises him with a rollup for
a near fall. Harper then floors Rhodes with a big boot. Harper picks Rhodes up
and puts him in the corner before ripping at his nose. Harper sets Rhodes up on
the top rope, and he clubs Rhodes in the back. Harper goes for a super back
suplex, but Rhodes elbows him off. Rhodes then takes him down with a moonsault
block. Harper tags in Rowan before Rhodes gets to his corner. Rowan sends him
into the ropes, but Rhodes ducks a clothesline. Goldust blind tags in as Rhodes
ducks a hammer throw from Rowan. Rowan then catches Rhodes with a back body
drop. Goldust then immediately follows up by sending Rowan into the ropes and
rolling him up for the win!
Winners and still WWE Tag Team Champions: Cody Rhodes and Goldust
Match Rating: **
Renee Young is backstage with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston.
She wishes him luck against his match against Curtis Axel tonight. She then asks
for his reaction to what happened to Mark Henry. Langston says Henry was looking
for a wrestling match against Brock Lesnar, not a brawl. Henry is banged up, but
he’s ok. Curtis Axel is heard laughing off camera. Axel comes up to him, and he
says he is sorry about what happened to Mark Henry, but that’s not what he’s
laughing about. Axel then says he actually is laughing about what happened to
Henry. Axel says he’ll be laughing all the way to the bank when he beats
Langston tonight. Langston says Axel won’t be laughing at all after their match.
CM Punk and The Usos will take on The Shield in tonight’s main event.
-Commercial Break-
Aksana vs. Nikki Bella
They circle the ring and lock up. Nikki powers her into the ropes and gives a
clean break. Aksana pushes her before taunting her. Nikki punches her to the
ropes before whipping her into the ropes for a hip toss. Nikki then hits her
with a body slam before powering her to the corner. Nikki shoulders Aksana in
the corner before hitting her with a suplex for a two count. Aksana rolls out of
the ring to recover. Nikki tries to pull her into the ring, but Aksana slams her
arm into the ring post a few times. Aksana gets in the ring, and she punches at
her before wrapping her arm around the second rope to stretch it out. Aksana
then picks her up and walks around with her before hitting a sidewalk slam.
Aksana crawls around the ring before kicking her for another two count. Aksana
applies an overhead wristlock. Nikki fights up, but Aksana slams her down.
Aksana reapplies the hold, but Nikki fights up and punches out. Nikki then hits
her with a monkey flip.
Nikki hits Aksana with a drop-toe-hold into the second rope before pumping the
crowd up a bit. Nikki hits her with a clothesline and a dropkick before kicking
her in the midsection. Nikki then hits a bulldog for a two count. Aksana
reverses a whip to the corner, and she blocks a kick. Aksana then punches her
down before the referee backs her up. Nikki then sidesteps a splash and catches
her with a torture rack rib-breaker for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Nikki Bella
Match Rating: 1/2 *
The commentators talk about John Cena getting a rematch for the WWE World
Heavyweight Championship against Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble. A career
retrospective of Randy Orton is then shown.
Big E Langston is seen walking backstage. He’ll face Curtis Axel, next.
-Commercial Break-
Big E Langston vs. Curtis Axel
The bell rings, and Langston punches Axel in the ribs a couple of times. Axel
knees him in the midsection and punches away at him before chopping the chest.
Langston then explodes with a clothesline. Langston shoves him to the corner and
shoulders him there a few times. Langston then backs up and hits a running
shoulder thrust. Langston punches him in the ribs before whipping him across the
ring. Langston then runs into a boot. Axel goes to the second rope, and he jumps
into a shoulder block from Langston for a two count. Axel hangs on to the apron
as Langston tries to pull him to the center of the ring. Axel then kicks him in
the knee before hitting a clothesline in the back of the head. Axel stomps and
punches him a few times before choking him with his foot. Axel then slingshots
over the top rope with an elbow to the sternum. Axel picks up a two count for
that. Axel then applies an arm bar, but Langston fights up. Axel turns it to a
face-lock, but Langston still powers out and hits him with a back body drop.
Langston hits a pair of clotheslines before ducking one from Axel and hitting
him with a belly-to-belly side suplex. Langston jumps over him twice before
hitting a big splash. Axel gets to his feet, and Langston tries to catch him
with the Big Ending. Axel uses his legs to tie himself up in the ropes, and he
falls to the apron before snapping Langston off the top rope. Axel then runs
into the ring, and Langston floors him with a vicious clothesline. Langston
pulls the straps down before hitting the Big Ending for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Big E Langston
Match Rating: 3/4 *
We’ll take a look at Brock Lesnar’s return to the WWE, next.
-Commercial Break-
The RAW Rebound shows Brock Lesnar’s vicious assault on Mark Henry. Lesnar
speared him through a barricade before hitting him with an F5 on the floor!
Footage is then shown of Michael Cole’s interview on with Paul Heyman.
Heyman says Lesnar is looking to do something a little “old school” this Monday
on RAW.
#BadNewsBarrett Segment
Wade Barrett is introduced to the crowd, and he rises up on his giant podium.
Barrett pounds the gavel and asks for some decorum. Barrett says the new year is
upon us, and he is sure everyone is busy making resolutions to be healthier and
more productive in 2014. However, he’s got some bad news. Looking out at the
people in the crowd, there is no way that any of them will be capable of
sticking to their resolutions. By this time next year, they’ll be just as fat,
unproductive, and unhealthy as they are now. Barrett wishes everyone a happy new
CM Punk makes his way to the ring. He’ll team with Jimmy and Jey Uso to face The
Shield, next.
-Commercial Break-
CM Punk and The Usos vs. The Shield
CM Punk will start the match off against Dean Ambrose. They circle the ring and
lock up. Ambrose powers him to the corner and punches him down before yelling at
the referee. Punk turns Ambrose around, and he punches and kicks him. Punk sends
him to the opposite corner and chops the chest. Punk sends him into the ropes
and hits a back elbow. Punk then whips Ambrose to The Shield’s corner, and Punk
yells to find out which of them is the weak link. Seth Rollins tags in, and he
keeps Ambrose back from Punk. Rollins locks up with Punk, and he applies a
hammerlock. Punk twists into a side headlock, and Rollins whips him off. Punk
then takes him down with a shoulder block. Punk hits the ropes and blocks a hip
toss before elbowing Rollins in the face. Punk hits a neckbreaker, and Jey Uso
tags in. Jey hits a falling head-butt to Rollins before tagged in Jimmy Uso. Jey
applies a Boston Crab as Jimmy drops a leg on the back of Rollins’ head. Jimmy
picks up a one count for that. Jimmy wrenches the arm, but Rollins punches him
in the ribs a few times. Jimmy reverses a whip to the corner, and he takes
Rollins down with a dropkick. Jey is tagged back in, and he superkicks Rollins
in the ribs. Rollins turns Jey in the corner and punches away at him. Jey comes
back with a big right hand, and he hits him with a shoulder block for a two
count. Jey then clotheslines Rollins over the top rope. Jey goes for a running
plancha, but he stops when he finds Reigns standing in front of him.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Reigns tagged in, and he hits Jimmy with a
jumping clothesline for a two count. Reigns drops a leg on Jimmy’s arm before
applying a front face-lock. Rollins is tagged in, and he punches and kicks Jimmy
down before choking him with his foot. Rollins talks a little trash before
hitting a senton splash for a two count. Jimmy fights up and elbows out, but
Rollins elbows back at him. Jimmy then whips him hard to the corner, turning
Rollins inside out. Ambrose is tagged in, and he stops Jimmy from making a tag.
Ambrose stomps the face before dropping an elbow for a two count. Ambrose then
applies a chin lock. Jimmy fights up and hits a jawbreaker, but Ambrose comes
right back with a clothesline. Ambrose sets him up on the top rope, and he goes
for a super back suplex, but Jimmy elbows him off. Reigns is tagged in, and he
tries to pull him off the top rope, but Jimmy kicks him away. Jimmy then takes
him down with a corkscrew senton. Rollins is tagged in, and he knocks Jey off
the apron. Rollins then goes for a senton splash, but Jimmy rolls out of the
Punk is tagged in, and he hits Rollins with a springboard clothesline before
hitting Ambrose with a big boot. Punk then takes Rollins down with a jumping
calf kick before hitting a neckbreaker. Punk catches Rollins with a high running
knee in the corner followed by a short-arm clothesline. Punk then goes to the
top rope, and Ambrose distracts him. Rollins then knocks Punk down on the top
rope. Punk falls to the mat. Rollins pulls himself up to the top rope, and he
catches Punk with a cross-body block. Punk then rolls through into the Anaconda
Vice, but Ambrose runs in to quickly break that up. Jey Uso runs in to punch
Ambrose out of the ring. Reigns runs in and blocks a kick before laying him out
with a Superman Punch.
Ambrose is tagged in, and he shoves Punk to the corner before punching away at
him. Ambrose talks some trash to Punk before setting him up on the top rope.
Ambrose hits a scary looking double arm suplex off the top rope for a near fall.
Reigns wants to be tagged in, but Ambrose doesn’t listen to him. Reigns looks
frustrated as Ambrose advances on Punk. Punk then stuns Ambrose with a
roundhouse to the face. Punk goes for the GTS, but he throws Ambrose into the
path of Reigns. Reigns stops to avoid hitting Ambrose, and he then walks into a
roundhouse kick from Punk. The Usos run in, and they superkick Reigns out of the
ring. They then duck a clothesline from Rollins, and Punk back body drops him
out of the ring. The Usos then take out Rollins and Reigns with stereo planchas.
In the ring, Punk ducks a clothesline from Ambrose and turns it into a GTS for
the win!
Winners by Pinfall: CM Punk and The Usos
Match Rating: ** 1/4
Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns do not look happy as they walk up the ramp. Dean
Ambrose is not with them. CM Punk and The Usos celebrate in the ring.
The Wyatt Family appears on the screen before it goes black. An image of Bray
Wyatt sitting in a rocking chair in an empty farmhouse is seen. Wyatt asks if
we’ve heard the good news. Wyatt says the Earth is rotting beneath our feet. The
human race is a bacterium that destroys. Bryan needed him. Fate works in strange
ways. Wyatt says she dances in the light and lurks in the shadows. She always
gets her way. Wyatt says Bryan has a new home. The words of the WWE Universe
mean nothing to him now. Bryan only hears his truth.