Friday Night Smackdown!
Nashville, Tennessee
April 18, 2014
results thanks to
Then. Now. Forever." The WWE video leads us into the show.
Triple H's music hits, and the WWE COO makes his way to the ring with a smirk on his face. Triple H gets in the ring, and he says one of his jobs is looking for the greatest talent all over the world and giving them an opportunity. When they succeed, nothing makes him more proud. At the top of the list of guys that he has been proud of, there is no one higher than The Shield. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns are three of the most talented guys he's seen come along in years, so he gave them power. Perhaps he gave them too much power because when you have power, you eventually want to see how far that power can take you on your own. This is a life lesson for everyone. When you set out on that journey to find the line in the sand, don't cross that line. Last Monday night, The Shield crossed that line. This past Monday, they paid the price.
A video package plays that highlights the events of the past two weeks. Last week, The Shield attacked Triple H, Batista, and Randy Orton. This past Monday, Evolution reformed and took out The Shield. Triple H says The Shield found humility and were humbled at their feet on Monday. Like he told Michael Cole on their interview on Wednesday, he is offering an opportunity to The Shield to get past this. All they had to do was grovel at his feet, and he would be willing to let it go. All he got in response was silence, except for a message from Roman Reigns, who said, "Hunter, kings do not win wars. Soldiers do." While that might sound like a nice tagline for a movie, it's not reality. In reality, soldiers are simply the currency by which empires are bought and sold. Triple H calls The Shield his "little soldiers" who have lost their value. While it pains him to destroy what he's created, at Extreme Rules he will do just that. At Extreme Rules, The Shield will step into the ring with the most destructive force the WWE has ever seen. At Extreme Rules, The Shield will step into the ring against "The Animal" Batista, "The Viper" Randy Orton, and "The Game" Triple H. For the first time in ten years, Evolution returns. They'll return to show the world what true destruction really is. They'll return to show The Shield what true power really is. In life, you either adapt or you perish. That is Evolution. Triple H's music hits, and he leaves the ring.
Tonight's main event will see Sheamus take on Batista in a rematch from three weeks ago that saw Batista viciously assault Sheamus with a chair.
-Commercial Break-
Alberto Del Rio vs. Big E
Before the match begins, they show a pre-taped promo with Big E. Big E says he hasn't had this much competition in a long time. In the tournament are "The King of Swing" Cesaro, Rob Van Dam, Sheamus, and Bad News Barrett. At Extreme Rules, only one man will have the opportunity to be dropped.
They lock up, and Big E powers him to the corner. Del Rio escapes from the corner and kicks Big E in the leg. Del Rio punches and head-butts him down before hitting the ropes. Big E leapfrogs him and goes for a body slam, but Del Rio gets out. Del Rio misses a clothesline, and Big E takes him down with a shoulder block for a one count. Big E goes for a rib-breaker, but Del Rio elbows out. Del Rio hits a step-up enzuigiri for a two count. Del Rio kicks him in the head before applying a chin lock. Big E fights up and gets Del Rio on his back before backing him to the corner. Big E then runs into Del Rio's boots. Del Rio charges at Big E and kicks him in the chest for a two count. Del Rio talks a little trash and punches away at him. Del Rio charges him in the corner, but Big E sidesteps him, and he hits the ring post shoulder first.
Big E hits a pair of clotheslines and a belly-to-belly side suplex. Big E hits the ropes and goes for a Big Splash, but Del Rio gets his knees up. Big E rolls out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see both men down at ringside. Del Rio pulls himself up and gets back in the ring. During the commercial, Big E speared Del Rio through the ropes, and they both fell to the outside with Big E nearly landing on his head! Back to live action, Big E goes for a running shoulder thrust in the corner, but Del Rio sidesteps him, and he hits the ring post shoulder first. Del Rio pulls him out of the corner and hits a DDT for a near fall. Del Rio kicks him in the head a few times before going to the top rope. Del Rio jumps off, but Big E catches him and hits a backbreaker.
Big E ducks a clothesline and hits a flapjack. Big E then hits a Big Splash, and the straps are being pulled down now. Big E stalks Del Rio. Del Rio gets to his feet, and Big E attempts a Big Ending, but Del Rio counters into a backstabber for a near fall. Del Rio goes for the Cross Arm Breaker, but it isn't locked in flush as Big E holds his hands together. Big E then claws his way toward the bottom rope and gets a rope break. Del Rio holds it on for five seconds before releasing, but it was too long for the referee because he disqualified Del Rio.
Winner by Disqualification: Big E
Match Rating: * 3/4
Del Rio gets in the referee's face before attacking Big E. Del Rio stomps the arm before hitting a double knee armbreaker. Del Rio sets up for his running kick to the head, but Big E sidesteps him. Big E then drops him with a Big Ending.
Michael Cole and JBL plug the WWE Network's free week for new subscribers. They then plug the Legends of WrestleMania panel of Ted DiBiase, Booker T, and Sergeant Slaughter who will talk about The Ultimate Warrior on the WWE Network after Smackdown concludes.
They show still photos of Brock Lesnar dominating The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX and ending The Streak. Paul Heyman, the mastermind of the conquering of The Streak, will be out, next.
-Commercial Break-
A vignette hyping up the coming of Bo Dallas plays.
Paul Heyman talks about Cesaro and gloats about conquering The Streak
Paul Heyman is in the ring. Heyman says he is the advocate for the fastest rising star in WWE, "The King of Swing," "The Swiss Superman" Cesaro. He is also the one behind 21-1, the advocate for the Beast who conquered The Streak, Brock Lesnar. Heyman says if the crowd wants to boo something, then they can boo this: his client, Brock Lesnar, conquered The Streak. Heyman screams it over and over to boos from the Nashville crowd. This goes one for about two minutes. Heyman finally finishes, and he says he is through venting. Heyman says he feels better, and the thanks the crowd for their indulgence. He's glad he had this moment to shed the light of his brilliance upon the darkness of their Tennessee ignorance. If he could just take another second of their time to do something a little out of character. This is personal, from the bottom of his heart: "My client, Brock Lesnar, conquered The Streak." Heyman bows in the center of the ring before leaving.
They show footage of El Torito and Hornswoggle getting into at on WWE Main Event. They'll compete in a match, tonight.
Paige, the WWE Divas Champion, makes her way to the ring. As she comes to the ring, they show a pre-taped promo with Tamina Snuka, Paige's opponent at Extreme Rules. Tamina said that a big portion of her time was ensuring that the Divas Championship stayed around the waist of someone else. At Extreme Rules, the championship will be around the waist of someone who deserves it, by any means necessary. Paige will be in action, next.
-Commercial Break-
Paige vs. Aksana
Before the match begins, Aksana says that all the divas are jealous of Paige because they are jealous of her. Paige got lucky, but tonight, her luck will run out. Aksana then attacks Paige and rakes her face on the ropes. The match hasn't started yet.
The referee checks on Paige, and she gives him the clearance to start the match. Aksana kicks her in the midsection and gives her a suplex. Aksana applies a waistlock, but Paige fights out with some wild elbows. Paige knees her a few times in the chest from the ring apron and screams. Aksana gets out of the ring to recover, so Paige follows. Aksana then viciously clotheslines her on the floor. Aksana puts her in the ring and hits a Ron Simmons-style spinebuster before smashing her face off the mat. Aksana drops an elbow for a one count. Aksana applies a chin lock. Paige begins to fight up, so Aksana slams her down. Aksana crawls around her and kicks her in the chest for a two count. Aksana kicks her in the ribs a few times before hitting the ropes. They both have the same idea for a running cross-body, and they crash hard.
Aksana slaps Paige and talks trash, so Paige kicks back. Paige hits a few short-arm clotheslines before being pushed into the ropes. Paige then takes her down with a dropkick. Paige screams before applying the Scorpion Cross Lock for the submission.
Winner by Submission: Paige
Match Rating: * 1/2
Renee Young is backstage with Sheamus. She congratulates him on his advancement in the tournament for the WWE Intercontinental Championship, but tonight he faces Batista. She then has footage aired of Batista viciously assaulting Sheamus with a steel chair. Sheamus says that footage shows that Batista would rather take the easy way out than fight him like a man. Batista probably thinks that gives him an edge, but he's wrong. Winning a match isn't about who hits the hardest. It's about who gets hit the hardest and keeps going. Batista can come at him with everything in his arsenal, and it won't slow him down. The question is when his boot meets his face, will he have what it takes to keep coming. Last time, Batista got his shots in. Tonight, it's his turn. It's time to fight.
Hornswoggle is seen warming up with 3MB. Elsewhere backstage, El Torito is doing pull-ups with the assistance of Los Matadores. This epic match happens, next.
-Commercial Break-
Footage is shown from inside Tootsies in Nashville. A live band is performing.
El Torito w/ Los Matadores vs. Hornswoggle w/ 3MB
The bell rings, and they stand across the ring from one another. They approach each other, and Michael Cole says, "There is a big fight feel tonight in Nashville. Face to face, nose to nose, horn to Horny." Hornswoggle pushes El Torito and gloats. El Torito pushes back, and they lock up. Hornswoggle pushes him against the ropes, and they circle the ring. El Torito applies a waistlock, and Hornswoggle gets out. El Torito applies a side headlock, and Hornswoggle whips him off. El Torito hits a shoulder block before hitting the ropes, ducking a clothesline, and hitting a running hurricanrana. El Torito then dropkicks him out of the ring. El Torito gets fired up in the ring, and Hornswoggle shoulders him in the midsection before bouncing him off the turnbuckle. Hornswoggle goes to the bottom rope and hits a senton, but El Torito counters him into a rollup for a two count. Hornswoggle then takes him down with a clothesline before posing with 3MB. Hornswoggle hits a big splash for a two count. Hornswoggle applies a chin lock, but El Torito fights up. Hornswoggle quickly clubs him down. Hornswoggle then body slams him down and does a 3MB taunt. Hornswoggle taunts Los Matadores, and El Torito rolls him up for a two count.
Hornswoggle hits a knee to the midsection before sending him to the corner. Hornswoggle taunts the crowd before going for an avalanche, but El Torito sidesteps him. El Torito goes him before hitting a Bronco Buster. El Torito celebrates before hitting a moonsault off the top rope for the win. Michael Cole caps this off by screaming, "Torito! Torito! Torito!" At one point, JBL compared this match to Gotch vs. Hackenschmidt, and Lawler vs. Cole.
Winner by Pinfall: El Torito
Match Rating: *
Sheamus and Batista will attempt to follow this in the main event, coming up later tonight. Alexander Rusev will make his Smackdown debut, next.
-Commercial Break-
Bad News Barrett Segment
Bad News Barrett rises high above the fans in the arena on his podium. Barrett asks for some decorum for what they just witnessed in the ring. It was the biggest little match in WWE history, but he's afraid he's got some bad news. The fact that all of the people applauded that absolute atrocity illustrates their low standards and shows the whole world how small their brains really are. Barrett laughs as his music hits.
Lana comes out to the stage and speaks some Russian. She then asks America to heed to these words: weakness will not be tolerated. Breeding failures will lead to their downfall. Those who oppose his reign will be crushed. She asks them to rise and rejoice for Alexander Rusev. Footage is shown of Rusev destroying Xavier Woods on RAW. R-Truth tried to fight him, but Lana held Rusev back. She then ordered him to attack while R-Truth's back was turned.
R-Truth vs. Alexander Rusev w/ Lana
R-Truth starts off with some punches and kicks. Rusev sends him to the corner, so R-Truth slingshots over him and does a cartwheel. R-Truth splits under a clothesline before hitting a jumping calf kick. R-Truth boots him in the face before hitting a missile dropkick that takes Rusev down for a one count. Rusev catches R-Truth and throws him into the ropes for a nasty kick to the chest. Rusev holds him on the ropes and knees away at him. Rusev then hits a modified Samoan Drop. Lana yells for him to crush R-Truth. Rusev ducks a right hand from R-Truth and ferociously slams him down on the mat. Rusev applies the Accolade for the win.
Winner by Submission: Alexander Rusev
Match Rating: 1/2 *
Xavier Woods tries to help, but Rusev grabs him by the face. Woods fights out and hits the ropes, but Rusev avalanches him. Lana yells for Rusev to crush Woods. Rusev sets up and hits a powerful running shoulder thrust to Woods. Rusev then throws him out of the ring. Rusev stands in the middle of the ring and has his arm risen by Lana.
We'll celebrate the life and career of The Ultimate Warrior, next.
-Commercial Break-
Michael Cole and JBL talk about Warrior Week on the WWE Network. They then show a replay of WWE's celebration of The Ultimate Warrior from Monday Night RAW. That video still gives me chills days later.
-Commercial Break-
Santino is seen walking backstage with Emma. She slaps him on the backside, and Santino looks excited.
Fandango w/ Layla vs. Santino Marella w/ Emma
Santino fakes a few kicks before Fandango lays him out with a punch. Fandango stomps and punches him before Santino comes back with some of his own. It's like they're wrestling in slow motion. Santino splits, and Fandango kicks him in the head for a two count. Fandango hits a suplex and goes for a slingshot leg drop, but Santino rolls out of the way. Santino hits a hip toss and drops a head-butt. Santino takes the Cobra out, but Layla takes it away. Emma attacks Layla at ringside. Santino then hits a sunset flip on Fandango for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Santino Marella
Match Rating: 1/4 *
Santino scares Fandango and Layla out of the ring with the Cobra. Emma goes for a high five, and Santino gives it to her with the Cobra. Emma cries as her arm collapses. She tries to do her dance with one arm as Santino tries to revive the other one.
A replay is shown of Stephanie McMahon screaming at Kane backstage on RAW to find his mojo. Kane takes his old mask back, and he says he'll eviscerate Daniel Bryan and send him to the depths of Hell.
Daniel Bryan will return this Monday on RAW.
Sheamus makes his way to the ring. He'll be in action against Batista, next.
-Commercial Break-
A vignette airs for Adam Rose. He's coming soon.
Sheamus vs. Batista
The bell rings, and Sheamus unloads on Batista with some right hands and clubs. Batista gets out of the ring, and Sheamus grabs him by the head. Batista pulls him out of the ring and throws him into the barricade. Batista bounces him off the ring apron before putting him in the ring. Sheamus comes back with a clothesline before dropping a knee on the back of his head. Sheamus punches away at him before bouncing him off the turnbuckle. Sheamus hits a shoulder thrust, and Batista knees him in the face. Batista puts him in the corner and clotheslines him. Batista sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Sheamus then clotheslines him down for a two count. Sheamus hits a snapmare before kneeing him in the back. Sheamus then applies an arm bar. Batista gets to the ropes. Sheamus goes for the Beats of the Bodhrán, but Batista counters with a hot shot. Batista gets on the apron, and Sheamus shoulders him off.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Sheamus whip Batista hard into the turnbuckle. During the commercial, Sheamus bounced Batista off the commentary table before throwing him over it. Back to live action, Batista gets the advantage by kicking the ring steps into Sheamus' legs. Batista then sends him into the barricade. Batista hangs him over the apron and gives him a forearm to the chest. Sheamus fights back with some right hands before sending him to the turnbuckle. Batista then dropkicks Sheamus in the knee to send him into the corner. Batista then sends him shoulder first into the ring post. Sheamus falls out of the ring. Batista puts Sheamus back into the ring and hits a guillotine catapult for a near fall. Batista goes for a Batista Bomb, but Sheamus counters out and throws him out of the ring.
Batista goes to send Sheamus shoulder first into the ring post, but Sheamus blocks it. Sheamus then does it to Batista. Sheamus ducks a clothesline and hits a pair of Irish hammers. Batista knees Sheamus in the face and goes for a Batista Bomb, but Sheamus counters by sending him to the turnbuckle. Sheamus then hits a knee lift and hits a flying knee. Sheamus then hits the 10 Beats of the Bodhrán. Sheamus follows up with a slingshot battering ram for a near fall. Sheamus goes for a rolling fireman's carry, but Batista elbows out. Sheamus then catches him with an Irish Curse Backbreaker for a near fall. Sheamus goes for an Irish Cloverleaf, but Batista grabs the ropes. Batista elbows Sheamus in the face before running into a powerslam. Sheamus gets the crowd going. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick, but Batista gets out of the ring. Sheamus follows him out and throws him back in. Batista ducks a Brogue Kick and hits a Spear for a near fall! Batista goes for the Batista Bomb, but Sheamus counters with a back body drop. Sheamus goes to the top rope, but Batista pushes him crotch-first onto the top rope. Batista then hits him with the Batista Bomb for the win!
Winner by Pinfall: Batista
Match Rating: ** 1/4
Both men are in really rough shape. Batista doesn't look like a winner as he tries to catch his breath at ringside. Smackdown concludes here.