Smackdown Live
Toronto, Ontario
August 28, 2018
results thanks to
The new WWE Smackdown Live Tag Team champions The New Day come out with pancakes and NHL trophy the Stanley Cup. Xavier Woods says that last week they did what they said they were going to do which was become WWE Tag Team champions. Kofi says that The Bludgeon Brothers are ferocious but they had them out like a light. Big E says there’s no place they would rather celebrate than in the six.
Big E says he’s waited a long time to do this. They are now not the 1, 2, 3 not 4 but… And Booker T’s music hits! Booker T with crown, cape and all shows up on stage and gets in the ring.
Booker T says “It is I, King Booker.” Xavier asks if their eyes deceive them or not. Is it the master of the spin-a-rooni and their king? New Day bow down to Booker T who says he is here tonight to grant Lord Xavier the Wise, Sir Kofi the Brave, Big E, access to the most royal club of all. Big E asks where his royal name is. Booker says he already has it, it’s Big. Big E says he just went full Saxton on him. Booker asks him if he just said that.
Booker says they should be on their knees kissing his feet. And there’s only one who should be in the five time championship club… Until now. He welcomes The New Day to the five time championship club! Booker says they should be on their knees kissing his feet. And there’s only one who should be in the five time championship club… Until now. He welcomes The New Day to the five time championship club!
Booker T proceeds to do the spin-a-rooni as does Xavier Woods and Kofi. Big E attempts to do it but fails.
-Commercial Break-
The New Day are commentating the match and the winners will continue in the mini-tournament to become the number 1 contenders to New Day’s titles. The bell rings and Anderson is in with Sheamus. Sheamus takes down Anderson and quickly tags Cesaro.
Anderson with an arm bar and tags Gallows in. Gallows with a suplex and he goes for the cover but Cesaro kicks out. Gallows tags Anderson into the match. Anderson with an uppercut but Cesaro replies with an uppercut of his own. Primo tags himself in off Cesaro. Anderson with an arm bar take down onto Primo but Primo gets out of it and a big chop to the chest.
He tags Epico in as they double team Anderson. Epico goes for the cover but Anderson kicks out. Epico sends Anderson to the corner and goes for a big splash but Anderson moves out of the way. He kicks Epico down and Anderson climnbs the top rope. Primo distracts Anderson as Epico pushes him off the top rope and onto the outside.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Sheamus is in the ring with Anderson. Sheamus and Anderson double team Anderson as Sheamus goes for the cover but Anderson kicks out. Sheamus picks Anderson up and locks in a back breaker submission but Anderson reverses it into a neck breaker.
Anderson tags Gallows and Sheamus gets Cesaro in. A big splash followed by a kick to the head by Gallows onto CEsaro. Epico gets in the ring but Gallows takes him down. Gallows with a pump handle slam on Cesaro. He goes for the cover but Cesaro kicks out. Primo tags himself in off Cesaro. He jumps off the top rope but Gallows with a kick takes him down. He goes for the cover but Sheamus breaks it up. All hell breaks loose in the ring with all six individuals getting involved. Cesaro tags himself in off Primo after Primo and Epico deliver a double back breaker onto Gallows. Primo and Epico are taken down as Cesaro goes for the cover on Gallows and gets the win.
Backstage, Rusev is with Lana and Aiden English. Paige walks in and says that they both deserve to be in the tag title picture. Paige says next week it will be those two against The Usos against SAnitY in a triple threat match. And the winners will face The Bar to fight for the Smackdown Tag Team titles. Rusev says it’s a great gift on Lana and Rusev day.
Highlights of last week’s segment involving Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair.
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Jeff Hardy’s music hits and he comes down to the ring. Jeff gets on the microphone and says that since returning to Smackdown Live, Randy Orton has had a strange obsession with him. He’s gotten inside his head, messed with his mind. Hardy says Orton made him believe he could fly, which is why he did what he did last week as they air highlights of their match from last week.
Jeff says Orton made think he is a stepping stone in his career but he is wrong. When he put him through the table last week, he felt alive, reborn. And this is just the beginning. He tells Orton he knows he hears him and calls him out.
Randy Orton’s music hits and Orton comes out. Randy says the charismatic enigma, the high flying Jeff Hardy is reborn. He congratulates Jeff for being back. Orton says he appreciates him for giving him the credit for all of that. But the truth is that he is not finished working on him. This version of Jeff Hardy, this version is the identity that he will take away. This version of Jeff Hardy is the career he will end. Orton says he has to leave him in a heap of broken bones in the middle of the ring to do that.
Orton asks Jeff if he really thought he would get in the ring tonight? He says he knows he isn’t as dumb as these Canadians. He says he can call him what he wants, the viper, the legend killer but all he has to do is call him RK… and Jeff Hardy says no. Jeff says Orton is going to hell and he is going with him inside Hell in a Cell. A loud delete chant from the crowd.
Backstage Carmella is with Renee Young where Renee asks about how all the buzz is on Becky and Charlotte. Carmella says the buzz follows the WWE women’s championship and the only reason the Evolution PPV exists is because of her and at Summerslam, Becky threw an epic temper tantrum. And Charlotte never pinned her but she beat Charlotte twice. She says tomorrow, the buzz will be about her. Becky and Charlotte are chump change while ‘Mella is money.
R-Truth comes in and asks Renee which way Carmella way. Tye Dillinger asks him what he’s doing. Truth says he is looking for Carmella. Tye says to forget about her. R-Truth says it’s all about timing and when the time is right, the Truth will set her free.
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Billie Kay tells Peyton she thinks she is clairvoyant. Peyton says that’s a big word and the fans probably don’t understand what it means. Billie says it means she can see the future and she sees the Toronto Raptors having an abysmal season. She also sees Naomi losing again tonight. A loud “Let’s go Raptors” chant from the crowd. Peyton says she is seeing the future and the future is IIconic.
The bell rings and Naomi takes Billie down followed by a leg drop. Billie grabs Naomi’s hair and pulls her down. She starts beating on Naomi. She goes for the cover but Naomi kicks out. Billie starts talking trash and Naomi hits hit in the stomach. She takes Billie down again and drops her face first into the turnbuckle. She kicks Billie in the head.
Naomi grabs Billie but Billie reverses it sending Naomi into the ropes where Peyton was standing. Billie moves out of the way and Naomi goes to hit Peyton but Peyton had already dropped to the floor. The referee is distracted by Billie and Peyton kicks Naomi in the head. Billie rolls Naomi up and gets the win.
Backstage, Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella are watching clips from last week’s Smackdown.
-Commercial Break-
Daniel Bryan and Brie are in the ring. A loud “Daniel Bryan” chant from the crowd. Daniel says it’s great to be back in Toronto. He says last week Miz and Maryse came out and mocked his retirement. Daniel says last week, The Miz acted. Just like he always acts. And just like everything else, The Miz is a very poor actor. Because when he came out to punch him, he couldn’t even act like a tough guy. He pulled his wife Maryse in front of him and was a coward. But that was when Brie came down to the ring. A “Brie” chant from the crowd.
Brie gets on the mic and says that speaking of those people, she knows he doesn’t need her to fight his battles. But a wife can’t sit on the side and see that happen. Maryse always helps Miz cheat to win. And even though she was running out to get her hands on Maryse, it felt good to punch Miz in the face.
Bryan says he’s not acting when he says this but it was also really hot. He says at Hell in a Cell, Miz won’t be able to hide behind Maryse and Mayrse won’t be able to hide behind The Miz.
Andrade “Cien” Almas and Zelina Vega come out. Vega says what an honor it is to be standing next to two legends. Brie Bella and Andrade “Cien” Almas! She tells Bryan to forgive them. She introduces herself and Almas. She calls herself la muñeca (the doll) to el idolo (the idol). She says since they got here, they took WWE champion AJ Styles to the limit and destroyed Rusev.
She says she knows The Miz already outsmarted him but it’s time that Almas out wrestles him. Almas says the reality star is the only star in the ring and it’s him. Bryan says he would love to make this match official right now but he is no longer the Smackdown Live general manager. If only there was someone in the back who can come out and make this match.
Paige comes out and says that she doesn’t want to give the WWE universe a match they don’t want. She asks the crowd if they want to see Daniel Bryan against Andrade “Cien” Almas. A loud “yes” chant. She asks to get a referee out here.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and we are under way. Both men exchange reversals. Almas gets Bryan in a headlock and sends Bryan to the ropes. He takes Bryan down with a shoulder to shoulder. He sends The Miz to the turnbuckle and drops Bryan down with a knee to the back. He goes for the cover but Bryan kicks out.
Almas lifts Daniel Bryan on his back holding him by his legs but Bryan reverses it into a cover as Almas kicks out. A big chop by Almas to Bryan. He pushes Bryan into the corner and chops him again. Bryan throws Almas in the corner and delivers chops to Almas. He starts to kick Almas. He sends Almas to the other corner. He runs towards Almas and a double kick. Bryan runs to the other corner but Almas runs after him kicking him in the face. Almas runs to the corner again but Daniel moves out of the way and pushes him over the top rope onto the outside.
Bryan gets on the ring apron and jumps off delivering a knee to the face. He sends Almas back in the ring and climbs the top rope. Bryan jumps off but Almas moves out of the way. Almas with a spinning elbow takes Bryan down. He goes for the cover but Bryan kicks out.
Backstage, The Miz and Maryse are watching the match and they walk away from the television screen.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Bryan is down as Almas climbs the top rope. Bryan gets up and kicks Almas. Bryan climbs the top rope and a double under hook suplex from the top turnbuckle by Daniel Bryan.
The Miz’s music hits and out comes The Miz who slowly walks down to the ring. Daniel Bryan is distracted and Almas sends Bryan to the ropes but Bryan with a suicide dive through the ropes onto The Miz. Almas climbs the top rope and flies off Bryan. He sends Bryan back in the ring. He grabs Bryan by the neck and delivers a neckbreaker while he was standing on the second rope. He goes for the cover but Bryan kick out.
Almas climbs the top rope and goes for the moonsault but Bryan gets his knees up. He delivers the yes lock on Almas but Vega distracts the referee. Brie hits Zelina down. Out comes Maryse who throws Brie into the ring post. The Miz gets in the ring and starts to beat on Daniel Bryan as the referee rings the bell.
Andrade with a DDT onto Daniel Bryan. The Miz locks in the Yes lock on Daniel Bryan while Maryse makes Brie Bella watch. Vega delivers a double knee onto Bella. Maryse with a DDT onto Brie.
Backstage, Renee Young is with Charlotte Flair. She asks Charlotte about last week and how heavy it is weighing on her. Charlotte says Becky thinks she deserves this title but she doesn’t deserve anything she doesn’t win. But it’s not a game where every one gets a trophy but Becky wants to blame her because she can’t win the big one. Charlotte says she won’t apologize for who she is. She says she will not roll over for anyone, even if it is or was her best friend.
Charlotte says Becky wants to be the spot light and after she takes out Carmella tonight, that’s exactly what she will give her.
-Commercial Break-
WWE champion AJ Styles is in the ring.
AJ says that it is official. Samoa Joe against AJ Styles at Hell in a Cell for the WWE championship. Styles says Joe is good with his mind games. He got his wife and daughter into this and the only thing he was able to prove is that he is not man enough to take the title away from him.
AJ asks why play these mind games? Why not look him in the eyes and face him liek a man. Styles says because Joe is not a man. In fact, he will put a stop to the mind games right here and right now. He says he is the WWE champion and he makes the rules on Smackdown Live. He doesn’t have to wait for Hell in a Cell. He calls Samoa Joe out. Styles says it’s not a threat but a demand from his WWE champion because he will knock his teeth down his throat.
Samoa Joe appears on the big screen. He tells AJ he won’t come out there tonight. He says AJ is proving his point. He is out looking like a super hero. But who’s there to look out for his kids? Joe says he’s not done playing games, it’s just too much fun.
Joe grabs his cell phone and calls AJ Styles’ wife Wendy. He asks how is Annie. He tells Wendy to listen, he knows why she is angry but to listen. He says he will keep the promise that AJ never did which is to send him home. He asks her if they are still on for the back to school BBQ next week. He asks her to save a plate, maybe he will stop by next Tuesday.
AJ Styles leaves the ring and runs to the back.
-Commercial Break-
Backstage, AJ Styles is seen running. He starts yelling and asking for Samoa Joe.
The bell rings and we are under way. Both women lock up and Charlotte takes Carmella down. She lifts Carmella up and tries to take her down again but Carmella reverses it into a cover but Charlotte kicks out. Both ladies with a few reversals.
Carmella gets Charlotte in a head lock as Charlotte sends her to the ropes but Carmella catches her in another headlock. She slams Charlotte’s head into the turnbuckle. A loud “Becky” chant from the crowd.
Charlotte reverses the head lock into a cover but Carmella kicks out. Charlotte climbs the top rope but Carmella pushes her off and Charlotte lands face first onto the barricade. Carmella runs to the ropes and a suicide dive through the ropes onto Charlotte. She throws Charlotte back in the ring and goes for the cover but Charlottte kicks out.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Carmella has Charlotte in a head lock in the middle of the ring. Charlotte gets out of it and delivers a belly to back suplex taking Carmella down. Carmella goes back on the attack with right hand but Charlotte with a big chop to the chest. She goes for another chop but Carmella with a snap mare takes Charlotte down.
Carmella runs towards Charlotte but Charlotte throws her onto the ring apron. Charlotte runs towards Carmella but Carmella catches her with a kick. She climbs the top rope and a cross body onto Charlotte. She goes for the cover but Charlotte reverses it but Carmella kicks out. Both ladies get up and Carmella catches Charlotte into a flat liner.
Carmella runs towards Charlotte but gets caught with an elbow. Charlotte climbs the top rope as Carmella runs towards her and catches her with her legs. Charlotte lifts her up but a hurricanrana by Carmella onto Charlotte. She goes for the cover but Charlotte kicks out.
Carmella starts to slap Charlotte but Carmella grabs her and goes for the figure four. Carmella gets out of it and delivers two super kicks. She goes for the cover but Charlotte kicks out again. Carmella once more goes for the cover but Charlotte kicks out. And Carmella again with another cover but Charlotte once more kicks out.
Both ladies back up, Carmella goes for a super kick but Charlotte catches her with a spear. She delivers the natural selection and locks in the figure four into the figure eight. Charlotte locks the hold in for several seconds and Carmella taps out.
After the match from behind in comes Becky Lynch who attacks Charlotte. She asks for a microphone. Becky gets on the microphone and grabs the women’s title. She says when she gets her way come Hell in a Cell, she is taking her title back. She calls Charlotte a bitch and lifts the title in the air.