Smackdown Live
Worcester, Massachusetts
May 22, 2018
results thanks to
Smackdown Live kicks off with Miz TV and his guests for tonight are The New Day.
The Miz talks about how one member of New Day will go on to the Money in the Bank ladder match. He asks who it’s going to be and a loud “WHO?” chant. The Miz rephrases and asks which one is it going to be? On three they all say “It’s going to be me!”. The Miz jokes about how they are NSync. The Miz says they are all holding each other back. Xavier Woods says that’s the difference between themselves and The Miz. He has a lot going for him, he’s a grand slam champion, the Marine franchise and so on. Xavier calls him a living legend. But the thing that no one likes about him is that throughout his entire life and WWE career, he always makes sure that Miz comes first. The Miz says that the difference is he has won Money in the Bank, cashed it in and won the WWE title.
The Miz then says that Kofi has been in six Money in the Bank ladder matches and won zero. He then says Big E has the it factor, the fire, the speed, the strength. Everything to be a true champion. However he’ll never be taken seriously because he doesn’t take himself seriously. But someone who takes themselves very seriously is Xavier Woods. The Miz says he has a Youtube empire with Up, Up, Down, Down with over 1 million subscribers. The Miz says imagine streaming a game of Fortnite while wearing the WWE championship. He says each of them has a chance of making history. And he asks again, who?
Xavier says with all of that said, it’s going to have to be Big E. Big E says or Kofi. And Kofi says or Xavier. The Miz says no, they’re here for him to get the scoop. And he says he will go out of Money in the Bank with the contract and he can beat anyone of them any day of the week. The New Day then huddle and Kofi says that he made the decision for them. Kofi says it’s going to be Big E. The Miz says Big E will be in the Money in the Bank but Xavier interrupts him and says oh no, they are talking about tonight. The Miz says they want Big E versus himself right here, right now? A loud “YES” chant from the crowd. The Miz says if he doesn’t get what he wants, they won’t get what they want. They then all throw pancakes at The Miz while yelling “SHAME” as he leaves the ring.
Backstage The Miz is with Paige. She says she gets it, not everyone likes pancakes. The Miz says that is very funny. Paige says that when he was out there, he said he can defeat any member of New Day any day of the week. Paige asks him to go do it right now.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Xavier Woods is at ringside doing commentary. Both men lock up and a back toss by Big E. The Miz wants a test of strength but kicks Big E and starts pounding on him. Big E then gets The Miz in an abdominal stretch. He then releases the hold and starts stomping on The Miz on the ring apron. Big E then delivers a big splash on the ring apron as The Miz rolls onto the outside.
Big E then sits on a stool as Kofi and Xavier pour syrup on him and he spits in a bucket. He goes back to the Miz as but The Miz throws him onto the security rail.
-Commercial Break-
Back in the ring and now it’s Kofi Kingston is doing commentary. Big E with a belly to belly suplex. With The Miz down, Big E delivers a big splash. He goes for the cover but a two count only as The Miz kicks out. The Miz rolls onto the ring apron. Big E goes to spear The Miz but he blocks it. Back in, The Miz with the DDT as he goes for the cover but Big E kicks out. Both men get back up and a double clothesline as they both go down.
The Bar run down and take out Xavier Woods as Kofi flies off the steel steps onto both men. A brawl on the outside of the ring. Cesaro gets on the ring apron as Big E goes to take him down but The Miz with the Skull Crushing finale. He goes for the cover and gets the three count for the win!
A video package of last week’s Smackdown Live from London airs where we see Daniel Bryan beating up on Big Cass.
Back live, we see Big Cass on crutches backstage and the announcers state that he is not medically cleared to wrestle tonight. It’s announced that due to the injury to Big Cass, it will be Daniel Bryan versus Jeff Hardy tonight with the winner facing Samoa Joe next week for a spot in Money in the Bank.
Backstage, Daniel Bryan is asked about tonight’s match. Daniel says the match tonight means everything. No one knows more about second chances than he does. Tonight, if he wins, he will enter Money in the Bank. Bryan calls Jeff Hardy a legend. He says he likes a good challenge and tonight he will tap a legend out.
-Commercial Break-
Aiden English is on the microphone. He introduces Lana to the ring. The IIconics come out and they prepare to do a duet. A loud “RUSEV DAY” chant from the crowd. Both women sing “Lana is a loser” and congratulate each other. They say that when they win Money in the Bank, Smackdown will become iconic.
The bell rings and we are under way. Aiden grabs the microphone and pulls out a big “LANA DAY” sign as he starts picketing outside the ring. Peyton slaps him while Billie Kay follows her to the outside. Lana attacks Peyton taking her out. She grabs Billie and throws her back into the ring. She kicks her to the head and slams her head into the mat. She goes for the pin and gets the win as fans start to chant “LANA DAY” and she celebrates with Aiden English.
Backstage Vega cuts a promo talking about Andrade Cien Almas. She says he is the future of Smackdown Live.
-Commercial Break-
Cien Almas makes his way down to the ring alongside Zelina Vega and he’s up against an unknown talent. The bell rings and Almas with right hands and a clothesline. He starts stomping on his opponent. Down in the corner, Almas with two knees to the face. Almas delivers the hammer lock DDT and gets the win.
Backstage, Carmella is wearing an Asuka match and is asked about Asuka. Carmella says everyone is a hater waiting for her to slip and fall. She says everyone is afraid of Asuka but she isn’t. At Wrestlemania, Charlotte beat Asuka and she beat Charlotte twice. If anything, Asuka should be afraid of her.
-Commercial Break-
Renee Young introduces AJ Styles to the ring as we will find out the stipulation for the WWE title match at the Money in the Bank PPV. Out comes Shinsuke Nakamura. Renee starts to talk and AJ interrupts her and tells Nakamura to just say what the stipulation is. Nakamura plays stupid and tells him to relax and remember why he gets to choose the stipulation.
Highlights of last week’s match between the two air.
AJ says yeah, he remembers that but it will never happen again. Nakamura tells him to listen. He says AJ will never recover and his title is his. “Your house is now my house”. AJ says ok, it sounds like it will be the last match he will ever have and tell him what the stipulation is. Nakamura says the stipulation at Money in the Bank will be a pillow fight and he starts to laugh. AJ laughs and says pillow fight? AJ says it all makes sense, he always knew he was the king of soft style. Nakamura says he jokes because he has the upper hand. He jokes because he is afraid. Nakamura says he looks in AJ’s eyes and all he wants to do is deliver a knee to the face.
Styles says he doesn’t care what the stipulation is, he can’t beat him when it matters anyway. It’s why he takes the cheap shots. He says he’s not the Nakamura they wanted on Smackdown Live. Styles says he will see him at Money in the Bank.
Nakamura goes for a right hand but Styles blocks it. Both men roll to the outside and stgart fighting. Nakamura with a steel chair goes to hit Styles but AJ moves out of the way. Both men start fighting between the audience.
Styles flies off the barricade but Nakamrua hits him with a chair. Nakamura drops AJ styles onto the announce table and hits AJ Styles with a knee to the face. With AJ out, Nakamura starting counting him until 10 as he gets on the announce table. He says “Last Man Standing match”.
-Commercial Break-
Gallows and Anderson get on the mic and say when they got their shot against the Bludgeon Brothers, they blew their chance. The Usos get on the microphone and say this isn’t Japan or Raw, this is Smackdown Live. Anderson says he sees a couple of nerds.
The Usos start the match. Gallows and Jay in the ring as Jay clotheslines Gallows to the outside. Jay flies over the top rope and lands on both Gallows and Anderson.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Anderson is in the ring with Jay as Jay climbs the top rope but Anderson with a kick slows him down but Jay flies off, Anderson ducks and a kick to the face takes Anderson down. But he tags in Gallows. Jimmy with the kick takes Gallows down. Jay with a big splash off the top rope as he goes for the cover but Gallows kicks out.
Jay tags Jimmy in as both men climb top ropes. Anderson knocks Jay down while Jimmy flies off onto Gallows. He gets back up and a super kick to Gallows but Gallows responds with a super kick of his own as he tags Anderson in. Both men with the Magic killer. Anderson goes for the cover and gets the win!
-Commercial Break-
Sonya takes Naomi down and tries to go for a quick cover but Naomi kicks out. Deville catches Naomi with a spear. A right hand by Sonya takes Naomi down. Sonya with a leg lock around Naomi but Naomi stands up and takes Sonya off her. She runs towards Sonya but a spinebuster by Deville as she goes for the cover but Naomi kicks out.
Sonya with quick kicks on Naomi. Both women exchange kicks and a double kick takes both women down. Both women get back up, Naomi grabs Sonya from behind and goes for the cover to get the 3 count!
Backstage, Jeff Hardy is being interviewed by Renee Young. She asks him how excited he is. Jeff says he’s very excited for the match. Hardy says Jeff Hardy vs. Daniel Bryan? He gets chills just thinking about it.
-Commercial Break-
Samoa Joe’s music hits as he is at ringside for the match.
The bell rings and we are under way. Both men shake hands and start off the match with reversing each other’s holds. Jeff to the ropes and a shoulder to shoulder takes Daniel Bryan down. A test of strength between both wrestlers and a wrist lock by Daniel takes Jeff down.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and both men with running splashes take each other down. Both men back up and exchange right hands, an uppercut by Bryan and kicks to the chest. Finally an enziguri takes Jeff to the outside. Daniel Bryan on the ring apron goes for a splash but Jeff moves out of the way. Hardy on the ring apron real quick and he flies off landing on Daniel Bryan.
Jeff sends Daniel back into the ring and climbs the top rope. Bryan back up quickly and trips Jeff up. He puts Jeff in a tree of woe and starts with the yes kicks followed by a baseball slide. He gets Jeff on the top rope but Jeff fights back. Bryan goes down and Jeff flies off with the whisper in the wing. He goes for the cover but a two count as Bryan kicks out.
Jeff goes for the Twist of Fate but Bryan blocks it and a dropkick to Jeff’s left knee. Bryan with yes kicks onto Jeff. He goes for another one but Jeff blocks it and the twist of fate! He climbs the top rope and he goes for the swanton bomb but Bryan got the knees up! A big kick to the head by Daniel Bryan onto Jeff. He goes for the cover but a two count as Jeff kicks out.
Bryan goes for the knee but Jeff moves out of the way, he rolls Daniel up but Bryan kicks outs. An uppercut by Daniel and another. Jeff tries another twist of fate but Daniel grabs Jeff’s leg and takes him down. He gets the heel hook on Jeff and Hardy taps out.
Samoa Joe grabs the microphone and starts yelling “Daniel”. He gets in the ring as both men face off. Joe says he fails to see what they are celebrating because next week he faces him. He drops the microphone and leaves the ring.
Backstage, Joe is with Renee Young. Joe says what he said isn’t strong words or unusual. Next week, Daniel Bryan goes to sleep. Yes, yes, yes.