Smackdown Live
Manchester, New Hampshire
July 10, 2018
results thanks to
Smackdown kicks off with Miz TV.
The Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV. He says that people are talking about the reunion of his guests tonight, that is to say Team Hell No. He introduces Daniel Bryan and Kane.
The Miz says that he is out here to be a professional and he only asks that he extends the same courtesy. Daniel says that if he’s asking whether or not he will punch him in the face, the answer is (the fans start to chant YES)… He will be professional. The fans start to boo. The Miz tells the fans they are booing someone who is trying to be civil.
Miz says their history is relevant and impressive. They were tag team champions, they are a well oiled machine. He says he never thought he would see the day, it would be like Justin Timberlake reuniting with NSync. He asks them if they are ready to face The Bludgeon Brothers. Kane says first of all, NSync will never reunite. Kane looks at Bryan and says “JT is just too big a star now.”
He says they are well aware of what The Bludgeon Brothers are capable of. They are undefeated since becoming Smackdown Tag Team champions. But they are not Team Hell No. The Miz agrees. He says if there is a team out there who can handle them, it is Team Hell No. They air a video package of Team Hell No.
Part of the package was Kane turning on Daniel Bryan way back when. The Miz apologizes for it, saying that was an accident. Bryan says he knows what Miz is trying to do. He is trying to stir the pot and the only thing The Miz is worse at than stirring the pot is wrestling. The Miz tells Daniel Bryan that The Miz can’t hang with him anymore and that’s why he’s with Kane now. That angers Miz and Kane tells Bryan to calm down.
Miz tells Bryan to hide behind his broken demon once more. Kane turns around and grabs Miz by the throat as The Bludgeon Brothers’ music hits.
As The Bludgeon Brothers are walking down to the ring, SAnitY’s music hits and they are in the ring attacking Team Hell No. The Bludgeon Brothers beat on Kane outside of the ring. The New Day’s music hits and out they come. The New Day come out and they try and clean house but SAnitY and The Bludgeon Brothers quickly turn things back in their favor.
Out come WWE officials who try to break things up. The Bludgeon Brothers stand on the ring apron while SAnitY stands in the ring and the two teams stare at each other.
-Commercial Break-
Team Hell No and The New Day vs. The Bludgeon Brothers and SAnitY is announced for tonight.
Rusev’s music hits before the match starts and he tells AJ Styles that at Extreme Rules he is coming to destroy the house that AJ Styles built.
The bell rings and Nakamura attacks AJ from behind. Nakamura runs to the ropes but a drop kick by AJ Styles takes Nakamura to the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Styles with a big kick to the midsection of Nakamura as Aiden English and Rusev are on commentary. Rusev says he already called his mom and told her he’s won that way she can be happy and doesn’t have to worry.
AJ goes for the phenomenal forearm but Nakamura pushes him off the ropes to the outside. Nakamura beats on AJ outside and throws him back inside the ring. He goes for the cover but a kick out by AJ.
Nakamura goes to knee AJ in the face but Stylers reverses it into a roll up. He goes for the cover but Nakamura kicks out. Styles runs towards Nakamura but he reverses it throwing Styles onto the top rope. Nakamura kicks him down. He goes for the cover but AJ kicks out.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and both men exchange reversals. AJ ends up knocking out Nakamura with a big forearm. Nakamura in the corner and AJ with a big forearm splash. AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Nakamura reverses it into a triangle hold. AJ has Nakamura’s shoulders down with the triangle hold locked in and he goes for the cover but Nakamura kicks out.
AJ taunts Nakamura as Shinsuke runs towards him, AJ moves and Nakamura to the outside. AJ jumps over the top rope and delivers the phenomenal forearm. On the outside, Aiden taunts AJ. Styles turns around and smacks Aiden English. A big kick to the head by Nakamura to AJ. Nakamura goes to kick AJ in the head but AJ moves and he hits Aiden English.
Styles throws Nakamura into the ring post and back into the ring. Styles on the ring apron but Rusev trips him and down goes AJ. Rusev throws Styles into the ring and holds AJ as Nakamura gets ready to attack AJ but Jeff Hardy’s music hits.
Out comes Hardy and he starts beating on Rusev and Nakamura but the numbers game catches up on Jeff. They send him to the ropes but a double drop kick takes both Rusev and Nakamura to the outside.
Paige’s music hits and out comes the Smackdown general manager. She says since AJ is defending his WWE title against Rusev and since Jeff is defending his US title against Nakamura, let’s have a tag team match right now.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, AJ and Rusev are in the ring. Rusev with a big forearm takes AJ down. A big right hand by Rusev. He locks AJ into a big bear hug but Styles gets out of it. Rusev slams Styles down and a suplex by Rusev followed by another bear hug.
AJ with right hands as he gets out of it. Styles into the corner as Rusev runs towards him but Styles moves out and Rusev goes shoulder first. Styles tags Jeff Hardy in. Hardy with a flying forearm and atomic drop onto Rusev. He goes for the cover but a kick out.
Jeff goes for the Twist of Fate but Rusev gets out of it. Hardy quickly runs to the top rope and the whisper in the wind. He goes for the cover but in comes Nakamura to break it up. Styles gets in and throws Nakamura to the outside. AJ on the ring apron but a big Mochka kick by Rusev takes Srytles out. He goes for a Mochka kick on Hardy but Hardy reverses it into a Twist of Fate. Jeff climbs the top rope but Nakamura trips him off.
Hardy gets up and a Mochka kick by Rusev. He goes for the cover and gets the win.
James Ellsworth is backstage training for tonight’s match as Carmella walks next to him telling him to get up. She says he better take care of Asuka tonight. He says “don’t worry babe, I got it.” and he winks at her. She says if he ever winks at her again, she will give him a beating worse than the one she will give Asuka on Sunday.
-Commercial Break-
The entire women’s division are at ringside for the lumberjack match. The bell rings and we are under way. Asuka goes for a spinning back fist but James rolls to the outside. Becky Lynch and Naomi throw him back inside the ring.
Asuka goes for another kick but Ellsworth rolls to the ring apron. Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose are there to block him. Asuka knocks Ellsworth to the outside. The entire women’s division throw Ellsworth back in. Asuka with right hands and a knee to the face onto Ellsworth.
He rolls back to the outside and Deville and Rose tell him to get up. He tries to run but the entire women’s division grabs him and suddenly the women start fighting each other. Ellsworth crawls out to the ring entrace but Becky Lynch and Naomi grab him. In come the rest of the women again and they all start to fight.
Asuka jumps from the top rope onto the women taking them down. Ellsworth gets in the ring and Carmella passes him pepper stray. He goes to spray it in Asuka’s eyes but Asuka knocks him down. She kicks Ellsworth who falls onto Carmella who was on the ring apron. Asuka gets Ellsworth in the Asuka lock and he taps out.
In comes Carmella and Asuka corners her. She walks up to Ellsworth but he sprays her with the can. Carmella kicks Asuka down and raises her WWE women’s title.
Backstage The New Day are with Hell No. Bryan says their opponents tonight are huge. Kane says they need to set them on fire and dragging them to hell. Bryan asks how they will do that? Kofi interrupts and says they have to focus. Bryan said if Kane would have let him punch Bryan in the face, we would have seen them coming. Kane says no, Bryan says yes. The two start exchanging answers.
Big E yells at them to stop. He tells Xavier to formulate a strategy and Kofi to make like the Flash and run circles around them. He tells Daniel to turn into the goat face killer. And he tells Kane… Kane says he gives him his word that “this is a battle we’ve won and with this vow forever has now begun.” Daniel Bryan mentions if he just quoted Nsync. Kane says it still applies.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage Carmella tells James he got the job done and they walk into Paige. She tells James that he will be suspended above the ring in a shark cage for Carmella’s match against Asuka at Extreme Rules.
The bell rings and we are under way. Andrade with a big chop to Sin Cara’s chest. Andrade drops Sin Cara’s neck onto his knee.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Sin Cara with a moonsault off the middle rope. He goes for the cover but Andrade kicks out. Both men back up and Andrade with an elbow to the back of the head of Sin Cara. Andrade runs towards Sin Cara but Sin Cara throws him over the top rope and onto the outside.
Sin Cara flies over the top rope and a hurricanrana onto Andrade. He throws Andrade back in and he flies off the top rope but Cien gets his knees up in time. Sin Cara in the corner and Andrade runs and hits him with a double knee to the head. He goes for the cover and gets the three count.
SAnitY are backstage and they say they are here to break the status quo. To turn happiness into havoc. They are not here for the nostalgia. Team Hell No, New Day, their time in the sun is over. The only thing left is the pure, unadulterated chaos.
They turn around and see The Bludgeon Brothers. Rowan says “Let the Bludgeoning begin.”
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and all 10 men start fighting. Team Hell No and The New Day clean house and throw The Bludgeon Brothers and SAnitY to the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and The New Day quickly tag each other all in and beat up on Wolfe. Big E tags Woods in and he goes for the cover but Wolfe kicks out. Woods attacks the other members of SAnitY on the ring apron but Wolfe attacks Woods. He tags Rowan in. Rowan with a back breaker followed by a body slam and an elbow drop. He tags Harper in who flips over the top rope onto Woods. He goes for the cover but Woods kicks out. A headlock by Harper.
Woods starts getting out of it but Harper with a body slam. Harper goes to tag Rowan in but Dain tags himself in. Dain goes to work on Woods.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Rowan and Xavier Woods are in the ring. A big elbow to the head by Rowan. He tags Harper in and the two double team Woods. Harper with a big slam on Woods and go for the cover but in come Big E and Kofi to break up the count. SAnitY come out and throw Kofi and Big E to the outside. Woods with a big DDT on Rowan as he tags Daniel Bryan in. Rowan tags Young in.
Bryan with a clothesline takes Young down. He puts Young on the turnbuckle and a hurricanrana by Daniel Bryan. Daniel Bryan with the Yes Kicks. He locks in the Yes Lock but Wolfe comes in and breaks it up. Kane gets in the ring and chokeslams him. Rowan takes Kane to the outside. Woods attacks Rowan. Harper comes in and takes Woods out. Chaos ensues to the outside of the ring.
Big E and Dain are fighting inside the ring and Big E spears Dain to the outside. In the ring, Daniel Bryan and Eric Young are the legal men and Daniel Bryan with a flying knee onto Eric Young. He goes for the cover and gets the win!