Smackdown Live
Louisville, Kentucky
April 24, 2018
results thanks to
Smackdown kicks off with Miz TV as the Miz (minus the Miztourage who are on Raw) makes his way to the ring.
The Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV. The Miz says Smackdown is now the A show and he brings the ratings. He says there is something missing and that something is a title. A title that he will win for a record 9th time at the Greatest Royal Rumble event. That title is the Intercontinental championship.
But that is in three days and now is the moment the world has been waiting for. The Miz says when his daughter was born and he looked her in the eyes, all the bitterness and hatred he had towards Daniel Bryan went away. And he’s surprised Daniel Bryan didn’t have the same feelings when his daughter was born. He says Daniel and his are both masterful in ring technicians but the one difference is that when he became a father, he knew he had to change. The Miz tells Daniel Bryan if he still wants to come out and punch him in the face, he can do just that. He says the fans want to see Daniel Bryan come out and punch him in the face.
Big Cass’ music hits and out comes Big Cass dressed in a suit. The Miz asks him if he can help him. Big Cass tells The Miz he doesn’t have a guest so he can interview him. He says no one cares about Daniel Bryan. Big Cass says he was on the shelf nursing an ACL injury for seven months and the day he gets cleared, Daniel Bryan gets cleared as well. And all he hears from the WWE Universe is Daniel Bryan this and Daniel Bryan that. No one talked about Big Cass. He says he is living in the shadow of that ordinary little man.
The Miz tells him if he is trying to help him with Daniel Bryan, he doesn’t need his help. Big Cass says despite what he thinks, not everything in this world is about him. The Miz asks him if he has any idea who he is. Big Cass threatens to shut The Miz’s mouth “once and for all”.
The Miz says this isn’t about them, it’s about Daniel Bryan. Big Cass says yes, it is about that average Joe. He says that Daniel Bryan should be his garbage man but instead of picking up his trash on Tuesday, he comes out and spews out trash to everyone. Big Cass says he knows what it’s like to be Daniel Bryan, to be beaten, bullied and pushed around. until one day he got sick and tired of it. And he started to grow. He grew and he grew into seven feet tall. And when he grew, he went back to everyone who made fun of him and beat them up. He says Daniel Bryan reminds him of himself when he was a little guy and he despises him. And here he is in the WWE. And he didn’t have to work in Japan or the Indie scene because he’s tall, educated and good looking. And that makes him a star, it makes him money. Yet he still lives in the shadow of a Daniel Bryan. And he will make sure Daniel Bryan goes back to where he belongs. Battered, bruised and retired. Big Cass throws his mic and leaves the ring.
Backstage, Becky Lynch and Asuka are walking and they find Daniel Bryan down holding his shoulder with a referee.
-Commercial Break-
The IIconics are in the ring and they start talking about how good they both look. Billie Kay says Becky Lynch stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. Peyton Royce then begins to mock Becky’s accent. They say if Charlotte Flair beat Asuka’s undefeated streak, then they helped end Charlotte’s title reign, then they are better than Asuka. They are the future and just as they continue to talk, Becky Lynch’s music hits which is followed by Asuka’s.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Peyton Royce is in the ring with Becky Lynch. A suplex by Becky and Peytin tags in Billie Kay who goes after Becky Lynch right away. She goes for the cover but a quick kick out. She tags Peyton Royce back in and both ladies targeting Becky’s left arm. Another tag in for Billie Kay. An arm bar by Billie Kay onto Becky Lynch.
Becky starts fighting out and a double clothesline as both go down. Becky tags Asuka in as does Billie with Peyton. Asuka grabs Peyton and delivers a standing ankle lock. Then a German suplex and followed by a hip to the face. Becky Lynch gets the tag in and both women with a double hip toss onto Peyton Royce. Right hands by Becky onto Peyton. Becky thrown onto the ring apron. Billie Kay distracts Becky and Peyton throws Becky into the ring post and back into the ring. She goes for the cover with both feet on the ropes and gets the win!
Renee Young is outside of Shane McMahon’s office. AJ Styles opens the door and walks out of the office. AJ says he’s a happy guy, he plugs the Royal Rumble event saying he’ll be 1 on 1 with Nakamura. AJ says tonight he will get the chance to soften up Nakamura. AJ says tonight there will be a 6 man tag team match, as Nakamura will team up with his friends from Rusev Day but refuses to reveal who his partners will be but says it will be too sweet.
-Commercial Break-
The Usos are backstage discussing The Bludgeon Brothers as Naomi walks in. Naomi will not apologize for coming out and saving them last week. Naomi tells Jimmy she loves him but Jimmy says they will be careful and tonight he will take care of Rowan.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and Rowan takes Jimmy down with a drop kick which is followed by a headbut. He throws Jimmy to the outside, Jay goes to attack Harper but he gets big booted out. Jimmy back in on the top rope and he delivers a cross body. Back onto the top rope but Rowan pushes Jimmy off and he goes flying onto the barricade. Rowan on the outside takes Jimmy out with an elbow to the face.
He throws Jimmy back in the ring. He picks Jimmy up and Naomi’s music hits as the lights go out and she walks out. The lights come back up and Jay with a flying kick takes Harper out. Rowan turns around and a flying kick takes Rowan out. He rolls him up and gets the win!
Renee Young is in the ring and it’s time for the Smackdown Women’s title match contract signing. Out comes the Smackdown Live women’s champion Carmella. Renee is about to introduce Charlotte but Carmella snatches the microphone. She tells Renee what she’s doing is disrespectful. She says she’s introducing the Smackdown women’s champion first. She asks in what world is it acceptable to introduce the champion before the challenger. And before it all becomes about Charlotte, she has something to say.
She is the champion. She is your (as she points to the crowd) champion. The fans start to boo and she says they are booing her because no one will ever know what it is like to be a champion like her. Last week she gave the WWE universe a Mellabration. But when it was over, no one gave her a standing ovation. Carmella says since she is the champion and makes the rules, she will play the same highlight reel she played last week. Except that this week, they will give her the standing ovation that she deserves.
They air the video package but the fans don’t cheer. She says no, that’s not good enough and she will air it again and continue to air it until she gets the ovation she wants. Half way into the video Charlotte’s music hits and she walks down. Carmella taunts the women’s title in her face. Renee Young asks Carmella to be professional and have a seat. Renee asks Carmella to once more take a seat. Charlotte signs the contract for the match at Backlash. Carmella gets in Charlotte’s face and Charlotte smashes Carmella’s face onto the table and flips the table over. Carmella goes down as Charlotte leaves the ring.
-Commercial Break-
With Shelton Benjamin already in the ring, Jeff Hardy;s music hits and while making his way down to the ring, Randy Orton’s music hits and he walks down. Jeff stops half way as Orton gets into the ring.
The bell rings and both men lock up. Shelton goes for Orton’s knee trying to take him down but Orton pushes him off. Both men lock up again and a headlock by Shelton which is reverses as Orton sends him to the ropes. A shoulder to shoulder takes Orton down. Both men back up, Orton goes for the RKO but Shelton pushes him off.
Both men exchange right hands and Orton with an uppercut takes Shelton down. Shelton on the ring apron, Orton goes for the DDT but Shelton reverses it as he pushes Orton into the ropes. Shelton delivers some kicks to the head as Orton goes to the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial break, Shelton has Orton in a headlock but orton gets out of it. Right hands and a headbut by Orton but Shelton with a spinning kick takes Orton down. He goes for the cover but only a 2 count. Shelton once more with a head lock but Orton gets out of it and delivers a back suplex.
Randy with powerslam. Shelton on the ring apron and Orton with a DDT as he starts preparing for the RKO. Shelton rolls out of the ring. Orton goes out and he gets ready to throw Shelton onto Jeff Hardy who is sitting at ring side by Jeff moves out of the way. Instead Randy throws SHelton on the announce table. He tosses Shelton back into the ring. Jeff who is seen limping on the outside gets attacked by a masked man. The masked man runs into the ring as Orton grabs him. He takes the mask off and it’s Sunil Singh gets the RKO from OIrton. Orton turns around and the Pay dirt by Shelton. He goes for the cover and gets the 3 count.
Backstage The New Day are celebrating the launch of The Book of Booty. They get interrupted by The Bar. They tell New Day not to worry because after they win back the Raw Tag Team titles, they will be back on Raw. Sheamus says it’s clear that the competition on Smackdown doesn’t stack up (Sheamus says that as he grabs a stack of pancakes). They then walk away.
Still backstage, AJ Styles is joined by Anderson and Gallows. AJ says this is where they belong and they “too sweet” each other.
-Commercial Break-
Renee Young is backstage with Daniel Bryan who has a big ice pack on his shoulder. Daniel says he got blindsided by a coward. He states why would a 7 foot tall man attack someone from behind. And that he spoke to Paige and at Backlash, it will be him going 1 on 1 against Big Cass.
They air a pre-taped promo of Samoa Joe where he talks about Friday’s Intercontinental title match at the Greatest Royal Rumble match.
-Commercial Break-
The match starts with Nakamura and Styles as the legal men. But right when the bell rings, Nakamura tags Aiden into the ring. Styles attacks Nakamura and goes after Aiden. AJ tags Anderson who quickly tags Styles back in. AJ tags Gallows in and all three exchange quick tags beating up on Aiden English. Rusev gets in the ring and all three men take him out.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, AJ with right hands on Rusev. Rusev goes to attack Nakamura but a Machka kick by Rusev. He tags Aiden English in and he starts stomping on Styles. Some right hands by English and a headlock by English on Styles. Aiden tags Nakamura in and Nakamura with some kicks onto Styles taking him down. Nakamura with a kick to the chest. He tags Rusev in.
A power slam by Rusev and a quick elbow by Rusev. He goes for the cover but a 2 count kick out. He tags English in and both men double team AJ Styles. Aiden goes for the cover but Stylers kicks out. A headlock by Aiden onto AJ but Styles gets out of it. Aiden runs to the ropes and a drop kick by Styles. Aiden tags Rusev in but the Pele kick by AJ takes Rusev down. AJ tags Gallows in and Rusev tags Aiden in. Gallows with a clothesline onto English which is followed by a kick to the ribs. Gallows with the pump handle slam and a big splash. He goes for the cover but Rusev breaks it up.
Gallows throws Rusev and Aiden to the outside. Nakamura who was tagged in when Gallows wasn’t looking attacks Gallows from behind delivering the Kinshasa. He goes for the cover and gets the 3 count. Styles attacks Nakamura and both men fight but Nakamura delivers a low blow taking AJ Styles out. Nakamura goes for the knee to the face but Anderson throws himself in front of Styles and gets hit with it instead.
Nakamura with another Kinshasa onto Anderson as AJ Styles looks on.
Nakamura celebrates as Smackdown goes off the air.