Smackdown Live
Green Bay, Wisconsin
March 6, 2018
results thanks to
The show opens and we go live immediately to Green Bay.
Dasha Fuentes introduces Smackdown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair. Dasha then introduces her opponent at Fastlane this Sunday, Ruby Riott. Riott tells Liv Morgan and Sarah Logan to hang back as she enters the ring with Charlotte.
Dasha talks about all of this starting a month ago and Ruby cuts her off. She says Dasha is not informed and will take it from here. Ruby says this goes back to November when Charlotte became the Smackdown Women’s Champion and how she was setup for success. She talks about her being the daughter of a two-time Hall of Famer. Ruby said Charlotte made history in November becoming the first ever NXT, Divas, RAW and Smackdown Women’s Champion. She said that is when the myth began to form that Charlotte was the personification of the women’s revolution.
Ruby says she formed the Riott Squad to destroy the myth. Charlotte said the biggest myth that has ever existed is that she’s been handed everything. She talks about having to work even harder and having the weight of expectation on her shoulders. “If I fail, my failures are magnified,” adds Charlotte. Charlotte says the reality is she is standing right here and every bit as good as Ruby has heard. Ruby says Charlotte is on a pedestal and all of that is on the line at Fastlane. She says Charlotte will lose her crown and another beach blonde failure with a famous last name. Charlotte gets in Ruby’s face.
Morgan and Logan roll in. They crowd Charlotte.
Here comes WWE United States Champion Bobby Roode to interrupt.
Randy Orton vs. Jinder Mahal up next.
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Bobby Roode has joined Tom Phillips, Corey Graves and Byron Saxton on commentary.
Lock up and Mahal works the left arm of Orton. Mahal catches Orton with an elbow, shoulder block off the ropes and Orton catches Mahal with an elbow. Mahal avoids an early RKO attempt by rolling out of the ring and backing off the ring.
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Back live, Mahal is working the left arm/shoulder of Orton. Orton counters with a back suplex. Orton with clotheslines on Mahal and connects with a snap powerslam. Orton with a big fallaway slam on Mahal. Orton with his dropping neckbreaker over his back. Orton attempts his DDT through the ropes, but Mahal gets away. Orton jumps out and grabs Sunil Singh. Orton drops Sunil over the announce table! Mahal goes after Orton, but Orton counters and tosses Mahal right into Bobby Roode at ringside! Orton tosses Mahal back in and Mahal rolls to the ring apron. Orton with his DDT off the second rope on Mahal. Roode is up on the ring apron distracting Orton. Mahal with the Khallas and gets the win.
Backstage, Kevin Owens reminds Sami Zayn what he said last week and how Zayn offered to lay down for Owens at Fastlane this Sunday so Owens could become champion. Owens thinks it is almost too good to be true and calls Zayn a great guy. Zayn said no one seemed to notice that until he started working with him. “My time will come,” says Zayn. He thanks Owens for everything he’s done for him and reiterates he’ll lay down for him at Fastlane. Owens grabs Zayn and they both hug to end the segment.
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Backstage, Baron Corbin cuts a smartphone promo about Fastlane this Sunday.
A video package runs hyping The Usos vs. The New Day this Sunday at Fastlane.
Backstage, Dasha is with Shinsuke Nakamura. Dasha asks if Nakamura is concerned about his dream match with AJ Styles being in jeopardy with the Six Pack Challenge at Fastlane on Sunday. Nakamura hopes Styles wins so he can beat him at WrestleMania. Rusev and Aiden English interrupt. Rusev challenges Nakamura to a match at Fastlane. Nakamura accepts the challenge and says this Sunday will be Nakamura Day.
Becky Lynch faces Carmella next.
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Lock up and Becky heads to the corner. Becky with a shot to Carmella from the ring apron. Becky is up top and Carmella connects with a huricanrana for a two count. Becky goes for an armbar and Carmella dumps her to the corner. Carmella tosses Becky to the corner and applies a head scissors submission over the ropes. Carmella pulls Becky by the hair against the ropes from the outside as well. Backstage, we see Naomi watching as Carmella gets in a shot on Becky that results in a two count back inside. Carmella tosses Becky against the side of the ring on the outside and applies a headlock back inside. Becky catches Carmella with a side kick when Carmella bounces off the ropes. Becky with big elbows. Carmella catches Becky with a side kick and Becky gets her foot on the bottom rope to break it up. Becky with an exploder. Carmella hits a snapmare. Becky with an armbar. Carmella taps.
Backstage, we see Naomi watching and clapping for Becky Lynch’s win. Natalya walks up and tries to warn her about Lynch. She says Lynch didn’t challenge her last week because she knew she would lose. Naomi suggests a tag team match at Fastlane this Sunday teaming with Becky Lynch against Natalya and Carmella. Natalya agrees.
WWE Champion AJ Styles is heading to the ring backstage.
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Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Rusev has been added to WWE Fastlane this Sunday.
Before the match, AJ Styles heads to the ring and grabs a mic. Loud “AJ STYLES” chant tonight in Green Bay. Styles talks about winning the WWE Championship for the second time and seeing the world a little differently. “I am the WWE Champion. But here’s the thing. It’s a grind to get here.” It reminds him of the grind he had to get here in the first place. Styles talks about how he doesn’t have to get pinned on Sunday to lose his title. “What a surprise. The odds are stacked against me once again.” He won’t complain because this is the house he built on Smackdown Live.
Styles says some times life gets the best of us and some times we don’t win. He brings up John Cena pinning him clean last week. Styles has a video played from RAW last night where Cena says he will become a 17-time champion at Fastlane. Back live, Styles says Cena isn’t the only one who needs to win on Sunday. He’s pretty sure the WWE Universe doesn’t want to see John Cena in that title match at WrestleMania. Styles wants his WrestleMania moment on the grandest stage of all. He wants the best at WrestleMania. Styles wants Nakamura. He adds he is fighting “for us” this Sunday at Fastlane so the fans get what they want at WrestleMania.
Dolph Ziggler walks out to interrupt. He wants to fully understand Styles using the word “us.” Ziggler wants to know what happened to Styles and how he used to be cool. He said Styles changed. “You aren’t phenomenal anymore. You’re just desperate.” Styles wonders why Ziggler is talking since he hasn’t accomplished much in his long WWE career. Ziggler says coming from the guy that took over a decade to come to WWE. He tells Styles to chill because he’s a fan. Ziggler says Styles’ head isn’t in the right place. He says Styles is wasting his time worrying about the fans. Ziggler says they will stab him in the back the way they did with him after he became World Heavyweight Champion.
Ziggler says the fans didn’t deserve to share that moment with him. He says the fans sat on the sidelines while he proved he was the best thing to happen to this company. Ziggler adds, “You can take your dream match and shove it.” Styles suggests the match they had booked for later tonight just take place right now.
That match is up next.
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Ziggler goes for a superkick early and Styles goes for Styles Clash. Ziggler counters and bails to the outside. Back inside, we get a lock up and Ziggler works the left arm of Styles dragging him down into a roll up for a two count. Styles with a takedown on Ziggler. Ziggler takes out Styles with a big dropkick. Ziggler with a jumping elbow over Styles. Styles with a big dropkick to Ziggler and Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Styles springboards over the top rope and catches Ziggler with a big forearm as we head to a break.
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Back live, Ziggler connects with a big high back body drop on Styles. Ziggler with shots to Styles in the corner. Styles fires back with a big right hand. Styles with strikes and a big clothesline that levels Ziggler. Styles with a quick jumping forearm to the head of Ziggler. Ziggler rakes the eyes, kicks the knee of Styles and connects with a Fameasser for a close two count. Ziggler and Styles exchange shots. Ziggler with a forearm to Styles against the ropes. Ziggler with a catapult to Styles. Styles hits the steel ring post with a thud.
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WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar returns to RAW next week.
Back live, Ziggler is pulling Styles off the corner and attempts a Styles Clash. Styles counters out, misses a superkick attempt and Ziggler connects with the Zig Zag. Styles kicks out. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn hit the ring attacking both Styles and Ziggler.
The referee calls for the bell.
After the match, Owens and Zayn continue the attack on Styles and Ziggler. Styles and Ziggler now begin to fire back. They clear house on Owens and Zayn.
Here comes Smackdown Commissioner Shane McMahon. Shane asks Owens and Zayn what they are doing tonight. He says since they are feeling the spirit of competition, they need to turn around and get back inside that ring. Shane says while many would expect him to book a tag team match, he has something different in mind. He instead books AJ Styles vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin.
Corbin walks out and heads to the ring. That Fatal Five Way is up next.
WrestleMania is only 33 days away.
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We return live as we see Zayn tossing Styles into the barricade at ringside. Corbin then does the same to Owens on the other side. Corbin runs up and grabs Zayn tossing him into the barricade as well. Corbin with shots to Zayn in the corner and then big elbows to Styles. Owens with rights to Corbin, but Corbin gets the better of Owens. Corbin launches Styles to the corner and Styles bounces off the steel ring post. Corbin then tosses Styles across the ring, charges at Ziggler and Ziggler pulls down the top rope. Zayn and Owens grab Corbin and send him shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Owens goes after Styles and Zayn goes after Ziggler back inside the ring. Zayn with a drop toe hold on Styles and Owens follows it up with a splash over the back of Styles. Corbin with a big boot to Zayn. Owens with a superkick to Corbin. Ziggler with a Fameasser on Owens. Zayn with Helluva Kick to Ziggler. Styles with a Pele Kick to Zayn. Everyone is down.
-Commercial Break-
Back live, Styles is up on the top turnbuckle. Everyone gets involved and we get a giant Tower of Doom spot in the corner. Ziggler with repeated corner splashes. Corbin with a boot to Zayn. Zayn sends Ziggler into Corbin. Zayn with a Blue Thunder Bomb on Ziggler and Styles breaks up the pinfall attempt. Owens with a release german suplex on Ziggler. Corbin hits the corner post when Owens moves. Owens with a cannonball to Ziggler in the corner and then hits a springboard elbow drop over Corbin. Styles breaks up another pinfall attempt. Owens tosses Styles over the top rope. Ziggler with a DDT on Owens. Ziggler with the Zig Zag on Corbin. Ziggler with a superkick to Zayn. Styles breaks up the pinfall. Corbin catches Styles with a right hand when he tries to springboard in. Corbin with his slide out/slide in clothesline on Zayn. Corbin with a chokeslam backbreaker on Ziggler. Owens with a boot to Corbin, but Corbin hits Deep Six when Owens charges. Styles again breaks up the pinfall attempt. Styles with a kick to Corbin and clotheslines him over the top rope. Styles with a spin kick to Ziggler. Styles with his springboard reverse DDT on Zayn from the corner! Styles with a sliding knee to Corbin. Styles sends Ziggler out. Owens catches Styles with a forearm. Zayn with a Helluva Kick to Owens! Zayn pins Owens!
After the match, Dasha asks Sami Zayn why. Zayn said he proved he was the best tonight and tells her not to ask stupid questions like that. He says he’s been underlooked since he came to Smackdown and he proved he belongs in the main event after tonight.
Kevin Owens and AJ Styles look on with a shocked look as the show closes.