Little Rock, Arkansas
September 17, 2015
results thanks to
Show opens with video highlighting Sting's first match on RAW this past Monday and submitting WWE World Champion Seth Rollins.
We go to the arena, then WWE World & United States Champion Seth Rollins' music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Tonight, Rollins teams with Sheamus against Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.
Rollins says he will make history at Night of Champions on Sunday when he defends both the World & US Titles against Sting and John Cena, two future first-ballot Hall of Famers on the same night and defeat them both. For Cena, Night of Champions will look a lot like Summerslam as he will break Cena and his spirit. As for Sting, that face-painted freak, I will show why he is the past and I am the now. Tonight, I'm also gonna make some history when I team with Mr. Money in the Bank, Sheamus, and face my former brothers in the Shield, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Now, why I would team with Mr. Money in the Bank? Well, not any man would be OK with it, but THE man is OK with teaming with Sheamus tonight, cuz I live by the adage of keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Sheamus' music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Sheamus says that it is an interesting concept, Rollins. I'm just wondering, what do you consider me, your friend, or your enemy? Because, you don't want me to be your enemy. Keep me as far, or as close as you want, because when I cash this in, you won't see it coming, friend.
Rollins says with all due respect, he will see all of THIS coming. I don't agree with the WWE Universe much, but they got a point when they say that you look stupid.
Sheamus says he does not look stupid. RTH, Respect The Hawk! If you continue to throw those insults at me, we won't make the main event. I really want us to be friends, I really do, and you know how much I love to fight, we have a match tonight against your former comrades. Its an added bonus for me, because I can stand there and see your strengths and weaknesses. It won't matter if you see me coming, because when I cash this in, I will become the new WWE World Champion. So, I will see you in the main event, friend.
Sheamus walks off, leaving Rollins fuming.
Commentary welcomes us to the show and runs down tonight's matches, including Cesaro vs. Big Show.
Team PCB are heading to the ring as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial as we see on the Titantron the Connor's Cure charity for pediatric brain cancer, along with the gold middle rope being spotlighted.
Team PCB (Paige & Becky Lynch) w/Charlotte vs. Team B.A.D. (Sasha Banks & Naomi) w/Tamina
We see video from RAW with Sasha Banks defeating Paige in the rubber match of their series of matches over the past 2 weeks, along with Team B.A.D. laying out Team PCB afterwards.
Commentary notes Sasha's main event match against Bayley at NXT TakeOver: Respect on 10/7. Lynch and Naomi start. Lynch with a series of uppercuts, then unloads with right hands from the mount. Naomi tries to flee, but Lynch with a dropkick. Sasha in, but Lynch with a series of armdrags into an armbar. Sunset Flip and an Oklahoma Roll by Lynch for two nearfalls. Sasha catches Lynch going up & over with a front kick, then stomps away at her as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial as Naomi stomps away at Lynch as she is stuck in the Tree of Woe. Series of shoulders to the ribs, Sasha tags in. Double knees to Lynch for 2. Seated Abdominal Stretch applied, then Sasha switches to choking Lynch in the ropes. Naomi in, leaps over Sasha to drive her weight across Lynch for another 2. Head and arm lock applied, crowd wills on Lynch. Lynch gets out with a jawbreaker, but Naomi stops a tag, then taunts the crowd. Sasha in, gets another 2. Lynch fights out, but Sasha again stops a tag. Lynch kicks both Sasha & Naomi off, Paige finally gets the tag. Superkick to Sasha, running knee to Naomi, followed by a series of knee strikes. Superkick to Naomi, followed by another knee strike. Sasha distracts Paige, but Lynch pulls her off the apron.
However, it allows Naomi to inside cradle Paige for the win.
Winners: Team B.A.D. by pinfall (Inside Cradle)
Team B.A.D. celebrates their win afterwards while Paige is upset about losing yet another match.
Commentary notes the Night of Champions Kick-Off 6-Man Tag Match between Neville & The Lucha Dragons vs. Stardust & The Ascension.
We go backstage to a promo by Stardust in his star room. Stardust says that Neville and Lucha Dragons are stuck in a celestial detention, but may he remind them that there is no chance that they have redemption, straight out of the 5th Dimension, rise the Ascension. At Night of Champions, the Red Hero and his perfectly trained little dragons, will bow down to this Astro Alliance. Welcome to the Cosmic Wasteland!
The New Day make their way to the ring as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and before our next match, the New Day has the mic. Xavier Woods says that a table is a terrible thing to waste. We seen the blatant disrespect of this furniture by the Dudley Boyz, yes Boyz is exactly what they are and by doing this, they have not only disrespected man, but they have disrespected woodman. A wood man that is very near to us and to all of you and that is Mother Nature. Big E says that is one bad mother......Xavier says shut your mouth. Kofi says that Mother Nature has spent centuries, milleniums, growing these magnifecint redwoods, these cyprus trees and in just seconds, the Dudleys just haphazardly destroy an entire lifetime of work. Xavier says do not disrespect Mother Nature. Kofi says you have gotta respect yo momma. Big E says that is why we are attempting to help the Dudleys by signing this petition. Xavier says that it is on pretty much a mini-table. Kofi says it has four corners, four sides, that is pretty much a table. Big E says its a petition to save the tables and if you do this, you will have karma that will grow exponentially, on karma, on karma, on karma, on karma, on karma. Kofi says that only you can help table poaching, so help us help the Dudleys by chanting along with us, "Save the Tables."
The Dudleys' pyro and music interrupts as they make their way to the ring for this next match.
WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston w/ The New Day vs. D-Von Dudley w/ Bubba Ray Dudley
Kofi has the petition and asks D-Von to sign it. D-Von takes the clipboard and breaks it over his knee! D-Von with right hands to Kofi in the corner, followed by a biel. Lou Thesz Press and right hands by D-Von. Big E pulls out a table from ringside, but Bubba Ray stops him. Kofi misses a clothesline, D-Von with a flapjack. Xavier gets on the apron, but D-Von brings him in the hard way.
D-Von goes after Xavier, but the distraction allows Kofi to roll-up D-Von with the tights for the win.
Winner: WWE Tag Team Champion Kofi Kingston by pinfall (Roll-Up with Tights)
The New Day leave up the ramp with the table they took from underneath the ring as the Dudleys are left fuming about D'Von's loss.
We see video from RAW when during Rusev vs. Cesaro, Dolph Ziggler tried to give Summer Rae a gift, leading to Cesaro beating Rusev, then Dolph laying out Rusev with a superkick after. We then see from backstage when Summer opened Dolph's gift outside Rusev's lockerroom before Rusev ordered her inside. Tonight, Dolph Ziggler faces Kevin Owens.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, we see video from RAW when the Bellas used Twin Magic to prevent Charlotte from winning the Divas Title with Charlotte pinning Brie instead of Nikki and Stephanie McMahon reversing the decision, giving Charlotte the win by DQ, but not the Divas Title, allowing Nikki to break the record of being the longest-reigning Divas Champion in WWE history. Charlotte gets her rematch at Night of Champions on Sunday and can win the title in any fashion, including if Nikki gets counted out or DQ'd.
Backstage, Nikki Bella wants to know all the details from Brie about her "Bellabration" tonight. Brie says that they have a DJ, security, red velvet rope, custom cake. Brie asks Alicia Fox about the champagne. Fox says that every bottle is from France and sitting on ice, all 298 of them, one for every day Nikki has been Divas Champion. Nikki says that this is gonna be so amazing and epic. Brie says this means they will all get into Brie Mode. Brie mentions the invitations and Nikki asks if they didn't invite Team PCB, but did invite Kim and Kanye, then asks about having sparkling grape juice. Brie tries to mention something to warn Nikki about, but Nikki cuts them off and says they can handle it. Nikki leaves as Brie & Fox are left worried about the thing they were supposed to warn Nikki about.
We see video from RAW with the Wyatt Family, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose appearing on MizTV.
The Big Show is heading to the ring, but Miz walks up to him. Miz hands Show a binder that is marked confidental, then walks off. Show opens the binder, then rolls his eyes and tosses the binder aside as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Cesaro vs. The Big Show
Series of dropkicks and uppercuts by early by Cesaro. Show comes back with a series of overhand chops. Cesaro blocks another chop with an armbar in the ropes. Cesaro heads up top, flying knee to Show's arm. Cesaro works over Show's arm some more, but Show biels him. Hip attacks in the corner by Show, followed by an elbow drop to the leg. Show drops his weight across Cesaro's leg multiple times. More shots to the leg by Show, then he stands on the leg using the bottom rope. Lifting leglock applied, crowd wills on Cesaro. Cesaro gets all the way to the top rope and sends Show into the ropes. More uppercuts by Cesaro in the corner, followed by a running knee to the arm. Cesaro heads up top, crossbody for 2 as Show powers out. Running sliding uppercut by Cesaro for another 2. Show goozles Cesaro, but Cesaro with a shot to the arm, then goes for a Crossface, but Show powers out. More uppercuts by Cesaro, but Show goozles him again. Cesaro flips out of another Chokeslam, then goes for the Neutralizer. Show counters out with a backdrop, but Cesaro lands on his feet, however clutching at his leg. Show pancakes Cesaro down.
WMD by Show for the win.
Winner: The Big Show by pinfall (The WMD)
Backstage, Renee Young interviews Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose about who their partner is for Night of Champions. Reigns says he'd love to tell her, but he won't. After what Wyatt has done over the past couple of weeks, I have to play this one close to the chest. Luckily, Dean made a phone call and let's just say, it was the right phone call. Ambrose says sometimes these ideas just come to him. Everyone will find out when the Wyatts find out at Night of Champions. Ever since Wyatt let the black sheep out of his pen, unleashed this Braun Strowman onto the world, we've been seriously out-gunned, have you seen that guy? We've been out-numbered, but this Sunday, all the odds are even and we'll be ready. Reigns says that first, tonight, Seth is the champ, Sheamus has the contract, there's no way they can get along, so we can fine-tune everything, catch a big win tonight and we head to Houston for war.
Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler
Before the match, we see an inset promo from Rusev. Rusev calls Ziggler a sissy American, then says that you first broke Lana's heart, now you try and steal my hot Summer away from me with your skinny little abs and your gift bags, that won't impress her. Come Night of Champions, what is gonna impress her is me crushing you in front of everybody and breaking you in half.
Ziggler quickly goes after Owens with shots. Owens shoves Ziggler off, then nails him with a back elbow. Owens with shots to Ziggler, but Ziggler slips out of a slam, slides under Owens' legs and hits a dropkick. Owens catches Ziggler off a crossbody, but Ziggler with a roll-up for 2. Owens avoids another dropkick, running back senton to Ziggler for 2. Owens yells to the crowd, "And that's why I'm the next Champ." Owens with more shots to Ziggler, crowd wills on Ziggler. Owens sends Ziggler bouncing off the turnbuckles, followed by a stomp to the arm. Owens mocks Lana's injury, then gets another 2. Owens asks Ziggler where Lana is, do it for her. Ziggler fights back, but Owens blocks the leaping DDT and hits a DDT of his own for a close 2 as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial as Owens with a chinlock on Ziggler. Ziggler gets out with a jawbreaker, then sidesteps an Owens corner charge, Owens goes shoulder-first into the ringpost. Two flying clotheslines, avalanche by Ziggler, but Owens blocks a neckbreaker. Ziggler gets out of a back suplex, backslide for 2. Fameasser by Ziggler for a close 2. Owens blocks the Zig-Zag, Ziggler catches a superkick and spikes Owens with the leaping DDT for another close 2. Owens rolls outside as we see replay of the DDT. Back to the action as Owens grabs Ziggler and fallaway slams him into the barricade! Owens rolls back in as the ref starts his 10 count. Ziggler gets back in at 8, but Owens sends him into the ringpost, then over the barricade and into the timekeepers' area! Owens gets back in as the ref again does his 10 count. Ziggler just barely makes it back in before the 10 count, Owens can't believe it! Superkick by Owens sends Ziggler back outside. Owens goes for the Apron Powerbomb, but Ryback's music hits and he runs down to the ring, going after Owens.
Ref calls for the bell.
Winner: Kevin Owens by DQ
Ryback with a spinebuster to Owens, but Owens slips out of Shellshock and flees up the ramp. Ryback helps up Ziggler, then stares down Owens, who celebrates his DQ win and says that Ryback's title is his on Sunday.
Backstage, Brie Bella asks if anyone has showed up to the Bellabration, but Fox says that no one has called her. Brie says maybe its traffic and hopefully, someone shows up as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, we see video on the late Connor Michalek and the creation of Connor's Cure to raise money for pediatric brain cancer.
Backstage, Nikki Bella has a bottle of champagne, all ready for her Bellabration, but Brie and Fox stop her because they have to tell her that no one showed up for it, but Nikki cuts them off and asks if Miley and Nicki Minaj are fighting again. Nikki walks in and pops the bottle of champagne, but sees that no one is here. Brie tries to tell her again, but this time, Nikki thinks its a surprise party. Brie again says that nobody showed up to her party. Fox says they will fix it, Nikki says they better and Fox & Brie leave. Nikki goes to pour a glass of champagne when Team PCB walk in, with party hats. Lynch asks if they are too early. Charlotte says that it looks really lonely in here, its probably a feeling you should get used to because come Sunday, its gonna get a lot lonelier when you can't pull that crap you did on Monday night. Whatever thing occurs, I will win that title. But hey, look on the bright side, there's gonna be a lot more leftovers to drown your sorrows with. Team PCB walk off, then Adam Rose walks in. Rose says that Nikki's party sucks and leaves as Nikki loses it, throwing aside the cake, which we see land all over Brie and Fox as they walk back in. Nikki says good, then continues to trash her party.
Backstage, Summer Rae walks up to Dolph Ziggler, who is licking his wounds after his loss and asks if he is OK. Dolph says he's fine, he's been through way worse. Summer mentions the gift Dolph gave to her on RAW and says the earrings were pretty unexpected. Dolph says let's have bygones be bygones, enough with the soap opera. Summer says it was a pretty expensive peace offering. Dolph says sometimes, a rose is just a rose. Dolph goes to leave, then stops and says that then again, sometimes it means more and finally walks off.
Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose head down to the ring from the crowd as the main event is NEXT!
-Commercial Break-
Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose vs. WWE World & United States Champion Seth Rollins & Sheamus
Rollins & Ambrose start. Chain wrestling early, Rollins quickly gets to the ropes. Sheamus tags himself in. "You look stupid" chants by the crowd. Sheamus goes outside, gets on the mic and says how many weeks do he has to say this, I do not look stupid. You look stupid, respect the hawk! Back in, Ambrose rolls up Sheamus for 2. Flying forearm, series of gut shots. Reigns in, Ambrose with a running dropkick, Reigns with a flying clothesline, sending Sheamus outside. Rollins comes in, but Reigns backdrops him outside. Ambrose feigns a dive, allowing Reigns to clothesline Rollins outside, then Ambrose wipes out Sheamus with a slingshot plancha! Ambrose & Reigns stand tall in the ring as we go to commercial.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial as Rollins with a Cobra Clutch on Ambrose. We see that during the break, Sheamus and Rollins had an argument, but gained the advantage by each sending Ambrose into the barricade. Back to live action as the crowd wills on Ambrose. Ambrose fights out, but Rollins with a Buckle Flatliner, followed by a backbreaker for 2. Sheamus in, standing suplex slam to Ambrose, then taunts him. Another standing suplex slam, then has words for Rollins. Ambrose counters another suplex slam with an inside cradle for 2. Sheamus comes right back with an Irish Hammer, Rollins tags in and stomps away at Ambrose in the corner. Running elbow by Rollins in the corner, Sheamus tags in. Chinlock applied, crowd again wills on Ambrose. Ambrose fights back, but Sheamus goes downstairs. Sheamus goes for a powerbomb, but Ambrose counters with a rana, sending Sheamus outside. Reigns avoids Sheamus trying to knock him off the apron, neckbreaker by Ambrose, both men down.
Reigns and Rollins get the tags. Clothesline, Rollins driven into the corner, running Samoan Drop by Reigns. Clothesline shots in the corner by Reigns, but Rollins slips out of a slam and rolls up Reigns for 2. Reigns blocks Avada Kedvara, rolls up Rollins, then power cleans him up into a one-arm powerbomb. Reigns sets for the Superman Punch, but Rollins goes onto the apron. Rollins hot-shots Reigns across the top rope, chopblocks the leg, then this time hits Avada Kedvara. Sheamus wants a tag, but as Rollins goes for it, Sheamus hops off the apron! Sheamus says to Rollins, "Who looks stupid now?" Rollins grabs the briefcase, then Sheamus snatches it back on the apron, but that allows Rollins to tag him in. Rollins & Sheamus argue, but while this is going on, Ambrose tags in, gets a head of steam and wipes out Sheamus with a tope suicida! Back in, Reigns with the Superman Punch!
Dirty Deeds by Ambrose to Sheamus for the win.
Winners: Roman Reigns & Dean Ambrose by pinfall (Dirty Deeds)
Reigns and Ambrose celebrate their win afterwards, then the Wyatt video plays and they appear on the Titantron, showing a video of the destruction caused over the last month by Braun Strowman. The Wyatt video plays again, then we go to Bray Wyatt in his lair. Wyatt asks who would be foolish enough to join Reigns & Ambrose at Night of Champions? To be honest, it doesn't really matter, because I know that in the end, they all fall down. Braun Strowman appears, removes the black sheep mask, then tells Ambrose & Reigns to run as the show closes.