Smackdown 1000
Washington, DC
October 16, 2018
results thanks to
WWE Smackdown kicks off with a video package of the past 999 episodes of Smackdown.
Live in the area, it’s Truth TV with R-Truth and Carmella.
R-Truth welcomes everyone to episode 1000 of Smackdown. He says during all these years that Truth TV was on the air, there were lots of memorable moments but nothing special like tonight. Carmella says there’s only been 1 episode of Truth TV and they got cancelled. R-Truth calls for a dance break.
R-Truth says his guest tonight needs no introduction that means they just do another dance break. R-Truth and Carmella dance for a second time. R-Truth is welcoming his guest but Stephanie McMahon’s music hits and out she comes.
Stephanie gets in the ring and hugs them both. She gets on the microphone and thanks them for the introduction and she mentions how she was the first ever general manager of Smackdown. And she had a vision and it’s incredible to see this vision come to life on the 1000th episode of Smackdown.
R-Truth says his first question is and Shane McMahon’s music hits. Shane welcomes everyone to the 1000th episode of Smackdown. Shane says tonight would not have been possible without the fans and on behalf of everyone at the WWE, a thank you to everyone. Shane welcomes Stephanie to the A show. Stephanie says Smackdown is the second longest episodic show on television but Raw is first. She says Raw has higher standards and they wouldn’t kick off Raw with Truth TV.
Vince McMahon’s music hits and he comes out to the ring to a chorus of cheers from the crowd. Vince gets in the ring and he says no one wants to see Shane and Stephanie argue and fight. What they want is to be entertained. It’s WWE, the E stands for entertainment. And how will they be entertained on Smackdown 1000? The crowd chants “What” and Stephanie says Vince has his hearing aid on, no need to yell what. Vince says what about a dance break? And everyone starts to dance.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and we are under way. Daniel Bryan is in the ring with Jay and an arm bar by Bryan followed by an uppercut. Jay sends Bryan to the ropes as Jimmy tags himself in and they double team Daniel Bryan. Jimmy goes for the cover but Daniel Bryan kicks out. A chop to the chest by Jimmy but Daniel throws Jimmy in the corner and starts with the Yes Kicks. An arm drag take down by Daniel as he tags AJ Styles in. AJ with kicks to the back of the leg but Jimmy locks in a head lock which is reverses by AJ.
Styles keeps going after the leg but Jimmy tags Jay in. Both men double team AJ as Jay goes for the cover but a two count only. Jay sends AJ styles sternum first into the top turnbuckle. He goes after AJ but AJ gets the calf crusher, in comes Jimmy but Daniel Bryan gets in the ring and locks the Yes Lock. Jay reaches the ropes.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Jay and Daniel Bryan are in the ring. Right hands and the Yes kicks by Daniel Bryan. Bryan goes for the cover but Jimmy breaks it up. In coems AJ Styles who throws Jimmy to the outside. Bryan goes to hit Jay but Jay moves out of the way and Bryan hits AJ by accident. Jay goes to kick Daniel Bryan who moves out of the way as Jay kicks AJ Styles. The Usos with a double super kick on Daniel Bryan as the cover is made and the referee makes the 3 count.
WWE Smackdown general manager Paige is backstage with Vickie Guerrero and in comes Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis as Vickie lets out an excuse me.
-Commercial Break-
Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and Batista come out under the Evolution theme song.
All of them get in the ring and Triple H begins to talk. He says 1000 episodes, how do you accomplish something that monumental? You accomplish it by evolving. How do you celebrate 1000 episodes? You bring together the group which epitomizes the word evolution.
Ric Flair gets on the microphone. He starts to strut and woo. Orton says coming down that aisle and listening to that song brings back some fond memories. What better way for a young kid to get into this business than to be in a group with these three men. And while Triple H has been running the show and Ric Flair has been living vicariously through his daughter and Batista has been spending more time in a make-up chair than in this ring, Randy Orton has been busting his ass to cement his legacy.
Batista says he’s not going to lie, he is a little nervous. He says its been a long time, he will ignore what Orton said and enjoy it. He says the last place he wants to be is with the microphone in his hand and he thought about what he wanted to say on this occasion and he came up with four things. They are that he wanted to be here tonight because it’s Smackdown 1000, the blue brand he helped build. The second reason is because it’s in his home town. A poor kid growing up, working as a bouncer two blocks from the arena. The third reason is all of the fans. All the fans, even if they called him Boo-Tista, he loves them all. He just wanted to entertain the fans. Win or lose, he wanted to entertain. And the fourth reason is because of Randy Orton, Triple H and Ric Flair.
He asks how the molecules changed in the room when the four of them walked in. He says this is a special group, four world champions brought together to build a force, to build an army. It has never been done before or since, it is special. Randy Orton, 13 time world champion. Batista says the first time he saw Orton at OVW, he knew he was special. Batista points to Ric Flair and laughs.
Batista says Flair is a 16 time world champion. There’s nothing he can say about Ric Flair that we don’t know. Or could he as Batista nods his head. Batista tells Ric Flair to keep that thing in his pants. All four guys start to laugh. And last but not least, Triple H. The game, 14 time world champion. Batista says Triple H has single handily changed the business. He runs the business, he is the business. There’s nothing Triple H hasn’t done in this business, except beat him.
Randy Orton steps back as Triple H looks at Batista. Ric Flair gets in the middle and tries to change the mood. Both Batista and Triple H hug as Line in the Sand plays. Triple H looks back at Batista and gives him a serious look.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and Kurt Angle is at ringside doing commentary. A spinning kick by Rusev takes The Miz down and The Miz rolls to the outside. Rusev throws Miz back in and The Miz grabs the referee as Aiden English coems out and trips Rusev. The Miz rolls Rusev for the cover and gets the win.
After the match, Lana low blows English and Rusev starts beating on Aiden English throwing him into the steel steps.
Backstage, The Miz is with Curt Hawkins and it’s the return of the Cutting Edge with Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch.
-Commercial Break-
Edge says that he knew a great man who lived huge and it doesn’t get more huge than Smackdown 1000, so he had to be here. Edge says Smackdown always felt like his show. Some of his greatest accomplishments happened on Smackdown. He cashed in his money in the bank against the Undertaker, he competed in a no DQ match against Eddie Guerrero and a loud “Eddie” chant from the crowd. Edge says he married Vickie Guerrero. He divorced Vickie Guerrero. He says the show really means something to him and the past few weeks he has been watching and something has been happening. He says tonight, he will attempt to be Smackdown’s moral compass. He introduces WWE Smackdown women’s champion, Becky Lynch.
Out comes Becky and Edge welcomes her for coming. He says he couldn’t help but notice that he and her have a lot of similarities. Becky says he is one of the people she modeled her career after and clearly he sees what she sees. Edge says more than anyone else, he understands what she is doing and going through. Because he wasn’t supposed to be in the main event or posters. He had to fight for everything. Becky nods her head and tells him that he gets it.
Edge tells Becky that he gets she thinks she is making the right choice by throwing her friendship away with Charlotte but he’s here to tell her she didn’t make the right choice. He says he made those same choices. If there was a friendship that got in the way between him and the top, he crushed it. He left a trail of burnt bridges. He says she can win all the titles she wants, her face can be on all the posters. But the choices she is making, they will change who she is. They will stain her soul and he still sees a good person in her. And that the end result of all the choices she is making, it ends with her sitting in her home, looking at her titles on the wall by herself. But the kicker is that she won’t even like herself.
Becky says he is right. She doesn’t like herself. A loud “Becky” chant from the crowd. She loves herself. She tells him to stop being condescending to the champion and leave her ring. She tells him not to hurt his neck again while going through the ropes. Charlotte’s music hits and out comes Flair.
She asks Becky if she had to go there. It really doesn’t matter what Edge has to say because all Becky cares about is the title. And that’s why she ran at the Super Showdown and why she ran last week. Flair says Becky will love what she does to her as Charlotte spears Becky and the two start to fight. Out come WWE referees to break it up.
Rey Mysterio is seen backstage and he’s talking with Jeff Hardy.
-Commercial Break-
The bell rings and we are under way with Jerry “The King” Lawler and Booker T doing commentary on a table filled with pancakes. Xavier Woods is in the ring with Sheamus. A shoulder take down by Sheamus. Woods gets up and a right hand by Woods followed by a low drop kick. Sheamus tags Cesaro in the ring and a modified head lock by Cesaro. Sheamus is tagged in and a double clothesline takes Woods down.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial and Woods makes the tag to Big E. Overhead belly to belly suplexes by Big E onto Cesaro. Big E goes for the Big Ending but Sheamus tags himself in. He went for the bro kick but Big E moves as Woods tags himself in. Big E spears Sheamus through the ropes onto the outside. He sends Sheamus back in as Woods goes for the cover but Sheamus kicks out.
Woods tags Big E in as Woods climbs the top rope. Big E lifts Sheamus up but Sheamus pushes Big E into the turnbuckle. Woods jumps down as Sheamus catches him and goes to Cesaro to tag him in. Sheamus with a rolling senton on Woods. Big E lifts Sheamus up and the Big Ending. Cesaro picks Big E up and hits him with the neutralizer. He goes for the cover but Woods breaks it up.
-Commercial Break-
Back from commercial, Cesaro is on the ring apron as Big E climbs the top rope lifting him for a suplex. Up goes Sheamus who tags himself in. He hits Big E from behind and lifts him up. Cesaro with the uppercut. He goes for the cover with his feet on the ropes but Kofi pushes the legs off. Cesaro hits Kofi from behind. Woods flies over the top rope but both Cesaro and Sheamus catch him and throw him into the barricade.
They clear the second announce table which was filled with pancakes. The Big Show’s music hits.
The Big Show helps Kofi up but lifts him up and choke slams him through the table. Big E is shocked in the ring, he turns around and the bro kick by Sheamus. He goes for the cover and gets the 3 count.
-Commercial Break-
This is Mike Tedesco checking in for the main event. Psyched to have a chance to recap something on this show, as Smackdown was the show I started with on this website over 10 years ago. Thank you for letting me do this, Roy!
This is Rey Mysterio’s first match back in WWE in over three years. Charles Robinson, my favorite referee ever, is the official for the match.They cautiously approach one another before Nakamura kicks and knees Mysterio down. Nakamura hits a snapmare and drops a knee for a two count. Nakamura knees him in the ribs, but Mysterio starts to punch back. Nakamura knees him and applies a front facelock. Mysterio eventually fights up and hits a head-scissor takeover. Mysterio punches him, but Nakamura knees him in the ribs and takes him down. Nakamura charges, but Mysterio knocks him onto the middle rope. Mysterio goes for the 619, but Nakamura moves. Mysterio quickly kicks Nakamura off the apron before backing up. Mysterio gets a head of steam and slides out of the ring under the bottom rope with a splash!
Mysterio gets him in the ring and goes to the top rope, but Nakamura gets him in the tree of woe. Nakamura kicks away at him before Charles Robinson backs him up.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Mysterio hit a flying seated senton off the top rope. Mysterio goes to the top rope, but Nakamura kicks him. Nakamura goes to the second rope and gets Mysterio on his shoulders, but Mysterio elbows out. Mysterio then hits a super hurricanrana for a near fall. Mysterio goes to the apron and tries for a springboard cross-body, but Nakamura counters into a gutbuster! Nakamura lays him across the top turnbuckle and knees him in the ribs for a near fall. Nakamura hits an inside out back suplex and tries for a Kinshasa, but Mysterio rolls him up. Nakamura kicks him and tries for another Kinshasa, but Mysterio counters into a hurricanrana. Mysterio knocks him into the middle rope and hits the 619! Mysterio follows up with a springboard splash for the win!
John Cena, Kurt Angle, Randy Orton, Jeff Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, The Miz, and Rey Mysterio have qualified for the WWE World Cup Tournament at WWE Crown Jewel.
While Mysterio celebrates, the bell tolls, and The Undertaker makes his legendary entrance. Rey Mysterio is gone. An “Undertaker” chant fires up. Undertaker says, “At Crown Jewel… ” and the crowd boos the name. Undertaker says he’s got three words for DX: “Rest In Peace!” Undertaker’s music plays, and he slowly walks up the ramp before raising his arm while the thunder roars.