Dayton, Ohio
February 12, 2015
results thanks to
"Then. Now. Forever." The WWE video leads us into the show.
Big Show and Kane are backstage with several tag teams. They announce that tonight there will be a Tag Team Turmoil bout, which causes the teams to get excited. Kane says this type of match is all about the luck of the draw. The matches are chosen at random. Tonight's Tag Team Turmoil match will start with the team of Roman Reigns and his opponent at WWE Fast Lane, Daniel Bryan. Big Show says this is their chance to seize greatness by proving who is the greatest tag team. Big Show wants them to grab the bull by its horns. El Torito charges, and Los Matadores grab him by the horns. Kane says that's the attitude he wants to see. Anyone can win this thing tonight. Miz and Mizdow can be right back in the title hunt. The Ascension are young bucks looking to make a name for themselves. Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil can reinvent themselves. The Usos just have to prove that they are the Tag Team Champions. All of them have the opportunity to make an impact. Kane gets them fired up, and all the tag teams start arguing. Kane and Big Show chuckle at how riled up they got them.
The Smackdown video plays, and we're brought into the arena to see a big pyrotechnics display. Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and Jerry "The King" Lawler welcome us to the show.
Bray Wyatt vs. R-Truth
The bell rings, and Wyatt quickly shoves him into the corner before shouting at him. Wyatt pushes him, but R-Truth comes back with punches and kicks. Wyatt pushes him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. R-Truth hits the ropes, but Wyatt uppercuts him down. Wyatt begins to choke him on the second rope before kneeing away at his back. Wyatt clubs the chest and punches him. Wyatt sends him into the ropes, but R-Truth holds on and does a gyration. Wyatt charges, but R-Truth pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Wyatt angrily gets on the apron, and R-Truth snaps him off the top rope. R-Truth gets on the apron, but Wyatt slams his arm off the apron. Wyatt slams the arm against the ring post before stomping the shoulder. Wyatt then applies a nerve hold. R-Truth fights up, but Wyatt takes him down. R-Truth gets out again and goes for a sunset flip, but Wyatt doesn't go down. Wyatt goes for a cannonball, but R-Truth moves.
Wyatt charges into a jumping calf kick before running into a back elbow. R-Truth catches him with the Lie Detector for a two count. R-Truth goes for the Scissors Kick, but Wyatt sidesteps it. R-Truth catches him with a jawbreaker before hitting the ropes. Wyatt then decapitates him with a vicious clothesline. Wyatt bends his back to look at R-Truth. Wyatt crabwalks over to him before hitting Sister Abigail for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Bray Wyatt
Match Rating: *
We'll take a look at the confrontation between John Cena and Rusev from RAW later tonight. Coming up next, Paige will be in action.
-Commercial Break-
The Bella Twins will be on commentary for the next match. Replays are shown of The Bella Twins spraying Paige's midsection with spray tan. This past Monday on RAW, Paige got the better of them by beating Brie Bella.
Summer Rae vs. Paige
They circle the ring and lock up. Paige quickly takes her down for a no count. Paige tries again for the same result. Summer rolls her up, but Paige gets right out of it. Paige then kicks her in the face. Paige crawls on top of her while looking at The Bella Twins before head-butting Summer for a one count. Paige avoids a spin kick before kicking her in the midsection. Paige elbows her in the face a few times before screaming. Paige gets on the apron and knees her in the face a few times. Paige talks trash to The Bella Twins before getting back in the ring. Summer catches her with a spin kick for a two count. Summer applies a deathlock before choking her with her boot. They trade pinfalls for a two count. Summer punches away at her before punching her. Paige kicks her in the face and hits a pair of short-arm clotheslines. Paige dropkicks her down before ducking a clothesline for a superkick. Paige then applies the PTO for the win.
Winner by Submission: Paige
Match Rating: 1/2 *
Nikki Bella raises her WWE Divas Championship and talks trash to Paige at ringside. They'll face each other at WWE Fast Lane with the championship on the line next Sunday.
Footage is shown of the confrontation between Rusev and John Cena on RAW. Rusev got the better of him and damaged his injured eye even more.
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns will face each other at WWE Fast Lane, but later tonight they have to team up in Tag Team Turmoil.
-Commercial Break-
A video hyping the return of Sheamus is shown.
A photo of Rikishi is shown. Rikishi will join the WWE Hall of Fame: Class of 2015.
Replays are shown of the Exotic Express dropping Adam Rose during the trust fall last week. Rose assaulted them in anger. This week, Rose declines to do the trust fall.
Fandango w/ Rosa Mendes vs. Adam Rose
The bell rings, and Rose immediately gets out of the ring to yell at the Rosebuds. Fandango grabs him by the hair, but Rose snaps him off the top rope. Rose kicks him before bouncing him in the corner. Rose yells at the Exotic Express before hitting a short-arm clothesline. Rose stomps Fandango down a few times before hitting a snap suplex for a one count. Rose applies a body scissor before applying a chin lock. Fandango fights up and hits a back suplex. Fandango blocks a punch and hits some of his own. Fandango hits a trio of clotheslines before sending him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Rose hits the ropes, but Fandango catches him with a powerslam. Fandango goes to the top rope and hits the Last Dance for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Fandango
Match Rating: 1/2 *
The Rosebuds check on Adam Rose at ringside, and he shoves them down. Rose then walks off without them.
Tag Team Turmoil will happen later tonight. Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan will start it off as a tag team. Coming up next, we'll take a look at Sting accepting Triple H's challenge for a face-to-face meeting at WWE Fast Lane.
-Commercial Break-
A video package shows Sting accepting Triple H's challenge for a face-to-face meeting at WWE Fast Lane this past Monday on RAW.
Daniel Bryan makes his entrance to a nice reception. Footage is shown of Roman Reigns shoving him down on RAW after an errant dropkick.
-Commercial Break-
"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes will be on Monday Night RAW next week.
Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring. Footage is then shown of Reigns spearing Bryan at the end of RAW.
Tag Team Turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. The Miz and Damien Mizdow
Daniel Bryan will start the match against The Miz. Miz prevents Mizdow from mimicking him while taking off his sunglasses. They lock up, and Bryan hits a snapmare before kicking him in the back. Bryan looks at Roman Reigns mocking him, and Bryan slaps his shoulder to tag him in. Reigns punches Miz in the corner before talking trash to Bryan. Reigns then tags him in by patting him on the back. Reigns then invites Bryan to come into the ring. Miz then hard tags Damien Mizdow in. They lock up, and Bryan wrenches the arm before sending him into the ropes. Bryan hits him with a knee to the midsection. Mizdow comes back with a Reality Check before kipping up. Miz tags himself in and goes for his patented corner clothesline, but Bryan avoids it. Bryan hits a running corner dropkick. Bryan goes for another, but Reigns tags himself in to boos. Reigns hits the Superman Punch before setting up for the spear, but Bryan tags himself back in. Reigns chuckles as Bryan starts a "YES!" chant and connects with the Busaiku Knee Kick for the win. The Miz and Damien Mizdow have been eliminated from Tag Team Turmoil.
The Usos make their way to the ring. Reigns does not look happy about having to face his family members.
-Commercial Break-
Tag Team Turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. The Usos
Bryan will start the match against Jey Uso. They lock up, and Bryan applies a side headlock before applying a hammerlock. Bryan then rolls him up for a two count. They lock up again, but Jey wrenches the arm. Bryan rolls through and hits a suplex before applying an arm bar. Bryan bends the arm on the mat and stomps it. Jey writhes around in pain before getting to his feet. Jey grabs the arm and applies a waistlock, but Bryan wrenches the arm again. Bryan has a whip reversed as Jimmy Uso tags in. They hit a double-team back elbow/elbow drop combination for a two count. Reigns looks unimpressed with Bryan's performance. Reigns asks to be tagged in, and Bryan obliges. Jimmy goes to talk with his brother about strategy. They lock up, and Jimmy applies a side headlock. Reigns whips him off and hits a shoulder block. Jey tags in, and he applies a side headlock. Reigns whips him off and hits a shoulder block. Jey looks mad at himself before locking back up with him. Jey applies a side headlock, and Reigns whips him off. Jimmy blind tags in. Jey stuns Reigns with a shoulder block before Jimmy hits him with a diving shoulder block. The Usos then clothesline Reigns over the top rope. Bryan is seen smirking at this turn of events. Reigns paces ringside angry with himself. Bryan pokes fun at him from the apron before Reigns gets back in.
Bryan asks to be tagged in, and Reigns reluctantly does it. They lock up, and Bryan takes him down before applying a deathlock. Bryan releases the hold and punches away at him before dropping a knee. They trade strikes with Bryan coming out on top. Bryan then viciously kicks him down in the corner. Bryan wraps the leg around the second rope and dropkicks the knee. Bryan hits an uppercut, and Jimmy rebounds with a right hand. Jey tags in, and he hits Bryan with a running forearm smash in the corner for a two count. Jey shoves him to the corner, and Jimmy tags in. Jimmy hits a diving sledge to the arm, and he tags Jey in to do the same thing. Jimmy tags in to do it again, but Bryan gets away and gets out of the ring to recover.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Reigns take Jimmy down before hitting a suplex. Bryan tags himself in, and he stomps Jimmy before taking him down with a stiff forearm. Bryan hits a snap double under-hook suplex. Bryan stares at Reigns before kicking Jimmy to the corner. Jey tags in, and he punches and kicks Bryan down in the corner. Jey applies an overhead wristlock before taking him down. Bryan fights up and hits a takeover. Jey grabs the leg and tags Jey in, who hits a falling head-butt for a two count. Jey applies a wristlock, but Bryan fights up and punches out. Jey head-butts him before chopping the chest. Jey sends him to the corner, but Bryan scales the ropes, backflips over him, ducks a clothesline, and hits a running clothesline.
Bryan wrenches the arm and looks at Reigns. They then give each other a legitimate tag. Reigns wrenches the arm before hitting a running boot to the head for a two count. Reigns applies a chin lock, but Jey fights up. Reigns sends him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Reigns then clotheslines him down. Bryan tags in, and he drops a knee on Jey. Bryan sends him to the corner and goes for a corner dropkick, but Jey avoids it. Jimmy tags in, and he goes for a running shoulder thrust, but Bryan sidesteps him. Jimmy then hits the ring post shoulder-first before falling out of the ring. Bryan then hits a baseball slide on Jey before kicking away at Jimmy's injured arm at ringside. Reigns then pulls Bryan off his cousin. Reigns insists that Jimmy is injured, and Bryan can't win the match outside the ring. Bryan shoves him and warns him to not ever speak to him that way.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Jimmy trapped in a hammerlock applies by Bryan. Jimmy fights out, but Bryan dropkicks him down. Bryan starts a "YES!" chant, as Reigns looks frustrated. Bryan then picks up a two count. Bryan wrenches the arm and goes for a tag, but Reigns is reluctant to tag in. Reigns eventually declines. Bryan then twists the arm in a sickening manner. Bryan then hits a butterfly suplex into a cross arm breaker. Jimmy quickly gets his foot on the bottom rope to break it. Bryan applies an arm bar, but Jimmy kicks and punches him before hitting a Samoan Drop.
Jey is tagged in, and he hits a pair of clotheslines before kicking him in the midsection. Jey goes for a running hip bump, but Jimmy tags in. Jimmy hits a cross-body block, but Reigns pulls his cousin off. Jimmy and Reigns argue. Jimmy punches him before hitting an enzuigiri. Jimmy goes for a running hip bump, but Reigns avoids it. Bryan then hits a corner dropkick. Reigns then connects with an apron dropkick. Jey hits Reigns with an over the top rope plancha. Bryan then hits Jey with a suicide dive! Jimmy looks around before going for a plancha, but Reigns hits him with a Superman Punch! Jey superkicks him, and Bryan leaps into a superkick as well. Jey goes for a Superfly Splash, but Bryan counters into a YES! Lock for the win. The Usos have been eliminated from Tag Team Turmoil.
Reigns pulls Bryan off his cousin and admonishes him for not immediately releasing the hold. They argue as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Bryan and Reigns are still arguing as we come back from the commercial.
Tag Team Turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. Los Matadores
Bryan will start the match against Fernando. Fernando quickly takes him down before taunting him. They lock up, and Bryan wrenches the arm. Bryan sends him to the ropes, but Fernando hits a head-scissor takeover. Fernando punches away at him in the corner before stomping him. Bryan reverses a whip into the ropes, and he hits a knee to the midsection. Bryan applies a surfboard stretch before turning it into a dragon sleeper. Fernando punches out, but Bryan comes back with an uppercut. Fernando hits a drop-toe-hold into the ropes and hits a splash. Fernando goes to the top rope, but Bryan crotches him up there. Bryan then hits a super butterfly suplex before applying the YES! Lock for the win. Los Matadores have been eliminated from Tag Team Turmoil.
Tag Team Turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. Slater Gator
Reigns tags himself in before punching Heath Slater down. Reigns hits the ropes and clotheslines him down. Reigns punches Titus O'Neil off the apron before hitting Slater with a fireman's carry flapjack. O'Neil gets in the ring, and Reigns hits him with the Superman Punch. Reigns then Spears Slater for the win. Slater Gator have been eliminated from Tag Team Turmoil.
-Commercial Break-
Tag Team Turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. The Ascension
Bryan will start the match against Viktor. They lock up, and Viktor punches him. Viktor stomps and punches him in the corner, but Bryan fights both Viktor and Konnor off. Bryan kicks away at Viktor before applying a side headlock. Viktor whips him off, and Konnor pulls the top rope down to get Bryan out of the ring. The Ascension double-team Bryan at ringside. Reigns comes over to even the odds, and they take him down as well with vicious punches and kicks. The Ascension then throw him over the commentary table. They then throw Bryan into the ring post. They then grab Reigns and send him into the ring post for good measure. The Ascension throw Bryan into the ring, and they hit him with the Fall of Man. The referee informs The Ascension that they have been disqualified. They then throw Reigns into the ring and set up for the Fall of Man, but referees run down to hold them back.
Big Show and Kane make their way to the ring. They will face Bryan and Reigns, next.
-Commercial Break-
Tag Team Turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. Big Show and Kane
Reigns will start the match against Kane. Reigns and Bryan look completely beaten down and exhausted. Kane punches and clubs Reigns down before picking up a one count. Kane applies a side headlock, but Reigns whips him off. Kane shoulder blocks him down for another one count. Kane applies a chin lock before transitioning to a hammerlock. Reigns elbows out before hitting a leaping clothesline. Bryan gets the crowd going, and Reigns tags him in. Bryan kicks away at Kane before going for one to the head, but Kane ducks it. Kane then big boots him down before tagging Big Show in. Big Show chops the chest before pulling him out of the ring and sending him into the ring post. Big Show then press slams him back into the ring. Big Show steps on his hand, and Bryan screams in pain. Big Show body slams him down before smiling at the crowd. Big Show then kicks him in the ribs. Kane is tagged in, and he stomps away at Bryan. Kane sends him to the corner for a clothesline followed by a sidewalk slam for a two count. Kane shoves him to the corner, but Bryan fights him away. Kane grabs him by the throat, but Bryan kicks out. Kane shoves him into the corner, but Bryan inadvertently hits Big Show. Big Show yells at Kane for throwing Bryan into him.
Big Show tags in, and they send Bryan into the ropes for a double-team back elbow. Big Show talks trash to Reigns. Big Show goes for a Chokeslam, but Bryan kicks him in the legs a few times before hitting a DDT. Bryan claws his way to his corner, but Big Show recovers in time to hit an elbow drop for a near fall. Big Show picks Bryan up by the neck and drops him down. Big Show yells at Kane that he's having fun. The crowd chants, "You sold out" at Big Show. Big Show goes to the second rope, and Kane blind tags in. Big Show is angry with that, and Kane yells at him to not take any risks. Bryan then catches Kane in a YES! Lock. Big Show shouts at Kane before kicking Bryan in the head. Reigns is held back, and Big Show pulls Kane to the corner to blind tag in. Big Show and Kane argue. Big Show head-butts Bryan down before knocking Reigns off the apron. Big Show sets up for a Chokeslam, but Bryan counters into the YES! Lock! Kane then kicks Bryan off Big Show. Kane screams at Big Show. Big Show orders Kane to get out of his face. Kane turns him around, and Big Show hits Kane with a Knockout Punch! Reigns then spears Big Show down! Bryan gets a huge "YES!" chant going before hitting the Busaiku Knee Kick for the win!
Winners of Tag Team Turmoil: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns
Match Rating: *** 1/4
Bryan and Reigns look absolutely physically exhausted. Reigns helps Bryan up, and they both stare at each other before looking at the WrestleMania sign. Reigns pats Bryan on the shoulder before walking off. Michael Cole wonders if that mutual respect will be there next Sunday.