Smackdown Live
Memphis, Tennessee
June 12, 2018
results thanks to
Smackdown Live kicks off with Paige, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Lana and Naomi in the ring. Paige introduces the four female competitors who will be competing at this Sunday’s WWE Money in the Bank match.
Paige says this Sunday they have the opportunity to win the Money in the Bank contract and change their lives forever. Paige says that these females have earned their right to be in the match. Lana tells Paige not to worry about Raw having the contract because she will bring it to Smackdown. Naomi interrupts her and the two argue.
Naomi says they all need to remember that she won the first ever Wrestlemania women’s battle royal. Charlotte says that is true but the only reason she won was because she wasn’t in the match. Becky cuts in and says if anyone is bringing that contract to Smackdown Live, it’ll be her. She says she was the first women ever drafted to Smackdown Live and was also the first ever WWE Smackdown Live women’s champion.
The IIconics’ music hits and they make their way down the ramp. Peyton Royce mocks Becky Lynch and Billie Kay mocks Charlotte. Naomi interrupts them and they start mocking Naomi and Lana’s dancing from last week.
Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville come out. Mandy tells Paige that she’s going to be disappointed on Sunday because the challenge on the outside of the ring is far superior than the talent inside the ring. The four women inside the ring go to the outside and a brawl breaks out.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and both men lock up. Shelton with a right hand on Daniel. Daniel runs to the ropes and a high knee to the face takes Shelton down. Bryan tries to go for the Yes Lock but Shelton gets out of it. Both men exchange reversals. An uppercut by Daniel Bryan, he runs to the ropes but Shelton throws him over the top rope and Bryan lands on the ring apron. Benjamin with a big kick to the thigh of Bryan.
On the outside, Shelton picks Daniel Bryan up and slams him knee first into the announce table.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Shelton has Bryan in a half crab in the middle of the ring. Bryan finally gets to the ropes. Shelton goes for a German suplex but Bryan lands on his feet. SHelton turns around and a drop kick by Daniel Bryan onto Shelton’s knee. Daniel with a dragon screw onto Shelton.
Daniel Bryan with a few Yes kicks onto Shelton who is now in the corner. Bryan works on Shelton’s leg using the ropes. Bryan puts Shelton on the rop rope and follows him to the top but Shelton slides under. Both men on the top rope and a superplex from Shelton onto Bryan.
Bryan goes for the Yes lock and tries to lock it in the middle of the ring. Shelton escapes it and turns it into a half crab. Bryan counters it with the hell hook and Shelton Benjamin taps out!
Highlights of 3 weeks ago when Shinsuke Nakamura attacked AJ Styles. Up next, AJ Styles will speak to the WWE Universe.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, Paige is with Asuka where Asuka tells Paige she wants Carmella tonight. Paige says she can’t do that but she can make a 10 girl tag match tonight on Smackdown Live. It will be Naomi, Lana, Becky Lynch, Charlotte and Asuka vs. The IIconics, Carmella, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville.
The Miz is wearing a referee shirt and Paige asks him what he is doing. The Miz says he is preparing for movie season. He says the movie is called Rough Rough Ref. He tells her what he can do is make him a special referee between Samoa Joe and Rusev tonight. Paige says she knows what he’s trying to do, he’s trying to take his competition for Money in the Bank out.
The Miz says that is not true. She tells him when her hand goes up, his mouth goes shut. She says tonight, it will be Samoa Joe vs. Rusev with the referee Miz. The Miz says he likes that and leaves.
Highlights of last month’s WWE title match from Backlash airs. Jerry “The King” Lawler is introduced to the crowd. He interviews AJ Styles who cuts a promo on this Sunday’s WWE Money in the Bank title match against Shinsuke Nakamura.
The Miz is backstage with a referee and he confirms that tonight, the wrestlers cannot touch him but he can touch them.
-Commercial Break-
The Miz is in the ring and out comes Aiden English who introduces Rusev. Out comes Joe and the bell rings.
Both men lock up and Joe with right hands on Rusev. Rusev throws Joe in the corner and he delivers some right hands of his own. Rusev with a big clothesline takes Joe out as he rolls to the outside.
Rusev goes to the outside himself and slams Joe’s head onto the ring apron. He throws Joe back in and gets on the ring apron but Joe with a right hand. Joe with a suicide dive through the ropes takes Rusev out.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Joe has Rusev in a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring. Rusev fights out of it with right hands but a big running shoulder block by Joe takes Rusev out. He goes for the cover but Rusev kicks out. Rusev sends Joe to the corner and he delivers a big splash. Some right hands from both men and a running blow by Joe onto Rusev.
Joe throws Rusev back in the corner. He runs towards him but a big boot by Rusev. A right hand by Rusev and a kick to the chest takes Joe down. A spinning heel kick by Rusev onto Samoa Joe. Rusev went for the Machka kick, Joe moves and the Coquina Cluth. Miz is distracted by English who was on the ring apron as Joe runs towards Aiden but hits The Miz by accident. Joe with the sit down onto Rusev. He goes for the cover but The Miz refuses to count.
Joe grabs The Miz by the finger and goes to attack him but the Machka kick by Rusev onto Joe. He goes for the cover and The Miz counts to 3 and Rusev picks up the win! Aiden English grabs a ladder and throws it in the ring. Rusev picks it up and hits Joe with it. Rusev sets the ladder in the middle of the ring and goes to climb it but The Miz with the Skullcrushing Finale onto him. The Miz climbs the ladder and grabs the Money in the Bank briefcase.
The Miz celebrates with the briefcase and opens it on the announce table but it is full of pancakes. Backstage, the New Day are laughing at The Miz.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and we are under way. Jeff waves his hand sideways as the fans chant “DELETE”. Both men lock up and a kick by Jeff Hardy. He slams Nakamura’s head onto the turnbuckle. A right hand by Hardy. He sends Nakamura to the ropes but Nakamura slides to the outside and taunts Hardy. Jeff slides to the outside as Nakamura tries to get back into the ring but Jeff throws him onto the barricade. Jeff goes onto the ring apron and flies off onto Nakamura.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and both men are in the ring with Jeff Hardy in a headlock. Jeff gets out of it and a right hand by Hardy. He sends Nakamura to the ropes and a forearm takes Nakamura down. He goes for the cover but Shinsuke Nakamura kicks out.
He goes for the twisty of fate but Nakamura gets out of it. A kick to the side of the head by Nakamura onto Jeff. Shinsuke puts Jeff onto the top rope. Nakamura goes to knock him but Jeff reverses it. Hardy onto the top rope, jumps off and the whisper in the wind! He goes for the cover and a kick out by Nakamura.
Hardy climbs the top rope but Nakamura trips him off the ropes. Nakamura goes to hit Jeff but Jeff reverses it into the twist of fate. He climbs the turnbuckle and t he swanton bomb! Jeff’s back hurts and he can’t roll over quick enough as he goes for the cover but Nakamura gets a foot on toe bottom rope.
Nakamura rolsl to the outside and Jeff throws him back in. Jeff goes for the twist of fate but a low blow by Nakamura. Jeff is down as Nakamura delivers a kick to the face. Shinsuke starts his count to 10 and claps as his music hits.
Carmella is backstage getting her make up put on. She dismisses the make up artist. In comes Renee Young and she asks Carmella if she is concerned… Carmella cuts her off. She says she must have missed when she left Asuka out last week. She says Charlotte beat Asuka and she beat Charlotte Flair twice. She is better than them both and she isn’t concerned. She says Mella is Money.
-Commercial Break-
Renee Young is backstage with Big Cass. He tells her he will take it from here. He says WWE Universe, he will tell you about his day. He said he showed up at the Memphis Fair. He pretended to smile, took pictures and he took his money. He took a little souvenir. Big Cass is standing next a height requirement which goes up to 7 feet.
He says we can all let loose but unfortunately, one member of the WWE locker room does not meet the height requirement for the ride. And that person is Daniel Bryan. He says a good big man will always beat a good little man and that is what will happen this Sunday at Money in the Bank. He says it will be a free fall drop.
The bell rings and Sonya Deville is in the ring with Naomi. A big kick by Sonya takes Naomi down. Both women displaying their agility. Naomi tags Lana in. She delivers a knee to the stomach and a neck breaker onto Sonya. She goes for the cover but Sonya kicks out. Sonya runs Lana into her corner and she tags Carmella in.
Carmella starts stomping on Lana and taunts everyone. She goes for the bronco buster but Lana moves out of the way. Lana goes for the tag but Carmella grabs her leg. Lana finally escapes and in comes Becky Lynch.
A spinning heel kick by Lynch onto Carmella. She goes for the cover but Carmella kicks out. Carmella pushes Lynch in and she tags Peyton Royce in. Peyton with a kick to the head and she goes for the cover but Becky kicks out. She tags Billie Kay and they double team Lynch. She goes for the cover but Becky kicks out. She tags Sonya back in and right hands by Sonya Deville.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Peyton Royce is in the ring with Carmella. Lots of quick tags and Sonya Deville is in with Becky. She delivers a spear onto Becky and goes for the cover but Lynch kicks out. She tags Billie Kay in. A snap mare take down and a headlock onto Becky.
Lynch tries to fight out of it with right hands. Kay goes for the bodyslam but Lynch reverses it and kicks Billie to the head. Billie tags Peyton in and Becky tags Charlotte in. Charlotte cleans house and delivers the Flair chops onto Peyton. In comes Billie Kay but Charlotte catches her and tosses her out of the ring. She turns back to Peyton and a spear by Charlotte. She climbs the top rope and delivers the moonsault but Royce got her knees up.
Royce tags Sonya in who tags Mandy in. Mandy and Sonya double team Charlotte. They go for a double suplex but Flair lands on her feet and tags Asuka in. Asuka flies off the top rope and a dropkick onto Mandy. She goes for a German suplex but Rose reverses it and goes for the double unde rhook. Asuka reverses it and gets the Asuka lock in but everyone gets involved and the hold is broken.
Carmella tags herself in. Asuka hits her off the apron and Asuka throws Mandy onto the outside. Everyone on the outside and Flair with a moonsault off the top rope onto the women. Naomi with a splash on Sonya. In comes Carmella who kicks Asuka. She goes for the cover but in comes Lana. Carmella throws Lana out of the ring. Carmella goes for the kick but Asuka reverses it and gets the Asuka lock in and Carmella taps out!
After the match, Asuka is surrounded by Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Lana and Naomi. They all look at her and look at the briefcase hanging above the ring.